/** Descripción de Método */ private void cmd_drill() { m_drillDown = comboDrill.getSelectedIndex() < 1; // -1 or 0 if (m_drillDown) { setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } else { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } } // cmd_drill
private void gridOK() { int mode = modeCombo.getSelectedIndex(); // Create PO if (mode == MODE_PO) { createPO(); modeCombo.setSelectedIndex(MODE_VIEW); return; } // Update Prices else if (mode == MODE_PRICE) { updatePrices(); modeCombo.setSelectedIndex(MODE_VIEW); return; } else if (mode == MODE_VIEW) ; m_frame.dispose(); } // gridOK
/** Descripción de Método */ private void deleteAttachmentEntry() { log.info(""); int index = cbContent.getSelectedIndex(); String fileName = getFileName(index); if (fileName == null) { return; } // if (ADialog.ask(m_WindowNo, this, "AttachmentDeleteEntry?", fileName)) { if (m_attachment.deleteEntry(index)) { cbContent.removeItemAt(index); } m_change = true; } } // deleteAttachment
/** * Descripción de Método * * @return */ private boolean openAttachment() { int index = cbContent.getSelectedIndex(); byte[] data = m_attachment.getEntryData(index); if (data == null) { return false; } try { String fileName = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + m_attachment.getEntryName(index); File tempFile = new File(fileName); m_attachment.getEntryFile(index, tempFile); if (isWindows()) { // Runtime.getRuntime().exec ("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + url); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL \"" + tempFile + "\""); // p.waitFor(); return true; } else if (isMac()) { String[] cmdArray = new String[] {"open", tempFile.getAbsolutePath()}; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdArray); // p.waitFor(); return true; } else // other OS { } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "openFile", e); } return false; } // openFile
/** Descripción de Método */ private void saveAttachmentToFile() { int index = cbContent.getSelectedIndex(); log.info("index=" + index); if (m_attachment.getEntryCount() < index) { return; } String fileName = getFileName(index); String ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); log.config("Ext=" + ext); JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogType(JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG); chooser.setDialogTitle(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "AttachmentSave")); File f = new File(fileName); chooser.setSelectedFile(f); // Show dialog int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } File saveFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (saveFile == null) { return; } log.config("Save to " + saveFile.getAbsolutePath()); m_attachment.getEntryFile(index, saveFile); } // saveAttachmentToFile
/** * ActionListener * * @param e ActionEvent */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_OK)) { if (fAddress1.isMandatory() && ((((String) fAddress1.getValue()).trim()).isEmpty())) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Preencha todos os campos corretamente"); else if (fAddress2.isMandatory() && ((((String) fAddress2.getValue()).trim()).isEmpty())) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Preencha todos os campos corretamente"); else if (fAddress3.isMandatory() && ((((String) fAddress3.getValue()).trim()).isEmpty())) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Preencha todos os campos corretamente"); else if (fPostal.isMandatory() && ((((String) fPostal.getValue()).trim()).isEmpty())) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Preencha todos os campos corretamente"); else { action_OK(); m_change = true; dispose(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_CANCEL)) { m_change = false; dispose(); } else if (e.getSource() == fCountry) { // Country Changed - display in new Format // Modifier for Mouse selection is 16 - for any key selection 0 MCountry c = (MCountry) fCountry.getSelectedItem(); m_location.setCountry(c); // refrseh mainPanel.removeAll(); initLocation(); fCountry.requestFocus(); // allows to use Keybord selection } // Kenos else if (e.getSource() == fRegion) { // Modifier for Mouse selection is 16 - for any key selection 0 MRegion r = (MRegion) fRegion.getSelectedItem(); m_location.setRegion(r); // refrseh mainPanel.removeAll(); initLocation(); fRegion.requestFocus(); // allows to use Keybord selection } // Kenos else if (e.getSource() == toLink) { String urlString = GOOGLE_MAPS_URL_PREFIX + getGoogleMapsLocation(m_location); String message = null; try { new URL(urlString); Env.startBrowser(urlString); } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.getMessage(); ADialog.warn(0, this, "URLnotValid", message); } } else if (e.getSource() == toRoute) { int AD_Org_ID = Env.getAD_Org_ID(Env.getCtx()); if (AD_Org_ID != 0) { MOrgInfo orgInfo = MOrgInfo.get(Env.getCtx(), AD_Org_ID, null); MLocation orgLocation = new MLocation(Env.getCtx(), orgInfo.getC_Location_ID(), null); String urlString = GOOGLE_MAPS_ROUTE_PREFIX + GOOGLE_SOURCE_ADDRESS + getGoogleMapsLocation(orgLocation) + // org GOOGLE_DESTINATION_ADDRESS + getGoogleMapsLocation(m_location); // partner String message = null; try { new URL(urlString); Env.startBrowser(urlString); } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.getMessage(); ADialog.warn(0, this, "URLnotValid", message); } } } else if (e.getSource() == getAddress) { if (fPostal != null && !fPostal.getText().equals("")) { if (!fAddress1.getText().equals("") || !fAddress2.getText().equals("") || !fAddress3.getText().equals("") || !fAddress4.getText().equals("") || fCity.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { String warningMsg = "O endereço atual será substituido. Deseja continuar?"; String warningTitle = "Aviso"; int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, warningMsg, warningTitle, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (response == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) return; } WebServiceCep cep = WebServiceCep.searchCep(fPostal.getText()); if (cep.wasSuccessful()) { MRegion[] regions = MRegion.getRegions(Env.getCtx(), 139); for (MRegion r : regions) if (r.getName() != null && r.getName().equals(cep.getUf())) { fRegion.setSelectedItem(r); break; } fCity.setSelectedItem(cep.getCidade()); fAddress1.setText(cep.getLogradouroType() + " " + cep.getLogradouro()); fAddress3.setText(cep.getBairro()); if (cep.getCep().length() == 8) fPostal.setText(cep.getCep().substring(0, 5) + "-" + cep.getCep().substring(5)); else fPostal.setText(cep.getCep()); } else if (cep.getResulCode() == 0) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "CEP não encontrado na base de dados."); else if (cep.getResulCode() == 14) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Não foi possível fazer a busca. (Possível problema com a Internet)."); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro ao fazer a busca."); } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Preencha o CEP."); } } // actionPerformed
/** * Descripción de Método * * @param e */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // log.config( "Attachment.actionPerformed - " + e.getActionCommand()); // Save and Close if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_OK)) { String newText = text.getText(); if (newText == null) { newText = ""; } String oldText = m_attachment.getTextMsg(); if (oldText == null) { oldText = ""; } if (!m_change) { m_change = !newText.equals(oldText); } if ((newText.length() > 0) || (m_attachment.getEntryCount() > 0)) { if (m_change) { // m_attachment.setTextMsg( text.getText()); log.fine("Justo antes de guardar el registro, D_file_id=" + d_file_id); // m_attachment.setD_File_Archive_ID(d_file_archive_id); m_attachment.setUploadedBy(Env.getContextAsInt(Env.getCtx(), "UploadedBy")); // m_attachment.setD_File_ID(d_file_id); m_attachment.save(); } } else { m_attachment.delete(true); } dispose(); } // Cancel else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_CANCEL)) { dispose(); } // Delete Attachment else if (e.getSource() == bDeleteAll) { deleteAttachment(); dispose(); } // Delete individual entry and Return else if (e.getSource() == bDelete) { deleteAttachmentEntry(); // Show Data } else if (e.getSource() == cbContent) { displayData(cbContent.getSelectedIndex()); // Load Attachment } else if (e.getSource() == bLoad) { loadFile(); // Open Attachment } else if (e.getSource() == bSave) { saveAttachmentToFile(); // Open Attachment } else if (e.getSource() == bOpen) { if (!openAttachment()) { saveAttachmentToFile(); } } } // actionPerformed
/** * Get Grid Element * * @param xValue X value * @param yValue Y value * @return Panel with Info */ private CPanel getGridElement(MAttributeValue xValue, MAttributeValue yValue) { CPanel element = new CPanel(); element.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK, 2)); element.setLayout(new BoxLayout(element, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_Product WHERE IsActive='Y'"; // Product Attributes if (xValue != null) sql += " AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID IN " + "(SELECT M_AttributeSetInstance_ID " + "FROM M_AttributeInstance " + "WHERE M_Attribute_ID=" + xValue.getM_Attribute_ID() + " AND M_AttributeValue_ID=" + xValue.getM_AttributeValue_ID() + ")"; if (yValue != null) sql += " AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID IN " + "(SELECT M_AttributeSetInstance_ID " + "FROM M_AttributeInstance " + "WHERE M_Attribute_ID=" + yValue.getM_Attribute_ID() + " AND M_AttributeValue_ID=" + yValue.getM_AttributeValue_ID() + ")"; sql = MRole.getDefault().addAccessSQL(sql, "M_Product", MRole.SQL_NOTQUALIFIED, MRole.SQL_RO); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; int noProducts = 0; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { MProduct product = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), rs, null); addProduct(element, product); noProducts++; } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); pstmt = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } try { if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); pstmt = null; } catch (Exception e) { pstmt = null; } int mode = modeCombo.getSelectedIndex(); // No Products if (noProducts == 0 && mode == MODE_VIEW) { // CButton button = ConfirmPanel.createNewButton(true); // button.addActionListener(this); // element.add(button); } else // Additional Elements { if (mode == MODE_PRICE) { // Price Field } else if (mode == MODE_PO) { // Qty Field } } return element; } // getGridElement
/** Create Grid */ private void createGrid() { if (attributeCombo1 == null || m_setting) return; // init int indexAttr1 = attributeCombo1.getSelectedIndex(); int indexAttr2 = attributeCombo2.getSelectedIndex(); if (indexAttr1 == indexAttr2) { log.warning("Same Attribute Selected"); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); return; } m_setting = true; m_M_PriceList_Version_ID = 0; KeyNamePair pl = (KeyNamePair) pickPriceList.getSelectedItem(); if (pl != null) m_M_PriceList_Version_ID = pl.getKey(); m_M_Warehouse_ID = 0; KeyNamePair wh = (KeyNamePair) pickWarehouse.getSelectedItem(); if (wh != null) m_M_Warehouse_ID = wh.getKey(); // x dimension int cols = 2; MAttributeValue[] xValues = null; if (indexAttr1 > 0) xValues = m_attributes[indexAttr1 - 1].getMAttributeValues(); if (xValues != null) { cols = xValues.length; log.info("X - " + m_attributes[indexAttr1 - 1].getName() + " #" + xValues.length); } // y dimension int rows = 2; MAttributeValue[] yValues = null; if (indexAttr2 > 0) yValues = m_attributes[indexAttr2 - 1].getMAttributeValues(); if (yValues != null) { rows = yValues.length; log.info("Y - " + m_attributes[indexAttr2 - 1].getName() + " #" + yValues.length); } // gridPanel.removeAll(); CPanel grid = new CPanel(new GridLayout(rows, cols, 5, 5)); gridPanel.add(modePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); gridPanel.add(new CScrollPane(grid), BorderLayout.CENTER); // log.info("Rows=" + rows + " - Cols=" + cols); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { MAttributeValue xValue = null; if (xValues != null) xValue = xValues[col]; MAttributeValue yValue = null; if (yValues != null) yValue = yValues[row]; // log.fine("Row=" + row + " - Col=" + col); // if (row == 0 && col == 0) { CPanel descr = new CPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1, 0, 0)); if (xValues != null) descr.add(new JLabel(m_attributes[indexAttr1 - 1].getName(), JLabel.TRAILING)); if (yValues != null) descr.add(new JLabel(m_attributes[indexAttr2 - 1].getName())); grid.add(descr); } else if (row == 0) // column labels { if (xValue != null) { grid.add(new JLabel(xValue.getName(), JLabel.TRAILING)); } else grid.add(new JLabel()); } else if (col == 0) // row labels { if (yValue != null) grid.add(new JLabel(yValue.getName())); else grid.add(new JLabel()); } else { grid.add(getGridElement(xValue, yValue)); } } } // tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); m_setting = false; m_frame.pack(); } // createGrid
private void tableInit() { m_sql = new StringBuffer(); m_sql2 = new StringBuffer(); // Mostrar todos los ACC y AAP if (tableInit_option == 0) { m_sql.append( "select cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name vendor, co.name country, extract(month from cn.CREATED) month," + " extract (year from cn.CREATED) year, NVL(round(sum(cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS),2),0) total," + " dep.value || '-' || dep.name department, cat.value || '-' || cat.name category," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID vendorID" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID and" + " cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC'and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID and" + " dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"); m_groupBy = " group by cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name, co.name, extract(month from cn.CREATED), extract (year from cn.CREATED), dep.value || '-' || dep.name," + " cat.value || '-' || cat.name,o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID"; m_sql2.append( "select cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name vendor, co.name country, det.XX_MONTH month," + " det.XX_YEAR year, round(cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS,2) total, o.C_BPARTNER_ID vendorID," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID creditNotID, cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE tipo" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat, XX_VCN_DETAILADVICE det" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC'" + " and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID" + " and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID and det.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"); m_groupBy2 = " group by cb.value ||'-'|| cb.name, co.name, det.XX_MONTH, det.XX_YEAR, cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID, cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID, cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE"; // Búsqueda por mes if (monthCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && monthCombo.getSelectedItem() != null) { m_sql .append(" AND ") .append("extract(month from cn.created)=") .append(monthCombo.getSelectedIndex()); m_sql2.append(" AND ").append("det.XX_MONTH=").append(monthCombo.getSelectedIndex()); } // Búsqueda por año if (yearField.getValue() != null) { m_sql .append(" AND ") .append("extract(year from cn.created)=") .append(((BigDecimal) yearField.getValue()).intValue()); m_sql2 .append(" AND ") .append("det.XX_YEAR=") .append(((BigDecimal) yearField.getValue()).intValue()); } // Búsqueda por proveedor if (comboBPartner.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && comboBPartner.getSelectedItem() != null) { if (((KeyNamePair) comboBPartner.getSelectedItem()).getKey() != 0) { int clave_vendor = ((KeyNamePair) comboBPartner.getSelectedItem()).getKey(); m_sql.append(" AND ").append("o.C_BPartner_ID=").append(clave_vendor); m_sql2.append(" AND ").append("o.C_BPartner_ID=").append(clave_vendor); } } // agrego la categoria if (categoryCombo.getValue() != null) { KeyNamePair cat = (KeyNamePair) categoryCombo.getValue(); if (cat.getKey() != -1) { m_sql.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = ").append(cat.getKey()).append(" "); m_sql2.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = ").append(cat.getKey()).append(" "); } } // agrego el departamento al query if (departmentCombo.getValue() != null) { KeyNamePair dep = (KeyNamePair) departmentCombo.getValue(); if (dep.getKey() != -1) { m_sql.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID = ").append(dep.getKey()).append(" "); m_sql2.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID = ").append(dep.getKey()).append(" "); } } } String SQL = m_sql.toString() + m_groupBy; int i = 0; xTableACC.setRowCount(i); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { xTableACC.setRowCount(i + 1); // Proveedor xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("vendor"), i, 0); // 1 // País xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("country"), i, 1); // Departamento xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("department"), i, 2); // Categoría xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("category"), i, 3); // Mes xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getInt("month"), i, 4); // Año xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getInt("year"), i, 5); // Compras hechas xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal("total"), i, 6); // Se calculan los avisos cerrados(CER) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL2 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='CER' and extract(month from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("month") + " and extract (year from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("year") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL2, null); rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); if (rs2.next()) xTableACC.setValueAt(rs2.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 7); else xTableACC.setValueAt(0, i, 7); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs2); DB.closeStatement(pstmt2); } // Se calculan los avisos pendientes(ACT) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL3 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='ACT' and extract(month from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("month") + " and extract (year from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("year") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt3 = null; ResultSet rs3 = null; try { pstmt3 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL3, null); rs3 = pstmt3.executeQuery(); if (rs3.next()) xTableACC.setValueAt(rs3.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 8); else xTableACC.setValueAt(0, i, 8); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs3); DB.closeStatement(pstmt3); } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.getMessage(); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } String sqlAAP = m_sql2.toString() + m_groupBy2; i = 0; xTableAAP.setRowCount(i); pstmt = null; rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlAAP, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { xTableAAP.setRowCount(i + 1); // Proveedor xTableAAP.setValueAt( new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt("vendorID"), rs.getString("vendor")), i, 0); // 1 // País xTableAAP.setValueAt( new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt("creditNotID"), rs.getString("country")), i, 1); // Mes xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getInt("month"), i, 2); // Año xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getInt("year"), i, 3); // Tipo xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getString("tipo"), i, 4); // Compras hechas xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal("total"), i, 5); // Se calculan los avisos cerrados(CER) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL2 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='CER' and cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=" + rs.getInt("creditNotID") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL2, null); rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); if (rs2.next()) xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs2.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 6); else xTableAAP.setValueAt(0, i, 6); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs2); DB.closeStatement(pstmt2); } // Se calculan los avisos pendientes(ACT) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL3 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='ACT' and cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=" + rs.getInt("creditNotID") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt3 = null; ResultSet rs3 = null; try { pstmt3 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL3, null); rs3 = pstmt3.executeQuery(); if (rs3.next()) xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs3.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 7); else xTableAAP.setValueAt(0, i, 7); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs3); DB.closeStatement(pstmt3); } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.getMessage(); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } } // tableInit
/** * Descripción de Método * * @param e * @param rightClick */ private void mouse_clicked(MouseEvent e, boolean rightClick) { Point point = e.getPoint(); log.info("Right=" + rightClick + " - " + point.toString()); if (rightClick) { m_ddQ = m_viewPanel.getDrillDown(point); m_daQ = m_viewPanel.getDrillAcross(point); m_ddM = null; m_daM = null; if ((m_ddQ == null) && (m_daQ == null)) { return; } // Create Menu JPopupMenu pop = new JPopupMenu(); Icon wi = Env.getImageIcon("mWindow.gif"); if (m_ddQ != null) { m_ddM = new JMenuItem(m_ddQ.getDisplayName(Env.getCtx()), wi); m_ddM.setToolTipText(m_ddQ.toString()); m_ddM.addActionListener(this); pop.add(m_ddM); } if (m_daQ != null) { m_daM = new JMenuItem(m_daQ.getDisplayName(Env.getCtx()), wi); m_daM.setToolTipText(m_daQ.toString()); m_daM.addActionListener(this); pop.add(m_daM); } Point pp = e.getPoint(); pop.show((Component) e.getSource(), pp.x, pp.y); return; } setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); if (m_drillDown) { MQuery query = m_viewPanel.getDrillDown(point); if (query != null) { log.info("Drill Down: " + query.getWhereClause(true)); executeDrill(query); } } else if ((comboDrill.getSelectedItem() != null) && (comboDrill.getSelectedIndex() > 0)) { MQuery query = m_viewPanel.getDrillAcross(point); if (query != null) { NamePair pp = (NamePair) comboDrill.getSelectedItem(); query.setTableName(pp.getID()); log.info("Drill Accross: " + query.getWhereClause(true)); executeDrill(query); } } cmd_drill(); // setCursor } // mouse_clicked