@Override @SuppressWarnings( "deprecation") // Player.updateInventory has been deprecated for a while with no alternative // available yet public void onClick(final InventoryClickEvent click) { final int last = click.getView().getTopInventory().getSize() - 1; // cancel shift clicks on items outside of delivery inventory to prevent indirect moving of // items into delivery inventory if (click.isShiftClick() && (click.getCurrentItem().getTypeId() != Material.AIR.getId()) && (click.getRawSlot() > last)) click.setCancelled(true); // cancel clicks with item on cursor in delivery inventory to prevent direct placement of items // into delivery inventory if ((click.getCursor().getTypeId() != Material.AIR.getId()) && (click.getRawSlot() >= 0) && (click.getRawSlot() <= last)) click.setCancelled(true); if (click.isCancelled()) { click.setCursor(click.getCursor()); ((Player) click.getWhoClicked()).updateInventory(); this.courier.send((Player) click.getWhoClicked(), "withdraw-only"); } }
public TARDISCommands(TARDIS plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; // add transparent blocks transparent.add((byte) Material.AIR.getId()); transparent.add((byte) Material.SNOW.getId()); transparent.add((byte) Material.LONG_GRASS.getId()); transparent.add((byte) Material.VINE.getId()); // add first arguments firstArgs.add("chameleon"); firstArgs.add("save"); firstArgs.add("removesave"); firstArgs.add("list"); firstArgs.add("help"); firstArgs.add("find"); firstArgs.add("reload"); firstArgs.add("add"); firstArgs.add("remove"); firstArgs.add("update"); firstArgs.add("rebuild"); firstArgs.add("comehere"); firstArgs.add("direction"); firstArgs.add("setdest"); firstArgs.add("hide"); firstArgs.add("home"); firstArgs.add("occupy"); firstArgs.add("namekey"); firstArgs.add("version"); }
private static void initTransparentBlocks() { transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.AIR.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.BREWING_STAND.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.CAKE.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.CROPS.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.DETECTOR_RAIL.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.DIODE_BLOCK_ON.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.DIODE_BLOCK_OFF.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.LADDER.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.LAVA.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.LEVER.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.LONG_GRASS.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.MELON_STEM.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.NETHER_STALK.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.PAINTING.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.PORTAL.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.POWERED_RAIL.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.PUMPKIN_STEM.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.RAILS.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.RED_MUSHROOM.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.RED_ROSE.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.REDSTONE_WIRE.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.SAPLING.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.SIGN_POST.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.SNOW.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.TORCH.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.VINE.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.WATER.getId()).byteValue()); transparentBlocks.add(((Integer) Material.YELLOW_FLOWER.getId()).byteValue()); }
/** * We listen to BlockPlace events for obvious reasons. * * @param event the event */ @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void onBlockPlace(final BlockPlaceEvent event) { /* * ____ _ _ ____ _ * | __ )| | ___ ___| | __ | _ \| | __ _ ___ ___ * | _ \| |/ _ \ / __| |/ / | |_) | |/ _` |/ __/ _ \ * | |_) | | (_) | (__| < | __/| | (_| | (_| __/ * |____/|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\ |_| |_|\__,_|\___\___| */ final Block block = event.getBlockPlaced(); final Block blockAgainst = event.getBlockAgainst(); // We don't care about null blocks. if (block == null || blockAgainst == null) return; final Material mat = block.getType(); final Player player = event.getPlayer(); boolean cancelled = false; // Check if the block may be placed against a certain material. // TODO: Maybe make it an extra check after all. final int againstId = blockAgainst.getTypeId(); if (BlockProperties.isLiquid(againstId)) { if ((mat != Material.WATER_LILY || !BlockProperties.isLiquid(block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getTypeId())) && !player.hasPermission(Permissions.BLOCKPLACE_AGAINST_LIQUIDS)) cancelled = true; } else if (againstId == Material.AIR.getId()) { if (!player.hasPermission(Permissions.BLOCKPLACE_AGAINST_AIR)) cancelled = true; } // First, the fast place check. if (fastPlace.isEnabled(player)) { if (fastPlace.check(player, block)) cancelled = true; else // Combined speed: if (Improbable.check(player, 1f, System.currentTimeMillis())) cancelled = true; } // Second, the no swing check (player doesn't swing his arm when placing a lily pad). if (!cancelled && mat != Material.WATER_LILY && noSwing.isEnabled(player) && noSwing.check(player)) cancelled = true; // Third, the reach check. if (!cancelled && reach.isEnabled(player) && reach.check(player, block.getLocation())) cancelled = true; // Fourth, the direction check. if (!cancelled && direction.isEnabled(player) && direction.check(player, block.getLocation(), blockAgainst.getLocation())) cancelled = true; // If one of the checks requested to cancel the event, do so. if (cancelled) event.setCancelled(cancelled); }
protected void setCellEmpty(int aMazeX, int aMazeY, int aMazeZ) { for (int wx = 0; wx < corridorWidth; wx++) { for (int wz = 0; wz < corridorWidth; wz++) { for (int y = 0; y < corridorHeight; y++) { area.get(getX(aMazeX) + wx, getY(aMazeY) + y, getZ(aMazeZ) + wz).id = Material.AIR.getId(); } } } }
protected void breakWall(int aMazeX, int aMazeY, int aMazeZ, int aMazeDirection) { int lDx = fMaze.getDeltaX(aMazeDirection); int lDy = fMaze.getDeltaY(aMazeDirection); int lDz = fMaze.getDeltaZ(aMazeDirection); // normaler gang? if (lDy == 0) { if (lDz == 0) { for (int wd = 0; wd < corridorWidth; wd++) { for (int w = 1; w <= wallThickness; w++) { for (int y = 0; y < corridorHeight; y++) { area.get(getX(aMazeX) + w * lDx, getY(aMazeY) + y, getZ(aMazeZ) + wd).id = Material.AIR.getId(); } } } } else { for (int wd = 0; wd < corridorWidth; wd++) { for (int w = 1; w <= wallThickness; w++) { for (int y = 0; y < corridorHeight; y++) { area.get(getX(aMazeX) + wd, getY(aMazeY) + y, getZ(aMazeZ) + w * lDz).id = Material.AIR.getId(); } } } } } else { if (upDownUseCorridorWidth) { for (int wz = 0; wz < corridorWidth; wz++) { for (int wx = 0; wx < corridorWidth; wx++) { for (int w = 1; w <= ceilingThickness; w++) { area.get(getX(aMazeX) + wx, getY(aMazeY) + lDy * w, getZ(aMazeZ) + wz).id = Material.AIR.getId(); } } } } else { for (int w = 1; w <= ceilingThickness; w++) { area.get(getX(aMazeX), getY(aMazeY) + lDy * w, getZ(aMazeZ)).id = Material.AIR.getId(); } } } }
protected void randomizeMaterials() { switch (random.nextInt(5)) { case 0: // lava, sand/sandstone/stone, mushroom stalks byteLiquid = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_LAVA.getId(); byteStone = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); byteDirt = (byte) Material.SANDSTONE.getId(); byteGrass = (byte) Material.SAND.getId(); intTreeTrunk = Material.HUGE_MUSHROOM_1.getId(); intTreeLeaves = intAir; byteTreeData = (byte) (random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? 10 : 1); break; case 1: // air, sand/sandstone/stone, cactus byteLiquid = (byte) Material.AIR.getId(); byteStone = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); byteDirt = (byte) Material.SANDSTONE.getId(); byteGrass = (byte) Material.SAND.getId(); intTreeTrunk = Material.CACTUS.getId(); intTreeLeaves = intAir; minTreeHeight = 2; maxTreeHeight = 4; break; case 3: // water, glass/glowstone/endstone, crystals byteLiquid = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_WATER.getId(); byteStone = (byte) Material.ENDER_STONE.getId(); byteDirt = (byte) Material.SOUL_SAND.getId(); byteGrass = (byte) Material.MYCEL.getId(); intTreeTrunk = Material.GLOWSTONE.getId(); intTreeLeaves = Material.THIN_GLASS.getId(); break; default: // water, grass/dirt/stone, normal trees are the default byteTreeData = (byte) random.nextInt(3); break; } }
public int calculateCost() { if (pw.isPlotCostCalculated()) { int cost = 0; int higherX = Math.max(location1.getBlockX(), location2.getBlockX()); int lowerX = Math.min(location1.getBlockX(), location2.getBlockX()); int higherZ = Math.max(location1.getBlockZ(), location2.getBlockZ()); int lowerZ = Math.min(location1.getBlockZ(), location2.getBlockZ()); BlockPriceDefinition bpd = pw.getPlotBlockPrices(); World w = location1.getWorld(); for (int x = lowerX; x <= higherX; x++) { for (int z = lowerZ; z <= higherZ; z++) { for (int y = 0; y <= w.getHighestBlockYAt(x, z); y++) { Block b = w.getBlockAt(x, y, z); if (b.getTypeId() != Material.AIR.getId()) cost += bpd.getBlockPrice(b.getTypeId()); } } } return cost; } else { return pw.getUncalculatedCostPerBlock() * Math.abs( (location1.getBlockX() - location2.getBlockX()) * (location1.getBlockZ() - location2.getBlockZ())); } }
public void manageDeath(PlayerKilledEvent event) { Gamer killed = event.getKilled(); final Player p = killed.getPlayer(); p.setHealth(20); if (event.isCancelled()) return; for (HumanEntity human : p.getInventory().getViewers()) human.closeInventory(); p.leaveVehicle(); p.eject(); p.setLevel(0); p.setExp(0F); if (event.getDeathMessage().equals(ChatColor.stripColor(event.getDeathMessage()))) event.setDeathMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + event.getDeathMessage()); event.setDeathMessage( this.formatDeathMessage( event.getDeathMessage().replace("%Remaining%", "" + (getAliveGamers().size() - 1)), p)); if (event.getKillerPlayer() != null) { event.getKillerPlayer().addKill(); event.setDeathMessage( this.formatDeathMessage(event.getDeathMessage(), event.getKillerPlayer().getPlayer())); } Bukkit.broadcastMessage(event.getDeathMessage()); int reward = hg.getPrize(getAliveGamers().size()); if (reward > 0) killed.addBalance(reward); hg.cannon(); killed.clearInventory(); World world = p.getWorld(); for (ItemStack item : event.getDrops()) { if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR || item.containsEnchantment(EnchantmentManager.UNLOOTABLE)) continue; else if (item.hasItemMeta()) world .dropItemNaturally(event.getDropsLocation(), item.clone()) .getItemStack() .setItemMeta(item.getItemMeta()); else world.dropItemNaturally(event.getDropsLocation(), item); } setSpectator(killed); ScoreboardManager.makeScore( "Main", DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR, cm.getScoreboardPlayersLength(), getAliveGamers().size()); hg.checkWinner(); p.setVelocity(new Vector()); for (PotionEffect effect : p.getActivePotionEffects()) p.removePotionEffect(effect.getType()); p.teleport(p.getWorld().getHighestBlockAt(p.getLocation()).getLocation().clone().add(0, 10, 0)); p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, 40, 9), true); p.sendBlockChange(p.getLocation(), Material.PORTAL.getId(), (byte) 0); p.sendBlockChange(p.getLocation(), Material.AIR.getId(), (byte) 0); for (Entity entity : p.getWorld().getEntities()) { if (entity instanceof Tameable && ((Tameable) entity).isTamed() && ((Tameable) entity).getOwner().getName().equals(p.getName())) { if (entity instanceof Wolf) ((Wolf) entity).setSitting(true); else if (entity instanceof Ocelot) ((Ocelot) entity).setSitting(true); else entity.remove(); } if (entity instanceof Creature && ((Creature) entity).getTarget() == p) ((Creature) entity).setTarget(null); } if (HungergamesApi.getConfigManager().getMainConfig().isKickOnDeath() && !p.hasPermission("hungergames.spectate")) p.kickPlayer(String.format(cm.getKickDeathMessage(), event.getDeathMessage())); HungergamesApi.getAbilityManager().unregisterPlayer(p); HungergamesApi.getInventoryManager().updateSpectatorHeads(); }
public abstract class PlatLot { // extremes private CachedYs blockYs; protected int averageHeight; protected int minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; protected int minHeightX = 0; protected int minHeightZ = 0; protected int maxHeight = Integer.MIN_VALUE; protected int maxHeightX = 0; protected int maxHeightZ = 0; protected Random platmapRandom; protected Random chunkRandom; // styling! public enum LotStyle { NATURE, STRUCTURE, ROAD, ROUNDABOUT }; public LotStyle style; public PlatLot(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { super(); initializeDice(platmap, chunkX, chunkZ); style = LotStyle.NATURE; } protected static final byte airId = (byte) Material.AIR.getId(); protected static final byte stoneId = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); protected static final byte dirtId = (byte) Material.DIRT.getId(); protected static final byte grassId = (byte) Material.GRASS.getId(); protected static final byte snowId = (byte) Material.SNOW_BLOCK.getId(); protected static final byte sandId = (byte) Material.SAND.getId(); protected static final byte sandstoneId = (byte) Material.SANDSTONE.getId(); protected static final byte bedrockId = (byte) Material.BEDROCK.getId(); protected static final byte fenceId = (byte) Material.FENCE.getId(); protected static final byte cobbleId = (byte) Material.COBBLESTONE.getId(); protected static final byte stillWaterId = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_WATER.getId(); protected static final byte stillLavaId = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_LAVA.getId(); protected static final byte waterId = (byte) Material.WATER.getId(); protected static final byte lavaId = (byte) Material.LAVA.getId(); protected static final byte leavesId = (byte) Material.LEAVES.getId(); protected static final byte glassId = (byte) Material.GLASS.getId(); protected static final byte paneId = (byte) Material.THIN_GLASS.getId(); protected static final byte logId = (byte) Material.LOG.getId(); protected static final byte glowId = (byte) Material.GLOWSTONE.getId(); protected static final byte stepId = (byte) Material.STEP.getId(); protected static final byte clayId = (byte) Material.CLAY.getId(); protected static final byte ironFenceId = (byte) Material.IRON_FENCE.getId(); protected static final byte endId = (byte) Material.ENDER_STONE.getId(); protected static final byte netherrackId = (byte) Material.NETHERRACK.getId(); protected static final byte soulsandId = (byte) Material.SOUL_SAND.getId(); protected static final int snowMaterialId = Material.SNOW.getId(); protected static final Material snowMaterial = Material.SNOW; protected static final Material airMaterial = Material.AIR; protected static final Material stoneMaterial = Material.STONE; protected static final Material rootMaterial = Material.GRASS; public abstract long getConnectedKey(); public abstract boolean makeConnected(PlatLot relative); public abstract boolean isConnectable(PlatLot relative); public abstract boolean isConnected(PlatLot relative); protected abstract void generateActualChunk( WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, ByteChunk chunk, BiomeGrid biomes, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ); protected abstract void generateActualBlocks( WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ); public Biome getChunkBiome() { return Biome.PLAINS; } public boolean isPlaceableAt(WorldGenerator generator, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { return generator.settings.inCityRange(chunkX, chunkZ); } private void initializeDice(PlatMap platmap, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { // reset and pick up the dice platmapRandom = platmap.getRandomGenerator(); chunkRandom = platmap.getChunkRandomGenerator(chunkX, chunkZ); } protected void initializeContext(WorldGenerator generator, SupportChunk chunk) { if (blockYs == null) { blockYs = new CachedYs(generator, chunk); // what was the average height minHeight = blockYs.minHeight; minHeightX = blockYs.minHeightX; minHeightZ = blockYs.minHeightZ; maxHeight = blockYs.maxHeight; maxHeightX = blockYs.maxHeightX; maxHeightZ = blockYs.maxHeightZ; averageHeight = blockYs.averageHeight; } } private void deinitializeContext() { blockYs = null; } protected int getBlockY(int x, int z) { return blockYs == null ? 0 : blockYs.getBlockY(x, z); } protected double getPerciseY(int x, int z) { return blockYs == null ? 0 : blockYs.getPerciseY(x, z); } public abstract int getBottomY(WorldGenerator generator); public void generateChunk( WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, ByteChunk chunk, BiomeGrid biomes, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ) { initializeDice(platmap, chunk.chunkX, chunk.chunkZ); initializeContext(generator, chunk); // what do we need to first? generator.shapeProvider.preGenerateChunk(generator, this, chunk, biomes, blockYs); // let the specialized platlot do it's thing generateActualChunk(generator, platmap, chunk, biomes, context, platX, platZ); // polish things off generator.shapeProvider.postGenerateChunk(generator, this, chunk, blockYs); } public void generateBlocks( WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context, int platX, int platZ) { initializeDice(platmap, chunk.chunkX, chunk.chunkZ); initializeContext(generator, chunk); // what do we need to first? generator.shapeProvider.preGenerateBlocks(generator, this, chunk, blockYs); // let the specialized platlot do it's thing generateActualBlocks(generator, platmap, chunk, context, platX, platZ); // polish things off generator.shapeProvider.postGenerateBlocks(generator, this, chunk, blockYs); // all done deinitializeContext(); } private static final int lowestMineSegment = 16; public void generateMines(WorldGenerator generator, ByteChunk chunk) { // get shafted! (this builds down to keep the support poles happy) if (generator.settings.includeMines) for (int y = (minHeight / 16 - 1) * 16; y >= lowestMineSegment; y -= 16) { if (isShaftableLevel(generator, y)) generateHorizontalMineLevel(generator, chunk, y); } } protected int findHighestShaftableLevel( WorldGenerator generator, DataContext context, SupportChunk chunk) { // keep going down until we find what we are looking for for (int y = (minHeight / 16 - 1) * 16; y >= lowestMineSegment; y -= 16) { if (isShaftableLevel(generator, y) && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ)) return y + 7; } // nothing found return 0; } protected boolean isShaftableLevel(WorldGenerator generator, int y) { return y >= lowestMineSegment && y < minHeight && minHeight > generator.seaLevel; } private void generateHorizontalMineLevel(WorldGenerator generator, ByteChunk chunk, int y) { int y1 = y + 6; int y2 = y1 + 1; // draw the shafts/walkways boolean pathFound = false; if (generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalNSShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ)) { generateMineShaftSpace(chunk, 6, 10, y1, y1 + 4, 0, 6); generateMineNSSupport(chunk, 6, y2, 1); generateMineNSSupport(chunk, 6, y2, 4); generateMineShaftSpace(chunk, 6, 10, y1, y1 + 4, 10, 16); generateMineNSSupport(chunk, 6, y2, 11); generateMineNSSupport(chunk, 6, y2, 14); pathFound = true; } if (generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ)) { generateMineShaftSpace(chunk, 0, 6, y1, y1 + 4, 6, 10); generateMineWESupport(chunk, 1, y2, 6); generateMineWESupport(chunk, 4, y2, 6); generateMineShaftSpace(chunk, 10, 16, y1, y1 + 4, 6, 10); generateMineWESupport(chunk, 11, y2, 6); generateMineWESupport(chunk, 14, y2, 6); pathFound = true; } // draw the center bit if (pathFound) generateMineShaftSpace(chunk, 6, 10, y1, y1 + 4, 6, 10); } private static final byte shaftBridgeId = (byte) Material.WOOD.getId(); private static final byte shaftSupportId = (byte) Material.FENCE.getId(); private static final byte shaftBeamId = (byte) Material.WOOD.getId(); private void generateMineShaftSpace( ByteChunk chunk, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2) { chunk.setEmptyBlocks(x1, x2, y1, z1, z2, shaftBridgeId); chunk.setBlocks(x1, x2, y1 + 1, y2, z1, z2, airId); } private void generateMineNSSupport(ByteChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { // on a bridge if (chunk.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == shaftBridgeId && chunk.getBlock(x + 3, y - 1, z) == shaftBridgeId) { // place supports generateMineSupport(chunk, x, y - 1, z); generateMineSupport(chunk, x + 3, y - 1, z); // in a tunnel } else { chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlock(x, y + 1, z, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlock(x + 3, y, z, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlock(x + 3, y + 1, z, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlocks(x, x + 4, y + 2, z, z + 1, shaftBeamId); } } private void generateMineWESupport(ByteChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { // on a bridge if (chunk.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == shaftBridgeId && chunk.getBlock(x, y - 1, z + 3) == shaftBridgeId) { // place supports generateMineSupport(chunk, x, y - 1, z); generateMineSupport(chunk, x, y - 1, z + 3); // in a tunnel } else { chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlock(x, y + 1, z, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlock(x, y, z + 3, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlock(x, y + 1, z + 3, shaftSupportId); chunk.setBlocks(x, x + 1, y + 2, z, z + 4, shaftBeamId); } } private void generateMineSupport(ByteChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { int aboveSupport = chunk.findLastEmptyAbove(x, y, z); if (aboveSupport < maxHeight) chunk.setBlocks(x, y + 1, aboveSupport + 1, z, shaftSupportId); } public void generateMines(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk) { // get shafted! if (generator.settings.includeMines) for (int y = 0; y + 16 < minHeight; y += 16) { if (isShaftableLevel(generator, y)) generateVerticalMineLevel(generator, chunk, y); } } private void generateVerticalMineLevel(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int y) { int y1 = y + 6; boolean stairsFound = false; // going down? if (isShaftableLevel(generator, y - 16)) { if (generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalNSShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ) && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalNSShaft(chunk.chunkX, y - 16, chunk.chunkZ)) { // draw the going down bit placeMineStairBase(chunk, 10, y1, 15); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1, 14, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 1, 13, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 2, 12, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 3, 11, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 4, 10, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 5, 9, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 6, 8, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); stairsFound = true; } if (!stairsFound && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ) && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y - 16, chunk.chunkZ)) { // draw the going down bit placeMineStairBase(chunk, 15, y1, 10); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 14, y1, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 13, y1 - 1, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 12, y1 - 2, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 11, y1 - 3, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 - 4, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 9, y1 - 5, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 8, y1 - 6, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); } } // reset the stairs flag stairsFound = false; // going up? if (isShaftableLevel(generator, y + 32)) { if (generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalNSShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ) && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalNSShaft(chunk.chunkX, y + 16, chunk.chunkZ)) { // draw the going up bit placeMineStairBase(chunk, 5, y1, 15); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 1, 14, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 2, 13, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 3, 12, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 4, 11, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 5, 10, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 6, 9, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 7, 8, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 5, y1 + 8, 7, Stair.NORTH, Stair.SOUTHFLIP); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 5, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 7, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 8, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 9, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 10, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 + 9, 7, Stair.SOUTH, Stair.NORTHFLIP); generateMineSupport(chunk, 6, y1 + 7, 7); generateMineSupport(chunk, 9, y1 + 7, 7); stairsFound = true; } if (!stairsFound && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ) && generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y + 16, chunk.chunkZ)) { // draw the going up bit placeMineStairBase(chunk, 15, y1, 5); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 14, y1 + 1, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 13, y1 + 2, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 12, y1 + 3, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 11, y1 + 4, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 10, y1 + 5, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 9, y1 + 6, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 8, y1 + 7, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 7, y1 + 8, 5, Stair.WEST, Stair.EASTFLIP); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 5); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 6); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 7); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 8); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 9); placeMineStairBase(chunk, 6, y1 + 8, 10); placeMineStairStep(chunk, 7, y1 + 9, 10, Stair.EAST, Stair.WESTFLIP); generateMineSupport(chunk, 7, y1 + 7, 6); generateMineSupport(chunk, 7, y1 + 7, 9); } } // make the ceiling pretty boolean pathFound = false; if (generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalNSShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ)) { generateMineCeiling(chunk, 6, 10, y1 + 3, 0, 6); generateMineCeiling(chunk, 6, 10, y1 + 3, 10, 16); generateMineAlcove(generator, chunk, 4, y1, 2, 4, 2); generateMineAlcove(generator, chunk, 10, y1, 2, 11, 3); pathFound = true; } if (generator.shapeProvider.isHorizontalWEShaft(chunk.chunkX, y, chunk.chunkZ)) { generateMineCeiling(chunk, 0, 6, y1 + 3, 6, 10); generateMineCeiling(chunk, 10, 16, y1 + 3, 6, 10); generateMineAlcove(generator, chunk, 2, y1, 4, 2, 4); generateMineAlcove(generator, chunk, 2, y1, 10, 3, 11); pathFound = true; } // draw the center bit if (pathFound) generateMineCeiling(chunk, 6, 10, y1 + 3, 6, 10); } private void generateMineAlcove( WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, int prizeX, int prizeZ) { if (chunkRandom.nextDouble() < 0.66) { if (!chunk.isEmpty(x, y, z) && !chunk.isEmpty(x + 1, y, z) && !chunk.isEmpty(x, y, z + 1) && !chunk.isEmpty(x + 1, y, z + 1)) { chunk.setBlocks(x, x + 2, y + 1, y + 4, z, z + 2, Material.AIR); generateMineCeiling(chunk, x, x + 2, y + 3, z, z + 2); if (chunkRandom.nextDouble() < 0.66) { if (chunkRandom.nextDouble() < 0.33) generateMineTreat(generator, chunk, prizeX, y + 1, prizeZ); else generateMineTrick(generator, chunk, prizeX, y + 1, prizeZ); } } } } private void generateMineCeiling(RealChunk chunk, int x1, int x2, int y, int z1, int z2) { for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) { for (int z = z1; z < z2; z++) { if (chunkRandom.nextBoolean()) if (!chunk.isEmpty(x, y + 1, z) && chunk.isEmpty(x, y, z)) chunk.setStoneSlab(x, y, z, Direction.StoneSlab.COBBLESTONEFLIP); } } } private void generateMineSupport(RealChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { int aboveSupport = chunk.findLastEmptyAbove(x, y, z); if (aboveSupport < maxHeight) chunk.setBlocks(x, y + 1, aboveSupport + 1, z, Material.FENCE); } private void placeMineStairBase(RealChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { chunk.setBlocks(x, y + 1, y + 4, z, Material.AIR); chunk.setEmptyBlock(x, y, z, Material.WOOD); } private void placeMineStairStep( RealChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z, Stair direction, Stair flipDirection) { chunk.setBlocks(x, y + 1, y + 4, z, Material.AIR); chunk.setStair(x, y, z, Material.WOOD_STAIRS, direction); if (chunk.isEmpty(x, y - 1, z)) chunk.setStair(x, y - 1, z, Material.WOOD_STAIRS, flipDirection); } private void generateMineTreat(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { // cool stuff? if (generator.settings.treasuresInMines && chunkRandom.nextDouble() <= generator.settings.oddsOfTreasureInMines) { chunk.setChest( x, y, z, Direction.General.SOUTH, generator.lootProvider.getItems(generator, chunkRandom, LootLocation.MINE)); } } private void generateMineTrick(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, int x, int y, int z) { // not so cool stuff? if (generator.settings.spawnersInMines && chunkRandom.nextDouble() <= generator.settings.oddsOfSpawnerInMines) { chunk.setSpawner( x, y, z, generator.spawnProvider.getEntity(generator, chunkRandom, SpawnerLocation.MINE)); } } public boolean isValidStrataY(WorldGenerator generator, int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ) { return true; } public void generateOres(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk) { // shape the world if (generator.settings.includeOres || generator.settings.includeUndergroundFluids) generator.oreProvider.sprinkleOres( generator, this, chunk, blockYs, chunkRandom, OreLocation.CRUST); } // TODO move this logic to SurroundingLots, add to it the ability to produce SurroundingHeights // and SurroundingDepths public PlatLot[][] getNeighborPlatLots( PlatMap platmap, int platX, int platZ, boolean onlyConnectedNeighbors) { PlatLot[][] miniPlatMap = new PlatLot[3][3]; // populate the results for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++) { // which platchunk are we looking at? int atX = platX + x - 1; int atZ = platZ + z - 1; // is it in bounds? if (!(atX < 0 || atX > PlatMap.Width - 1 || atZ < 0 || atZ > PlatMap.Width - 1)) { PlatLot relative = platmap.getLot(atX, atZ); if (!onlyConnectedNeighbors || isConnected(relative)) { miniPlatMap[x][z] = relative; } } } } return miniPlatMap; } public void generateSurface(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, boolean includeTrees) { // plant grass or snow generator.surfaceProvider.generateSurface(generator, this, chunk, blockYs, includeTrees); } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if (!event.hasBlock()) return; Action action = event.getAction(); Player player = event.getPlayer(); Block block = event.getClickedBlock(); int type = block.getTypeId(); BlockFace face = event.getBlockFace(); if (action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) { if (Lockette.protectTrapDoors) if (type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()) { if (interactDoor(block, player)) return; event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); event.setUseItemInHand(Result.DENY); return; } if (Lockette.protectDoors) if ((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)) { if (interactDoor(block, player)) return; event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); event.setUseItemInHand(Result.DENY); return; } if (type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()) { interactSign(block, player); return; } if (type == Material.CHEST.getId()) { // Try at making a 1.7->1.8 chest fixer. Lockette.rotateChestOrientation(block, face); } if ((type == Material.CHEST.getId()) || (type == Material.DISPENSER.getId()) || (type == Material.FURNACE.getId()) || (type == Material.BURNING_FURNACE.getId()) || (type == Material.BREWING_STAND.getId()) || Lockette.isInList(type, Lockette.customBlockList)) { // Trying something out.... if (Lockette.directPlacement) if (event.hasItem()) if ((face != BlockFace.UP) && (face != BlockFace.DOWN)) { ItemStack item = event.getItem(); if (item.getTypeId() == Material.SIGN.getId()) { Block checkBlock = block.getRelative(face); type = checkBlock.getTypeId(); if (type == Material.AIR.getId()) { boolean place = false; if (Lockette.isProtected(block)) { // Add a users sign only if owner. if (Lockette.isOwner(block, player.getName())) place = true; } else place = true; // if(Lockette.altPrivate == null){}//if(Lockette.altMoreUsers == null){} if (place) { // player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Lockette: Using a sign on a container"); event.setUseItemInHand(Result.ALLOW); // ? seems to work in 568 event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); return; } } } } if (interactContainer(block, player)) return; event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); event.setUseItemInHand(Result.DENY); return; } if (type == Material.DIRT.getId()) if (event.hasItem()) { ItemStack item = event.getItem(); type = item.getTypeId(); if ((type == Material.DIAMOND_HOE.getId()) || (type == Material.GOLD_HOE.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_HOE.getId()) || (type == Material.STONE_HOE.getId()) || (type == Material.WOOD_HOE.getId())) { Block checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP); type = checkBlock.getTypeId(); if ((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)) { event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); return; } } } } else if (action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) { if (Lockette.protectTrapDoors) if (type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()) { if (interactDoor(block, player)) return; event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); event.setUseItemInHand(Result.DENY); return; } if (Lockette.protectDoors) if ((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)) { if (interactDoor(block, player)) return; event.setUseInteractedBlock(Result.DENY); event.setUseItemInHand(Result.DENY); return; } } }
// Generate a chunk @Override public byte[] generate(World world, Random rand, int chunkx, int chunkz) { // Create a byte variable to write the chunk inside and return this variable byte[] result = new byte[32768]; // This will set the whole floor to stone (the floor of each chunk) for (int y = 30 + 3; y > 0; y--) for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) result[xyzToByte(x, y, z)] = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); // Set the lowest layer to bedrock for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) result[xyzToByte(x, 0, z)] = (byte) Material.BEDROCK.getId(); // The layers for each 5 rooms in the variable y for (int y = 30; y < 30 + (7 * 6); y += 6) { // The 4 rooms on each layer saved in the variables x and z for (int x = 0; x < 16; x += 8) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z += 8) { int xr = (rand.nextInt(3) - 1) * (x + 7); int zr = (rand.nextInt(3) - 1) * (z + 7); int yfloor = rand.nextInt(2); // All the y of the room in the variable y2 for (int y2 = y + yfloor; y2 < y + 8; y2++) { // All the x of the room in the variable x2 for (int x2 = x; x2 < x + 8; x2++) { // All the z of the room in the variable z2 for (int z2 = z; z2 < z + 8; z2++) { // Make the bottom of the room if (y2 == y + yfloor) for (int xb = x; xb < x + 8; xb++) for (int zb = z; zb < z + 8; zb++) result[xyzToByte(xb, y2, zb)] = (byte) Material.COBBLESTONE.getId(); // Fill the walls of the place with cobblestone if ((x2 == x || x2 == x + 7) && (z2 == z || z2 == z + 7)) result[xyzToByte(x2, y2, z2)] = (byte) 98; else if (xr == x2) result[xyzToByte(x2, y2, z2)] = (byte) 98; else if (zr == z2) result[xyzToByte(x2, y2, z2)] = (byte) 98; else result[xyzToByte(x2, y2, z2)] = (byte) Material.AIR.getId(); } } } } } } // Create the nose generator which generates wave formes to use for the surface. Random random = new Random(world.getSeed()); SimplexOctaveGenerator octave = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(random, 8); octave.setScale(1 / 48.0); // Generate the ceiling and the grass land for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { /*int height = getHeight(world, chunkx + x * 0.0625, chunkz + z * 0.0625, 2) + 30+(7*6) + 7;*/ double height = octave.noise(x + chunkx * 16, z + chunkz * 16, 0.5, 0.5) * 4 + 9; result[xyzToByte(x, 30 + (7 * 6), z)] = (byte) Material.COBBLESTONE.getId(); for (int y = 30 + (7 * 6) + 1; y < 30 + (7 * 6) + 4; y++) result[xyzToByte(x, y, z)] = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); // Get the current biome Biome biome = world.getBiome((chunkx * 16) + x, (chunkz * 16) + z); if (biome.equals(Biome.DESERT) || biome.equals(Biome.DESERT_HILLS)) { for (int y = 30 + (7 * 6) + 4; y < 30 + (7 * 6) + 2 + height; y++) result[xyzToByte(x, y, z)] = (byte) Material.SAND.getId(); } else if (biome.equals(Biome.MUSHROOM_ISLAND) || biome.equals(Biome.MUSHROOM_ISLAND)) { for (int y = 30 + (7 * 6) + 4; y < 30 + (7 * 6) + 2 + height; y++) result[xyzToByte(x, y, z)] = (byte) Material.DIRT.getId(); result[xyzToByte(x, (int) (30 + (7 * 6) + 2 + height), z)] = (byte) Material.MYCEL.getId(); } else { for (int y = 30 + (7 * 6) + 4; y < 30 + (7 * 6) + 2 + height; y++) result[xyzToByte(x, y, z)] = (byte) Material.DIRT.getId(); result[xyzToByte(x, (int) (30 + (7 * 6) + 2 + height), z)] = (byte) Material.GRASS.getId(); } } } return result; }
public abstract class BananaWellArchetype extends WellArchetype { // normal materials protected byte byteLiquid = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_WATER.getId(); protected byte byteStone = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); protected byte byteDirt = (byte) Material.DIRT.getId(); protected byte byteGrass = (byte) Material.GRASS.getId(); protected byte byteLog = (byte) Material.LOG.getId(); protected byte byteLeaves = (byte) Material.LEAVES.getId(); protected byte byteAir = (byte) Material.AIR.getId(); protected int intOre = byteStone; protected int intTreeBase = byteGrass; protected int intTreeTrunk = byteLog; protected int intTreeLeaves = byteLeaves; protected byte byteTreeData = 0; protected int intAir = Material.AIR.getId(); protected int minTreeHeight = 5; protected int maxTreeHeight = 5; public BananaWellArchetype(World world, long seed, int wellX, int wellZ) { super(world, seed, wellX, wellZ); // figure out materials calculateMaterials(); } // override this if you want something special protected void calculateMaterials() { randomizeMaterials(); // copy over the "seed" materials used by populateOres and populateFoliage intOre = byteStone; intTreeBase = byteGrass; } protected void randomizeMaterials() { switch (random.nextInt(5)) { case 0: // lava, sand/sandstone/stone, mushroom stalks byteLiquid = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_LAVA.getId(); byteStone = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); byteDirt = (byte) Material.SANDSTONE.getId(); byteGrass = (byte) Material.SAND.getId(); intTreeTrunk = Material.HUGE_MUSHROOM_1.getId(); intTreeLeaves = intAir; byteTreeData = (byte) (random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? 10 : 1); break; case 1: // air, sand/sandstone/stone, cactus byteLiquid = (byte) Material.AIR.getId(); byteStone = (byte) Material.STONE.getId(); byteDirt = (byte) Material.SANDSTONE.getId(); byteGrass = (byte) Material.SAND.getId(); intTreeTrunk = Material.CACTUS.getId(); intTreeLeaves = intAir; minTreeHeight = 2; maxTreeHeight = 4; break; case 3: // water, glass/glowstone/endstone, crystals byteLiquid = (byte) Material.STATIONARY_WATER.getId(); byteStone = (byte) Material.ENDER_STONE.getId(); byteDirt = (byte) Material.SOUL_SAND.getId(); byteGrass = (byte) Material.MYCEL.getId(); intTreeTrunk = Material.GLOWSTONE.getId(); intTreeLeaves = Material.THIN_GLASS.getId(); break; default: // water, grass/dirt/stone, normal trees are the default byteTreeData = (byte) random.nextInt(3); break; } } @Override public void populateBlocks(Chunk chunk, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { // ores populateOres(chunk); // foliage populateFoliage(chunk); } /** * Populates the world with ores. * * @author Nightgunner5 * @author Markus Persson */ private static final int[] iterations = new int[] {10, 20, 20, 2, 8, 1, 1, 1}; private static final int[] amount = new int[] {32, 16, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6}; private static final int[] type = new int[] { Material.GRAVEL.getId(), Material.COAL_ORE.getId(), Material.IRON_ORE.getId(), Material.GOLD_ORE.getId(), Material.REDSTONE_ORE.getId(), Material.DIAMOND_ORE.getId(), Material.LAPIS_ORE.getId() }; private static final int[] maxHeight = new int[] {128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 64, 32, 16, 16, 32}; protected void populateOres(Chunk chunk) { // ores for (int i = 0; i < type.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iterations[i]; j++) { placeOre( chunk, random.nextInt(16), random.nextInt(maxHeight[i]), random.nextInt(16), amount[i], type[i]); } } } private void placeOre(Chunk source, int originX, int originY, int originZ, int amount, int type) { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int x = originX + random.nextInt(amount / 2) - amount / 4; int y = originY + random.nextInt(amount / 4) - amount / 8; int z = originZ + random.nextInt(amount / 2) - amount / 4; x &= 0xf; z &= 0xf; if (y > 127 || y < 0) { continue; } Block block = source.getBlock(x, y, z); if (block.getTypeId() == intOre) { block.setTypeId(type, false); } } } private static final int chanceRange = 150; protected void populateFoliage(Chunk chunk) { // int centerX = (chunk.getX() << 4) + random.nextInt(16); // int centerZ = (chunk.getZ() << 4) + random.nextInt(16); // if (random.nextBoolean()) { // data = 2; // height = 5 + random.nextInt(3); // } // // //EC: tweaked the biome logic a bit // switch (getBiome()) { // case FOREST: // chance = 160; // multiplier = 10; // break; // case PLAINS: // chance = 40; // break; // case RAINFOREST: // chance = 160; // multiplier = 10; // break; // case SAVANNA: // chance = 20; // break; // case SEASONAL_FOREST: // chance = 140; // multiplier = 8; // break; // case SHRUBLAND: // chance = 60; // break; // case SWAMPLAND: // chance = 120; // break; // case TAIGA: // chance = 120; // data = 1; // height = 8 + random.nextInt(3); // multiplier = 3; // break; // case TUNDRA: // chance = 10; // data = 1; // height = 7 + random.nextInt(3); // break; // case SKY: // case DESERT: // case HELL: // case ICE_DESERT: // chance = 5; // return; // } byte data = (byte) random.nextInt(3); int chance = chanceRange / 2; int height = minTreeHeight + random.nextInt(maxTreeHeight); int multiplier = 3 + random.nextInt(7); for (int i = 0; i < multiplier; i++) { int centerX = (chunk.getX() << 4) + random.nextInt(16); int centerZ = (chunk.getZ() << 4) + random.nextInt(16); if (random.nextInt(chanceRange) < chance) { int centerY = world.getHighestBlockYAt(centerX, centerZ) - 1; Block sourceBlock = world.getBlockAt(centerX, centerY, centerZ); // found a place to put it? if (sourceBlock.getTypeId() == intTreeBase) { // leaves or leave? if (intTreeLeaves != intAir) { setBlock(centerX, centerY + height + 1, centerZ, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX, centerY + height + 1, centerZ).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, // data, true); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { setBlock(centerX, centerY + height + 1 - j, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX, centerY + height + 1 - j, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height + 1 - j, centerZ, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height + 1 - j, centerZ, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX, centerY + height + 1 - j, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX, centerY + height + 1 - j, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height + 1 - j, // centerZ).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height + 1 - j, // centerZ).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); } if (random.nextBoolean()) { setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); } if (random.nextBoolean()) { setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); } if (random.nextBoolean()) { setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); } if (random.nextBoolean()) { setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); } setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ + 1, intTreeLeaves, data); setBlock(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ - 1, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 1, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ + // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 1, centerY + height - 2, centerZ - // 1).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (int k = -2; k <= 2; k++) { for (int l = -2; l <= 2; l++) { setBlock(centerX + k, centerY + height - 1 - j, centerZ + l, intTreeLeaves, data); // world.getBlockAt(centerX + k, centerY + height // - 1 - j, centerZ + l).setTypeIdAndData(intLeaves, data, true); } } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (random.nextBoolean()) clearBlock(centerX + 2, centerY + height - 1 - j, centerZ + 2); if (random.nextBoolean()) clearBlock(centerX + 2, centerY + height - 1 - j, centerZ - 2); if (random.nextBoolean()) clearBlock(centerX - 2, centerY + height - 1 - j, centerZ + 2); if (random.nextBoolean()) clearBlock(centerX - 2, centerY + height - 1 - j, centerZ - 2); // if (random.nextBoolean()) { // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 2, centerY + height - 1 // - j, centerZ + 2).setTypeIdAndData(intAir, (byte) 0, true); // } // if (random.nextBoolean()) { // world.getBlockAt(centerX + 2, centerY + height - 1 // - j, centerZ - 2).setTypeIdAndData(intAir, (byte) 0, true); // } // if (random.nextBoolean()) { // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 2, centerY + height - 1 // - j, centerZ + 2).setTypeIdAndData(intAir, (byte) 0, true); // } // if (random.nextBoolean()) { // world.getBlockAt(centerX - 2, centerY + height - 1 // - j, centerZ - 2).setTypeIdAndData(intAir, (byte) 0, true); // } } } // Trunk for (int y = 1; y <= height; y++) { world .getBlockAt(centerX, centerY + y, centerZ) .setTypeIdAndData(intTreeTrunk, data, false); } } } } } }