/** * Set Amount (Callout) * * @param windowNo window * @param columnName changed column */ private void setAmt(int windowNo, String columnName) { // get values BigDecimal ExpenseAmt = getExpenseAmt(); int C_Currency_From_ID = getC_Currency_ID(); int C_Currency_To_ID = getCtx().getContextAsInt("$C_Currency_ID"); Timestamp DateExpense = getDateExpense(); // log.fine("Amt=" + ExpenseAmt + ", C_Currency_ID=" + C_Currency_From_ID); // Converted Amount = Unit price BigDecimal ConvertedAmt = ExpenseAmt; // convert if required if (ConvertedAmt.signum() != 0 && C_Currency_To_ID != C_Currency_From_ID) { ConvertedAmt = MConversionRate.convert( getCtx(), ConvertedAmt, C_Currency_From_ID, C_Currency_To_ID, DateExpense, 0, getAD_Client_ID(), getAD_Org_ID()); } setConvertedAmt(ConvertedAmt); log.fine("ConvertedAmt=" + ConvertedAmt); } // setAmt
/** * After Save * * @param newRecord new * @param success success * @return success */ @Override protected boolean afterSave(boolean newRecord, boolean success) { // also used for afterDelete String sql = "UPDATE M_AttributeSet mas" + " SET IsInstanceAttribute='Y' " + "WHERE M_AttributeSet_ID= ? " + " AND IsInstanceAttribute='N'" + " AND (IsSerNo='Y' OR IsLot='Y' OR IsGuaranteeDate='Y'" + " OR EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_AttributeUse mau" + " INNER JOIN M_Attribute ma ON (mau.M_Attribute_ID=ma.M_Attribute_ID) " + "WHERE mau.M_AttributeSet_ID=mas.M_AttributeSet_ID" + " AND mau.IsActive='Y' AND ma.IsActive='Y'" + " AND ma.IsInstanceAttribute='Y')" + ")"; int no = DB.executeUpdate(get_Trx(), sql, getM_AttributeSet_ID()); if (no != 0) log.fine("afterSave - Set Instance Attribute"); // sql = "UPDATE M_AttributeSet mas" + " SET IsInstanceAttribute='N' " + "WHERE M_AttributeSet_ID=? " + " AND IsInstanceAttribute='Y'" + " AND IsSerNo='N' AND IsLot='N' AND IsGuaranteeDate='N'" + " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_AttributeUse mau" + " INNER JOIN M_Attribute ma ON (mau.M_Attribute_ID=ma.M_Attribute_ID) " + "WHERE mau.M_AttributeSet_ID=mas.M_AttributeSet_ID" + " AND mau.IsActive='Y' AND ma.IsActive='Y'" + " AND ma.IsInstanceAttribute='Y')"; no = DB.executeUpdate(get_Trx(), sql, getM_AttributeSet_ID()); if (no != 0) log.fine("afterSave - Reset Instance Attribute"); return success; } // afterSave
/** * Create Order from Basket * * @param wu web User * @param wb web basket * @return true if created & processed */ private boolean createOrder(WebUser wu, WebBasket wb) { m_order = new MOrder(m_ctx, 0, null); log.fine( "AD_Client_ID=" + m_order.getAD_Client_ID() + ",AD_Org_ID=" + m_order.getAD_Org_ID() + " - " + m_order); // m_order.setC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay); m_order.setPaymentRule(MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_CreditCard); m_order.setDeliveryRule(MOrder.DELIVERYRULE_AfterReceipt); m_order.setInvoiceRule(MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate); m_order.setIsSelfService(true); if (wb.getM_PriceList_ID() > 0) m_order.setM_PriceList_ID(wb.getM_PriceList_ID()); if (wb.getSalesRep_ID() != 0) m_order.setSalesRep_ID(wb.getSalesRep_ID()); // BPartner m_order.setC_BPartner_ID(wu.getC_BPartner_ID()); m_order.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(wu.getC_BPartner_Location_ID()); m_order.setAD_User_ID(wu.getAD_User_ID()); // m_order.setSendEMail(true); m_order.setDocAction(MOrder.DOCACTION_Prepare); m_order.saveEx(); log.fine("ID=" + m_order.getC_Order_ID() + ", DocNo=" + m_order.getDocumentNo()); ArrayList<WebBasketLine> lines = wb.getLines(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { WebBasketLine wbl = lines.get(i); MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(m_order); ol.setM_Product_ID(wbl.getM_Product_ID(), true); ol.setQty(wbl.getQuantity()); ol.setPrice(); ol.setPrice(wbl.getPrice()); ol.setTax(); ol.saveEx(); } // for all lines boolean ok = m_order.processIt(MOrder.DOCACTION_Prepare); m_order.saveEx(); // Web User = Customer if (!wu.isCustomer()) { // log.info("-------------------------------------- " + wu.isCustomer()); wu.setIsCustomer(true); wu.save(); // log.info("-------------------------------------- " + wu.isCustomer()); } BigDecimal amt = m_order.getGrandTotal(); log.info("Amt=" + amt); return ok; } // createOrder
/** * ************************************************************************ Receive notification * of the start of an element. * * @param uri namespace * @param localName simple name * @param qName qualified name * @param attributes attributes * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException */ public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { // log.fine( "TranslationHandler.startElement", qName); // + " - " + uri + " - " + localName); if (qName.equals(Translation.XML_TAG) || qName.equals(Translation.XML_TAG2) || qName.equals(Translation.XML_TAG3)) { m_AD_Language = attributes.getValue(Translation.XML_ATTRIBUTE_LANGUAGE); m_isBaseLanguage = Language.isBaseLanguage(m_AD_Language); m_TableName = attributes.getValue(Translation.XML_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE); m_updateSQL = "UPDATE " + m_TableName; if (!m_isBaseLanguage) m_updateSQL += "_Trl"; m_updateSQL += " SET "; if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine( "AD_Language=" + m_AD_Language + ", Base=" + m_isBaseLanguage + ", TableName=" + m_TableName); } else if (qName.equals(Translation.XML_ROW_TAG)) { m_curID = attributes.getValue(Translation.XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_ID); m_curUUID = attributes.getValue(Translation.XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_UUID); m_trl = attributes.getValue(Translation.XML_ROW_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSLATED); // log.finest( "ID=" + m_curID); m_sql = new StringBuffer(); } else if (qName.equals(Translation.XML_VALUE_TAG)) { m_curColumnName = attributes.getValue(Translation.XML_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMN); // log.finest( "ColumnName=" + m_curColName); } else log.severe("UNKNOWN TAG: " + qName); m_curValue = new StringBuffer(); } // startElement
/** * ************************************************************************ Create Missing * Document Types * * @param ctx context * @param AD_Client_ID client * @param sp server process * @param trx transaction */ public static void createDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) { s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID); String sql = "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name " + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl " + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183" + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS " + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID=? AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx); pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { String name = rs.getString(2); String value = rs.getString(1); s_log.config(name + "=" + value); MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trx); if (dt.save()) { if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, name); else s_log.fine(name); } else { if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name); else s_log.warning("Not created: " + name); } } } catch (Exception e) { s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } } // createDocumentTypes
/** * Table selection changed * * @param e event */ public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = -1; m_M_AttributeSetInstanceName = null; m_M_Locator_ID = 0; int row = m_table.getSelectedRow(); if (row > -1) { Integer ID = m_table.getSelectedRowKey(); if (ID != null) { m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = ID.intValue(); m_M_AttributeSetInstanceName = (String) m_table.getValueAt(row, 1); // Object oo = m_table.getValueAt(row, 5); if (oo instanceof KeyNamePair) { KeyNamePair pp = (KeyNamePair) oo; m_M_Locator_ID = pp.getKey(); } } } log.fine( "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=" + m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID + " - " + m_M_AttributeSetInstanceName + "; M_Locator_ID=" + m_M_Locator_ID); enableButtons(); }
/** * Is Period Open for Doc Base Type * * @param DocBaseType document base type * @param dateAcct accounting date * @return error message or null */ public String isOpen(String DocBaseType, Timestamp dateAcct) { if (!isActive()) { s_log.warning("Period not active: " + getName()); return "@C_Period_ID@ <> @IsActive@"; } MAcctSchema as = MClient.get(getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID()).getAcctSchema(); if (as != null && as.isAutoPeriodControl()) { if (!as.isAutoPeriodControlOpen(dateAcct)) return "@PeriodClosed@ - @AutoPeriodControl@"; // We are OK Timestamp today = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (isInPeriod(today) && as.getC_Period_ID() != getC_Period_ID()) { as.setC_Period_ID(getC_Period_ID()); as.save(); } return null; } // Standard Period Control if (DocBaseType == null) { log.warning(getName() + " - No DocBaseType"); return "@NotFound@ @DocBaseType@"; } MPeriodControl pc = getPeriodControl(DocBaseType); if (pc == null) { log.warning(getName() + " - Period Control not found for " + DocBaseType); return "@NotFound@ @C_PeriodControl_ID@: " + DocBaseType; } log.fine(getName() + ": " + DocBaseType); if (pc.isOpen()) return null; return "@PeriodClosed@ - @C_PeriodControl_ID@ (" + DocBaseType + ", " + dateAcct + ")"; } // isOpen
/** * Generate LDAPResult * * @param dn Distinguished Name * @param resultProtocol Result protocol/operation code * @param resultCode Result code * @param errMsg Error Message * @return reponse */ private void generateResult(String dn, int resultProtocol, int resultCode, String errMsg) { try { m_encoder.beginSeq(48); // Hard coded here for Envelope header m_encoder.encodeInt(m_ldapMsg.getMsgId()); m_encoder.beginSeq(resultProtocol); m_encoder.encodeInt(resultCode, 10); // Enumeration - 10 // Adding LDAPDN m_encoder.encodeString(dn, true); // Adding error message m_encoder.encodeString(errMsg == null ? "" : errMsg, true); m_encoder.endSeq(); m_encoder.endSeq(); log.fine( "#" + m_ldapMsg.getMsgId() + ": " + "dn=" + dn + ", op=" + resultProtocol + ", result=" + resultCode + ", errMsg=" + errMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex); } } // generateResult
/** * Add Editor to parameterPanel alernative right/left depending on m_newRow. Field Value changes * update Editors * * @param field field * @param editor editor * @param mandatory mandatory */ private void addLine(GridField field, VEditor editor, boolean mandatory) { log.fine("Field=" + field); JLabel label = VEditorFactory.getLabel(field); label.setLabelFor((Component) editor); editor.setReadWrite(true); editor.setMandatory(mandatory); // MField => VEditor field.addPropertyChangeListener(editor); // label if (m_newRow) { m_gbc.gridy = m_line++; m_gbc.gridx = 0; } else m_gbc.gridx = 2; m_gbc.insets = m_labelInsets; m_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; m_gbc.weightx = 0; parameterPanel.add(label, m_gbc); // Field if (m_newRow) m_gbc.gridx = 1; else m_gbc.gridx = 3; m_gbc.insets = m_fieldInsets; m_gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; m_gbc.weightx = 1; parameterPanel.add((Component) editor, m_gbc); // m_newRow = !m_newRow; } // addLine
/** * ************************************************************************ Start Workflow. * * @param AD_Workflow_ID workflow * @return true if started */ private boolean startWorkflow(int AD_Workflow_ID) { log.fine(AD_Workflow_ID + " - " + m_pi); boolean started = false; if (DB.isRemoteProcess()) { log.info("trying to running on the server"); Server server = CConnection.get().getServer(); try { if (server != null) { // See ServerBean log.info("running on the server"); m_pi = server.workflow(m_wscctx, m_pi, AD_Workflow_ID); log.finest("server => " + m_pi); started = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex); started = false; } } // Run locally if (!started && !m_IsServerProcess) { log.info("running locally"); MWorkflow wf = MWorkflow.get(m_wscctx, AD_Workflow_ID); MWFProcess wfProcess = null; if (m_pi.isBatch()) wfProcess = wf.start(m_pi); // may return null else wfProcess = wf.startWait(m_pi); // may return null started = wfProcess != null; } return started; } // startWorkflow
/** * Caret Listener * * @param e event */ public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { log.finest("Dot=" + e.getDot() + ",Last=" + m_lastDot + ", Mark=" + e.getMark()); // Selection if (e.getDot() != e.getMark()) { m_lastDot = e.getDot(); return; } // // Is the current position a fixed character? if (e.getDot() + 1 > m_mask.length() || m_mask.charAt(e.getDot()) != DELIMITER) { m_lastDot = e.getDot(); return; } // Direction? int newDot = -1; if (m_lastDot > e.getDot()) // <- newDot = e.getDot() - 1; else // -> (or same) newDot = e.getDot() + 1; if (e.getDot() == 0) // first newDot = 1; else if (e.getDot() == m_mask.length() - 1) // last newDot = e.getDot() - 1; // log.fine( "OnFixedChar=" + m_mask.charAt(e.getDot()) + ", newDot=" + newDot + ", last=" + m_lastDot); // m_lastDot = e.getDot(); if (newDot >= 0 && newDot < getText().length()) m_tc.setCaretPosition(newDot); } // caretUpdate
/** * Set Line Net Amt Difference * * @param diff difference (to be subtracted) */ public void setLineNetAmtDifference(BigDecimal diff) { String msg = "Diff=" + diff + " - LineNetAmt=" + m_LineNetAmt; m_LineNetAmt = m_LineNetAmt.subtract(diff); m_DiscountAmt = m_ListAmt.subtract(m_LineNetAmt); setAmount(m_ListAmt, m_DiscountAmt); msg += " -> " + m_LineNetAmt; log.fine(msg); } // setLineNetAmtDifference
/** * Given <code>aKey</code> and the model, returns the row that should become selected. Return -1 * if no match was found. * * @param key a char value, usually indicating a keyboard key that was pressed * @param model a ComboBoxModel -- the component's data model, containing the list of selectable * items * @return an int equal to the selected row, where 0 is the first item and -1 is none */ public int selectionForKey(char key, ComboBoxModel model) { log.fine("Key=" + key); // int currentSelection = -1; Object selectedItem = model.getSelectedItem(); return 0; } // selectionForKey
/** Fill Table */ private Vector<Vector<Object>> fillTable(String sql, int parameter) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(sql + "; Parameter=" + parameter); Vector<Vector<Object>> data = new Vector<Vector<Object>>(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null); pstmt.setInt(1, parameter); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { Vector<Object> line = new Vector<Object>(6); // 0-Name, 1-PriceActual, 2-QtyInvoiced, 3-Discount, 4-DocumentNo, 5-DateInvoiced line.add(rs.getString(1)); // Name line.add(rs.getBigDecimal(2)); // Price line.add(rs.getString(3)); // Currency line.add(new Double(rs.getDouble(5))); // Qty BigDecimal discountBD = rs.getBigDecimal(9); if (discountBD == null) { double priceList = rs.getDouble(4); double priceActual = rs.getDouble(2); if (priceList != 0) { discountBD = BigDecimal.valueOf((priceList - priceActual) / priceList * 100); // Rounding: int precision = MPriceList.getStandardPrecision(Env.getCtx(), rs.getInt(10)); if (discountBD.scale() > precision) discountBD = discountBD.setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } else discountBD = Env.ZERO; } line.add(discountBD); // Discount line.add(rs.getString(7)); // DocNo line.add(rs.getTimestamp(6)); // Date line.add(rs.getString(8)); // Org/Warehouse data.add(line); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.close(rs, pstmt); rs = null; pstmt = null; } if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("#" + data.size()); return data; } // fillTable
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { log.fine("actionPerformed - Text:" + getHtmlText()); if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_OK)) { m_text = editor.getHtmlText(); m_isPressedOK = true; dispose(); } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_CANCEL)) { dispose(); } }
/** Create Lines. Called by WF Layout Manager */ protected void createLines() { log.fine("Lines #" + m_lines.size()); for (int i = 0; i < m_lines.size(); i++) { WFLine line = (WFLine) m_lines.get(i); Rectangle from = findBounds(line.getAD_WF_Node_ID()); Rectangle to = findBounds(line.getAD_WF_Next_ID()); line.setFromTo(from, to); // same bounds as parent // line.setBounds(0,0, width, height); } // for all lines }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { log.fine("doGet"); WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request); WebDoc doc = null; if (ws == null) { doc = WebDoc.createPopup("No Context"); doc.addPopupClose(Env.getCtx()); } else doc = ws.mWindow.getHelpDoc(false); WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, false); }
/** Display. Fill Editors */ public void display(int index) { log.fine("Index=" + index); // m_activity = resetDisplay(index); // Nothing to show if (m_activity == null) { return; } // Display Activity fNode.setText(m_activity.getNodeName()); fDescription.setValue(m_activity.getNodeDescription()); fHelp.setValue(m_activity.getNodeHelp()); // fHistory.setContent(HISTORY_DIV_START_TAG + m_activity.getHistoryHTML() + "</div>"); // User Actions MWFNode node = m_activity.getNode(); if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.equals(node.getAction())) { if (m_column == null) m_column = node.getColumn(); if (m_column != null && m_column.get_ID() != 0) { fAnswerList.removeAllItems(); int dt = m_column.getAD_Reference_ID(); if (dt == DisplayType.YesNo) { ValueNamePair[] values = MRefList.getList(Env.getCtx(), 319, false); // _YesNo for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { fAnswerList.appendItem(values[i].getName(), values[i].getValue()); } fAnswerList.setVisible(true); } else if (dt == DisplayType.List) { ValueNamePair[] values = MRefList.getList(Env.getCtx(), m_column.getAD_Reference_Value_ID(), false); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { fAnswerList.appendItem(values[i].getName(), values[i].getValue()); } fAnswerList.setVisible(true); } else // other display types come here { fAnswerText.setText(""); fAnswerText.setVisible(true); } } } // -- else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserWindow.equals(node.getAction()) || MWFNode.ACTION_UserForm.equals(node.getAction())) { fAnswerButton.setLabel(node.getName()); fAnswerButton.setTooltiptext(node.getDescription()); fAnswerButton.setVisible(true); } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Node Action: " + node.getAction()); statusBar.setStatusDB((m_index + 1) + "/" + m_activities.length); statusBar.setStatusLine(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "WFActivities")); } // display
/** * ************************************************************************ Start Java Process * Class. instanciate the class implementing the interface ProcessCall. The class can be a * Server/Client class (when in Package org compiere.process or org.compiere.model) or a client * only class (e.g. in org.compiere.report) * * @return true if success */ private boolean startProcess() { log.fine(m_pi.toString()); boolean started = false; if (DB.isRemoteProcess()) { Server server = CConnection.get().getServer(); try { if (server != null) { // See ServerBean m_pi = server.process(m_wscctx, m_pi); log.finest("server => " + m_pi); started = true; } } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause != null) { if (cause instanceof InvalidClassException) log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Version Server <> Client: " + cause.toString() + " - " + m_pi, ex); else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error(1b): " + cause.toString() + " - " + m_pi, ex); } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, " AppsServer error(1) - " + m_pi, ex); started = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause == null) cause = ex; log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error - " + m_pi, cause); started = false; } } // Run locally if (!started && !m_IsServerProcess) { ProcessCall myObject = null; try { Class myClass = Class.forName(m_pi.getClassName()); myObject = (ProcessCall) myClass.newInstance(); if (myObject == null) m_pi.setSummary("No Instance for " + m_pi.getClassName(), true); else myObject.startProcess(m_wscctx, m_pi, m_trx); if (m_trx != null) { m_trx.commit(); m_trx.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (m_trx != null) { m_trx.rollback(); m_trx.close(); } m_pi.setSummary("Error starting Class " + m_pi.getClassName(), true); log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_pi.getClassName(), e); } } return !m_pi.isError(); } // startProcess
private void verifyChangedField(GridField field, String columnName) { ArrayList<String> list = field.getDependentOn(); if (list.contains(columnName)) { if (field.getLookup() instanceof MLookup) { MLookup mLookup = (MLookup) field.getLookup(); // if the lookup is dynamic (i.e. contains this columnName as variable) if (mLookup.getValidation().indexOf("@" + columnName + "@") != -1) { log.fine(columnName + " changed - " + field.getColumnName() + " set to null"); // invalidate current selection field.setValue(null, true); } } } }
/** * Receive notification of the end of an element. * * @param uri namespace * @param localName simple name * @param qName qualified name * @throws SAXException */ public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { // Log.trace(Log.l6_Database+1, "TranslationHandler.endElement", qName); if (qName.equals(Translation.XML_TAG) || qName.equals(Translation.XML_TAG2) || qName.equals(Translation.XML_TAG3)) { } else if (qName.equals(Translation.XML_ROW_TAG)) { // Set section if (m_sql.length() > 0) m_sql.append(","); m_sql.append("Updated=").append(DB.TO_DATE(m_time, false)); if (!m_isBaseLanguage) { if (m_trl != null && ("Y".equals(m_trl) || "N".equals(m_trl))) m_sql.append(",IsTranslated='").append(m_trl).append("'"); else m_sql.append(",IsTranslated='Y'"); } // Where section m_sql.append(" WHERE "); if (m_curUUID != null) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT ") .append(m_TableName) .append("_ID") .append(" FROM ") .append(m_TableName) .append(" WHERE ") .append(m_TableName) .append("_UU =?"); int ID = DB.getSQLValueEx(null, sql.toString(), m_curUUID); m_sql.append(m_TableName).append("_ID=").append(ID); } else { m_sql.append(m_TableName).append("_ID=").append(m_curID); } if (!m_isBaseLanguage) m_sql.append(" AND AD_Language='").append(m_AD_Language).append("'"); if (m_AD_Client_ID >= 0) m_sql.append(" AND AD_Client_ID=").append(m_AD_Client_ID); // Update section m_sql.insert(0, m_updateSQL); // Execute int no = DB.executeUpdate(m_sql.toString(), null); if (no == 1) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(m_sql.toString()); m_updateCount++; } else if (no == 0) log.warning("Not Found - " + m_sql.toString()); else log.severe("Update Rows=" + no + " (Should be 1) - " + m_sql.toString()); } else if (qName.equals(Translation.XML_VALUE_TAG)) { if (m_sql.length() > 0) m_sql.append(","); m_sql.append(m_curColumnName).append("=").append(DB.TO_STRING(m_curValue.toString())); } } // endElement
@Override public void setValue(Object value) { if (value == null || NO_INSTANCE.equals(value)) { getComponent().setText(""); m_value = value; return; } // The same if (value.equals(m_value)) return; // new value log.fine("Value=" + value); m_value = value; getComponent().setText(m_mPAttribute.getDisplay(value)); // loads value }
/** * Parse Original SQL. Called from setSql or Constructor. * * @return true if pased */ public boolean parse() { if (m_sqlOriginal == null || m_sqlOriginal.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No SQL"); // // if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest()) // log.fine(m_sqlOriginal); getSelectStatements(); // analyse each select for (int i = 0; i < m_sql.length; i++) { TableInfo[] info = getTableInfo(m_sql[i].trim()); m_tableInfo.add(info); } // if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest()) log.fine(toString()); return m_tableInfo.size() > 0; } // parse
/** Process the HTTP Get request */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { log.fine("doGet"); WebSessionCtx wsc = WebSessionCtx.get(request); WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request); // WebDoc doc = null; if (ws == null) { doc = WebDoc.createPopup("No Context"); doc.addPopupClose(wsc.ctx); } else { doc = CreateChatPage(ws, wsc, doc, 0); } // WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, false); } // doGet
/** * Set Resource Assignment - Callout * * @param oldS_ResourceAssignment_ID old value * @param newS_ResourceAssignment_ID new value * @param windowNo window * @throws Exception */ @UICallout public void setS_ResourceAssignment_ID( String oldS_ResourceAssignment_ID, String newS_ResourceAssignment_ID, int windowNo) throws Exception { if (newS_ResourceAssignment_ID == null || newS_ResourceAssignment_ID.length() == 0) return; int S_ResourceAssignment_ID = Integer.parseInt(newS_ResourceAssignment_ID); if (S_ResourceAssignment_ID == 0) return; // super.setS_ResourceAssignment_ID(S_ResourceAssignment_ID); int M_Product_ID = 0; String Name = null; String Description = null; BigDecimal Qty = null; String sql = "SELECT p.M_Product_ID, ra.Name, ra.Description, ra.Qty " + "FROM S_ResourceAssignment ra" + " INNER JOIN M_Product p ON (p.S_Resource_ID=ra.S_Resource_ID) " + "WHERE ra.S_ResourceAssignment_ID=?"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_Trx()); pstmt.setInt(1, S_ResourceAssignment_ID); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { M_Product_ID = rs.getInt(1); Name = rs.getString(2); Description = rs.getString(3); Qty = rs.getBigDecimal(4); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } log.fine( "S_ResourceAssignment_ID=" + S_ResourceAssignment_ID + " - M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID); if (M_Product_ID != 0) { setM_Product_ID(M_Product_ID); if (Description != null) Name += " (" + Description + ")"; if (!".".equals(Name)) setDescription(Name); if (Qty != null) setQty(Qty); } } // setS_ResourceAssignment_ID
/** * ************************************************************************ Start Database Process * * @param ProcedureName PL/SQL procedure name * @return true if success */ private boolean startDBProcess(String ProcedureName) { // execute on this thread/connection log.fine(ProcedureName + "(" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ")"); String sql = "{call " + ProcedureName + "(?)}"; try { CallableStatement cstmt = DB.prepareCall(sql, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, null); // ro?? cstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID()); cstmt.executeUpdate(); cstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessRunError") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); m_pi.setError(true); return false; } // log.fine(Log.l4_Data, "ProcessCtl.startProcess - done"); return true; } // startDBProcess
/** * After Save * * @param newRecord new * @param success success * @return success */ @Override protected boolean afterSave(boolean newRecord, boolean success) { if (newRecord) { // SELECT Value FROM AD_Ref_List WHERE AD_Reference_ID=183 MDocType[] types = MDocType.getOfClient(getCtx()); int count = 0; ArrayList<String> baseTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MDocType type : types) { String DocBaseType = type.getDocBaseType(); if (baseTypes.contains(DocBaseType)) continue; MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(this, DocBaseType); if (pc.save()) count++; baseTypes.add(DocBaseType); } log.fine("PeriodControl #" + count); } return success; } // afterSave
/** * Get SalesRegion. - get Sales Region from BPartner * * @return C_SalesRegion_ID */ public int getC_SalesRegion_ID() { if (m_C_SalesRegion_ID == -1) // never tried { if (getC_BPartner_Location_ID() != 0) // && m_acctSchema.isAcctSchemaElement(MAcctSchemaElement.ELEMENTTYPE_SalesRegion)) { String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(C_SalesRegion_ID,0) FROM C_BPartner_Location WHERE C_BPartner_Location_ID=?"; m_C_SalesRegion_ID = DB.getSQLValue(null, sql, getC_BPartner_Location_ID()); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("C_SalesRegion_ID=" + m_C_SalesRegion_ID + " (from BPL)"); if (m_C_SalesRegion_ID == 0) m_C_SalesRegion_ID = -2; // don't try again } else m_C_SalesRegion_ID = -2; // don't try again } if (m_C_SalesRegion_ID < 0) // invalid return 0; return m_C_SalesRegion_ID; } // getC_SalesRegion_ID
/** * WMRule factory instance * * @return document factory instance */ public ForecastRule getForecastRuleFactory(String className) { if (m_ForecastRules.containsKey(className)) { return (ForecastRule) m_ForecastRules.get(className); } // Check negative cache: /* * if (s_RuleNoImplement.contains(rule.getInOutboundClass())) { * log.info("Ignore "+rule.getInOutboundClass()+ * " doesn't have accounting implementation (WMRule* class)"); } */ // try { Class<? extends ForecastRule> cl = getClass(className); // // Check <constructor>(): Constructor<?> constructor = null; try { constructor = cl.getDeclaredConstructor(); } catch (Exception e) { log.fine("Not found <ForecastRule>()"); } if (constructor != null) { ForecastRule rule = (ForecastRule) constructor.newInstance(); m_ForecastRules.put(className, rule); return rule; } // // Check <constructor>(): constructor = cl.getDeclaredConstructor(); ForecastRule rule = (ForecastRule) constructor.newInstance(); m_ForecastRules.put(className, rule); return rule; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { s_RuleNoImplement.add(className); // Add to negative cache (won't // try to load again) } catch (Throwable e) { throw new AdempiereException(e); } return null; }
/** * Load Information * * @param C_ValidCombination_ID valid combination * @param C_AcctSchema_ID acct schema */ private void loadInfo(int C_ValidCombination_ID, int C_AcctSchema_ID) { log.fine("C_ValidCombination_ID=" + C_ValidCombination_ID); String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_ValidCombination WHERE C_ValidCombination_ID=? AND C_AcctSchema_ID=?"; try { PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null); pstmt.setInt(1, C_ValidCombination_ID); pstmt.setInt(2, C_AcctSchema_ID); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { if (f_Alias != null) f_Alias.setValue(rs.getString("Alias")); f_Combination.setValue(rs.getString("Combination")); // loadInfoOf(rs, f_AD_Org_ID, "AD_Org_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_Account_ID, "Account_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_SubAcct_ID, "C_SubAcct_ID"); // loadInfoOf(rs, f_M_Product_ID, "M_Product_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_BPartner_ID, "C_BPartner_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_Campaign_ID, "C_Campaign_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_LocFrom_ID, "C_LocFrom_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_LocTo_ID, "C_LocTo_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_Project_ID, "C_Project_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_SalesRegion_ID, "C_SalesRegion_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_AD_OrgTrx_ID, "AD_OrgTrx_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_C_Activity_ID, "C_Activity_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_User1_ID, "User1_ID"); loadInfoOf(rs, f_User2_ID, "User2_ID"); // f_Description.setText(rs.getString("Description")); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } } // loadInfo