예제 #1
 private Map string2Codes(String codes, String defaultDesign) {
   StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(codes, ",");
   Map map = new HashMap();
   int nrOfTokens;
   StringTokenizer stCode;
   Dataset ds;
   String codeValue;
   while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
     stCode = new StringTokenizer(st.nextToken(), "^");
     nrOfTokens = stCode.countTokens();
     if (nrOfTokens < 2) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "Wrong format of human performer configuration! (<codeValue>[^<designator>]^<meaning>)");
     ds = dof.newDataset();
     codeValue = stCode.nextToken();
     ds.putSH(Tags.CodeValue, codeValue);
     if (nrOfTokens > 2) {
       ds.putSH(Tags.CodingSchemeDesignator, stCode.nextToken());
     } else if (defaultDesign != null) {
       ds.putSH(Tags.CodingSchemeDesignator, defaultDesign);
     ds.putLO(Tags.CodeMeaning, stCode.nextToken());
     map.put(codeValue, ds);
   return map;
예제 #2
   * Check a DicomObject and record any failing lookups in the database.
   * @param fileObject the object to process.
   * @return the same FileObject if the result is true; otherwise null.
  public FileObject process(FileObject fileObject) {
    String cmd;

    lastFileIn = new File(fileObject.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
    lastTimeIn = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (fileObject instanceof DicomObject) {
      DicomObject dob = (DicomObject) fileObject;
      if (dcmScriptFile != null) {
        DAScript daScript = DAScript.getInstance(dcmScriptFile);
        scriptTable = new ScriptTable(daScript);
        lutProps = LookupTable.getProperties(lutFile);
        synchronized (this) {
          Dataset ds = dob.getDataset();
          charset = ds.getSpecificCharacterSet();
          boolean ok = checkDataset(ds);
          if (!ok) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception unable) {
            if (quarantine != null) quarantine.insert(fileObject);
            return null;
    lastFileOut = new File(fileObject.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
    lastTimeOut = System.currentTimeMillis();
    return fileObject;
예제 #3
 private void coerceNCreateRQ(Command rspCmd, Dataset rqData) {
   rqData.putUI(Tags.SOPClassUID, rspCmd.getAffectedSOPClassUID());
   rqData.putUI(Tags.SOPInstanceUID, rspCmd.getAffectedSOPInstanceUID());
   if (!rqData.containsValue(Tags.WorklistLabel))
     rqData.putLO(Tags.WorklistLabel, service.getWorklistLabel());
예제 #4
   * Get the contents of an input dataset element by tag,
   * handling CTP elements specially.
   * @param tag the element tag
   * @return the value of the specified element in the current dataset,
   * @throws Exception if the element is missing.
  public String contents(int tag) throws Exception {
    SpecificCharacterSet cs = inDS.getSpecificCharacterSet();

    // Handle FileMetaInfo references
    if ((inFMI != null) && ((tag & 0x7FFFFFFF) < 0x80000)) {
      DcmElement el = inFMI.get(tag);
      if (el == null) throw new Exception(Tags.toString(tag) + " missing");
      return el.getString(cs);

    // Not FMI, handle DataSet references
    boolean ctp = false;
    if (((tag & 0x00010000) != 0) && ((tag & 0x0000ff00) != 0)) {
      int blk = (tag & 0xffff0000) | ((tag & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
      try {
        ctp = inDS.getString(blk).equals("CTP");
      } catch (Exception notCTP) {
        ctp = false;
    DcmElement el = inDS.get(tag);
    if (el == null) throw new Exception(Tags.toString(tag) + " missing");

    if (ctp) return new String(inDS.getByteBuffer(tag).array());

    String[] s = el.getStrings(cs);
    if (s.length == 1) return s[0];
    if (s.length == 0) return "";
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
      sb.append("\\" + s[i]);
    return sb.toString();
예제 #5
  * @param string
  * @return
  * @throws NeedRedirectionException
  * @throws IOException
 private Dataset getDataset(Dataset ds) throws IOException {
   String iuid = ds.getString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID);
   File file = ridSupport.getDICOMFile(iuid);
   if (log.isDebugEnabled())
     log.debug("DCM file for " + ds.getString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID) + ":" + file);
   if (file == null) return null;
   Dataset dsFile;
   if (!ridSupport.isUseOrigFile()) {
     FileDataSource dsrc = null;
     try {
       dsrc =
                       new Object[] {iuid},
                       new String[] {String.class.getName()});
     } catch (Exception e) {
       log.error("Failed to get updated DICOM file", e);
     file = new File(file + ".dcm");
     OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
     dsrc.writeTo(os, null);
     dsFile = loadDataset(file);
   } else {
     dsFile = loadDataset(file);
   return dsFile;
예제 #6
 protected Dataset doNCreate(ActiveAssociation assoc, Dimse rq, Command rspCmd)
     throws IOException, DcmServiceException {
   Command cmd = rq.getCommand();
   String iuid = cmd.getAffectedSOPInstanceUID();
   Dataset ds = rq.getDataset();
   String suid = ds.getString(Tags.StudyInstanceUID);
   if (suid == null) {
     throw new DcmServiceException(Status.MissingAttribute, "Missing Study Instance UID");
   if (iuid == null) {
     rspCmd.putUI(Tags.AffectedSOPInstanceUID, iuid = suid);
   } else {
     checkStudyIuid(iuid, ds);
   try {
     StudyMgt stymgt = getStudyMgtHome().create();
     try {
       stymgt.createStudy(ds, service.patientMatching());
     } finally {
       try {
       } catch (Exception e) {
         log.warn("Failed to remove StudyMgt Session Bean", e);
   } catch (DcmServiceException e) {
     throw e;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new DcmServiceException(Status.ProcessingFailure, e);
   service.sendStudyMgtNotification(assoc, Command.N_CREATE_RQ, 0, iuid, ds);
   return null;
예제 #7
 private static void checkContentItem(Dataset rqData, int tag, int... sqTags)
     throws DcmServiceException {
   DcmElement sq = rqData.get(tag);
   if (sq == null || sq.isEmpty()) return;
   int[] sqTags1 = cat(sqTags, tag);
   for (int i = 0, n = sq.countItems(); i < n; i++) {
     Dataset item = sq.getItem(i);
     type1(item, Tags.ValueType, sqTags1);
     type1(item, Tags.ConceptNameCodeSeq, sqTags1);
     checkCodeItem(item, ItemCount.SINGLE, Tags.ConceptNameCodeSeq, sqTags1);
     String valueType = item.getString(Tags.ValueType);
     if (valueType.equals("DATETIME")) type1(item, Tags.DateTime, sqTags1);
     else if (valueType.equals("DATE")) type1(item, Tags.Date, sqTags1);
     else if (valueType.equals("TIME")) type1(item, Tags.Time, sqTags1);
     else if (valueType.equals("PNAME")) type1(item, Tags.PersonName, sqTags1);
     else if (valueType.equals("UIDREF")) type1(item, Tags.UID, sqTags1);
     else if (valueType.equals("TEXT")) type1(item, Tags.TextValue, sqTags1);
     else if (valueType.equals("CODE")) {
       type1(item, Tags.ConceptCodeSeq, sqTags1);
       checkCodeItem(item, ItemCount.SINGLE, Tags.ConceptCodeSeq, sqTags1);
     } else if (valueType.equals("NUMERIC")) {
       type1(item, Tags.NumericValue, sqTags1);
       type1(item, Tags.MeasurementUnitsCodeSeq, sqTags1);
       checkCodeItem(item, ItemCount.SINGLE, Tags.MeasurementUnitsCodeSeq, sqTags1);
     } else
       throw new DcmServiceException(
           errorMessage("Invalid Value Type: " + valueType + " ", Tags.ValueType, sqTags1));
예제 #8
   * @param ds
   * @param outFile
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private RIDResponseObject handleSVG(Dataset ds, BaseDocument doc) throws IOException {
    OutputStream out = doc.getOutputStream();
    try {
      DcmElement elem = ds.get(Tags.WaveformSeq);
      WaveformGroup wfgrp =
          new WaveformGroup(
              ridSupport.getWaveformCorrection()); // TODO all groups
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(wfgrp);
      WaveformInfo wfInfo = new WaveformInfo(ds);

      SVGCreator svgCreator = new SVGCreator(wfgrp, wfInfo, new Float(27.6f), new Float(20.3f));
      return new RIDStreamResponseObjectImpl(
          doc.getInputStream(), CONTENT_TYPE_SVGXML, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, null);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      if (out != null)
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Cant create SVG for Waveform!", t);
      log.error("Waveform Dataset:");
      return new RIDStreamResponseObjectImpl(
          "Error while creating waveform SVG! Reason:" + t.getMessage());
예제 #9
 /** @ejb.interface-method */
 public void setAttributes(Dataset ds) {
   setPpsStartDateTime(ds.getDateTime(Tags.PPSStartDate, Tags.PPSStartTime));
   AttributeFilter filter = AttributeFilter.getExcludePatientAttributeFilter();
   byte[] b = DatasetUtils.toByteArray(filter.filter(ds), filter.getTransferSyntaxUID());
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
     log.debug("setEncodedAttributes(byte[" + b.length + "])");
예제 #10
 private Dataset loadDataset(File file) throws IOException {
   BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
   Dataset ds = factory.newDataset();
   try {
     ds.readFile(bis, null, -1);
   } finally {
     try {
     } catch (IOException ignore) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Dataset for file " + file + " :" + ds);
   return ds;
예제 #11
  private String codes2String(Map codes) {
    if (codes == null || codes.isEmpty()) return "";
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Dataset ds;
    String design;
    for (Iterator iter = codes.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      ds = (Dataset) iter.next();
      design = ds.getString(Tags.CodingSchemeDesignator);
      if (design != null) sb.append(design).append("^");

    return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
예제 #12
 private void checkUPSPerformedProcedure(Dataset rqData) throws DcmServiceException {
   DcmElement sq = rqData.get(Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq);
   if (sq == null || sq.isEmpty()) return;
   int n = sq.countItems();
   if (n > 1)
     throw new DcmServiceException(
         errorMessage("More than 1 item of Attribute: ", Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq));
   Dataset item = sq.getItem();
       item, ItemCount.MULTIPLE, Tags.PerformedStationNameCodeSeq, Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq);
       item, ItemCount.MULTIPLE, Tags.PerformedStationClassCodeSeq, Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq);
       item, ItemCount.SINGLE, Tags.PerformedWorkitemCodeSeq, Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq);
   checkContentItem(item, Tags.PerformedProcessingParametersSeq, Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq);
       item, Tags.OutputInformationSeq, Tags.UPSPerformedProcedureSeq);
예제 #13
 private void checkStudyIuid(String iuid, Dataset ds) throws DcmServiceException {
   String suid = ds.getString(Tags.StudyInstanceUID);
   if (suid != null && !suid.equals(iuid)) {
     throw new DcmServiceException(
         Status.InvalidAttributeValue, "Study Instance UID must match SOP Instance UID");
예제 #14
  * Get the name of the creator block associated with a private element.
  * @param tag the element.
  * @return the value of the creator element claiming the block in which the tag resides, or the
  *     empty string if the tag is not a private element or the creator element does not exist.
 public String getCreator(int tag) {
   if ((tag & 0x10000) == 0) return "";
   int group = tag & 0xffff0000;
   int block = (tag >> 8) & 0xff;
   int creatorTag = group | block;
   return inDS.getString(creatorTag, "");
예제 #15
 private static int getInt(Dataset ds, int tag, int defaultValue) {
   try {
     return ds.getInteger(tag).intValue();
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     return defaultValue;
예제 #16
 private static String getString(Dataset ds, int tag, String defaultValue) {
   try {
     return ds.getString(tag);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     return defaultValue;
예제 #17
 private static void type1(Dataset rqData, int tag, int... sqTags) throws DcmServiceException {
   if (!rqData.containsValue(tag)) {
     type2(rqData, tag, sqTags);
     new DcmServiceException(
         sqTags.length == 0 ? Status.MissingAttributeValue : Status.InvalidAttributeValue,
         errorMessage("Missing Attribute Value: ", tag, sqTags));
예제 #18
 private void checkUPSCommunicationsURI(Dataset progressInfo) throws DcmServiceException {
   DcmElement sq = progressInfo.get(Tags.UPSCommunicationsURISeq);
   if (sq == null) return;
   for (int i = 0, n = sq.countItems(); i < n; i++) {
     Dataset item = sq.getItem(i);
     type1(item, Tags.ContactURI, Tags.UPSProgressInformationSeq, Tags.UPSCommunicationsURISeq);
예제 #19
 private static void shallBeEmpty(Dataset rqData, int tag, int... sqTags)
     throws DcmServiceException {
   type2(rqData, tag, sqTags);
   if (rqData.containsValue(tag)) {
     throw new DcmServiceException(
         Status.InvalidAttributeValue, errorMessage("Shall be empty Attribute: ", tag, sqTags));
예제 #20
 private static void checkImageSOPInstanceAndSourceReference(
     Dataset rqData, int tag, int... sqTags) throws DcmServiceException {
   DcmElement sq = rqData.get(tag);
   if (sq == null) return;
   int[] sqTags1 = cat(sqTags, tag);
   int[] sqTags2 = cat(sqTags1, Tags.RefSOPSeq);
   for (int i = 0, n = sq.countItems(); i < n; i++) {
     Dataset item = sq.getItem(i);
     type1(item, Tags.RefSOPSeq, sqTags1);
     DcmElement refSOPSeq = item.get(Tags.RefSOPSeq);
     for (int j = 0, m = refSOPSeq.countItems(); j < m; j++) {
       Dataset refSOP = refSOPSeq.getItem(j);
       type1(refSOP, Tags.RefSOPClassUID, sqTags2);
       type1(refSOP, Tags.RefSOPInstanceUID, sqTags2);
예제 #21
  * Store a value in the output dataset.
  * If the output dataset is null, this method does nothing.
  * This method works around the bug in dcm4che which inserts the wrong
  * VR (SH) when storing an empty element of VR = PN. It also handles the
  * problem in older dcm4che versions which threw an exception when an
  * empty DA element was created. It also forces the VR of private
  * elements to LO. And finally, it handles multi-valued elements.
  * @param tag the element tag.
  * @param vr the value representation.
  * @param value the value to store.
 public void putXX(int tag, int vrInt, String value) throws Exception {
   if (outDS == null) return;
   if (value == null) value = "";
   if ((tag & 0x10000) != 0) {
     if ((tag & 0xffff) < 0x100) outDS.putLO(tag, value);
     else {
       String creator = getPrivateCreator(tag);
       if (!creator.equals("")) {
         PrivateTagIndex ptIndex = PrivateTagIndex.getInstance();
         String vr = ptIndex.getVR(creator, tag);
         if (!vr.equals("")) {
           try {
             outDS.putXX(tag, VRs.valueOf(vr), value);
           } catch (Exception useDefault) {
       if (value.length() <= 64) outDS.putLO(tag, value);
       else outDS.putLT(tag, value);
   } else if (value.equals("")) {
     if (vrInt == VRs.PN) outDS.putXX(tag, vrInt, " ");
     else outDS.putXX(tag, vrInt);
   } else {
     // Do this in such a way that we handle multivalued elements.
     String[] s = value.split("\\\\");
     outDS.putXX(tag, vrInt, s);
   * Prepares the Dataset representing the search key in C-FIND. As no values are set, the keys
   * match to every content in the archive. The user has to specify concret values to limit the
   * searchSee PS 3.4 - C. Study level.
   * <p>As the result for C-FIND these keys are filled with the values found in the archive.
   * @param cfg the configuration properties for this class.
   * @throws ParseException if a given properties for the keys was not found.
  private void initKeys(ConfigProperties cfg) throws ParseException {
    // Remove all keys
    keys = dof.newDataset();

    // Query/Retrieve Level. PS 3.4 - C.6.2 Study Root SOP Class Group
    keys.putCS(Tags.QueryRetrieveLevel, getQueryRetrieveLevel(STUDY_LEVEL));

    // UNIQUE STUDY LEVEL KEY FOR THE STUDY. See PS 3.4 - C. Study level

    // REQUIRED STUDY LEVEL KEY FOR THE STUDY. See PS 3.4 - C. Study level
    // Not defined: StudyTime
    // Not defined: AccessionNumber
    // Not defined: StudyID

    // OPTIONAL STUDY LEVEL KEY FOR THE STUDY. See PS 3.4 - C. Study level
    // mutch more defined...

    // Add the keys found in the configuration properties
예제 #23
  private RIDResponseObject handlePDF(Dataset ds, BaseDocument doc) throws IOException {
    OutputStream out = doc.getOutputStream();
    OutputStream tmpOut = null;
    File tmpFile = null;
    try {
      tmpFile = File.createTempFile("fop_", null);
      tmpOut = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);

      DcmElement elem = ds.get(Tags.WaveformSeq);
      WaveformGroup[] wfgrps = getWaveformGroups(elem, ds.getString(Tags.SOPClassUID));
      WaveformInfo wfInfo = new WaveformInfo(ds);

      FOPCreator fopCreator = new FOPCreator(wfgrps, wfInfo, new Float(28.6f), new Float(20.3f));
      Fop fop = ridSupport.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, out);
      SAXTransformerFactory tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance();
      Transformer t = tf.newTransformer();
          new StreamSource(new FileInputStream(tmpFile)), new SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler()));
      InputStream in = doc.getInputStream();
      return new RIDStreamResponseObjectImpl(
          in, in.available(), RIDSupport.CONTENT_TYPE_PDF, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, null);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      try {
        if (out != null) out.close();
        if (tmpOut != null) tmpOut.close();
      } catch (IOException e) {
      if (tmpFile.exists()) tmpFile.delete();
      log.error("Cant create PDF for Waveform!", t);
      log.error("Waveform Dataset:");
      return new RIDStreamResponseObjectImpl(
          "Error while creating waveform PDF! Reason:" + t.getMessage());
예제 #24
 public static boolean equalsPixelData(File f1, File f2) throws IOException {
   InputStream in1 = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f1));
   try {
     InputStream in2 = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f2));
     try {
       Dataset attrs = DcmObjectFactory.getInstance().newDataset();
       DcmParserFactory pf = DcmParserFactory.getInstance();
       DcmParser p1 = pf.newDcmParser(in1);
       DcmParser p2 = pf.newDcmParser(in2);
       p1.parseDcmFile(FileFormat.DICOM_FILE, Tags.PixelData);
       p2.parseDcmFile(FileFormat.DICOM_FILE, Tags.PixelData);
       int samples = attrs.getInt(Tags.SamplesPerPixel, 1);
       int frames = attrs.getInt(Tags.NumberOfFrames, 1);
       int rows = attrs.getInt(Tags.Rows, 1);
       int columns = attrs.getInt(Tags.Columns, 1);
       int bitsAlloc = attrs.getInt(Tags.BitsAllocated, 8);
       int bitsStored = attrs.getInt(Tags.BitsStored, bitsAlloc);
       int frameLength = rows * columns * samples * bitsAlloc / 8;
       int pixelDataLength = frameLength * frames;
       if (pixelDataLength > p1.getReadLength() || pixelDataLength > p2.getReadLength()) {
         return false;
       byte[] b1 = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
       byte[] b2 = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
       int[] mask = {0xff, 0xff};
       int len, len2;
       if (bitsAlloc == 16 && bitsStored < 16) {
         mask[p1.getDcmDecodeParam().byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN ? 1 : 0] =
             0xff >>> (16 - bitsStored);
       int pos = 0;
       while (pos < pixelDataLength) {
         len = in1.read(b1, 0, Math.min(pixelDataLength - pos, BUFFER_SIZE));
         if (len < 0) // EOF
         return false;
         int off = 0;
         while (off < len) {
           off += len2 = in2.read(b2, off, len - off);
           if (len2 < 0) // EOF
           return false;
         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, pos++)
           if (((b1[i] - b2[i]) & mask[pos & 1]) != 0) return false;
       return true;
     } finally {
   } finally {
예제 #25
 private static void checkRelatedProcedureSteps(Dataset rqData) throws DcmServiceException {
   DcmElement sq = rqData.get(Tags.RelatedProcedureStepSeq);
   if (sq == null) return;
   for (int i = 0, n = sq.countItems(); i < n; i++) {
     Dataset item = sq.getItem(i);
     type1(item, Tags.RefSOPClassUID, Tags.RelatedProcedureStepSeq);
     type1(item, Tags.RefSOPInstanceUID, Tags.RelatedProcedureStepSeq);
     type1(item, Tags.PurposeOfReferenceCodeSeq, Tags.RelatedProcedureStepSeq);
         item, ItemCount.SINGLE, Tags.PurposeOfReferenceCodeSeq, Tags.RelatedProcedureStepSeq);
예제 #26
 private static void checkScheduledHumanPerformers(Dataset rqData) throws DcmServiceException {
   DcmElement sq = rqData.get(Tags.ScheduledHumanPerformersSeq);
   if (sq == null) return;
   for (int i = 0, n = sq.countItems(); i < n; i++) {
     Dataset item = sq.getItem(i);
     type1(item, Tags.HumanPerformerCodeSeq, Tags.ScheduledHumanPerformersSeq);
         item, ItemCount.SINGLE, Tags.HumanPerformerCodeSeq, Tags.ScheduledHumanPerformersSeq);
     type1(item, Tags.HumanPerformerName, Tags.ScheduledHumanPerformersSeq);
     type1(item, Tags.HumanPerformerOrganization, Tags.ScheduledHumanPerformersSeq);
예제 #27
 private String[] toIuids(Dataset ds, boolean seriesIuids) throws DcmServiceException {
   List iuids = new ArrayList();
   DcmElement sersq = ds.get(Tags.RefSeriesSeq);
   if (sersq == null) {
     throw new DcmServiceException(Status.MissingAttribute, "Missing Referenced Series Seq.");
   for (int i = 0, n = sersq.countItems(); i < n; ++i) {
     Dataset ser = sersq.getItem(i);
     String siuid = ser.getString(Tags.SeriesInstanceUID);
     if (siuid == null) {
       throw new DcmServiceException(Status.MissingAttribute, "Missing Series Instance UID");
     if (seriesIuids) {
     } else {
       DcmElement sops = ser.get(Tags.RefSOPSeq);
       if (sops == null) {
         throw new DcmServiceException(Status.MissingAttribute, "Missing Referenced SOP Seq.");
       for (int j = 0, m = sops.countItems(); j < m; ++j) {
         Dataset sop = sops.getItem(i);
         String iuid = sop.getString(Tags.RefSOPInstanceUID);
         if (iuid == null) {
           throw new DcmServiceException(
               Status.MissingAttribute, "Missing Referenced SOP Instance UID");
   return (String[]) iuids.toArray(new String[iuids.size()]);
예제 #28
  * Get the private creator string for a private data element.
  * @param tag the tag.
  * @return the the block owner or the tag, or the empoty string if the element
  * is not a private data element.
 public String getPrivateCreator(int tag) {
   if ((tag & 0x10000) != 0) {
     int block = (tag & 0xFF00) >> 8;
     if (block != 0) {
       String owner;
       int pce = (tag & 0xFFFF0000) | block;
       // First see if the element is in outDS.
       try {
         owner = outDS.getString(pce);
         if (owner != null) return owner;
       } catch (Exception notThere) {
       // See if it is in inDS;
       try {
         owner = inDS.getString(pce);
         if (owner != null) return owner;
       } catch (Exception notThere) {
   return "";
예제 #29
 public static Object valueOf(Dataset ds) {
   String cuid = ds.getString(Tags.SOPClassUID);
   if (UIDs.GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage.equals(cuid))
     return new PresentationStateModel(ds);
   if (UIDs.BasicTextSR.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.EnhancedSR.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.ComprehensiveSR.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.KeyObjectSelectionDocument.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.MammographyCADSR.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.ProcedureLogStorage.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.XRayRadiationDoseSR.equals(cuid)) return new StructuredReportModel(ds);
   if (UIDs.TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.GeneralECGWaveformStorage.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.HemodynamicWaveformStorage.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage.equals(cuid)
       || UIDs.BasicVoiceAudioWaveformStorage.equals(cuid)) return new WaveformModel(ds);
   if (ds.getString(Tags.MIMETypeOfEncapsulatedDocument) != null) {
     return new EncapsulatedModel(ds);
   return new ImageModel(ds);
예제 #30
 void sendPPS(boolean create, Dataset pps, String aet) throws Exception {
   ActiveAssociation aa = openAssociation(aet, UIDs.GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepSOPClass);
   try {
     Association a = aa.getAssociation();
     DcmObjectFactory dof = DcmObjectFactory.getInstance();
     Command cmdRq = dof.newCommand();
     final String iuid = pps.getString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID);
     if (create) {
       cmdRq.initNCreateRQ(a.nextMsgID(), UIDs.GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepSOPClass, iuid);
     } else {
       cmdRq.initNSetRQ(a.nextMsgID(), UIDs.GeneralPurposePerformedProcedureStepSOPClass, iuid);
     Dimse dimseRq =
         AssociationFactory.getInstance().newDimse(PCID_GPPPS, cmdRq, pps.exclude(SOP_IUID));
     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
       log.debug("GP-PPS Attributes:");
     final Dimse dimseRsp = aa.invoke(dimseRq).get();
     final Command cmdRsp = dimseRsp.getCommand();
     final int status = cmdRsp.getStatus();
     switch (status) {
       case 0x0000:
       case 0x0116:
             "Received Warning Status 116H (=Attribute Value Out of Range) from remote AE " + aet);
         throw new DcmServiceException(status, cmdRsp.getString(Tags.ErrorComment));
   } finally {
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
       log.warn("Failed to release " + aa.getAssociation());