private WalletTransaction connectTransactionOutputs( org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction txProto) throws UnreadableWalletException { Transaction tx = txMap.get(txProto.getHash()); final WalletTransaction.Pool pool; switch (txProto.getPool()) { case DEAD: pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.DEAD; break; case PENDING: pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.PENDING; break; case SPENT: pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.SPENT; break; case UNSPENT: pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.UNSPENT; break; // Upgrade old wallets: inactive pool has been merged with the pending pool. // Remove this some time after 0.9 is old and everyone has upgraded. // There should not be any spent outputs in this tx as old wallets would not allow them to // be spent // in this state. case INACTIVE: case PENDING_INACTIVE: pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.PENDING; break; default: throw new UnreadableWalletException("Unknown transaction pool: " + txProto.getPool()); } for (int i = 0; i < tx.getOutputs().size(); i++) { TransactionOutput output = tx.getOutputs().get(i); final Protos.TransactionOutput transactionOutput = txProto.getTransactionOutput(i); if (transactionOutput.hasSpentByTransactionHash()) { final ByteString spentByTransactionHash = transactionOutput.getSpentByTransactionHash(); Transaction spendingTx = txMap.get(spentByTransactionHash); if (spendingTx == null) { throw new UnreadableWalletException( String.format( "Could not connect %s to %s", tx.getHashAsString(), byteStringToHash(spentByTransactionHash))); } final int spendingIndex = transactionOutput.getSpentByTransactionIndex(); TransactionInput input = checkNotNull(spendingTx.getInput(spendingIndex)); input.connect(output); } } if (txProto.hasConfidence()) { Protos.TransactionConfidence confidenceProto = txProto.getConfidence(); TransactionConfidence confidence = tx.getConfidence(); readConfidence(tx, confidenceProto, confidence); } return new WalletTransaction(pool, tx); }
private WalletTransaction connectTransactionOutputs( org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction txProto) { Transaction tx = txMap.get(txProto.getHash()); WalletTransaction.Pool pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.valueOf(txProto.getPool().getNumber()); if (pool == WalletTransaction.Pool.INACTIVE || pool == WalletTransaction.Pool.PENDING_INACTIVE) { // Upgrade old wallets: inactive pool has been merged with the pending pool. // Remove this some time after 0.9 is old and everyone has upgraded. // There should not be any spent outputs in this tx as old wallets would not allow them to be // spent // in this state. pool = WalletTransaction.Pool.PENDING; } for (int i = 0; i < tx.getOutputs().size(); i++) { TransactionOutput output = tx.getOutputs().get(i); final Protos.TransactionOutput transactionOutput = txProto.getTransactionOutput(i); if (transactionOutput.hasSpentByTransactionHash()) { final ByteString spentByTransactionHash = transactionOutput.getSpentByTransactionHash(); Transaction spendingTx = txMap.get(spentByTransactionHash); if (spendingTx == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Could not connect %s to %s", tx.getHashAsString(), byteStringToHash(spentByTransactionHash))); final int spendingIndex = transactionOutput.getSpentByTransactionIndex(); TransactionInput input = checkNotNull(spendingTx.getInput(spendingIndex)); input.connect(output); } } if (txProto.hasConfidence()) { Protos.TransactionConfidence confidenceProto = txProto.getConfidence(); TransactionConfidence confidence = tx.getConfidence(); readConfidence(tx, confidenceProto, confidence); } return new WalletTransaction(pool, tx); }