public PersistenceExportWizard() { setWindowTitle("Export"); setNeedsProgressMonitor(true); = new PlotDataConversionPage(); page.setDescription( "Please choose the location of the file to export. (This file will be a nexus HDF5 file.)"); addPage(page); this.options = new CheckWizardPage("Export Options", createDefaultOptions()); Map<String, String> stringOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(1); stringOptions.put(PersistWizardConstants.MASK, ""); options.setStringValues(stringOptions); options.setDescription("Please choose things to export."); addPage(options); }
public boolean canFinish() { if (page.isPageComplete() && getContainer().getCurrentPage() == page) { options.setDescription("Please choose the things to save in '" + page.getPath() + "'."); options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.ORIGINAL_DATA, false); options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.IMAGE_HIST, false); options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.MASK, false); options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.REGIONS, false); options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.DIFF_META, false); options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.FUNCTIONS, false); File file = null; IPersistentFile pf = null; PERSIST_BLOCK: try { IPersistenceService service = ServiceLoader.getPersistenceService(); file = new File(page.getAbsoluteFilePath()); if (!file.exists()) break PERSIST_BLOCK; pf = service.getPersistentFile(file.getAbsolutePath()); final List<String> names = pf.getMaskNames(null); if (names != null && !names.isEmpty()) { options.setStringValue(PersistWizardConstants.MASK, names.get(0)); } } catch (Throwable ne) { logger.error("Cannot read persistence file at " + file); } finally { if (pf != null) pf.close(); } final IPlottingSystem system = getPlottingSystem(); if (system != null) { if (system != null) { ITrace trace = system.getTraces().iterator().next(); if (trace != null) { options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.ORIGINAL_DATA, true); if (trace instanceof IImageTrace && ((IImageTrace) trace).getMask() != null) { options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.MASK, true); } } boolean requireHistory = false; final IToolPageSystem tsystem = (IToolPageSystem) system.getAdapter(IToolPageSystem.class); final IToolPage tool = tsystem.getActiveTool(); if (tool != null && tool.getToolId().equals("")) { final Map<String, IDataset> data = (Map<String, IDataset>) tool.getToolData(); if (data != null && !data.isEmpty()) requireHistory = true; } options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.IMAGE_HIST, requireHistory); final Collection<IRegion> regions = system.getRegions(); if (regions != null && !regions.isEmpty()) { options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.REGIONS, true); } if (trace != null && trace instanceof IImageTrace && trace.getData() != null) { IMetadata meta = ((Dataset) trace.getData()).getMetadata(); if (meta != null && (meta instanceof IDiffractionMetadata)) { options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.DIFF_META, true); } } final IWorkbenchPart part = EclipseUtils.getPage().getActivePart(); if (part != null) { final IFunctionService funcService = (IFunctionService) part.getAdapter(IFunctionService.class); if (funcService != null) { options.setOptionEnabled(PersistWizardConstants.FUNCTIONS, true); } } } } } return super.canFinish(); }