예제 #1
 private boolean usesDeclaration(final Constraint constraint) {
   boolean usesDecl = false;
   final Declaration[] declarations = constraint.getRequiredDeclarations();
   for (int j = 0; !usesDecl && j < declarations.length; j++) {
     usesDecl = (declarations[j].getPattern().getObjectType() == this.objectType);
   return usesDecl;
예제 #2
  private void createConstraints(
      BuildContext context,
      BuildUtils utils,
      Pattern pattern,
      List<Constraint> alphaConstraints,
      List<Constraint> betaConstraints) {

    final List<?> constraints = pattern.getConstraints();

    // check if cross products for identity patterns should be disabled
    checkRemoveIdentities(context, pattern, betaConstraints);

    // checks if this pattern is nested inside a NOT CE
    final boolean isNegative = isNegative(context);

    for (final Iterator<?> it = constraints.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      final Object object = it.next();
      // Check if its a declaration
      if (object instanceof Declaration) {
        // nothing to be done

      final Constraint constraint = (Constraint) object;
      if (constraint.getType().equals(Constraint.ConstraintType.ALPHA)) {
      } else if (constraint.getType().equals(Constraint.ConstraintType.BETA)) {
        if (isNegative
            && context.getRuleBase().getConfiguration().getEventProcessingMode()
                == EventProcessingOption.STREAM
            && pattern.getObjectType().isEvent()
            && constraint.isTemporal()) {
          checkDelaying(context, constraint);
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeDroolsException(
            "Unknown constraint type: "
                + constraint.getType()
                + ". This is a bug. Please contact development team.");
예제 #3
  private void checkDelaying(final BuildContext context, final Constraint constraint) {
    if (constraint instanceof VariableConstraint) {
      // variable constraints always require a single declaration
      Declaration target = constraint.getRequiredDeclarations()[0];
      if (target.isPatternDeclaration() && target.getPattern().getObjectType().isEvent()) {
        long uplimit = ((VariableConstraint) constraint).getInterval().getUpperBound();

        Timer timer = context.getRule().getTimer();
        DurationTimer durationTimer = new DurationTimer(uplimit);

        if (timer instanceof CompositeMaxDurationTimer) {
          // already a composite so just add
          ((CompositeMaxDurationTimer) timer).addDurationTimer(durationTimer);
        } else {
          if (timer == null) {
            // no timer exists, so ok on it's own
            timer = durationTimer;
          } else {
            // timer exists so we need to make a composite
            CompositeMaxDurationTimer temp = new CompositeMaxDurationTimer();
            if (timer instanceof DurationTimer) {
              // previous timer was a duration, so add another DurationTimer
              temp.addDurationTimer((DurationTimer) timer);
            } else {
              // previous timer was not a duration, so set it as the delegate Timer.
            // now add the new durationTimer
            timer = temp;
          // with the composite made, reset it on the Rule
예제 #4
   * recurse through the rule condition elements updating the declaration objecs
   * @param resolver
   * @param contextStack
   * @param element
  private void processElement(
      final DeclarationScopeResolver resolver,
      final Stack contextStack,
      final RuleConditionElement element) {
    if (element instanceof Pattern) {
      Pattern pattern = (Pattern) element;
      for (Iterator it = pattern.getNestedElements().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        processElement(resolver, contextStack, (RuleConditionElement) it.next());
      for (Constraint next : pattern.getConstraints()) {
        if (next instanceof Declaration) {
        Constraint constraint = (Constraint) next;
        Declaration[] decl = constraint.getRequiredDeclarations();
        for (int i = 0; i < decl.length; i++) {
          Declaration resolved = resolver.getDeclaration(null, decl[i].getIdentifier());

          if (constraint instanceof MvelConstraint
              && ((MvelConstraint) constraint).isUnification()) {
            if (ClassObjectType.DroolsQuery_ObjectType.isAssignableFrom(
                resolved.getPattern().getObjectType())) {
              Declaration redeclaredDeclr =
                  new Declaration(
                      ((MvelConstraint) constraint).getFieldExtractor(),
            } else {
              ((MvelConstraint) constraint).unsetUnification();

          if (resolved != null && resolved != decl[i] && resolved.getPattern() != pattern) {
            constraint.replaceDeclaration(decl[i], resolved);
          } else if (resolved == null) {
            // it is probably an implicit declaration, so find the corresponding pattern
            Pattern old = decl[i].getPattern();
            Pattern current = resolver.findPatternByIndex(old.getIndex());
            if (current != null && old != current) {
              resolved = new Declaration(decl[i].getIdentifier(), decl[i].getExtractor(), current);
              constraint.replaceDeclaration(decl[i], resolved);
    } else if (element instanceof EvalCondition) {
      Declaration[] decl = ((EvalCondition) element).getRequiredDeclarations();
      for (Declaration aDecl : decl) {
        Declaration resolved = resolver.getDeclaration(null, aDecl.getIdentifier());
        if (resolved != null && resolved != aDecl) {
          ((EvalCondition) element).replaceDeclaration(aDecl, resolved);
    } else if (element instanceof Accumulate) {
      for (RuleConditionElement rce : element.getNestedElements()) {
        processElement(resolver, contextStack, rce);
      ((Accumulate) element).resetInnerDeclarationCache();
    } else if (element instanceof From) {
      DataProvider provider = ((From) element).getDataProvider();
      Declaration[] decl = provider.getRequiredDeclarations();
      for (Declaration aDecl : decl) {
        Declaration resolved = resolver.getDeclaration(null, aDecl.getIdentifier());
        if (resolved != null && resolved != aDecl) {
          provider.replaceDeclaration(aDecl, resolved);
        } else if (resolved == null) {
          // it is probably an implicit declaration, so find the corresponding pattern
          Pattern old = aDecl.getPattern();
          Pattern current = resolver.findPatternByIndex(old.getIndex());
          if (current != null && old != current) {
            resolved = new Declaration(aDecl.getIdentifier(), aDecl.getExtractor(), current);
            provider.replaceDeclaration(aDecl, resolved);
    } else if (element instanceof QueryElement) {
      QueryElement qe = (QueryElement) element;
      Pattern pattern = qe.getResultPattern();

      for (Entry<String, Declaration> entry : pattern.getInnerDeclarations().entrySet()) {
        Declaration resolved = resolver.getDeclaration(null, entry.getValue().getIdentifier());
        if (resolved != null && resolved != entry.getValue() && resolved.getPattern() != pattern) {

      List<Integer> varIndexes = ArrayUtils.asList(qe.getVariableIndexes());
      for (int i = 0; i < qe.getDeclIndexes().length; i++) {
        Declaration declr = (Declaration) qe.getArgTemplate()[qe.getDeclIndexes()[i]];
        Declaration resolved = resolver.getDeclaration(null, declr.getIdentifier());
        if (resolved != null && resolved != declr && resolved.getPattern() != pattern) {
          qe.getArgTemplate()[qe.getDeclIndexes()[i]] = resolved;

        if (ClassObjectType.DroolsQuery_ObjectType.isAssignableFrom(
            resolved.getPattern().getObjectType())) {
          // if the resolved still points to DroolsQuery, we know this is the first unification
          // pattern, so redeclare it as the visible Declaration
          declr = pattern.addDeclaration(declr.getIdentifier());

          // this bit is different, notice its the ArrayElementReader that we wire up to, not the
          // declaration.
          ArrayElementReader reader =
              new ArrayElementReader(
                  new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader(Object[].class, "this"),


    } else {
      for (RuleConditionElement ruleConditionElement : element.getNestedElements()) {
        processElement(resolver, contextStack, ruleConditionElement);