/** * @return Returns the filename hint for an attribute set. The first take is the attribute sets * resource associated with the algorithm. If this fails, we try to name the file after the * algorithm itself. */ static IPath getDefaultHint(String componentId, String prefix) { final ProcessingComponentDescriptor component = WorkbenchCorePlugin.getDefault().getComponent(componentId); String nameHint = component.getAttributeSetsResource(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(nameHint)) { // Try a fallback. nameHint = FileDialogs.sanitizeFileName(prefix + componentId + "-attributes.xml"); } return new Path(nameHint); }
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "C2 integration (File API)") @Override protected void doStart() throws ElasticsearchException { try { Settings.Builder builder = Settings.builder(); Path pluginConfigPath = environment.configFile().resolve(ClusteringPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME); if (!Files.isDirectory(pluginConfigPath)) { Path srcConfig = Paths.get("src/main/config"); if (Files.isDirectory(srcConfig)) { // Allow running from within the IDE. pluginConfigPath = srcConfig; } else { throw new ElasticsearchException("Config folder missing: " + pluginConfigPath); } } else { logger.info("Configuration files at: {}", pluginConfigPath.toAbsolutePath()); } for (String configName : new String[] {"config.yml", "config.yaml", "config.json", "config.properties"}) { try { Path resolved = pluginConfigPath.resolve(configName); if (resolved != null && Files.exists(resolved)) { builder.loadFromPath(resolved); } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { logger.warn("Could not parse: {}", e, configName); } } Settings c2Settings = builder.build(); // Parse suite descriptors with loggers turned off (shut them up a bit). final Path suitePath = pluginConfigPath.resolve(c2Settings.get(DEFAULT_SUITE_PROPERTY_NAME)); if (!Files.isRegularFile(suitePath)) { throw new ElasticsearchException( "Could not find algorithm suite: " + suitePath.toAbsolutePath().normalize()); } final ResourceLookup suiteLookup = new ResourceLookup(new DirLocator(suitePath.getParent().toFile())); final IResource suiteResource = suiteLookup.getFirst(suitePath.getFileName().toString()); final List<String> failed = Lists.newArrayList(); final ProcessingComponentSuite suite = LoggerUtils.quietCall( new Callable<ProcessingComponentSuite>() { public ProcessingComponentSuite call() throws Exception { ProcessingComponentSuite suite = ProcessingComponentSuite.deserialize(suiteResource, suiteLookup); for (ProcessingComponentDescriptor desc : suite.removeUnavailableComponents()) { failed.add(desc.getId()); if (isNoClassDefFound(desc.getInitializationFailure())) { logger.debug("Algorithm not available on classpath: {}", desc.getId()); } else { logger.warn( "Algorithm initialization failed: {}", desc.getInitializationFailure(), desc.getId()); } } return suite; } }, Logger.getLogger(ProcessingComponentDescriptor.class), Logger.getLogger(ReflectionUtils.class)); algorithms = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ProcessingComponentDescriptor descriptor : suite.getAlgorithms()) { algorithms.add(descriptor.getId()); } algorithms = Collections.unmodifiableList(algorithms); if (!algorithms.isEmpty()) { logger.info("Available clustering components: {}", Joiner.on(", ").join(algorithms)); } if (!failed.isEmpty()) { logger.info("Unavailable clustering components: {}", Joiner.on(", ").join(failed)); } final Path resourcesPath = pluginConfigPath .resolve(c2Settings.get(DEFAULT_RESOURCES_PROPERTY_NAME, ".")) .toAbsolutePath() .normalize(); logger.info("Lexical resources dir: {}", resourcesPath); final ResourceLookup resourceLookup = new ResourceLookup( new DirLocator(resourcesPath.toFile()), new ClassLoaderLocator(ControllerSingleton.class.getClassLoader())); // Change the default resource lookup to include the configured location. Map<String, Object> c2SettingsAsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); DefaultLexicalDataFactoryDescriptor.attributeBuilder(c2SettingsAsMap) .resourceLookup(resourceLookup); c2SettingsAsMap.putAll(c2Settings.getAsMap()); // Set up the license for Lingo3G, if it's available. Path lingo3gLicense = scanForLingo3GLicense(environment, pluginConfigPath); if (lingo3gLicense != null && Files.isReadable(lingo3gLicense)) { c2SettingsAsMap.put("license", new FileResource(lingo3gLicense.toFile())); } else if (algorithms.contains("lingo3g")) { logger.warn( "Lingo3G is on classpath, but no licenses have been found. Check out the documentation."); } // Create component pool. Integer poolSize = c2Settings.getAsInt(DEFAULT_COMPONENT_SIZE_PROPERTY_NAME, 0); if (poolSize > 0) { controller = ControllerFactory.createPooling(poolSize); } else { controller = ControllerFactory.createPooling(); } controller.init(c2SettingsAsMap, suite.getComponentConfigurations()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ElasticsearchException("Could not start Carrot2 controller.", e); } if (algorithms == null || algorithms.isEmpty()) { throw new ElasticsearchException( "No registered/ available clustering algorithms? Check the logs, it's odd."); } }