/** * Constructor. * * @param rq request * @param rs response * @throws IOException I/O exception */ public HTTPContext(final HttpServletRequest rq, final HttpServletResponse rs) throws IOException { req = rq; res = rs; final String m = rq.getMethod(); method = HTTPMethod.get(m); final StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(req.getRequestURL()); final String qs = req.getQueryString(); if (qs != null) uri.append('?').append(qs); log(false, m, uri); // set UTF8 as default encoding (can be overwritten) res.setCharacterEncoding(UTF8); segments = toSegments(req.getPathInfo()); path = join(0); user = System.getProperty(DBUSER); pass = System.getProperty(DBPASS); // set session-specific credentials final String auth = req.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION); if (auth != null) { final String[] values = auth.split(" "); if (values[0].equals(BASIC)) { final String[] cred = Base64.decode(values[1]).split(":", 2); if (cred.length != 2) throw new LoginException(NOPASSWD); user = cred[0]; pass = cred[1]; } else { throw new LoginException(WHICHAUTH, values[0]); } } }
@Override public void parseRequestParameters( final Map<String, String> params, final Map<String, com.bradmcevoy.http.FileItem> files) throws RequestParseException { try { if (isMultiPart()) { parseQueryString(params, req.getQueryString()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<FileItem> items = new ServletFileUpload().parseRequest(req); for (final FileItem item : items) { if (item.isFormField()) params.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString()); else files.put(item.getFieldName(), new FileItemWrapper(item)); } } else { final Enumeration<String> en = req.getParameterNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { final String nm = en.nextElement(); final String val = req.getParameter(nm); params.put(nm, val); } } } catch (final FileUploadException ex) { throw new RequestParseException("FileUploadException", ex); } catch (final Throwable ex) { throw new RequestParseException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
/** * Constructor. * * @param rq request * @param rs response * @param servlet calling servlet instance * @throws IOException I/O exception */ public HTTPContext( final HttpServletRequest rq, final HttpServletResponse rs, final BaseXServlet servlet) throws IOException { req = rq; res = rs; params = new HTTPParams(this); method = rq.getMethod(); final StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(req.getRequestURL()); final String qs = req.getQueryString(); if (qs != null) uri.append('?').append(qs); log('[' + method + "] " + uri, null); // set UTF8 as default encoding (can be overwritten) res.setCharacterEncoding(UTF8); segments = decode(toSegments(req.getPathInfo())); // adopt servlet-specific credentials or use global ones final GlobalOptions mprop = context().globalopts; user = servlet.user != null ? servlet.user : mprop.get(GlobalOptions.USER); pass = servlet.pass != null ? servlet.pass : mprop.get(GlobalOptions.PASSWORD); // overwrite credentials with session-specific data final String auth = req.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION); if (auth != null) { final String[] values = auth.split(" "); if (values[0].equals(BASIC)) { final String[] cred = org.basex.util.Base64.decode(values[1]).split(":", 2); if (cred.length != 2) throw new LoginException(NOPASSWD); user = cred[0]; pass = cred[1]; } else { throw new LoginException(WHICHAUTH, values[0]); } } }