예제 #1
  private void loadVCF(ResourceLocator locator, List<Track> newTracks, Genome genome)
      throws IOException, TribbleIndexNotFoundException {

    TribbleFeatureSource src = TribbleFeatureSource.getFeatureSource(locator, genome);

    VCFHeader header = (VCFHeader) src.getHeader();

    // Test if the input VCF file contains methylation rate data:

    // This is determined by testing for the presence of two sample format fields: MR and GB, used
    // in the
    // rendering of methylation rate.
    // MR is the methylation rate on a scale of 0 to 100% and GB is the number of bases that pass
    // filter for the position. GB is needed to avoid displaying positions for which limited
    // coverage
    // prevents reliable estimation of methylation rate.
    boolean enableMethylationRateSupport =
        (header.getFormatHeaderLine("MR") != null && header.getFormatHeaderLine("GB") != null);

    List<String> allSamples = new ArrayList(header.getGenotypeSamples());

    VariantTrack t = new VariantTrack(locator, src, allSamples, enableMethylationRateSupport);

    // VCF tracks handle their own margin
예제 #2
   * Load the input file as a feature, mutation, or maf (multiple alignment) file.
   * @param locator
   * @param newTracks
  private void loadTribbleFile(ResourceLocator locator, List<Track> newTracks, Genome genome)
      throws IOException, TribbleIndexNotFoundException {

    String typeString = locator.getTypeString();

    // Mutation (mut, maf, vcf) files are handled special.  Check here, rather than depend on order
    // in giant case statement.
    if (MutationTrackLoader.isMutationAnnotationFile(locator)) {
      loadMutFile(locator, newTracks, genome); // Must be tried before generic "loadIndexed" below
    } else if (VariantTrack.isVCF(typeString)) {
      loadVCF(locator, newTracks, genome);
    } else {

      TribbleFeatureSource tribbleFeatureSource =
          TribbleFeatureSource.getFeatureSource(locator, genome);
      FeatureSource src =
              ? new GFFFeatureSource(tribbleFeatureSource)
              : tribbleFeatureSource;

      // Create feature source and track
      FeatureTrack t = new FeatureTrack(locator, src);
      // t.setRendererClass(BasicTribbleRenderer.class);

      // Set track properties from header
      Object header = tribbleFeatureSource.getHeader();
      if (header != null && header instanceof FeatureFileHeader) {
        FeatureFileHeader ffh = (FeatureFileHeader) header;
        if (ffh.getTrackType() != null) {
        if (ffh.getTrackProperties() != null) {

        if (ffh.getTrackType() == TrackType.REPMASK) {
      if (locator.getPath().contains(".narrowPeak")
          || locator.getPath().contains(".broadPeak")
          || locator.getPath().contains(".gappedPeak")) {