/** * add FlagImangesSet to Properties, which needn't to change the dir level, just ouput to the * ouput dir. * * @param prop job configuration * @param key list name * @param set relative flag image files */ private void addFlagImagesSetToProperties( final Job prop, final String key, final Set<String> set) { String value = null; final Set<String> newSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(INT_128); for (final String file : set) { if (new File(file).isAbsolute()) { // no need to append relative path before absolute paths newSet.add(FileUtils.normalize(file)); } else { // In ant, all the file separator should be slash, so we need to // replace all the back slash with slash. newSet.add( FileUtils.separatorsToUnix( FileUtils.normalize(new StringBuffer().append(file).toString()))); } } // write list attribute to file final String fileKey = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("list")) + "file"; prop.setProperty(fileKey, key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("list")) + ".list"); final File list = new File(tempDir, prop.getProperty(fileKey)); Writer bufferedWriter = null; try { bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(list))); final Iterator<String> it = newSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { bufferedWriter.write(it.next()); if (it.hasNext()) { bufferedWriter.write("\n"); } } bufferedWriter.flush(); bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { logger.logException(e); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logException(e); } finally { if (bufferedWriter != null) { try { bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logException(e); } } } value = StringUtils.assembleString(newSet, COMMA); prop.setProperty(key, value); // clear set set.clear(); newSet.clear(); }
/** * Categorize file. * * <p>If {@code file} parameter contains a pipe character, the pipe character is followed by the * format of the file. * * <p>TODO: Pass format as separate DITA class parameter. * * @param file file path with optional format */ private void categorizeResultFile(String file) { // edited by william on 2009-08-06 for bug:2832696 start String lcasefn = null; String format = null; // has format attribute set if (file.contains(STICK)) { // get lower case file name lcasefn = file.substring(0, file.indexOf(STICK)).toLowerCase(); // get format attribute format = file.substring(file.indexOf(STICK) + 1); file = file.substring(0, file.indexOf(STICK)); } else { lcasefn = file.toLowerCase(); } // Added by William on 2010-03-04 for bug:2957938 start // avoid files referred by coderef being added into wait list if (subsidiarySet.contains(lcasefn)) { return; } // Added by William on 2010-03-04 for bug:2957938 end if (FileUtils.isDITAFile(lcasefn) && (format == null || ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITA.equalsIgnoreCase(format) || ATTR_FORMAT_VALUE_DITAMAP.equalsIgnoreCase(format))) { addToWaitList(file); } else if (!FileUtils.isSupportedImageFile(lcasefn)) { // FIXME: Treating all non-image extensions as HTML/resource files is not correct if // HTML/resource files // are defined by the file extension. Correct behaviour would be to remove this else // block. htmlSet.add(file); } // edited by william on 2009-08-06 for bug:2832696 end if (FileUtils.isSupportedImageFile(lcasefn)) { imageSet.add(file); try { final File image = new File(baseInputDir + File.separator + file).getCanonicalFile(); if (!image.exists()) { final Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("%1", image.getAbsolutePath()); logger.logWarn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTX008W", prop).toString()); } } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logError(e.getMessage()); } } if (FileUtils.isHTMLFile(lcasefn) || FileUtils.isResourceFile(lcasefn)) { htmlSet.add(file); } }
/** * Write map into xml file. * * @param m map * @param outputFile output xml file */ public void writeMapToXML(final Map<String, Set<String>> m, final File outputFile) { if (m == null) { return; } final Properties prop = new Properties(); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : m.entrySet()) { final String key = entry.getKey(); final String value = StringUtils.join(entry.getValue(), COMMA); prop.setProperty(key, value); } // File outputFile = new File(tempDir, filename); final DocumentBuilder db = XMLUtils.getDocumentBuilder(); final Document doc = db.newDocument(); final Element properties = (Element) doc.appendChild(doc.createElement("properties")); final Set<Object> keys = prop.keySet(); for (Object key1 : keys) { final String key = (String) key1; final Element entry = (Element) properties.appendChild(doc.createElement("entry")); entry.setAttribute("key", key); entry.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(prop.getProperty(key))); } final TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer t = null; try { t = tf.newTransformer(); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); } catch (final TransformerConfigurationException tce) { throw new RuntimeException(tce); } final DOMSource doms = new DOMSource(doc); OutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); final StreamResult sr = new StreamResult(out); t.transform(doms, sr); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to process map: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to close output stream: " + e.getMessage()); } } } }
public AbstractPipelineOutput execute(final AbstractPipelineInput input) throws DITAOTException { if (logger == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Logger not set"); } final Date startTime = TimingUtils.getNowTime(); try { logger.logInfo(moduleStartMsg); parseInputParameters(input); // set grammar pool flag GrammarPoolManager.setGramCache(gramcache); reader = new GenListModuleReader(); reader.setLogger(logger); reader.initXMLReader(ditaDir, xmlValidate, rootFile, setSystemid); final FilterUtils filterUtils = parseFilterFile(); reader.setFilterUtils(filterUtils); reader.setOutputUtils(outputUtils); addToWaitList(inputFile); processWaitList(); // Depreciated function // The base directory does not change according to the referenceing // topic files in the new resolution updateBaseDirectory(); refactoringResult(); outputResult(); schemekeydef.writeEndDocument(); schemekeydef.close(); // Added by William on 2009-06-25 for req #12014 start // write the end tag export.write("</stub>"); // close the steam export.close(); // Added by William on 2009-06-25 for req #12014 end } catch (final DITAOTException e) { throw e; } catch (final SAXException e) { throw new DITAOTException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new DITAOTException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { logger.logInfo(moduleEndMsg + TimingUtils.reportElapsedTime(startTime)); } return null; }
/** * Write map of sets to a file. * * <p>The serialization format is XML properties format where values are comma separated lists. * * @param m map to serialize * @param filename output filename */ private void writeMapToXML(final Map<String, Set<String>> m, final String filename) { if (m == null) { return; } final Properties prop = new Properties(); for (final Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : m.entrySet()) { final String key = entry.getKey(); final String value = StringUtils.assembleString(entry.getValue(), COMMA); prop.setProperty(key, value); } final File outputFile = new File(tempDir, filename); OutputStream os = null; try { os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); prop.storeToXML(os, null); os.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { this.logger.logException(e); } finally { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.logException(e); } } } }
/** * Add key definition to job configuration * * @param prop job configuration * @param key list name * @param set key defintions to add */ private void addKeyDefSetToProperties( final Job prop, final String key, final Collection<KeyDef> set) { // update value final Collection<KeyDef> updated = new ArrayList<KeyDef>(set.size()); for (final KeyDef file : set) { String keys = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(FileUtils.normalize(prefix + file.keys)); String href = file.href; String source = file.source; if (prefix.length() != 0) { // cases where keymap is in map ancestor folder keys = keys.substring(prefix.length()); if (href == null) { // href = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(FileUtils.normalize(prefix)); source = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(FileUtils.normalize(prefix + source)); } else { if (!exKeyDefMap.containsKey(file.keys)) { href = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(FileUtils.normalize(prefix + href)); } source = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(FileUtils.normalize(prefix + source)); } } final KeyDef keyDef = new KeyDef(keys, href, source); updated.add(keyDef); } // write key definition try { writeKeydef(new File(tempDir, "keydef.xml"), updated); } catch (final DITAOTException e) { logger.logError("Failed to write key definition file: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // write list file final Set<String> newSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(set.size()); for (final KeyDef keydef : updated) { newSet.add(keydef.toString()); } prop.setSet(key, newSet); final String fileKey = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("list")) + "file"; prop.setProperty(fileKey, key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("list")) + ".list"); try { prop.writeList(key); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logError("Failed to write key list file: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Get the first topic id. * * @param path file path * @param dir file dir * @param useCatalog whether use catalog file for validation * @return topic id */ public static String getFirstTopicId(final URI path, final File dir, final boolean useCatalog) { if (path == null && dir == null) { return null; } final DITAOTLogger logger = new DITAOTJavaLogger(); final StringBuilder firstTopicId = new StringBuilder(); final TopicIdParser parser = new TopicIdParser(firstTopicId); try { final XMLReader reader = XMLUtils.getXMLReader(); reader.setContentHandler(parser); if (useCatalog) { reader.setEntityResolver(CatalogUtils.getCatalogResolver()); } reader.parse(dir.toURI().resolve(path).toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return firstTopicId.toString(); }
/** * Find whether an id is refer to a topic in a dita file. * * @param absolutePathToFile the absolute path of dita file * @param id topic id * @return true if id find and false otherwise */ public boolean findTopicId(final File absolutePathToFile, final String id) { if (!absolutePathToFile.exists()) { return false; } try { // load the file final DocumentBuilder builder = XMLUtils.getDocumentBuilder(); builder.setEntityResolver(CatalogUtils.getCatalogResolver()); final Document root = builder.parse(new InputSource(new FileInputStream(absolutePathToFile))); // get root element final Element doc = root.getDocumentElement(); // do BFS final Queue<Element> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.offer(doc); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { final Element pe = queue.poll(); final NodeList pchildrenList = pe.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < pchildrenList.getLength(); i++) { final Node node = pchildrenList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { queue.offer((Element) node); } } final String classValue = pe.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CLASS); if (classValue != null && TOPIC_TOPIC.matches(classValue)) { // topic id found if (pe.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID).equals(id)) { return true; } } } return false; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to read document: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return false; }
/** * Add set of values of job configuration * * @param prop job configuration * @param key list name * @param set values to add */ private void addSetToProperties(final Job prop, final String key, final Set<String> set) { // update value final Set<String> newSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(INT_128); for (final String file : set) { if (new File(file).isAbsolute()) { // no need to append relative path before absolute paths newSet.add(FileUtils.normalize(file)); } else { // In ant, all the file separator should be slash, so we need to // replace all the back slash with slash. final int index = file.indexOf(EQUAL); if (index != -1) { // keyname final String to = file.substring(0, index); final String source = file.substring(index + 1); newSet.add( FileUtils.separatorsToUnix( FileUtils.normalize(new StringBuffer(prefix).append(to).toString())) + EQUAL + FileUtils.separatorsToUnix( FileUtils.normalize(new StringBuffer(prefix).append(source).toString()))); } else { newSet.add( FileUtils.separatorsToUnix( FileUtils.normalize(new StringBuffer(prefix).append(file).toString()))); } } } prop.setSet(key, newSet); // write list file final String fileKey = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("list")) + "file"; prop.setProperty(fileKey, key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("list")) + ".list"); try { prop.writeList(key); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logError("Failed to write list file: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Write result files. * * @throws DITAOTException if writing result files failed */ private void outputResult() throws DITAOTException { final File dir = new File(tempDir); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } Job prop = null; try { prop = new Job(dir); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new DITAOTException("Failed to create empty job: " + e.getMessage(), e); } prop.setProperty(INPUT_DIR, baseInputDir); prop.setProperty(INPUT_DITAMAP, prefix + inputFile); prop.setProperty(INPUT_DITAMAP_LIST_FILE_LIST, USER_INPUT_FILE_LIST_FILE); final File inputfile = new File(tempDir, USER_INPUT_FILE_LIST_FILE); Writer bufferedWriter = null; try { bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(inputfile))); bufferedWriter.write(prefix + inputFile); bufferedWriter.flush(); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { logger.logException(e); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logException(e); } finally { if (bufferedWriter != null) { try { bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logException(e); } } } // add out.dita.files,tempdirToinputmapdir.relative.value to solve the // output problem relativeValue = prefix; formatRelativeValue = formatRelativeValue(relativeValue); prop.setProperty("tempdirToinputmapdir.relative.value", formatRelativeValue); prop.setProperty("uplevels", getUpdateLevels()); addSetToProperties(prop, OUT_DITA_FILES_LIST, outDitaFilesSet); addSetToProperties(prop, FULL_DITAMAP_TOPIC_LIST, ditaSet); addSetToProperties(prop, FULL_DITA_TOPIC_LIST, fullTopicSet); addSetToProperties(prop, FULL_DITAMAP_LIST, fullMapSet); addSetToProperties(prop, HREF_DITA_TOPIC_LIST, hrefTopicSet); addSetToProperties(prop, CONREF_LIST, conrefSet); addSetToProperties(prop, IMAGE_LIST, imageSet); addSetToProperties(prop, FLAG_IMAGE_LIST, flagImageSet); addSetToProperties(prop, HTML_LIST, htmlSet); addSetToProperties(prop, HREF_TARGET_LIST, hrefTargetSet); addSetToProperties(prop, HREF_TOPIC_LIST, hrefWithIDSet); addSetToProperties(prop, CHUNK_TOPIC_LIST, chunkTopicSet); addSetToProperties(prop, SUBJEC_SCHEME_LIST, schemeSet); addSetToProperties(prop, CONREF_TARGET_LIST, conrefTargetSet); addSetToProperties(prop, COPYTO_SOURCE_LIST, copytoSourceSet); addSetToProperties(prop, SUBSIDIARY_TARGET_LIST, subsidiarySet); addSetToProperties(prop, CONREF_PUSH_LIST, conrefpushSet); addSetToProperties(prop, KEYREF_LIST, keyrefSet); addSetToProperties(prop, CODEREF_LIST, coderefSet); // @processing-role addSetToProperties(prop, RESOURCE_ONLY_LIST, resourceOnlySet); addFlagImagesSetToProperties(prop, REL_FLAGIMAGE_LIST, relFlagImagesSet); // Convert copyto map into set and output final Set<String> copytoSet = new HashSet<String>(INT_128); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : copytoMap.entrySet()) { copytoSet.add(entry.toString()); } addSetToProperties(prop, COPYTO_TARGET_TO_SOURCE_MAP_LIST, copytoSet); addKeyDefSetToProperties(prop, KEY_LIST, keysDefMap.values()); try { logger.logInfo("Serializing job specification"); prop.write(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new DITAOTException( "Failed to serialize job configuration files: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // Output relation-graph writeMapToXML(reader.getRelationshipGrap(), FILE_NAME_SUBJECT_RELATION); // Output topic-scheme dictionary writeMapToXML(this.schemeDictionary, FILE_NAME_SUBJECT_DICTIONARY); // added by Willam on 2009-07-17 for req #12014 start if (INDEX_TYPE_ECLIPSEHELP.equals(transtype)) { // Output plugin id final File pluginIdFile = new File(tempDir, FILE_NAME_PLUGIN_XML); final DelayConrefUtils delayConrefUtils = new DelayConrefUtils(); delayConrefUtils.writeMapToXML(reader.getPluginMap(), pluginIdFile); // write the result into the file final StringBuffer result = reader.getResult(); try { export.write(result.toString()); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logException(e); } } // added by Willam on 2009-07-17 for req #12014 end }
private void processParseResult(String currentFile) { final Map<String, String> cpMap = reader.getCopytoMap(); final Map<String, KeyDef> kdMap = reader.getKeysDMap(); // Added by William on 2010-06-09 for bug:3013079 start // the reader's reset method will clear the map. final Map<String, String> exKdMap = reader.getExKeysDefMap(); exKeyDefMap.putAll(exKdMap); // Added by William on 2010-06-09 for bug:3013079 end // Category non-copyto result and update uplevels accordingly for (final String file : reader.getNonCopytoResult()) { categorizeResultFile(file); updateUplevels(file); } // Update uplevels for copy-to targets, and store copy-to map. // Note: same key(target) copy-to will be ignored. for (final String key : cpMap.keySet()) { final String value = cpMap.get(key); if (copytoMap.containsKey(key)) { // edited by Alan on Date:2009-11-02 for Work Item:#1590 start /* * StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); * buff.append("Copy-to task [href=\""); buff.append(value); * buff.append("\" copy-to=\""); buff.append(key); * buff.append("\"] which points to another copy-to target"); * buff.append(" was ignored."); * logger.logWarn(buff.toString()); */ final Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.setProperty("%1", value); prop.setProperty("%2", key); logger.logWarn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTX065W", prop).toString()); // edited by Alan on Date:2009-11-02 for Work Item:#1590 end ignoredCopytoSourceSet.add(value); } else { updateUplevels(key); copytoMap.put(key, value); } } // TODO Added by William on 2009-06-09 for scheme key bug(497) schemeSet.addAll(reader.getSchemeRefSet()); // collect key definitions for (final String key : kdMap.keySet()) { // key and value.keys will differ when keydef is a redirect to another keydef final KeyDef value = kdMap.get(key); if (keysDefMap.containsKey(key)) { // if there already exists duplicated key definition in // different map files. // Should only emit this if in a debug mode; comment out for now /* * Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("%1", key); * prop.put("%2", value); prop.put("%3", currentFile); logger * .logInfo(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ048I", * prop).toString()); */ } else { updateUplevels(key); // add the ditamap where it is defined. /* * try { keydef.write("<keydef "); * keydef.write("keys=\""+key+"\" "); * keydef.write("href=\""+value+"\" "); * keydef.write("source=\""+currentFile+"\"/>"); * keydef.write("\n"); keydef.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { * * logger.logException(e); } */ keysDefMap.put(key, new KeyDef(key, value.href, currentFile)); } // TODO Added by William on 2009-06-09 for scheme key bug(532-547) // if the current file is also a schema file if (schemeSet.contains(currentFile)) { // write the keydef into the scheme keydef file try { schemekeydef.writeStartElement(ELEMENT_KEYDEF); schemekeydef.writeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_KEYS, key); if (value.href != null) { schemekeydef.writeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_HREF, value.href); } schemekeydef.writeAttribute(ATTRIUBTE_SOURCE, currentFile); schemekeydef.writeEndElement(); } catch (final SAXException e) { logger.logException(e); } } } hrefTargetSet.addAll(reader.getHrefTargets()); hrefWithIDSet.addAll(reader.getHrefTopicSet()); chunkTopicSet.addAll(reader.getChunkTopicSet()); // schemeSet.addAll(reader.getSchemeRefSet()); conrefTargetSet.addAll(reader.getConrefTargets()); nonConrefCopytoTargetSet.addAll(reader.getNonConrefCopytoTargets()); ignoredCopytoSourceSet.addAll(reader.getIgnoredCopytoSourceSet()); subsidiarySet.addAll(reader.getSubsidiaryTargets()); outDitaFilesSet.addAll(reader.getOutFilesSet()); resourceOnlySet.addAll(reader.getResourceOnlySet()); // Generate topic-scheme dictionary if (reader.getSchemeSet() != null && reader.getSchemeSet().size() > 0) { Set<String> children = null; children = this.schemeDictionary.get(currentFile); if (children == null) { children = new HashSet<String>(); } children.addAll(reader.getSchemeSet()); // for Linux support currentFile = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(currentFile); this.schemeDictionary.put(currentFile, children); final Set<String> hrfSet = reader.getHrefTargets(); for (final String f : hrfSet) { // for Linux support final String filename = FileUtils.separatorsToUnix(f); children = this.schemeDictionary.get(filename); if (children == null) { children = new HashSet<String>(); } children.addAll(reader.getSchemeSet()); this.schemeDictionary.put(filename, children); } } }
private void processFile(String currentFile) throws DITAOTException { File fileToParse; final File file = new File(currentFile); if (file.isAbsolute()) { fileToParse = file; currentFile = FileUtils.getRelativePath(rootFile, currentFile); } else { fileToParse = new File(baseInputDir, currentFile); } try { fileToParse = fileToParse.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (final IOException e1) { logger.logError(e1.toString()); } logger.logInfo("Processing " + fileToParse.getAbsolutePath()); String msg = null; final Properties params = new Properties(); params.put("%1", currentFile); if (!fileToParse.exists()) { logger.logError(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTX008E", params).toString()); return; } try { if (FileUtils.isValidTarget(currentFile.toLowerCase())) { reader.setTranstype(transtype); reader.setCurrentDir(new File(currentFile).getParent()); reader.parse(fileToParse); } else { // edited by Alan on Date:2009-11-02 for Work Item:#1590 start // logger.logWarn("Input file name is not valid DITA file name."); final Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("%1", fileToParse); logger.logWarn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ053W", params).toString()); // edited by Alan on Date:2009-11-02 for Work Item:#1590 end } // don't put it into dita.list if it is invalid if (reader.isValidInput()) { processParseResult(currentFile); categorizeCurrentFile(currentFile); } else if (!currentFile.equals(inputFile)) { logger.logWarn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ021W", params).toString()); } } catch (final SAXParseException sax) { // To check whether the inner third level is DITAOTBuildException // :FATALERROR final Exception inner = sax.getException(); if (inner != null && inner instanceof DITAOTException) { // second // level logger.logInfo(inner.getMessage()); throw (DITAOTException) inner; } if (currentFile.equals(inputFile)) { // stop the build if exception thrown when parsing input file. final MessageBean msgBean = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ012F", params); msg = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ012F", params).toString(); msg = new StringBuffer(msg).append(":").append(sax.getMessage()).toString(); throw new DITAOTException(msgBean, sax, msg); } final StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); msg = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ013E", params).toString(); buff.append(msg).append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append(sax.getMessage()); logger.logError(buff.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { if (currentFile.equals(inputFile)) { // stop the build if exception thrown when parsing input file. final MessageBean msgBean = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ012F", params); msg = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ012F", params).toString(); msg = new StringBuffer(msg).append(":").append(e.getMessage()).toString(); throw new DITAOTException(msgBean, e, msg); } final StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); msg = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ013E", params).toString(); buff.append(msg).append(LINE_SEPARATOR).append(e.getMessage()); logger.logError(buff.toString()); } if (!reader.isValidInput() && currentFile.equals(inputFile)) { if (xmlValidate == true) { // stop the build if all content in the input file was filtered // out. msg = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ022F", params).toString(); throw new DITAOTException(msg); } else { // stop the build if the content of the file is not valid. msg = MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ034F", params).toString(); throw new DITAOTException(msg); } } doneList.add(currentFile); reader.reset(); }
private void parseInputParameters(final AbstractPipelineInput input) { final String basedir = input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_PARAM_BASEDIR); final String ditaInput = input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_PARAM_INPUTMAP); tempDir = input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_PARAM_TEMPDIR); ditaDir = input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_DITADIR); ditavalFile = input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_PARAM_DITAVAL); xmlValidate = Boolean.valueOf(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_VALIDATE)); // Added by William on 2009-07-18 for req #12014 start // get transtype transtype = input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_TRANSTYPE); // Added by William on 2009-07-18 for req #12014 start gramcache = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_GRAMCACHE)); setSystemid = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAN_SETSYSTEMID)); // For the output control outputUtils = new OutputUtils(); outputUtils.setGeneratecopyouter(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_GENERATECOPYOUTTER)); outputUtils.setOutterControl(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_OUTTERCONTROL)); outputUtils.setOnlyTopicInMap(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_ONLYTOPICINMAP)); // Set the OutputDir final File path = new File(input.getAttribute(ANT_INVOKER_EXT_PARAM_OUTPUTDIR)); if (path.isAbsolute()) { outputUtils.setOutputDir(path.getAbsolutePath()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output directory " + tempDir + " must be absolute"); } // Resolve relative paths base on the basedir. File inFile = new File(ditaInput); if (!inFile.isAbsolute()) { // XXX Shouldn't this be resolved to current directory, not Ant script base directory? inFile = new File(basedir, ditaInput); } try { inFile = inFile.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (final IOException e1) { logger.logException(e1); } if (!new File(tempDir).isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Temporary directory " + tempDir + " must be absolute"); } else { tempDir = FileUtils.normalize(tempDir); } if (!new File(ditaDir).isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "DITA-OT installation directory " + tempDir + " must be absolute"); } else { ditaDir = FileUtils.normalize(ditaDir); } if (ditavalFile != null && !new File(ditavalFile).isAbsolute()) { // XXX Shouldn't this be resolved to current directory, not Ant script base directory? ditavalFile = new File(basedir, ditavalFile).getAbsolutePath(); } baseInputDir = new File(inFile.getAbsolutePath()).getParent(); baseInputDir = FileUtils.normalize(baseInputDir); rootFile = inFile.getAbsolutePath(); rootFile = FileUtils.normalize(rootFile); inputFile = inFile.getName(); try { // Added by William on 2009-06-09 for scheme key bug // create the keydef file for scheme files schemekeydef = XMLSerializer.newInstance(new FileOutputStream(new File(tempDir, "schemekeydef.xml"))); schemekeydef.writeStartDocument(); schemekeydef.writeStartElement(ELEMENT_STUB); // Added by William on 2009-06-25 for req #12014 start // create the export file for exportanchors // write the head export = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(tempDir, FILE_NAME_EXPORT_XML))); export.write(XML_HEAD); export.write("<stub>"); // Added by William on 2009-06-25 for req #12014 end } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { logger.logException(e); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.logException(e); } catch (final SAXException e) { logger.logException(e); } // Set the mapDir outputUtils.setInputMapPathName(inFile.getAbsolutePath()); }