public Resource locateSpecification(Fixture fixture) { Check.notNull(fixture, "Fixture is null"); String fixturePath = fixture.getFixturePathWithoutSuffix(); String resourcePath = "/" + fixturePath + "." + specificationSuffix; return new Resource(resourcePath); }
public void write(Resource resource, String s) throws IOException { Check.notNull(resource, "resource is null"); mkdirs(resource); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(getFile(resource)); Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8")); try { writer.write(s); } finally { writer.close(); os.close(); } }
public void beforeParsing(Document document) { nu.xom.Element html = document.getRootElement(); nu.xom.Element head = html.getFirstChildElement("head"); Check.notNull(head, "<head> section is missing from document"); script = new nu.xom.Element("script"); script.addAttribute(new Attribute("type", "text/javascript")); // Fix for Issue #26: Strict XHTML DTD requires an explicit end tag for <script> element // Thanks to Matthias Schwegler for reporting and supplying a fix for this. script.appendChild(""); head.appendChild(script); }
public void copyTo(Resource resource, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { Check.notNull(resource, "resource is null"); mkdirs(resource); File outputFile = getFile(resource); // Do not overwrite if a recent copy already exists if (outputFile.exists() && isFreshEnough(outputFile)) { return; } OutputStream outputStream = createOutputStream(resource); try { IOUtil.copy(inputStream, outputStream); } finally { outputStream.close(); } }
@Override public void verify(CommandCall commandCall, Evaluator evaluator, ResultRecorder resultRecorder) { Check.isFalse( commandCall.hasChildCommands(), "Nesting commands inside an 'echo' is not supported"); Object result = evaluator.evaluate(commandCall.getExpression()); Element element = commandCall.getElement(); if (result != null) { element.appendText(result.toString()); } else { Element child = new Element("em"); child.appendText("null"); element.appendChild(child); } }
public String getWrittenString(Resource resource) { Check.isTrue( writtenStrings.containsKey(resource), "Expected resource '" + resource.getPath() + "' was not written to target"); return writtenStrings.get(resource); }
public OutputStream getOutputStream(Resource resource) throws IOException { Check.notNull(resource, "resource is null"); mkdirs(resource); return createOutputStream(resource); }
public void delete(Resource resource) throws IOException { Check.notNull(resource, "resource is null"); getFile(resource).delete(); }