@Override public void setOn(Entity mob, Player owner) { if (mob instanceof Skeleton) { Skeleton z = (Skeleton) mob; if (type != null) z.setSkeletonType(type); leData.setOn(mob, owner); } }
protected SpellResult alterEntity(Entity entity) { EntityType entityType = entity.getType(); switch (entityType) { case PAINTING: registerModified(entity); Painting painting = (Painting) entity; Art[] artValues = Art.values(); Art oldArt = painting.getArt(); Art newArt = oldArt; int ordinal = (oldArt.ordinal() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < artValues.length; i++) { newArt = artValues[ordinal++ % artValues.length]; painting.setArt(newArt); newArt = painting.getArt(); if (oldArt != newArt) { break; } } if (oldArt == newArt) { return SpellResult.FAIL; } mage.sendDebugMessage("Altering art from " + oldArt + " to " + newArt); break; case ITEM_FRAME: ItemFrame itemFrame = (ItemFrame) entity; ItemStack frameItem = itemFrame.getItem(); if (frameItem == null || frameItem.getType() != Material.MAP) { return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; } short data = frameItem.getDurability(); data++; MapView mapView = DeprecatedUtils.getMap(data); if (mapView == null) { data = 0; mapView = DeprecatedUtils.getMap(data); if (mapView == null) { return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; } } registerModified(entity); frameItem.setDurability(data); itemFrame.setItem(frameItem); break; case HORSE: registerModified(entity); Horse horse = (Horse) entity; Color color = horse.getColor(); Color[] colorValues = Color.values(); color = colorValues[(color.ordinal() + 1) % colorValues.length]; Variant variant = horse.getVariant(); Variant[] variantValues = Variant.values(); variant = variantValues[(variant.ordinal() + 1) % variantValues.length]; Style horseStyle = horse.getStyle(); Style[] styleValues = Style.values(); horseStyle = styleValues[(horseStyle.ordinal() + 1) % styleValues.length]; horse.setStyle(horseStyle); horse.setColor(color); horse.setVariant(variant); break; case OCELOT: registerModified(entity); Ocelot ocelot = (Ocelot) entity; Type catType = ocelot.getCatType(); Type[] typeValues = Type.values(); catType = typeValues[(catType.ordinal() + 1) % typeValues.length]; ocelot.setCatType(catType); break; case VILLAGER: registerModified(entity); Villager villager = (Villager) entity; Profession profession = villager.getProfession(); Profession[] professionValues = Profession.values(); profession = professionValues[(profession.ordinal() + 1) % professionValues.length]; villager.setProfession(profession); break; case WOLF: registerModified(entity); Wolf wolf = (Wolf) entity; DyeColor wolfColor = wolf.getCollarColor(); DyeColor[] wolfColorValues = DyeColor.values(); wolfColor = wolfColorValues[(wolfColor.ordinal() + 1) % wolfColorValues.length]; wolf.setCollarColor(wolfColor); break; case SHEEP: registerModified(entity); Sheep sheep = (Sheep) entity; DyeColor dyeColor = sheep.getColor(); DyeColor[] dyeColorValues = DyeColor.values(); dyeColor = dyeColorValues[(dyeColor.ordinal() + 1) % dyeColorValues.length]; sheep.setColor(dyeColor); break; case SKELETON: registerModified(entity); Skeleton skeleton = (Skeleton) entity; SkeletonType skeletonType = skeleton.getSkeletonType(); SkeletonType[] skeletonTypeValues = SkeletonType.values(); skeletonType = skeletonTypeValues[(skeletonType.ordinal() + 1) % skeletonTypeValues.length]; skeleton.setSkeletonType(skeletonType); break; default: return SpellResult.NO_TARGET; } ; registerForUndo(); return SpellResult.CAST; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void assignMobProps(Entity baseEntity, ISpawnableEntity data) { // This needs to be before everything else! if (data.getRider() != null) { addRider(baseEntity, data.getRider()); } Vector v1 = data.getVelocity(baseEntity); Vector v2 = data.getVelocity2(baseEntity); if (v2.getX() == 0 && v2.getY() == 0 && v2.getZ() == 0) { baseEntity.setVelocity(data.getVelocity(baseEntity).clone()); } else { Vector v3 = randomVector(v1, v2); baseEntity.setVelocity(v3.clone()); } baseEntity.setFireTicks(data.getFireTicks(baseEntity)); if (baseEntity instanceof LivingEntity) { LivingEntity entity = (LivingEntity) baseEntity; setBasicProps(entity, data); if (data.showCustomName()) { setCustomName(entity, data); } if (entity instanceof Ageable) { Ageable a = (Ageable) entity; setAgeProps(a, data); } if (entity instanceof Animals) { Animals animal = (Animals) entity; // Setting animal specific properties if (animal instanceof Pig) { Pig p = (Pig) animal; p.setSaddle(data.isSaddled()); } else if (animal instanceof Sheep) { Sheep s = (Sheep) animal; DyeColor color = DyeColor.valueOf(data.getColor()); s.setColor(color); } else if (animal instanceof Wolf) { Wolf w = (Wolf) animal; w.setAngry(data.isAngry()); w.setTamed(data.isTamed()); if (data.isTamed()) { ArrayList<Player> nearPlayers = getNearbyPlayers(w.getLocation(), 16); int index = (int) Math.round(Math.rint(nearPlayers.size() - 1)); if (nearPlayers != null) { w.setOwner(nearPlayers.get(index)); } w.setSitting(data.isSitting()); } } else if (animal instanceof Ocelot) { Ocelot o = (Ocelot) animal; o.setTamed(data.isTamed()); if (data.isTamed()) { Ocelot.Type catType = Ocelot.Type.valueOf(data.getCatType()); o.setCatType(catType); ArrayList<Player> nearPlayers = getNearbyPlayers(o.getLocation(), 16); int index = (int) Math.round(Math.rint(nearPlayers.size() - 1)); if (nearPlayers != null) { o.setOwner(nearPlayers.get(index)); } o.setSitting(data.isSitting()); } } } else if (entity instanceof Villager) { Villager v = (Villager) entity; v.setAge(data.getAge(baseEntity)); v.setProfession(data.getProfession()); } else if (entity instanceof Monster) { Monster monster = (Monster) entity; // Setting monster specific properties. if (monster instanceof Enderman) { Enderman e = (Enderman) monster; e.setCarriedMaterial(data.getEndermanBlock()); } else if (monster instanceof Creeper) { Creeper c = (Creeper) monster; c.setPowered(data.isCharged()); } else if (monster instanceof PigZombie) { PigZombie p = (PigZombie) monster; if (data.isAngry()) { p.setAngry(true); } p.setBaby((data.getAge(baseEntity) < -1) ? true : false); } else if (monster instanceof Spider) { Spider s = (Spider) monster; if (data.isJockey()) { makeJockey(s, data); } } else if (monster instanceof Zombie) { Zombie z = (Zombie) monster; boolean isVillager = false; if (data.hasProp("zombie")) { isVillager = (Boolean) (data.getProp("zombie")); } z.setBaby((data.getAge(baseEntity) < -1) ? true : false); z.setVillager(isVillager); } else if (monster instanceof Skeleton) { Skeleton sk = (Skeleton) monster; SkeletonType skType = SkeletonType.NORMAL; if (data.hasProp("wither")) { skType = ((Boolean) (data.getProp("wither")) == true) ? SkeletonType.WITHER : SkeletonType.NORMAL; } sk.setSkeletonType(skType); } } else if (entity instanceof Golem) { Golem golem = (Golem) entity; if (golem instanceof IronGolem) { IronGolem i = (IronGolem) golem; if (data.isAngry()) { ArrayList<Player> nearPlayers = getNearbyPlayers(i.getLocation(), 16); int index = (int) Math.round(Math.rint(nearPlayers.size() - 1)); if (nearPlayers != null) { i.setPlayerCreated(false); i.damage(0, nearPlayers.get(index)); i.setTarget(nearPlayers.get(index)); } } } // Some are not classified as animals or monsters } else if (entity instanceof Slime) { Slime s = (Slime) entity; s.setSize(data.getSlimeSize()); } else if (entity instanceof MagmaCube) { MagmaCube m = (MagmaCube) entity; m.setSize(data.getSlimeSize()); } } else if (baseEntity instanceof Projectile) { Projectile pro = (Projectile) baseEntity; // Eventually add explosive arrows and such :D if (pro instanceof Fireball) { Fireball f = (Fireball) pro; setExplosiveProps(f, data); f.setVelocity(new Vector(0, 0, 0)); f.setDirection(data.getVelocity(baseEntity)); } else if (pro instanceof SmallFireball) { SmallFireball f = (SmallFireball) pro; setExplosiveProps(f, data); f.setVelocity(new Vector(0, 0, 0)); f.setDirection(data.getVelocity(baseEntity)); } } else if (baseEntity instanceof Explosive) { Explosive ex = (Explosive) baseEntity; if (ex instanceof TNTPrimed) { TNTPrimed tnt = (TNTPrimed) ex; setExplosiveProps(tnt, data); tnt.setFuseTicks(data.getFuseTicks(baseEntity)); } } else if (baseEntity instanceof Firework) { Firework f = (Firework) baseEntity; ItemMeta meta = data.getItemType().getItemMeta(); if (meta != null) { if (meta instanceof FireworkMeta) { FireworkMeta fMeta = (FireworkMeta) meta; if (fMeta != null) { f.setFireworkMeta(fMeta); } } } } else if (baseEntity instanceof Minecart) { Minecart m = (Minecart) baseEntity; if (data.hasProp("minecartSpeed")) { m.setMaxSpeed((Double) data.getProp("minecartSpeed")); } } else if (baseEntity instanceof ExperienceOrb) { ExperienceOrb o = (ExperienceOrb) baseEntity; o.setExperience(data.getDroppedExp(baseEntity)); } setNBT(baseEntity, data); }
public static void setEntityTypeData(final Entity entity, final String data) { if (data == "") return; final String parts[] = data.split(","); if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) { ((LivingEntity) entity).setMaxHealth(Double.parseDouble(parts[1])); ((LivingEntity) entity).setHealth(Double.parseDouble(parts[0])); if (!parts[2].equals("null")) ((LivingEntity) entity).setCustomName(parts[2]); if (entity instanceof Animals) { ((Animals) entity).setAge(Integer.parseInt(parts[3])); if (entity instanceof Sheep) { ((Sheep) entity).setSheared(Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4])); ((Sheep) entity).setColor(sheepColors.get(parts[5])); } else if (entity instanceof Wolf) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4])) { ((Wolf) entity).setAngry(Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4])); } else if (parts.length > 5) { ((Tameable) entity).setTamed(true); ((Tameable) entity).setOwner(getPlayer(parts[5])); ((Wolf) entity).setCollarColor(DyeColor.valueOf(parts[6])); } } else if (entity instanceof Ocelot) { if (parts.length > 4) { ((Tameable) entity).setTamed(true); ((Tameable) entity).setOwner(getPlayer(parts[4])); ((Ocelot) entity).setCatType(catTypes.get(parts[5])); } } else if (entity instanceof Pig) { ((Pig) entity).setSaddle(Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4])); } else if (entity instanceof Horse) { ((Horse) entity).setVariant(horseVariants.get(parts[4])); ((Horse) entity).setStyle(horseStyles.get(parts[5])); ((Horse) entity).setColor(horseColors.get(parts[6])); ((Horse) entity).setDomestication(Integer.parseInt(parts[7])); ((Horse) entity).setMaxDomestication(Integer.parseInt(parts[8])); ((Horse) entity).setJumpStrength(Double.parseDouble(parts[9])); if (parts.length > 10) { ((Tameable) entity).setTamed(true); if (!parts[10].equals("null")) ((Tameable) entity).setOwner(getPlayer(parts[10])); ((Horse) entity) .getInventory() .setSaddle(ItemStackUtil.stringToItemStack(parts[11])[0]); ((Horse) entity).getInventory().setArmor(ItemStackUtil.stringToItemStack(parts[12])[0]); if (parts.length > 13) { ((Horse) entity).setCarryingChest(true); ((Horse) entity) .getInventory() .setContents(ItemStackUtil.stringToItemStack(parts[13])); } } } } else if (entity instanceof Villager) { ((Villager) entity).setProfession(villagerProfessions.get(parts[3])); ((Villager) entity).setAge(Integer.parseInt(parts[4])); } else if (entity instanceof Creeper) { ((Creeper) entity).setPowered(Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[3])); } else if (entity instanceof Slime) { ((Slime) entity).setSize(Integer.parseInt(parts[3])); } else if (entity instanceof Skeleton) { ((Skeleton) entity).setSkeletonType(skeletonTypes.get(parts[3])); if (parts[3].equals("0")) { ((Skeleton) entity).getEquipment().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.BOW)); } else { ((Skeleton) entity).getEquipment().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.BOW)); } } else if (entity instanceof PigZombie) { ((LivingEntity) entity).getEquipment().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.GOLD_SWORD)); } } }
public List<LivingEntity> spawn(Location location, Player player) { List<LivingEntity> entities = new ArrayList<LivingEntity>(this.num); World world = location.getWorld(); for (int num = 0; num < this.num; num++) { if (spread > 0) { int minX = location.getBlockX() - spread / 2; int minY = location.getBlockY() - spread / 2; int minZ = location.getBlockZ() - spread / 2; int maxX = location.getBlockX() + spread / 2; int maxY = location.getBlockY() + spread / 2; int maxZ = location.getBlockZ() + spread / 2; int tries = spread * 10; boolean found = false; while (tries-- > 0) { int x = minX + RecipeManager.random.nextInt(maxX - minX); int z = minZ + RecipeManager.random.nextInt(maxZ - minZ); int y = 0; for (y = maxY; y >= minY; y--) { if (!Material.getMaterial(world.getBlockTypeIdAt(x, y, z)).isSolid()) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { location.setX(x); location.setY(y); location.setZ(z); break; } } if (!found) { Messages.debug( "Couldn't find suitable location after " + (spread * 10) + " tries, using center."); } location.add(0.5, 0, 0.5); } LivingEntity ent = (LivingEntity) world.spawnEntity(location, type); entities.add(ent); if (!noEffect) { world.playEffect(location, Effect.MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES, 20); } if (name != null) { ent.setCustomName(name); ent.setCustomNameVisible(noHideName); } if (onFire > 0.0f) { ent.setFireTicks((int) Math.ceil(onFire * 20.0)); } if (pickup != null) { ent.setCanPickupItems(pickup); } if (pet && ent instanceof Tameable) { Tameable npc = (Tameable) ent; npc.setOwner(player); npc.setTamed(true); } if (ent instanceof Wolf) { Wolf npc = (Wolf) ent; if (pet) { if (noSit) { npc.setSitting(false); } if (color != null) { npc.setCollarColor(color); } } else if (angry) { npc.setAngry(true); } } if (ent instanceof Ocelot) { Ocelot npc = (Ocelot) ent; if (pet && noSit) { npc.setSitting(false); } if (cat != null) { npc.setCatType(cat); } } if (hp > 0) { ent.setHealth(hp); if (maxHp > 0) { ent.setMaxHealth(maxHp); } } if (ent instanceof Ageable) { Ageable npc = (Ageable) ent; if (baby) { npc.setBaby(); } if (ageLock) { npc.setAgeLock(true); } if (noBreed) { npc.setBreed(false); } } if (saddle && ent instanceof Pig) { Pig npc = (Pig) ent; npc.setSaddle(true); if (mount) { npc.setPassenger(player); } } if (ent instanceof Zombie) { Zombie npc = (Zombie) ent; if (baby) { npc.setBaby(true); } if (zombieVillager) { npc.setVillager(true); } } if (villager != null && ent instanceof Villager) { Villager npc = (Villager) ent; npc.setProfession(villager); } if (poweredCreeper && ent instanceof Creeper) { Creeper npc = (Creeper) ent; npc.setPowered(true); } if (playerIronGolem && ent instanceof IronGolem) { IronGolem npc = (IronGolem) ent; npc.setPlayerCreated(true); // TODO what exacly does this do ? } if (shearedSheep && ent instanceof Sheep) { Sheep npc = (Sheep) ent; npc.setSheared(true); } if (color != null && ent instanceof Colorable) { Colorable npc = (Colorable) ent; npc.setColor(color); } if (skeleton != null && ent instanceof Skeleton) { Skeleton npc = (Skeleton) ent; npc.setSkeletonType(skeleton); } if (target && ent instanceof Creature) { Creature npc = (Creature) ent; npc.setTarget(player); } if (pigAnger > 0 && ent instanceof PigZombie) { PigZombie npc = (PigZombie) ent; npc.setAnger(pigAnger); } if (hit) { ent.damage(0, player); ent.setVelocity(new Vector()); } if (!potions.isEmpty()) { for (PotionEffect effect : potions) { ent.addPotionEffect(effect, true); } } ent.setRemoveWhenFarAway(!noRemove); EntityEquipment eq = ent.getEquipment(); for (int i = 0; i < equip.length; i++) { ItemStack item = equip[i]; if (item == null) { continue; } switch (i) { case 0: eq.setHelmet(item); eq.setHelmetDropChance(drop[i]); break; case 1: eq.setChestplate(item); eq.setChestplateDropChance(drop[i]); break; case 2: eq.setLeggings(item); eq.setLeggingsDropChance(drop[i]); break; case 3: eq.setBoots(item); eq.setBootsDropChance(drop[i]); break; case 4: { if (ent instanceof Enderman) { Enderman npc = (Enderman) ent; npc.setCarriedMaterial(item.getData()); } else { eq.setItemInHand(item); eq.setItemInHandDropChance(drop[i]); } break; } } } } return entities; }