public void findPreviousOccurrence(Editor editor) { Line line; for (line = editor.getDotLine().previous(); line != null; line = line.previous()) { if (line instanceof OccurrenceLine) break; } if (line instanceof OccurrenceLine) findOccurrence(editor, line); }
public Position getInitialDotPos() { final boolean listEachOccurrence; if (search instanceof FindInFiles) listEachOccurrence = ((FindInFiles) search).getListEachOccurrence(); else listEachOccurrence = true; for (Line line = getFirstLine(); line != null; line = { if (line instanceof OccurrenceLine) return new Position(line, 0); if (!listEachOccurrence && line instanceof FileLine) return new Position(line, 0); } return new Position(getFirstLine(), 0); }
public void findOccurrenceAtDot(Editor editor, boolean killList) { Position pos = editor.getDotCopy(); if (pos == null) return; Line sourceLine = null; int sourceLineNumber = 0; Buffer buf = null; String canonicalPath = null; setLastDotPos(pos); final Line line = pos.getLine(); if ((line instanceof OccurrenceLine)) { sourceLine = ((OccurrenceLine) line).getSourceLine(); Line ln = line; if (!ln.getText().startsWith("File: ")) sourceLineNumber = Utilities.parseInt(ln.getText()) - 1; while (ln != null) { if (ln.getText().startsWith("File: ")) { canonicalPath = ln.getText().substring(6); break; } ln = ln.previous(); } } else if (line instanceof FileLine) canonicalPath = ((FileLine) line).getCanonicalPath(); if (buf == null && canonicalPath != null) buf = Editor.getBuffer(File.getInstance(canonicalPath)); if (buf != null) { if (!buf.isLoaded()) { if (!buf.initialized()) buf.initialize(); buf.load(); if (!buf.isLoaded()) { editor.status("Unable to load buffer"); return; } } if (line instanceof FileLine) { // Mark file visited. ((FileLine) line).markVisited(); // Advance dot to next line. Position dot = editor.getDot(); if (dot.equals(pos) && dot.getNextLine() != null) { dot.moveTo(dot.getNextLine(), 0); editor.moveCaretToDotCol(); } } Line target; if (sourceLine != null) { if (buf.contains(sourceLine)) target = sourceLine; else target = buf.getLine(sourceLine.lineNumber()); } else target = buf.getLine(sourceLineNumber); gotoSource(editor, buf, target, killList); } }
private Line findLineForOccurrence(File sourceFile, Line sourceLine) { if (sourceFile == null) return null; if (sourceLine == null) return null; final String cp = sourceFile.canonicalPath(); Line line; for (line = getFirstLine(); line != null; line = { if (line instanceof FileLine) { if (((FileLine) line).getCanonicalPath().equals(cp)) break; } } if (line == null) return null; Debug.assertTrue(line instanceof FileLine); Debug.assertTrue(((FileLine) line).getCanonicalPath().equals(cp)); int target = sourceLine.lineNumber() + 1; Line best = null; for (line =; line instanceof OccurrenceLine; line = { int candidate = ((OccurrenceLine) line).getSourceLineNumber(); if (candidate == target) return line; if (best != null && candidate > target) return best; best = line; } return best; }