// loadConfig. Called onEnable in main class. public void loadConfig() { // Create new properties file with the file string. Properties properties = new Properties(plugin.ConfigurationFileString); try { // Try to load it. If not return an error. properties.load(); } catch (IOException e) { plugin.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "[LC] " + e); } // Set variables for TOOLS this.ToolLevels.put(Material.WOOD_SWORD.getId(), properties.getInteger("WoodenSwordLevel", 0)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.STONE_SWORD.getId(), properties.getInteger("StoneSwordLevel", 5)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.IRON_SWORD.getId(), properties.getInteger("IronSwordLevel", 10)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.GOLD_SWORD.getId(), properties.getInteger("GoldSwordLevel", 20)); this.ToolLevels.put( Material.DIAMOND_SWORD.getId(), properties.getInteger("DiamondSwordLevel", 30)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.WOOD_AXE.getId(), properties.getInteger("WoodenBAxeLevel", 0)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.STONE_AXE.getId(), properties.getInteger("StoneBAxeLevel", 5)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.IRON_AXE.getId(), properties.getInteger("IronBAxeLevel", 10)); this.ToolLevels.put(Material.GOLD_AXE.getId(), properties.getInteger("GoldBAxeLevel", 20)); this.ToolLevels.put( Material.DIAMOND_AXE.getId(), properties.getInteger("DiamondBAxeLevel", 30)); // Set variables for EXP PER this.ExpPerDamage = properties.getDouble("ExpPerDamage", 5); this.Baxes = properties.getBoolean("EnableBattleAxes", true); // this.pvpRangeEnable = properties.getBoolean("EnablePvpOnlyRange", false); this.pvpRange = properties.getInteger("PvpRange", 5); }
public void loadPreferences(String name) { File pref = new File(root + File.separator + name + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); c.load(); armourType.put(name.toString(), getArmour(c.getString("Preferences.ArmourType", "NONE"))); blockHead.put( name.toString(), new ItemStack((Material.getMaterial(c.getString("Preferences.BlockOnHead", "AIR"))), 1)); swordType.put( name.toString(), Material.getMaterial(c.getString("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString()))); }
public void createPreferenceFile(String name) { File pref = new File(root + File.separator + name + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); if (!doesPlayerHavePreferenceFile(name)) { try { pref.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } c.setProperty("Preferences.ArmourType", "NONE"); c.setProperty("Preferences.BlockOnHead", "AIR"); c.setProperty("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString()); c.save(); } }
public void modifyBlockOnHead(Player p, int material) { int level = Statistics.playerLevel.get(p.getName()); File pref = new File(root + File.separator + p.getName() + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); c.load(); Material m = Material.getMaterial(material); if (level >= 40) { if (m == null || m == Material.AIR) { p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " + Warzone.li.getObj("Invalid Material Type!")); return; } c.setProperty("Preferences.ArmourType", c.getString("Preferences.ArmourType", "NONE")); c.setProperty( "Preferences.BlockOnHead", c.getString("Preferences.BlockOnHead", m.toString().toUpperCase())); c.setProperty( "Preferences.Sword", c.getString("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString())); blockHead.put(p.getName(), new ItemStack(m, 1)); p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " + ChatColor.GREEN + "Block preference changed to " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + m.toString().toUpperCase() + ChatColor.GREEN + " successfully!"); c.save(); } else { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " + Warzone.li.getObj("You must be level") + "40" + Warzone.li.getObj("or above to do this") + "!"); return; } }
public void modifyArmourPreference(Player p, Armour a) { int level = Statistics.playerLevel.get(p.getName()); File pref = new File(root + File.separator + p.getName() + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); c.load(); if (a != null) { boolean canusearmour = false; int l = 0; switch (a) { case LEATHER: if (level >= 10) { canusearmour = true; break; } else { l = 10; break; } case IRON: if (level >= 20) { canusearmour = true; break; } else { l = 20; break; } case GOLD: if (level >= 30) { canusearmour = true; break; } else { l = 30; break; } case DIAMOND: if (level >= 40) { canusearmour = true; break; } else { l = 40; break; } } if (canusearmour) { c.setProperty("Preferences.ArmourType", a.toString()); c.setProperty("Preferences.BlockOnHead", c.getString("Preferences.BlockOnHead", "AIR")); c.setProperty( "Preferences.Sword", c.getString("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString())); c.save(); p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone]" + ChatColor.GREEN + " " + Warzone.li.getObj("Armour type changed to") + " " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + a.toString() + ChatColor.GREEN + " " + Warzone.li.getObj("sucessfully!")); armourType.put(p.getName(), a); } else { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " + Warzone.li.getObj("You must be level") + " " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + l + ChatColor.RED + " " + Warzone.li.getObj("to wield this armour!")); } } else { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " + Warzone.li.getObj("Error : Armour type can only be") + " NONE, LEATHER, IRON, GOLD or DIAMOND."); return; } }