private void configureAnnotationFromDefinition(AnnotationNode definition, AnnotationNode root) { ClassNode type = definition.getClassNode(); if (!type.isResolved()) return; Class clazz = type.getTypeClass(); if (clazz == Retention.class) { Expression exp = definition.getMember("value"); if (!(exp instanceof PropertyExpression)) return; PropertyExpression pe = (PropertyExpression) exp; String name = pe.getPropertyAsString(); RetentionPolicy policy = RetentionPolicy.valueOf(name); setRetentionPolicy(policy, root); } else if (clazz == Target.class) { Expression exp = definition.getMember("value"); if (!(exp instanceof ListExpression)) return; ListExpression le = (ListExpression) exp; int bitmap = 0; for (Expression e : le.getExpressions()) { PropertyExpression element = (PropertyExpression) e; String name = element.getPropertyAsString(); ElementType value = ElementType.valueOf(name); bitmap |= getElementCode(value); } root.setAllowedTargets(bitmap); } }
protected Expression transformPropertyExpression(PropertyExpression pe) { boolean oldInPropertyExpression = inPropertyExpression; Expression oldFoundArgs = foundArgs; Expression oldFoundConstant = foundConstant; inPropertyExpression = true; foundArgs = null; foundConstant = null; Expression objectExpression = transform(pe.getObjectExpression()); boolean candidate = false; if (objectExpression instanceof MethodCallExpression) { candidate = ((MethodCallExpression) objectExpression).isImplicitThis(); } if (foundArgs != null && foundConstant != null && candidate) { Expression result = findStaticMethodImportFromModule(foundConstant, foundArgs); if (result != null) { objectExpression = result; objectExpression.setSourcePosition(pe); } } inPropertyExpression = oldInPropertyExpression; foundArgs = oldFoundArgs; foundConstant = oldFoundConstant; pe.setObjectExpression(objectExpression); return pe; }
@Override public void visitPropertyExpression(final PropertyExpression pexp) { super.visitPropertyExpression(pexp); Object dynamic = pexp.getNodeMetaData(StaticTypesMarker.DYNAMIC_RESOLUTION); if (dynamic != null) { pexp.getObjectExpression() .putNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.RECEIVER_OF_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY, dynamic); } }
public void visitPropertyExpression(PropertyExpression expression) { boolean ipe = inPropertyExpression; inPropertyExpression = true; expression.getObjectExpression().visit(this); inPropertyExpression = false; expression.getProperty().visit(this); checkPropertyOnExplicitThis(expression); inPropertyExpression = ipe; }
/** * a property on "this", like this.x is transformed to a direct field access, so we need to check * the static context here * * @param pe the property expression to check */ private void checkPropertyOnExplicitThis(PropertyExpression pe) { if (!currentScope.isInStaticContext()) return; Expression object = pe.getObjectExpression(); if (!(object instanceof VariableExpression)) return; VariableExpression ve = (VariableExpression) object; if (!ve.getName().equals("this")) return; String name = pe.getPropertyAsString(); if (name == null || name.equals("class")) return; Variable member = findClassMember(currentClass, name); if (member == null) return; checkVariableContextAccess(member, pe); }
private Expression transformInlineConstants(Expression exp) { if (exp instanceof PropertyExpression) { PropertyExpression pe = (PropertyExpression) exp; if (pe.getObjectExpression() instanceof ClassExpression) { ClassExpression ce = (ClassExpression) pe.getObjectExpression(); ClassNode type = ce.getType(); if (type.isEnum()) return exp; Expression constant = findConstant(type.getField(pe.getPropertyAsString())); // GRECLIPSE edit // if (constant != null) return constant; if (constant != null) { String name = pe.getText().replace('$', '.'); Object alias = pe.getNodeMetaData("static.import.alias"); if (alias != null && !alias.equals(pe.getPropertyAsString())) { name += " as " + alias; } // store the qualified name to facilitate organizing static imports constant.setNodeMetaData("static.import", name); return constant; } // GRECLIPSE end } } else if (exp instanceof ListExpression) { ListExpression le = (ListExpression) exp; ListExpression result = new ListExpression(); for (Expression e : le.getExpressions()) { result.addExpression(transformInlineConstants(e)); } return result; } return exp; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Enum> T getEnumMemberValue( AnnotationNode node, String name, Class<T> type, T defaultValue) { if (node == null) return defaultValue; final PropertyExpression member = (PropertyExpression) node.getMember(name); if (member == null) return defaultValue; if (!type.equals(member.getObjectExpression().getType().getTypeClass())) return defaultValue; try { String value = member.getPropertyAsString(); Method fromString = type.getMethod("valueOf", String.class); return (T) fromString.invoke(null, value); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } }
private Expression transformInlineConstants(Expression exp) { if (exp instanceof PropertyExpression) { PropertyExpression pe = (PropertyExpression) exp; if (pe.getObjectExpression() instanceof ClassExpression) { ClassExpression ce = (ClassExpression) pe.getObjectExpression(); ClassNode type = ce.getType(); if (type.isEnum()) return exp; Expression constant = findConstant(type.getField(pe.getPropertyAsString())); if (constant != null) return constant; } } else if (exp instanceof ListExpression) { ListExpression le = (ListExpression) exp; ListExpression result = new ListExpression(); for (Expression e : le.getExpressions()) { result.addExpression(transformInlineConstants(e)); } return result; } return exp; }
@Override protected boolean existsProperty( final PropertyExpression pexp, final boolean checkForReadOnly, final ClassCodeVisitorSupport visitor) { Expression objectExpression = pexp.getObjectExpression(); ClassNode objectExpressionType = getType(objectExpression); final Reference<ClassNode> rType = new Reference<ClassNode>(objectExpressionType); ClassCodeVisitorSupport receiverMemoizer = new ClassCodeVisitorSupport() { @Override protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() { return null; } public void visitField(final FieldNode node) { if (visitor != null) visitor.visitField(node); ClassNode declaringClass = node.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass != null) rType.set(declaringClass); } public void visitMethod(final MethodNode node) { if (visitor != null) visitor.visitMethod(node); ClassNode declaringClass = node.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass != null) rType.set(declaringClass); } @Override public void visitProperty(final PropertyNode node) { if (visitor != null) visitor.visitProperty(node); ClassNode declaringClass = node.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass != null) rType.set(declaringClass); } }; boolean exists = super.existsProperty(pexp, checkForReadOnly, receiverMemoizer); if (exists) { if (objectExpression.getNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.PROPERTY_OWNER) == null) { objectExpression.putNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.PROPERTY_OWNER, rType.get()); } if (StaticTypeCheckingSupport.implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf( objectExpressionType, ClassHelper.LIST_TYPE)) { objectExpression.putNodeMetaData( COMPONENT_TYPE, inferComponentType(objectExpressionType, ClassHelper.int_TYPE)); } } return exists; }
protected Expression transformPropertyExpression(PropertyExpression pe) { if (currentMethod != null && currentMethod.isStatic() && pe.getObjectExpression() instanceof VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression) pe.getObjectExpression()).isSuperExpression()) { PropertyExpression pexp = new PropertyExpression( new ClassExpression(currentClass.getSuperClass()), transform(pe.getProperty())); pexp.setSourcePosition(pe); return pexp; } boolean oldInPropertyExpression = inPropertyExpression; Expression oldFoundArgs = foundArgs; Expression oldFoundConstant = foundConstant; inPropertyExpression = true; foundArgs = null; foundConstant = null; Expression objectExpression = transform(pe.getObjectExpression()); boolean candidate = false; if (objectExpression instanceof MethodCallExpression) { candidate = ((MethodCallExpression) objectExpression).isImplicitThis(); } if (foundArgs != null && foundConstant != null && candidate) { Expression result = findStaticMethodImportFromModule(foundConstant, foundArgs); if (result != null) { objectExpression = result; objectExpression.setSourcePosition(pe); } } inPropertyExpression = oldInPropertyExpression; foundArgs = oldFoundArgs; foundConstant = oldFoundConstant; pe.setObjectExpression(objectExpression); return pe; }
private void writeListDotProperty( final Expression receiver, final String methodName, final MethodVisitor mv, final boolean safe) { ClassNode componentType = (ClassNode) receiver.getNodeMetaData(StaticCompilationMetadataKeys.COMPONENT_TYPE); if (componentType == null) { componentType = OBJECT_TYPE; } // for lists, replace with: // def result = new ArrayList(list.size()) // for (e in list) { result.add ( } // result CompileStack compileStack = controller.getCompileStack(); Label exit = new Label(); if (safe) { receiver.visit(controller.getAcg()); Label doGet = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNONNULL, doGet); controller.getOperandStack().remove(1); mv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, exit); mv.visitLabel(doGet); } Variable tmpList = new VariableExpression("tmpList", make(ArrayList.class)); int var = compileStack.defineTemporaryVariable(tmpList, false); Variable iterator = new VariableExpression("iterator", Iterator_TYPE); int it = compileStack.defineTemporaryVariable(iterator, false); Variable nextVar = new VariableExpression("next", componentType); final int next = compileStack.defineTemporaryVariable(nextVar, false); mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, "java/util/ArrayList"); mv.visitInsn(DUP); receiver.visit(controller.getAcg()); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/List", "size", "()I", true); controller.getOperandStack().remove(1); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/util/ArrayList", "<init>", "(I)V", false); mv.visitVarInsn(ASTORE, var); Label l1 = new Label(); mv.visitLabel(l1); receiver.visit(controller.getAcg()); mv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/List", "iterator", "()Ljava/util/Iterator;", true); controller.getOperandStack().remove(1); mv.visitVarInsn(ASTORE, it); Label l2 = new Label(); mv.visitLabel(l2); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, it); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/Iterator", "hasNext", "()Z", true); Label l3 = new Label(); mv.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, l3); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, it); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/Iterator", "next", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", true); mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, BytecodeHelper.getClassInternalName(componentType)); mv.visitVarInsn(ASTORE, next); Label l4 = new Label(); mv.visitLabel(l4); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, var); final ClassNode finalComponentType = componentType; PropertyExpression pexp = new PropertyExpression( new BytecodeExpression() { @Override public void visit(final MethodVisitor mv) { mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, next); } @Override public ClassNode getType() { return finalComponentType; } }, methodName); pexp.visit(controller.getAcg()); controller.getOperandStack().box(); controller.getOperandStack().remove(1); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/List", "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z", true); mv.visitInsn(POP); Label l5 = new Label(); mv.visitLabel(l5); mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, l2); mv.visitLabel(l3); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, var); if (safe) { mv.visitLabel(exit); } controller.getOperandStack().push(make(ArrayList.class)); controller.getCompileStack().removeVar(next); controller.getCompileStack().removeVar(it); controller.getCompileStack().removeVar(var); }
/** * Set the source position of toSet including its property expression if it has one. * * @param toSet resulting node * @param origNode original node */ private void setSourcePosition(Expression toSet, Expression origNode) { toSet.setSourcePosition(origNode); if (toSet instanceof PropertyExpression) { ((PropertyExpression) toSet).getProperty().setSourcePosition(origNode); } }