예제 #1
파일: Transform.java 프로젝트: nikhi/basex
  public Value value(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final int o = (int) ctx.resources.output.size();
    final Updates updates = ctx.resources.updates();
    final ContextModifier tmp = updates.mod;
    final TransformModifier pu = new TransformModifier();
    updates.mod = pu;

    try {
      for (final Let fo : copies) {
        final Iter ir = ctx.iter(fo.expr);
        Item i = ir.next();
        if (!(i instanceof ANode) || ir.next() != null) throw UPCOPYMULT.get(fo.info, fo.var.name);

        // copy node to main memory data instance
        i = ((ANode) i).dbCopy(ctx.context.options);
        // add resulting node to variable
        ctx.set(fo.var, i, info);
      final Value v = ctx.value(expr[0]);
      if (!v.isEmpty()) throw BASEX_MOD.get(info);

      return ctx.value(expr[1]);
    } finally {
      updates.mod = tmp;
예제 #2
   * Returns the specified function literal.
   * @param name function name
   * @param arity number of arguments
   * @param dyn dynamic invocation flag
   * @param ctx query context
   * @param ii input info
   * @return literal function expression
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public static FItem get(
      final QNm name,
      final long arity,
      final boolean dyn,
      final QueryContext ctx,
      final InputInfo ii)
      throws QueryException {

    final Expr[] args = new Expr[(int) arity];
    final Var[] vars = new Var[args.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      vars[i] = ctx.uniqueVar(ii, null);
      args[i] = new VarRef(ii, vars[i]);

    final TypedFunc f = get(name, args, dyn, ctx, ii);
    if (f == null) {
      if (!dyn) FUNCUNKNOWN.thrw(ii, name + "#" + arity);
      return null;

    // compile the function if it hasn't been done statically
    if (dyn && f.fun instanceof UserFuncCall) {
      final UserFunc usf = ((UserFuncCall) f.fun).func();
      if (usf != null && usf.declared) usf.compile(ctx);

    final FuncType ft = f.type;
    return new FuncItem(name, vars, f.fun, ft, false);
예제 #3
 Value[] evalArgs(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final int al = expr.length - 1;
   final Value[] args = new Value[al];
   for (int a = 0; a < al; ++a) args[a] = ctx.value(expr[a]);
   return args;
예제 #4
파일: FNUnit.java 프로젝트: nikhi/basex
  * Performs the test-uris function.
  * @param ctx query context
  * @return resulting value
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private Item testUris(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final ArrayList<IO> inputs = new ArrayList<>();
   final Iter ir = ctx.iter(expr[0]);
   for (Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null; ) inputs.add(checkPath(it, ctx));
   return new Suite(ctx, info).test(inputs);
예제 #5
  * Performs the test-libraries function (still experimental).
  * @param ctx query context
  * @return resulting value
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private Item testLibraries(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final TokenList tl = new TokenList();
   final Iter ir = ctx.iter(expr[0]);
   for (Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null; ) tl.add(checkStr(it));
   return new Suite(ctx, info).test(tl);
예제 #6
 public final Value value(final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException {
   final int es = exprs.length;
   final Value[] args = new Value[es];
   for (int e = 0; e < es; ++e) args[e] = qc.value(exprs[e]);
   return toValue(eval(args, qc), qc, sc);
예제 #7
   * Extracts entries from the archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return text entries
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private TokenList extract(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    TokenSet hs = null;
    if (expr.length > 1) {
      // filter result to specified entries
      hs = new TokenSet();
      final Iter names = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
      for (Item en; (en = names.next()) != null; ) {

    final TokenList tl = new TokenList();
    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    try {
      while (in.more()) {
        final ZipEntry ze = in.entry();
        if (ze.isDirectory()) continue;
        if (hs == null || hs.delete(token(ze.getName())) != 0) tl.add(in.read());
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return tl;
예제 #8
파일: FNUnit.java 프로젝트: nikhi/basex
  * Performs the assert-equals function.
  * @param ctx query context
  * @return resulting value
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private Item assertEquals(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final byte[] str = expr.length < 3 ? null : checkStr(expr[2], ctx);
   final Iter iter1 = ctx.iter(expr[0]), iter2 = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
   final Compare comp = new Compare(info);
   Item it1, it2;
   int c = 1;
   while (true) {
     it1 = iter1.next();
     it2 = iter2.next();
     final boolean empty1 = it1 == null, empty2 = it2 == null;
     if (empty1 && empty2) return null;
     if (empty1 || empty2 || !comp.deep(it1.iter(), it2.iter())) break;
   if (str != null) throw UNIT_MESSAGE.get(info, str);
   throw new UnitException(info, UNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS, it1, it2, c);
예제 #9
파일: FNUnit.java 프로젝트: nikhi/basex
   * Performs the test function.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return resulting value
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private Item test(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final Unit unit = new Unit(ctx, info);
    if (expr.length == 0) return unit.test(sc);

    final ArrayList<StaticFunc> funcs = new ArrayList<>();
    final Iter ir = ctx.iter(expr[0]);
    for (Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null; ) {
      final FItem fi = checkFunc(it, ctx);
      if (fi.funcName() != null) {
        final StaticFunc sf = ctx.funcs.get(fi.funcName(), fi.arity(), null, true);
        if (sf != null) funcs.add(sf);
    return unit.test(sc, funcs);
예제 #10
   * Creates a new archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return archive
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private B64 create(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final Iter entr = ctx.iter(expr[0]);
    final Iter cont = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
    final Item opt = expr.length > 2 ? expr[2].item(ctx, info) : null;
    final TokenMap map = new FuncParams(Q_OPTIONS, info).parse(opt);

    final byte[] f = map.get(FORMAT);
    final String format = f != null ? string(lc(f)) : "zip";
    final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(format, info);
    // check algorithm
    final byte[] alg = map.get(ALGORITHM);
    int level = ZipEntry.DEFLATED;
    if (alg != null) {
      if (format.equals("zip") && !eq(alg, STORED, DEFLATE)
          || format.equals("gzip") && !eq(alg, DEFLATE)) {
        ARCH_SUPP.thrw(info, ALGORITHM, alg);
      if (eq(alg, STORED)) level = ZipEntry.STORED;
      else if (eq(alg, DEFLATE)) level = ZipEntry.DEFLATED;

    try {
      int e = 0;
      int c = 0;
      Item en, cn;
      while (true) {
        en = entr.next();
        cn = cont.next();
        if (en == null || cn == null) break;
        if (out instanceof GZIPOut && c > 0)
          ARCH_ONE.thrw(info, format.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
        add(checkElmStr(en), cn, out, level);
      // count remaining entries
      if (cn != null) do c++; while (cont.next() != null);
      if (en != null) do e++; while (entr.next() != null);
      if (e != c) throw ARCH_DIFF.thrw(info, e, c);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      throw ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return new B64(out.toArray());
예제 #11
   * Updates an archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return updated archive
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private B64 update(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    // entries to be updated
    final TokenObjMap<Item[]> hm = new TokenObjMap<Item[]>();

    final Iter entr = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
    final Iter cont = ctx.iter(expr[2]);
    int e = 0;
    int c = 0;
    Item en, cn;
    while (true) {
      en = entr.next();
      cn = cont.next();
      if (en == null || cn == null) break;
      hm.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info), new Item[] {en, cn});
    // count remaining entries
    if (cn != null) do c++; while (cont.next() != null);
    if (en != null) do e++; while (entr.next() != null);
    if (e != c) ARCH_DIFF.thrw(info, e, c);

    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(in.format(), info);
    try {
      if (in instanceof GZIPIn) ARCH_MODIFY.thrw(info, in.format().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
      // delete entries to be updated
      while (in.more()) if (!hm.contains(token(in.entry().getName()))) out.write(in);
      // add new and updated entries
      for (final byte[] h : hm) {
        if (h == null) continue;
        final Item[] it = hm.get(h);
        add(it[0], it[1], out, ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return new B64(out.toArray());
예제 #12
   * Deletes files from an archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return updated archive
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private B64 delete(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    // entries to be deleted
    final TokenObjMap<Item[]> hm = new TokenObjMap<Item[]>();
    final Iter names = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
    for (Item en; (en = names.next()) != null; ) {
      hm.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info), null);

    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(in.format(), info);
    try {
      if (in instanceof GZIPIn) ARCH_MODIFY.thrw(info, in.format().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
      while (in.more()) if (!hm.contains(token(in.entry().getName()))) out.write(in);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return new B64(out.toArray());
예제 #13
   * Returns an instance of a with the specified name and number of arguments, or {@code null}.
   * @param name name of the function
   * @param args optional arguments
   * @param dyn compile-/run-time flag
   * @param ctx query context
   * @param ii input info
   * @return function instance
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public static TypedFunc get(
      final QNm name,
      final Expr[] args,
      final boolean dyn,
      final QueryContext ctx,
      final InputInfo ii)
      throws QueryException {

    // get namespace and local name
    // parse data type constructors
    if (eq(name.uri(), XSURI)) {
      final byte[] ln = name.local();
      final AtomType type = AtomType.find(name, false);
      if (type == null) {
        final Levenshtein ls = new Levenshtein();
        for (final AtomType t : AtomType.values()) {
          if (t.par != null
              && t != AtomType.NOT
              && t != AtomType.AAT
              && t != AtomType.BIN
              && ls.similar(lc(ln), lc(t.string()), 0))
            FUNSIMILAR.thrw(ii, name.string(), t.string());
      // no constructor function found, or abstract type specified
      if (type == null || type == AtomType.NOT || type == AtomType.AAT) {
        FUNCUNKNOWN.thrw(ii, name.string());

      if (args.length != 1) FUNCTYPE.thrw(ii, name.string());
      final SeqType to = SeqType.get(type, Occ.ZERO_ONE);
      return TypedFunc.constr(new Cast(ii, args[0], to), to);

    // pre-defined functions
    final StandardFunc fun = Functions.get().get(name, args, ii);
    if (fun != null) {
      if (!ctx.sc.xquery3 && fun.xquery3()) FEATURE30.thrw(ii);
      for (final Function f : Function.UPDATING) {
        if (fun.sig == f) {
      return new TypedFunc(fun, fun.sig.type(args.length));

    // user-defined function
    final TypedFunc tf = ctx.funcs.get(name, args, ii);
    if (tf != null) return tf;

    // Java function (only allowed with administrator permissions)
    final JavaMapping jf = JavaMapping.get(name, args, ctx, ii);
    if (jf != null) return TypedFunc.java(jf);

    // add user-defined function that has not been declared yet
    if (!dyn && FuncType.find(name) == null) return ctx.funcs.add(name, args, ii, ctx);

    // no function found
    return null;