private void runScenario(RunNotifier notifier, Scenario scenario) { Description childDescription = Description.createTestDescription(getClass(), scenario.getName()); descr.addChild(childDescription); EachTestNotifier eachNotifier = new EachTestNotifier(notifier, childDescription); try { eachNotifier.fireTestStarted(); // If a KieSession is not available, fail fast if (ksessions == null || ksessions.values().isEmpty()) { eachNotifier.addFailure( new NullKieSessionException( "Unable to get a Session to run tests. Check the project for build errors.")); } else { KieSession ksession = getKSession(scenario.getKSessions()); if (ksession == null) { String ksessionName = getKSessionName(scenario.getKSessions()); if (ksessionName == null) { eachNotifier.addFailure( new NullPointerException( "Test scenario runner could not find the default knowledge session.")); } else { eachNotifier.addFailure( new NullPointerException( "Test scenario runner could not find a stateful knowledge session with the name \'" + ksessionName + "\'.")); } } else { final ScenarioRunner runner = new ScenarioRunner(ksession, maxRuleFirings);; if (!scenario.wasSuccessful()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String message : scenario.getFailureMessages()) { builder.append(message).append("\n"); } eachNotifier.addFailedAssumption(new AssumptionViolatedException(builder.toString())); } // FLUSSSSSH! for (FactHandle factHandle : ksession.getFactHandles()) { ksession.delete(factHandle); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { eachNotifier.addFailure(t); } finally { // has to always be called as per junit docs eachNotifier.fireTestFinished(); } }
public CallMethodWidget( String factName, ScenarioParentWidget parent, Scenario scenario, CallMethod mCall, ExecutionTrace executionTrace, PackageDataModelOracle dmo) { super(); this.factName = factName; this.parent = parent; this.scenario = scenario; this.mCall = mCall; this.executionTrace = executionTrace; this.dmo = dmo; this.layout = new DirtyableFlexTable(); layout.setStyleName("model-builderInner-Background"); // NON-NLS if (dmo.isGlobalVariable(mCall.getVariable())) { List<MethodInfo> infos = dmo.getMethodInfosForGlobalVariable(mCall.getVariable()); this.fieldCompletionTexts = new String[infos.size()]; this.fieldCompletionValues = new String[infos.size()]; int i = 0; for (MethodInfo info : infos) { this.fieldCompletionTexts[i] = info.getName(); this.fieldCompletionValues[i] = info.getNameWithParameters(); i++; } this.variableClass = (String) dmo.getGlobalVariable(mCall.getVariable()); } else { FactData pattern = (FactData) scenario.getFactTypes().get(mCall.getVariable()); if (pattern != null) { List<String> methodList = dmo.getMethodNames(pattern.getType()); fieldCompletionTexts = new String[methodList.size()]; fieldCompletionValues = new String[methodList.size()]; int i = 0; for (String methodName : methodList) { fieldCompletionTexts[i] = methodName; fieldCompletionValues[i] = methodName; i++; } this.variableClass = pattern.getType(); this.isBoundFact = true; } } doLayout(); initWidget(this.layout); }
private Widget valueEditor(final CallFieldValue val) { String type = ""; if (dmo.isGlobalVariable(this.mCall.getVariable())) { type = dmo.getGlobalVariable(this.mCall.getVariable()); } else { Map<String, String> mFactTypes = scenario.getVariableTypes(); type = mFactTypes.get(this.mCall.getVariable()); } DropDownData enums = dmo.getEnums(type, val.field, this.mCall.getCallFieldValuesMap()); return new MethodParameterCallValueEditor( val, enums, executionTrace, scenario, val.type, new Command() { public void execute() { makeDirty(); } }); }
protected void onDelete() { if (Window.confirm(TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.AreYouSureToRemoveCallMethod())) { scenario.removeFixture(mCall); parent.renderEditor(); } }
public CallMethodWidget( final String factName, final ScenarioParentWidget parent, final Scenario scenario, final CallMethod mCall, final ExecutionTrace executionTrace, final AsyncPackageDataModelOracle oracle) { super(); this.factName = factName; this.parent = parent; this.scenario = scenario; this.mCall = mCall; this.executionTrace = executionTrace; = oracle; this.layout = new DirtyableFlexTable(); layout.setStyleName("model-builderInner-Background"); // NON-NLS if ( { mCall.getVariable(), new Callback<List<MethodInfo>>() { @Override public void callback(final List<MethodInfo> infos) { CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionTexts = new String[infos.size()]; CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionValues = new String[infos.size()]; int i = 0; for (MethodInfo info : infos) { CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionTexts[i] = info.getName(); CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionValues[i] = info.getNameWithParameters(); i++; } CallMethodWidget.this.variableClass = (String); } }); } else { final FactData pattern = (FactData) scenario.getFactTypes().get(mCall.getVariable()); if (pattern != null) { pattern.getType(), new Callback<List<MethodInfo>>() { @Override public void callback(final List<MethodInfo> methodInfos) { CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionTexts = new String[methodInfos.size()]; CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionValues = new String[methodInfos.size()]; int i = 0; for (MethodInfo methodInfo : methodInfos) { CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionTexts[i] = methodInfo.getName(); CallMethodWidget.this.fieldCompletionValues[i] = methodInfo.getNameWithParameters(); i++; } CallMethodWidget.this.variableClass = pattern.getType(); CallMethodWidget.this.isBoundFact = true; } }); } } doLayout(); initWidget(this.layout); }
private void ifFixturesSizeZeroThenAddExecutionTrace() { if (scenario.getFixtures().size() == 0) { scenario.getFixtures().add(new ExecutionTrace()); } }