예제 #1
파일: Preds.java 프로젝트: dirkk/basex
   * Checks if the predicates are successful for the specified item.
   * @param it item to be checked
   * @param qc query context
   * @return result of check
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  protected final boolean preds(final Item it, final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException {
    if (preds.length == 0) return true;

    // set context value and position
    final Value cv = qc.value;
    try {
      if (qc.scoring) {
        double s = 0;
        for (final Expr p : preds) {
          qc.value = it;
          final Item i = p.test(qc, info);
          if (i == null) return false;
          s += i.score();
        it.score(Scoring.avg(s, preds.length));
      } else {
        for (final Expr p : preds) {
          qc.value = it;
          if (p.test(qc, info) == null) return false;
      return true;
    } finally {
      qc.value = cv;
예제 #2
   * Checks two keys for equality.
   * @param its1 first keys
   * @param its2 second keys
   * @param coll collations
   * @return {@code true} if the compare as equal, {@code false} otherwise
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private boolean eq(final Item[] its1, final Item[] its2, final Collation[] coll)
      throws QueryException {

    final int il = its1.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < il; i++) {
      final Item it1 = its1[i], it2 = its2[i];
      if (it1 == null ^ it2 == null || it1 != null && !it1.equiv(it2, coll[i], info)) return false;
    return true;
예제 #3
  public B64 item(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {

    final IOFile root = new IOFile(toPath(0, qc).toString());
    final ArchOptions opts = toOptions(1, Q_OPTIONS, new ArchOptions(), qc);
    final Iter entries;
    if (exprs.length > 2) {
      entries = qc.iter(exprs[2]);
    } else {
      final TokenList tl = new TokenList();
      for (final String file : root.descendants()) tl.add(file);
      entries = StrSeq.get(tl).iter();

    final String format = opts.get(ArchOptions.FORMAT);
    final int level = level(opts);
    if (!root.isDir()) throw FILE_NO_DIR_X.get(info, root);

    try (final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(format.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), info)) {
      try {
        while (true) {
          Item en = entries.next();
          if (en == null) break;
          en = checkElemToken(en);
          final IOFile file = new IOFile(root, string(en.string(info)));
          if (!file.exists()) throw FILE_NOT_FOUND_X.get(info, file);
          if (file.isDir()) throw FILE_IS_DIR_X.get(info, file);
          add(en, new B64(file.read()), out, level, qc);
      } catch (final IOException ex) {
        throw ARCH_FAIL_X.get(info, ex);
      return new B64(out.finish());
예제 #4
 public final Item atomItem(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
   final Item it1 = item(qc, info);
   return it1 == null ? null : it1.atomItem(info);
예제 #5
  * Checks if the specified item is a string or binary item.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return byte array
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final byte[] toBytes(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   if (checkNoEmpty(it).type.isStringOrUntyped()) return it.string(info);
   if (it instanceof Bin) return ((Bin) it).binary(info);
   throw STRBIN_X_X.get(info, it.type, it);
예제 #6
  * Checks if the specified item yields a node or item. Returns the item or throws an exception.
  * @param it item to be checked (can be {@code null})
  * @return node or atomized item
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final Item toNodeOrAtomItem(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   return it == null || it instanceof ANode ? it : it.atomItem(info);
예제 #7
 public Iter iter(final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException {
   final Item it = item(qc, info);
   return it != null ? it.iter() : Empty.ITER;
예제 #8
  * Checks if the specified item is a number. Returns a token representation or throws an
  * exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return number
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final long toLong(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ip = checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.ITR).type;
   if (ip.instanceOf(AtomType.ITR) || ip.isUntyped()) return it.itr(info);
   throw castError(it, AtomType.ITR, info);
예제 #9
  * Checks if the specified expression yields a float. Returns the float or throws an exception.
  * @param ex expression to be evaluated
  * @param qc query context
  * @return float
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final float toFloat(final Expr ex, final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException {
   final Item it = ex.atomItem(qc, info);
   if (checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.FLT).type.isNumberOrUntyped()) return it.flt(info);
   throw numberError(this, it);
예제 #10
  * Checks if the specified, non-empty item is a double. Returns the double or throws an exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return number
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private ANum toNumber(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   if (it.type.isUntyped()) return Dbl.get(it.dbl(info));
   if (it instanceof ANum) return (ANum) it;
   throw numberError(this, it);
예제 #11
  * Checks if the specified item is a double. Returns the double or throws an exception.
  * @param it item
  * @return double
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final double toDouble(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   if (checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.DBL).type.isNumberOrUntyped()) return it.dbl(info);
   throw numberError(this, it);
예제 #12
  * Checks if the specified item is a boolean. Returns the boolean or throws an exception.
  * @param it item be checked
  * @return boolean
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final boolean toBoolean(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ip = checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.BLN).type;
   if (ip == AtomType.BLN) return it.bool(info);
   if (ip.isUntyped()) return Bln.parse(it.string(info), info);
   throw castError(it, AtomType.BLN, info);
예제 #13
  * Checks if the specified non-empty item is a string. Returns its value as token or throws an
  * exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return token
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final byte[] toToken(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ip = it.type;
   if (ip.isStringOrUntyped()) return it.string(info);
   throw it instanceof FItem ? FIATOM_X.get(info, it.type) : castError(it, AtomType.STR, info);
예제 #14
 public final Item test(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
   final Item it = ebv(qc, info);
   return (it instanceof ANum ? it.dbl(info) == qc.pos : it.bool(info)) ? it : null;