public void init(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException, IOException { // first check versions XWikiDocument doc = xwiki.getDocument(docFullName, context); String xwikiVersion = doc.getVersion(); String fn = "fullname:" + docFullName; String solrRev = useBackEnd ? currikiPlugin.solrGetSingleValue(fn, "revisionNumber") : ""; if (useBackEnd && xwikiVersion.equals(solrRev)) { isBackEndStream = true; get = currikiPlugin.solrCreateQueryGetMethod(fn, solrField, 0, 100); currikiPlugin.solrCollectResultsFromQuery( "fullname:" + docFullName, "childRights,childPages", 0, 1, new CurrikiPlugin.SolrResultCollector() { public void status(int statusCode, int qTime, int numFound, int start) {} public void newDocument() {} public void addValue(String name, String value) { if ("childRights".equals(name)) childRightsS = value; else if ("childPages".equals(name)) childPagesS = value; } }); } else { isBackEndStream = false; // identify docs to queries if (type == Type.USER_COLLECTIONS) { propNameForFullname = "collectionPage"; subAssetNames = currikiPlugin.fetchCollectionsList(docFullName, context); objectToOutput = currikiPlugin.fetchCollectionsInfo(docFullName, context); } else if (type == Type.GROUP_COLLECTIONS) { propNameForFullname = "collectionPage"; String groupName = docFullName.replace(".WebPreferences", ""); subAssetNames = currikiPlugin.fetchCollectionsList(groupName, context); objectToOutput = currikiPlugin.fetchCollectionsInfo(groupName, context); } else if (type == Type.USER_GROUPS) { propNameForFullname = "groupSpace"; subAssetNames = null; objectToOutput = currikiPlugin.fetchUserGroups(docFullName, context); } else if (type == Type.COLLECTION_CONTENT) { propNameForFullname = "assetpage"; FolderCompositeAsset fca = (FolderCompositeAsset) currikiPlugin.fetchAssetAs(docFullName, FolderCompositeAsset.class, context); if (fca != null) { FolderCompositeAsset fAsset =; objectToOutput = fAsset.getSubassetsInfo(); } else objectToOutput = new LinkedList(); } else { throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(); } } }
public CTVRepresentation(String targetDocument, Type type, XWikiContext context) throws IOException, XWikiException { super(jsonMediaType); this.xwiki = context.getWiki(); this.userGroups = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Object groupName : ((CurrikiSpaceManager) xwiki.getPlugin("csm", context)) .getSpaceNames(context.getUser(), null, context)) { userGroups.add(((String) groupName).substring("Group_".length())); } this.type = type; this.userName = context.getUser(); if (userName.startsWith("XWiki.")) userName = userName.substring("XWiki.".length()); this.userIsAdmin = xwiki.checkAccess("admin", xwiki.getDocument("XWiki.XWikiPreferences", context), context); this.docFullName = targetDocument; this.currikiPlugin = (CurrikiPlugin) xwiki.getPlugin("curriki", context); if (!currikiPlugin.solrCheckIsUp()) useBackEnd = false; // identify docs to queries if (type == Type.USER_COLLECTIONS) { solrField = "userCollections"; propNameForFullname = "collectionPage"; } else if (type == Type.USER_GROUPS) { solrField = "userGroups"; propNameForFullname = "groupSpace"; } else if (type == Type.GROUP_COLLECTIONS) { solrField = "childInfo"; propNameForFullname = "collectionPage"; } else if (type == Type.COLLECTION_CONTENT) { solrField = "childInfo"; propNameForFullname = "assetpage"; } else { throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(); } }
public void write(final Writer out) throws IOException { try { if (isBackEndStream) { boolean isSubassetsQuery = type == Type.COLLECTION_CONTENT || type == Type.GROUP_COLLECTIONS; final StringTokenizer childRights = isSubassetsQuery ? new StringTokenizer(childRightsS, ",") : null, childPages = isSubassetsQuery ? new StringTokenizer(childPagesS, ",") : null; currikiPlugin.startSolrMethod(get); if (isSubassetsQuery) { out.write("["); CurrikiPlugin.SolrResultCollector collector = new CurrikiPlugin.SolrResultCollector() { boolean started = false; public void status(int statusCode, int qTime, int numFound, int start) {} public void newDocument() {} public void addValue(String name, String value) { if (!value.startsWith("{")) value = value.trim(); if (!value.startsWith("{")) throw new IllegalStateException( "Child metadata value \"" + value + "\" incompatible!"); String right = childRights != null ? childRights.nextToken() : null; String assetpage = childPages.nextToken(); try { if (!started) started = true; else out.write(", "); // \n if (childRights != null && canUserRead(right)) { System.err.println( "Rights: view: " + canUserRead(right) + ", edit:" + canUserModify(right) + ", delete:" + canUserDelete(assetpage) + "."); // TODO: convert the label "rights" to "ownership" if (canUserModify(right)) out.write("{rights:{'view':true, 'edit':true, 'delete': "); else out.write("{rights:{'view':true, 'edit':false, 'delete': "); if (canUserDelete(assetpage)) out.write("true},"); else out.write("false},"); out.write(value.substring(1)); } else { // no read allowance out.write( "{rights:{'view':false, 'edit':false, 'delete': false}, assetpage: \"" + assetpage + "\","); out.write(ghostSubAssetInfoJson); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }; currikiPlugin.feedFieldFromXmlStream(get, collector, solrField); out.write("]"); } else { // Type.USER_COLLECTIONS, Type.USER_GROUPS: always requested from own user // currently, can be static currikiPlugin.feedFieldFromXmlStream(get, out, solrField); } } else { if (objectToOutput instanceof Map) { new Gson() .toJson( subAssetNames == null ? flattenMapToJSONArray( (Map<String, Object>) objectToOutput, propNameForFullname) : flattenMapToJSONArray( (Map<String, Object>) objectToOutput, subAssetNames, propNameForFullname), out); } else { new Gson().toJson(objectToOutput, out); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }