public Map<String, Object> annotate( final RefMetaDataTracker tracker, final AnnotatorCompatible walker, final ReferenceContext ref, final Map<String, AlignmentContext> stratifiedContexts, final VariantContext vc, final Map<String, PerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap> stratifiedPerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap) { int run; if (vc.isMixed()) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(getKeyNames().get(0), String.format("%s", "MIXED")); return map; } else if (vc.isIndel()) { String type = ""; if (!vc.isBiallelic()) type = "MULTIALLELIC_INDEL"; else { if (vc.isSimpleInsertion()) type = "INS."; else if (vc.isSimpleDeletion()) type = "DEL."; else type = "OTHER."; ArrayList<Integer> inds = IndelUtils.findEventClassificationIndex(vc, ref); for (int k : inds) { type = type + IndelUtils.getIndelClassificationName(k) + "."; } } Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(getKeyNames().get(0), String.format("%s", type)); return map; } else { return null; } }
public static BaseUtils.BaseSubstitutionType getSNPSubstitutionType(VariantContext context) { if (!context.isSNP() || !context.isBiallelic()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Requested SNP substitution type for bialleic non-SNP " + context); return BaseUtils.SNPSubstitutionType( context.getReference().getBases()[0], context.getAlternateAllele(0).getBases()[0]); }
private Map<String, Object> calculateIC(final VariantContext vc) { final GenotypesContext genotypes = (founderIds == null || founderIds.isEmpty()) ? vc.getGenotypes() : vc.getGenotypes(founderIds); if (genotypes == null || genotypes.size() < MIN_SAMPLES) return null; int idxAA = 0, idxAB = 1, idxBB = 2; if (!vc.isBiallelic()) { // for non-bliallelic case, do test with most common alt allele. // Get then corresponding indeces in GL vectors to retrieve GL of AA,AB and BB. int[] idxVector = vc.getGLIndecesOfAlternateAllele(vc.getAltAlleleWithHighestAlleleCount()); idxAA = idxVector[0]; idxAB = idxVector[1]; idxBB = idxVector[2]; } double refCount = 0.0; double hetCount = 0.0; double homCount = 0.0; int N = 0; // number of samples that have likelihoods for (final Genotype g : genotypes) { if (g.isNoCall() || !g.hasLikelihoods()) continue; if (g.getPloidy() != 2) // only work for diploid samples continue; N++; final double[] normalizedLikelihoods = MathUtils.normalizeFromLog10(g.getLikelihoods().getAsVector()); refCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxAA]; hetCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxAB]; homCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxBB]; } if (N < MIN_SAMPLES) { return null; } final double p = (2.0 * refCount + hetCount) / (2.0 * (refCount + hetCount + homCount)); // expected reference allele frequency final double q = 1.0 - p; // expected alternative allele frequency final double F = 1.0 - (hetCount / (2.0 * p * q * (double) N)); // inbreeding coefficient Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(getKeyNames().get(0), String.format("%.4f", F)); return map; }
public void update2( VariantContext eval, VariantContext comp, RefMetaDataTracker tracker, ReferenceContext ref, AlignmentContext context) { if (eval == null || (getWalker().ignoreAC0Sites() && eval.isMonomorphicInSamples())) return; final Type type = getType(eval); if (type == null) return; TypeSampleMap titvTable = null; // update DP, if possible if (eval.hasAttribute(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY)), ALL); // update counts, ALL); // type specific calculations if (type == Type.SNP && eval.isBiallelic()) { titvTable = VariantContextUtils.isTransition(eval) ? transitionsPerSample : transversionsPerSample;, ALL); } // novelty calculation if (comp != null || (type == Type.CNV && overlapsKnownCNV(eval))), ALL); // per sample metrics for (final Genotype g : eval.getGenotypes()) { if (!g.isNoCall() && !g.isHomRef()) {, g.getSampleName()); // update transition / transversion ratio if (titvTable != null), g.getSampleName()); if (g.hasDP()), g.getSampleName()); } } }
public static boolean canBeOutputToBeagle(VariantContext v) { return v != null && !v.isFiltered() && v.isBiallelic() && v.hasGenotypes(); }
/** * Subset VC record if necessary and emit the modified record (provided it satisfies criteria for * printing) * * @param tracker the ROD tracker * @param ref reference information * @param context alignment info * @return 1 if the record was printed to the output file, 0 if otherwise */ @Override public Integer map(RefMetaDataTracker tracker, ReferenceContext ref, AlignmentContext context) { if (tracker == null) return 0; Collection<VariantContext> vcs = tracker.getValues(variantCollection.variants, context.getLocation()); if (vcs == null || vcs.size() == 0) { return 0; } for (VariantContext vc : vcs) { if (MENDELIAN_VIOLATIONS) { boolean foundMV = false; for (MendelianViolation mv : mvSet) { if (mv.isViolation(vc)) { foundMV = true; // System.out.println(vc.toString()); if (outMVFile != null) outMVFileStream.format( "MV@%s:%d. REF=%s, ALT=%s, AC=%d, momID=%s, dadID=%s, childID=%s, momG=%s, momGL=%s, dadG=%s, dadGL=%s, " + "childG=%s childGL=%s\n", vc.getChr(), vc.getStart(), vc.getReference().getDisplayString(), vc.getAlternateAllele(0).getDisplayString(), vc.getChromosomeCount(vc.getAlternateAllele(0)), mv.getSampleMom(), mv.getSampleDad(), mv.getSampleChild(), vc.getGenotype(mv.getSampleMom()).toBriefString(), vc.getGenotype(mv.getSampleMom()).getLikelihoods().getAsString(), vc.getGenotype(mv.getSampleDad()).toBriefString(), vc.getGenotype(mv.getSampleMom()).getLikelihoods().getAsString(), vc.getGenotype(mv.getSampleChild()).toBriefString(), vc.getGenotype(mv.getSampleChild()).getLikelihoods().getAsString()); } } if (!foundMV) break; } if (DISCORDANCE_ONLY) { Collection<VariantContext> compVCs = tracker.getValues(discordanceTrack, context.getLocation()); if (!isDiscordant(vc, compVCs)) return 0; } if (CONCORDANCE_ONLY) { Collection<VariantContext> compVCs = tracker.getValues(concordanceTrack, context.getLocation()); if (!isConcordant(vc, compVCs)) return 0; } if (alleleRestriction.equals(NumberAlleleRestriction.BIALLELIC) && !vc.isBiallelic()) continue; if (alleleRestriction.equals(NumberAlleleRestriction.MULTIALLELIC) && vc.isBiallelic()) continue; if (!selectedTypes.contains(vc.getType())) continue; VariantContext sub = subsetRecord(vc, samples); if ((sub.isPolymorphic() || !EXCLUDE_NON_VARIANTS) && (!sub.isFiltered() || !EXCLUDE_FILTERED)) { for (VariantContextUtils.JexlVCMatchExp jexl : jexls) { if (!VariantContextUtils.match(sub, jexl)) { return 0; } } if (SELECT_RANDOM_NUMBER) { randomlyAddVariant(++variantNumber, sub, ref.getBase()); } else if (!SELECT_RANDOM_FRACTION || (GenomeAnalysisEngine.getRandomGenerator().nextDouble() < fractionRandom)) { vcfWriter.add(sub); } } } return 1; }