/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aptana.ide.core.ftp.BaseFTPConnectionFileManager#renameFile(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ @Override protected void renameFile(IPath sourcePath, IPath destinationPath, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, FileNotFoundException { try { changeCurrentDir(Path.ROOT); Policy.checkCanceled(monitor); try { ftpClient.rename(sourcePath.toPortableString(), destinationPath.toPortableString()); } catch (FTPException e) { throwFileNotFound(e, sourcePath); System.out.println(e); throw e; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw e; } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( Status.ERROR, FTPPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, Messages.FTPConnectionFileManager_renaming_failed, e)); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
private static void addRemoveProps( IPath deltaPath, IResource deltaResource, ZipOutputStream zip, Map<ZipEntry, String> deleteEntries, String deletePrefix) throws IOException { String archive = removeArchive(deltaPath.toPortableString()); ZipEntry zipEntry = null; // check to see if we already have an entry for this archive for (ZipEntry entry : deleteEntries.keySet()) { if (entry.getName().startsWith(archive)) { zipEntry = entry; } } if (zipEntry == null) { zipEntry = new ZipEntry(archive + "META-INF/" + deletePrefix + "-partialapp-delete.props"); } String existingFiles = deleteEntries.get(zipEntry); // String file = encodeRemovedPath(deltaPath.toPortableString().substring(archive.length())); String file = deltaPath.toPortableString().substring(archive.length()); if (deltaResource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) { file += "/.*"; } deleteEntries.put(zipEntry, (existingFiles != null ? existingFiles : "") + (file + "\n")); }
/** * Show source disassembly view. * * @param workingDir working directory. */ private void showSourceDisassembly(IPath workingDir) { String title = renderProcessLabel(workingDir.toPortableString() + PerfPlugin.PERF_DEFAULT_DATA); SourceDisassemblyData sdData = new SourceDisassemblyData(title, workingDir, project); sdData.parse(); PerfPlugin.getDefault().setSourceDisassemblyData(sdData); SourceDisassemblyView.refreshView(); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aptana.ide.core.io.ConnectionPoint#saveState(com.aptana.ide.core.io.epl.IMemento) */ @Override protected void saveState(IMemento memento) { super.saveState(memento); memento.createChild(ELEMENT_HOST).putTextData(host); if (IFTPSConstants.FTP_PORT_DEFAULT != port) { memento.createChild(ELEMENT_PORT).putTextData(Integer.toString(port)); } if (!Path.ROOT.equals(path)) { memento.createChild(ELEMENT_PATH).putTextData(path.toPortableString()); } if (login.length() != 0) { memento.createChild(ELEMENT_LOGIN).putTextData(login); } memento.createChild(ELEMENT_EXPLICIT).putTextData(Boolean.toString(explicit)); memento .createChild(ELEMENT_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE) .putTextData(Boolean.toString(validateCertificate)); if (noSSLSessionResumption) { memento .createChild(ELEMENT_NO_SSL_SESSION_RESUMPTION) .putTextData(Boolean.toString(noSSLSessionResumption)); } memento.createChild(ELEMENT_PASSIVE).putTextData(Boolean.toString(passiveMode)); if (!IFTPSConstants.TRANSFER_TYPE_AUTO.equals(transferType)) { memento.createChild(ELEMENT_TRANSFER_TYPE).putTextData(transferType); } if (!IFTPSConstants.ENCODING_DEFAULT.equals(encoding)) { memento.createChild(ELEMENT_ENCODING).putTextData(encoding); } if (timezone != null && timezone.length() != 0) { memento.createChild(ELEMENT_TIMEZONE).putTextData(timezone); } }
public static IErlProject createProject(final IPath path, final String name) throws CoreException { final IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); final IProject project2 = root.getProject(name); try { project2.delete(true, null); } catch (final CoreException x) { // ignore } final IErlProject erlProject = ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel().newProject(name, path.toPortableString()); final IProject project = erlProject.getWorkspaceProject(); final IErlangProjectProperties prefs = new OldErlangProjectProperties(project); final List<IPath> srcDirs = new ArrayList<IPath>(); srcDirs.add(new Path("src")); prefs.setSourceDirs(srcDirs); buildPaths(root, project, srcDirs); final List<IPath> includeDirs = new ArrayList<IPath>(); includeDirs.add(new Path("include")); buildPaths(root, project, includeDirs); prefs.setIncludeDirs(includeDirs); final List<IPath> ebinDirs = new ArrayList<IPath>(); ebinDirs.add(new Path("ebin")); buildPaths(root, project, ebinDirs); prefs.setOutputDir(ebinDirs.get(0)); projects.add(erlProject); return erlProject; }
private void saveConfigInfoIntoCache(String configType, String configInfo, IPath portalDir) { IPath versionsInfoPath = null; if (configType.equals(CONFIG_TYPE_VERSION)) { versionsInfoPath = LiferayServerCore.getDefault().getStateLocation().append("version.properties"); } else if (configType.equals(CONFIG_TYPE_SERVER)) { versionsInfoPath = LiferayServerCore.getDefault().getStateLocation().append("serverInfos.properties"); } if (versionsInfoPath != null) { File versionInfoFile = versionsInfoPath.toFile(); if (configInfo != null) { String portalDirKey = CoreUtil.createStringDigest(portalDir.toPortableString()); Properties properties = new Properties(); try (FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(versionInfoFile)) { properties.load(fileInput); } catch (Exception e) { } try (FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(versionInfoFile)) { properties.put(portalDirKey, configInfo); properties.store(fileOutput, StringPool.EMPTY); } catch (Exception e) { LiferayServerCore.logError(e); } } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aptana.ide.core.ftp.BaseFTPConnectionFileManager#createDirectory(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ @Override protected void createDirectory(IPath path, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, FileNotFoundException { try { try { try { changeCurrentDir(path); return; // directory exists - return } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { } ftpClient.mkdir(path.toPortableString()); changeFilePermissions(path, PreferenceUtils.getDirectoryPermissions(), monitor); } catch (FTPException e) { throwFileNotFound(e, path); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( Status.ERROR, FTPPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, Messages.FTPConnectionFileManager_creating_directory_failed, e)); } }
@Override public void setPageComplete(boolean complete) { if (packageNameIsDiscouraged()) { setMessage(getDiscouragedNamespaceMessage(), WARNING); } else { setMessage(null); } if (complete) { if (!packageFragment.exists()) { setMessage( "Package does not exist: " + packageFragment.getElementName(), IMessageProvider.ERROR); super.setPageComplete(false); return; } for (String file : getFileNames()) { IPath path = packageFragment.getPath().append(file).addFileExtension("ceylon"); if (getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(path).exists()) { setMessage( "Existing unit will not be overwritten: " + path.toPortableString(), IMessageProvider.ERROR); super.setPageComplete(false); return; } } MoveToNewUnitRefactoring refactoring = (MoveToNewUnitRefactoring) getRefactoring(); refactoring.setTargetProject(getPackageFragment().getResource().getProject()); refactoring.setTargetFile(getFile()); refactoring.setTargetPackage(getPackageFragment()); refactoring.setIncludePreamble(isIncludePreamble()); } super.setPageComplete(complete); }
private static void throwFileNotFound(FTPException e, IPath path) throws FileNotFoundException, FTPException { int code = e.getReplyCode(); if (code == 550 || code == 450) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path.toPortableString()); } throw e; }
private static String encodePath(IPath path) { if (path == null) { return "#"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (path.isEmpty()) { return "&"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { return encode(path.toPortableString()); } }
private File getCoreStubsDir() { IPath[] paths = RubyCore.getLoadpathVariable(RubyRuntime.RUBYLIB_VARIABLE); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { IPath path = paths[i]; if (path.toPortableString().contains(".metadata")) { return path.toFile(); } } return null; }
private void recursiveDeleteTree(IPath path, IProgressMonitor monitor, MultiStatus status) throws IOException, ParseException { try { changeCurrentDir(path); FTPFile[] ftpFiles = listFiles(path, monitor); List<String> dirs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FTPFile ftpFile : ftpFiles) { String name = ftpFile.getName(); if (".".equals(name) || "..".equals(name)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ continue; } if (ftpFile.isDir()) { dirs.add(name); continue; } Policy.checkCanceled(monitor); monitor.subTask(path.append(name).toPortableString()); try { ftpClient.delete(name); } catch (FTPException e) { status.add( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, FTPPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, StringUtils.format( Messages.FTPConnectionFileManager_deleting_failed, path.append(name).toPortableString()), e)); } monitor.worked(1); } for (String name : dirs) { monitor.subTask(path.append(name).toPortableString()); recursiveDeleteTree(path.append(name), monitor, status); Policy.checkCanceled(monitor); changeCurrentDir(path); Policy.checkCanceled(monitor); ftpClient.rmdir(name); monitor.worked(1); } } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { status.add( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, FTPPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, StringUtils.format( Messages.FTPConnectionFileManager_deleting_failed, path.toPortableString()), e)); } }
private IStatus remoteDeploy(String bsn, IPath output) { IStatus retval = null; final BundleDeployer deployer = getBundleDeployer(); if (output != null && output.toFile().exists()) { try { long bundleId = deployer.deployBundle(bsn, output.toFile()); retval = new Status(IStatus.OK, LiferayServerCore.PLUGIN_ID, (int) bundleId, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { retval = LiferayServerCore.error( "Unable to deploy bundle remotely " + output.toPortableString(), e); } } else { retval = LiferayServerCore.error("Unable to deploy bundle remotely " + output.toPortableString()); } return retval; }
private String getPathString(IPath path, boolean isExternal) { // if (ArchiveFileFilter.isArchivePath(path)) { // IPath appendedPath = path.removeLastSegments(1); // String appended = isExternal ? appendedPath.toPortableString() : // appendedPath.makeRelative().toString(); // return // CPathEntryMessages.getFormattedString("CPListLabelProvider.twopart", // //$NON-NLS-1$ // new String[] { path.lastSegment(), appended}); // } else { return isExternal ? path.toPortableString() : path.makeRelative().toString(); // } }
private void addBaseString(IPath endPath, CPElement cpentry, StringBuffer str) { IPath baseRef = (IPath) cpentry.getAttribute(CPElement.BASE_REF); if (!baseRef.isEmpty()) { if (baseRef.isAbsolute()) { // str.append("From project "); IPath path = baseRef; if (endPath != null) { path = path.append(endPath); } str.append(path.makeRelative().toPortableString()); } else { // str.append("From contribution "); IPathEntryContainer container; if (endPath != null) { str.append(endPath.toPortableString()); } str.append(" - ("); // $NON-NLS-1$ try { container = CoreModel.getPathEntryContainer(baseRef, cpentry.getCProject()); if (container != null) { str.append(container.getDescription()); } } catch (CModelException e1) { } str.append(')'); } } else { IPath path = (IPath) cpentry.getAttribute(CPElement.BASE); if (!path.isEmpty()) { if (endPath != null) { path = path.append(endPath); } str.insert(0, path.toPortableString()); } else if (endPath != null) { str.insert(0, endPath.toPortableString()); } } }
public static void addDialyzerWarningMarker( final IProject project, final String filename, final int line, final String message) { final IPath projectPath = project.getLocation(); final String projectPathString = projectPath.toPortableString(); IResource file; if (filename.startsWith(projectPathString)) { final String relFilename = filename.substring(projectPathString.length()); final IPath relPath = Path.fromPortableString(relFilename); file = project.findMember(relPath); } else { file = null; } MarkerUtils.addDialyzerWarningMarker(file, filename, message, line, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING); }
/** * @return String - The path to the item, or * <pre>null</pre> * <p>if it is not found. */ public String getPath() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(0); if (_foundItem != null) { sb.append(_foundItem.getParentItem().toString()); sb.append(File.separatorChar); sb.append(_foundItem.toString()); IPath path = new Path(sb.toString()); return path.toPortableString(); } else { return null; } }
@Override public IPath resolvePath(IPath path) { if (path == null) return null; String str = path.toPortableString(); try { str = CdtVariableResolver.resolveToString(str, fSubstitutor); } catch (CdtVariableException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); } return new Path(str); }
public void store(final IEclipsePreferences root) throws BackingStoreException { CodePathLocation.clearAll(root); root.put(ProjectPreferencesConstants.OUTPUT, output.toPortableString()); if (requiredRuntimeVersion != null) { root.put( ProjectPreferencesConstants.REQUIRED_BACKEND_VERSION, requiredRuntimeVersion.toString()); } root.put(ProjectPreferencesConstants.INCLUDES, PathSerializer.packList(includes)); final Preferences srcNode = root.node(ProjectPreferencesConstants.SOURCES); for (final SourceLocation loc : sources) { loc.store((IEclipsePreferences) srcNode.node(Integer.toString(loc.getId()))); } root.flush(); }
/** * Initializes the {@link ContainerModel} from the specified path. * * @param path The Path to the ContainerModel * @throws Exception */ protected void load(final IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { InputStream input = getInputStream(_path); if (input == null) { showMessage(progressMonitor, "Could not load display: " + _path.toPortableString()); } else { final DisplayModel tempModel = new DisplayModel(); PersistenceUtil.asyncFillModel( tempModel, input, new DisplayModelLoadAdapter() { @Override public void onErrorsOccured(final List<String> errors) { showMessage(progressMonitor, "Error occurred: " + errors.get(0)); } public void onDisplayModelLoaded() { // remove old widgets _container.removeWidgets(_container.getWidgets()); // add new widgets List<AbstractWidgetModel> widgets = tempModel.getWidgets(); tempModel.removeWidgets(widgets); _container.addWidgets(widgets); // update zoom if (!progressMonitor.isCanceled()) { updateZoom(); } // use background-color of the loaded display _container.setColor( AbstractWidgetModel.PROP_COLOR_BACKGROUND, tempModel.getColor(AbstractWidgetModel.PROP_COLOR_BACKGROUND)); _container.setColor( AbstractWidgetModel.PROP_COLOR_FOREGROUND, tempModel.getColor(AbstractWidgetModel.PROP_COLOR_FOREGROUND)); // _container.setAliases(tempModel.getAliases()); _container.setPrimarPv(tempModel.getPrimaryPV()); _container.setResourceLoaded(true); } }); } }
protected void changeCurrentDir(IPath path) throws FTPException, IOException { try { if (cwd == null) { cwd = new Path(ftpClient.pwd()); } if (!cwd.equals(path)) { ftpClient.chdir(path.toPortableString()); cwd = path; } } catch (FTPException e) { throwFileNotFound(e, path); } catch (IOException e) { cwd = null; throw e; } }
public static IPath getAbsolutLibraryPath(final IPath libPath, final IWARProduct product) { IPath result = null; boolean fromTarget = product.isLibraryFromTarget(libPath); if (fromTarget) { String absoluteBridgePath = getServletBridgeAbsolutePath(); if (absoluteBridgePath != null) { if (absoluteBridgePath.indexOf(libPath.toPortableString()) != -1) { result = new Path(absoluteBridgePath); } } } else { IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IFile lib = root.getFile(libPath); result = lib.getLocation(); } return result; }
public boolean include(Object object) { if (object instanceof IResource) { IResource resource = (IResource) object; IPath path = IResource.FILE == resource.getType() ? resource.getFullPath() : resource.getFullPath().addTrailingSeparator(); object = path.toPortableString(); } for (Iterator iter = filters.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Filter filter = (Filter) iter.next(); if (filter.matches(object)) { return filter.inclusive(); } } return default_; }
@Override protected IResource createElementResource(IProgressMonitor monitor, IPath path) { try { if (monitor == null) { monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); } monitor.beginTask(Messages.NewMechanoidOpsFileWizard_Progress_Message, 1); URI newEmfResourceURI = URI.createURI( "platform:/resource" + //$NON-NLS-1$ path.toPortableString()); Resource emfResource = mResourceSet.createResource(newEmfResourceURI); Model model = OpServiceModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createModel(); model.setPackageName(mSelectedPackageName); emfResource.getContents().add(model); ServiceBlock service = (ServiceBlock) OpServiceModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createServiceBlock(); service.setName(mSelectedElementName); model.setService(service); emfResource.save(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); IResource resource = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .getRoot() .findMember(newEmfResourceURI.toPlatformString(true)); monitor.worked(1); return resource; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * Show statistics view. * * @param config launch configuration * @param launch launch * @throws CoreException */ private void showStat(ILaunchConfiguration config, ILaunch launch) throws CoreException { // Build the command line string String arguments[] = getProgramArgumentsArray(config); // Get working directory int runCount = config.getAttribute(PerfPlugin.ATTR_StatRunCount, PerfPlugin.ATTR_StatRunCount_default); StringBuffer args = new StringBuffer(); for (String arg : arguments) { args.append(arg); args.append(" "); // $NON-NLS-1$ } URI binURI = null; try { binURI = new URI(binPath.toPortableString()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { MessageDialog.openError( Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), Messages.MsgProxyError, Messages.MsgProxyError); } Object[] titleArgs = new Object[] {binURI.getPath(), args.toString(), String.valueOf(runCount)}; String title = renderProcessLabel( MessageFormat.format(Messages.PerfLaunchConfigDelegate_stat_title, titleArgs)); List<String> configEvents = config.getAttribute(PerfPlugin.ATTR_SelectedEvents, PerfPlugin.ATTR_SelectedEvents_default); String[] statEvents = new String[] {}; if (!config.getAttribute(PerfPlugin.ATTR_DefaultEvent, PerfPlugin.ATTR_DefaultEvent_default)) { // gather selected events statEvents = (configEvents == null) ? statEvents : configEvents.toArray(new String[] {}); } StatData sd = new StatData( title, workingDirPath, binURI.getPath(), arguments, runCount, statEvents, project); sd.setLaunch(launch); sd.parse(); PerfPlugin.getDefault().setStatData(sd); sd.updateStatData(); StatView.refreshView(); }
private String saveICMAssembly(AssemblyInstance assembly) { // configure this RF with the configuration file try { URL url = FileLocator.find(Platform.getBundle("SEI.ArchE.Performance"), new Path("/temp"), null); String tempPathName = FileLocator.resolve(url).getPath(); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IPath path = new Path(tempPathName + assembly.getName() + ".icm"); IFile xmlFile = workspaceRoot.getFile(path); // Get the URI of the model file URI fileURI = URI.createFileURI(path.toString()); // Create a resource for this file. Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(fileURI); // Add the assembly to the resource contents resource.getContents().add(assembly); // Save the contents of the resource to the file system. String xmlAssemblyFile = null; try { resource.save(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } catch (IOException e) { } xmlAssemblyFile = fileURI.toFileString(); return (path.toPortableString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return null; // for error }
private ILaunchConfiguration createLaunchConfiguration(IContainer basedir, String goal) { try { ILaunchManager launchManager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager(); ILaunchConfigurationType launchConfigurationType = launchManager.getLaunchConfigurationType( MavenLaunchConstants.LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_ID); String launchSafeGoalName = goal.replace(':', '-'); ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy workingCopy = launchConfigurationType.newInstance( null, // NLS.bind( Messages.ExecutePomAction_executing, launchSafeGoalName, basedir.getLocation().toString().replace('/', '-'))); workingCopy.setAttribute( MavenLaunchConstants.ATTR_POM_DIR, basedir.getLocation().toOSString()); workingCopy.setAttribute(MavenLaunchConstants.ATTR_GOALS, goal); workingCopy.setAttribute(IDebugUIConstants.ATTR_PRIVATE, true); workingCopy.setAttribute(RefreshTab.ATTR_REFRESH_SCOPE, "${project}"); // $NON-NLS-1$ workingCopy.setAttribute(RefreshTab.ATTR_REFRESH_RECURSIVE, true); setProjectConfiguration(workingCopy, basedir); IPath path = getJREContainerPath(basedir); if (path != null) { workingCopy.setAttribute( IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_JRE_CONTAINER_PATH, path.toPortableString()); } // TODO when launching Maven with debugger consider to add the following property // -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug // -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Xnoagent // -Djava.compiler=NONE" return workingCopy; } catch (CoreException ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } return null; }
/** * Creates the text that will be added to the BuildConfig.groovy file * * @param dependent the target grails project * @param plugin the plugin project that will be depended on * @param doMangle if true, add an extra space in the returned text * @return A string containing the "grails.plugin.location" property for the dependent project */ private static String createDependencyText( IProject dependent, IProject plugin, boolean doMangle) { // if plugin path and dependent path are both in same directory use relative path // otherwise, use full path. IPath pathToPluginProject = plugin.getLocation(); IPath pathToDependentProject = dependent.getLocation(); boolean isColocated = pathToDependentProject.segmentCount() == pathToPluginProject.segmentCount() && pathToDependentProject.removeLastSegments(1).isPrefixOf(pathToPluginProject); String textToAdd = "grails.plugin.location." + maybeQuote(plugin.getName()) + (doMangle ? " " : "") + " = \"" + (isColocated ? "../" + pathToPluginProject.lastSegment() : pathToPluginProject.toPortableString()) + "\"\n"; return textToAdd; }
private String getConfigInfoFromCache(String configType, IPath portalDir) { File configInfoFile = getConfigInfoPath(configType).toFile(); String portalDirKey = CoreUtil.createStringDigest(portalDir.toPortableString()); Properties properties = new Properties(); if (configInfoFile.exists()) { try (FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(configInfoFile)) { properties.load(fileInput); String configInfo = (String) properties.get(portalDirKey); if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(configInfo)) { return configInfo; } } catch (IOException e) { LiferayServerCore.logError(e); } } return null; }
/** * Method updateFileVersion * * @param aTargetFileVer R4EFileVersion * @param aScmArt ScmArtifact * @throws CoreException */ public static void updateFileVersion(R4EFileVersion aTargetFileVer, ScmArtifact aScmArt) throws CoreException { if ((null != aTargetFileVer) && (null != aScmArt)) { aTargetFileVer.setName(aScmArt.getFileRevision(null).getName()); aTargetFileVer.setVersionID(aScmArt.getId()); final IFileRevision fileRev = aScmArt.getFileRevision(null); if (null != fileRev) { final IStorage fileStore = fileRev.getStorage(null); if (null != fileStore) { final IPath filePath = fileStore.getFullPath(); if (null != filePath) { aTargetFileVer.setRepositoryPath(filePath.toPortableString()); } } } final String fileRelPath = aScmArt.getProjectRelativePath(); if (null == fileRelPath) { R4EUIPlugin.Ftracer.traceDebug( "Invalid relative file path in scmArtifact with path: " + aScmArt.getPath()); } final IProject project = ResourceUtils.getProject(aScmArt.getProjectName()); final IResource resource = ResourceUtils.findResource(project, fileRelPath); aTargetFileVer.setPlatformURI(ResourceUtils.toPlatformURIStr(resource)); aTargetFileVer.setResource(resource); final String projPlatformURI = ResourceUtils.toPlatformURIStr(project); if (null == projPlatformURI) { R4EUIPlugin.Ftracer.traceDebug( "Unable to resolve the project: " + aScmArt.getProjectName() + " platform's URI, in scmArtifact with path: " + aScmArt.getPath()); } } }