private void addSearchLayout(RelativeLayout layout, TiViewProxy searchView, TiUIView search) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams p = createBasicSearchLayout(); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP); TiDimension rawHeight; if (searchView.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_HEIGHT)) { rawHeight = TiConvert.toTiDimension(searchView.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_HEIGHT), 0); } else { rawHeight = TiConvert.toTiDimension(MIN_SEARCH_HEIGHT, 0); } p.height = rawHeight.getAsPixels(layout); View nativeView = search.getNativeView(); layout.addView(nativeView, p); p = createBasicSearchLayout(); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, nativeView.getId()); ViewParent parentWrapper = wrapper.getParent(); if (parentWrapper != null && parentWrapper instanceof ViewGroup) { // get the previous layout params so we can reset with new layout ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = wrapper.getLayoutParams(); ViewGroup parentView = (ViewGroup) parentWrapper; // remove view from parent parentView.removeView(wrapper); // add new layout layout.addView(wrapper, p); parentView.addView(layout, lp); } else { layout.addView(wrapper, p); } this.searchLayout = layout; }
@Override public void propertyChanged(String key, Object oldValue, Object newValue, KrollProxy proxy) { TiImageView view = getView(); if (view == null) { return; } if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_CAN_SCALE)) { view.setCanScaleImage(TiConvert.toBoolean(newValue)); } else if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_ENABLE_ZOOM_CONTROLS)) { view.setEnableZoomControls(TiConvert.toBoolean(newValue)); } else if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_URL)) { Log.w(LCAT, "The url property of ImageView is deprecated, use image instead."); setImageSource(newValue); firedLoad = false; setImage(true); } else if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_IMAGE)) { setImageSource(newValue); firedLoad = false; setImage(true); } else if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_IMAGES)) { if (newValue instanceof Object[]) { setImageSource(newValue); setImages(); } } else { super.propertyChanged(key, oldValue, newValue, proxy); } }
private void loadColors(Object[] colors) { this.colors = new int[colors.length]; int offsetCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { Object color = colors[i]; if (color instanceof HashMap) { HashMap<String, Object> colorRefObject = (HashMap) color; this.colors[i] = TiConvert.toColor(colorRefObject, "color"); if (offsets == null) { offsets = new float[colors.length]; } float offset = TiConvert.toFloat(colorRefObject, "offset", -1); if (offset >= 0.0f && offset <= 1.0f) { offsets[offsetCount++] = offset; } } else { this.colors[i] = TiConvert.toColor(color.toString()); } } // If the number of offsets doesn't match the number of colors, // just distribute the colors evenly along the gradient line. if (offsetCount != this.colors.length) { offsets = null; } }
@Override public void processProperties(TiDict d) { super.processProperties(d); TextView tv = (TextView) getNativeView(); // Only accept one, prefer text to title. if (d.containsKey("text")) { tv.setText(TiConvert.toString(d, "text")); } else if (d.containsKey("title")) { // TODO this may not need to be supported. tv.setText(TiConvert.toString(d, "title")); } if (d.containsKey("color")) { tv.setTextColor(TiConvert.toColor(d, "color")); } if (d.containsKey("highlightedColor")) { tv.setHighlightColor(TiConvert.toColor(d, "highlightedColor")); } if (d.containsKey("font")) { TiUIHelper.styleText(tv, d.getTiDict("font")); } if (d.containsKey("textAlign")) { String textAlign = d.getString("textAlign"); setAlignment(tv, textAlign); } tv.invalidate(); }
protected void handleAddRoute(HashMap routeMap) { Object routeArray = routeMap.get("points"); if (routeArray instanceof Object[]) { Object[] routes = (Object[]) routeArray; MapPoint[] pointsType = new MapPoint[routes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) { if (routes[i] instanceof HashMap) { HashMap tempRoute = (HashMap) routes[i]; MapPoint mp = new MapPoint( TiConvert.toDouble(tempRoute, "latitude"), TiConvert.toDouble(tempRoute, "longitude")); pointsType[i] = mp; } } MapRoute mr = new MapRoute( pointsType, TiConvert.toColor(routeMap, "color"), TiConvert.toInt(routeMap, "width"), TiConvert.toString(routeMap, "name")); if (mapView == null) { this.routes.add(mr); } else { mapView.addRoute(mr); } } }
private void addTabToGroup(TiUITabGroup tg, TabProxy tab) { TiTabActivity tta = weakActivity.get(); if (tta == null) { if (DBG) { Log.w(LCAT, "Could not add tab because tab activity no longer exists"); } } Drawable icon = TiDrawableReference.fromObject(getTiContext(), tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_ICON)) .getDrawable(); String tag = TiConvert.toString(tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TAG)); String title = TiConvert.toString(tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE)); if (title == null) { title = ""; } tab.setTabGroup(this); final WindowProxy vp = (WindowProxy) tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_WINDOW); vp.setTabGroupProxy(this); vp.setTabProxy(tab); if (tag != null && vp != null) { TabSpec tspec = tg.newTab(tag); if (icon == null) { tspec.setIndicator(title); } else { tspec.setIndicator(title, icon); } Intent intent = new Intent(tta, TiActivity.class); vp.fillIntentForTab(intent); tspec.setContent(intent); tg.addTab(tspec); } }
private void handleAddTab(TabProxy tab) { String tag = TiConvert.toString(tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TAG)); if (tag == null) { String title = TiConvert.toString(tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE)); if (title == null) { String icon = TiConvert.toString(tab.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_ICON)); if (icon == null) { tag = tab.toString(); } else { tag = icon; } } else { tag = title; } tab.setProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TAG, tag, false); // store in proxy } if (tabs.size() == 0) { initialActiveTab = tab; } tabs.add(tab); if (peekView() != null) { TiUITabGroup tg = (TiUITabGroup) peekView(); addTabToGroup(tg, tab); } }
private void initializeBorder(KrollDict d, Integer bgColor) { if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_RADIUS) || d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_COLOR) || d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH)) { if (nativeView != null) { if (background == null) { applyCustomBackground(); } if (background.getBorder() == null) { background.setBorder(new TiBackgroundDrawable.Border()); } TiBackgroundDrawable.Border border = background.getBorder(); if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_RADIUS)) { border.setRadius(TiConvert.toFloat(d, TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_RADIUS)); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_COLOR) || d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH)) { if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_COLOR)) { border.setColor(TiConvert.toColor(d, TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_COLOR)); } else { if (bgColor != null) { border.setColor(bgColor); } } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH)) { border.setWidth(TiConvert.toFloat(d, TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH)); } } // applyCustomBackground(); } } }
@Kroll.method public void deselectAnnotation(Object[] args) { String title = null; AnnotationProxy selectedAnnotation = null; if (args.length > 0) { if (args[0] instanceof AnnotationProxy) { selectedAnnotation = (AnnotationProxy) args[0]; title = TiConvert.toString(selectedAnnotation.getProperty("title")); } else if (args[0] instanceof String) { title = TiConvert.toString(args[0]); } } if (title != null) { boolean animate = false; if (args.length > 1) { animate = TiConvert.toBoolean(args[1]); } if (mapView == null) { int numSelectedAnnotations = selectedAnnotations.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numSelectedAnnotations; i++) { if ((selectedAnnotations.get(i)).title.equals(title)) { selectedAnnotations.remove(i); } } } else { mapView.selectAnnotation(false, title, selectedAnnotation, animate, false); } } }
@Kroll.method public void removeAnnotation(Object arg) { String title = null; AnnotationProxy annotation = null; if (arg != null) { if (arg instanceof AnnotationProxy) { annotation = (AnnotationProxy) arg; title = TiConvert.toString(annotation.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE)); } else { title = TiConvert.toString(arg); } if (title != null) { int existsIndex = findAnnotation(title, annotation); if (existsIndex > -1) { annotations.get(existsIndex).setViewProxy(null); annotations.remove(existsIndex); } if (mapView != null) { mapView.updateAnnotations(); } } } }
private void fillIntent(Activity activity, Intent intent) { KrollDict props = getProperties(); if (props != null) { if (props.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_FULLSCREEN)) { intent.putExtra( TiC.PROPERTY_FULLSCREEN, TiConvert.toBoolean(props, TiC.PROPERTY_FULLSCREEN)); } if (props.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_NAV_BAR_HIDDEN)) { intent.putExtra( TiC.PROPERTY_NAV_BAR_HIDDEN, TiConvert.toBoolean(props, TiC.PROPERTY_NAV_BAR_HIDDEN)); } } if (props != null && props.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_EXIT_ON_CLOSE)) { intent.putExtra( TiC.INTENT_PROPERTY_FINISH_ROOT, TiConvert.toBoolean(props, TiC.PROPERTY_EXIT_ON_CLOSE)); } else { intent.putExtra(TiC.INTENT_PROPERTY_FINISH_ROOT, activity.isTaskRoot()); } Messenger messenger = new Messenger(getUIHandler()); intent.putExtra(TiC.INTENT_PROPERTY_MESSENGER, messenger); intent.putExtra(TiC.INTENT_PROPERTY_MSG_ID, MSG_FINISH_OPEN); }
@Override public void propertyChanged(String key, Object oldValue, Object newValue, KrollProxy proxy) { if ("volume".equals(key)) { setVolume(TiConvert.toFloat(newValue)); } else if ("time".equals(key)) { setTime(TiConvert.toInt(newValue)); } }
@Override public void processProperties(KrollDict d) { if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_PAGE_WIDTH)) { setPageWidth(d.get(TiC.PROPERTY_PAGE_WIDTH)); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_PAGE_OFFSET)) { setPageOffset(d.get(TiC.PROPERTY_PAGE_OFFSET)); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_VIEWS)) { setViews(d.get(TiC.PROPERTY_VIEWS)); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_CURRENT_PAGE)) { int page = d.optInt(TiC.PROPERTY_CURRENT_PAGE, 0); if (page > 0) { setCurrentPage(page); } } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_SHOW_PAGING_CONTROL)) { if (TiConvert.toBoolean(d, TiC.PROPERTY_SHOW_PAGING_CONTROL)) { showPager(); } } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_SCROLLING_ENABLED)) { mEnabled = TiConvert.toBoolean(d, TiC.PROPERTY_SCROLLING_ENABLED); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_OVER_SCROLL_MODE)) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) { mPager.setOverScrollMode( TiConvert.toInt(d.get(TiC.PROPERTY_OVER_SCROLL_MODE), View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS)); } } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE)) { cacheSize = TiConvert.toInt(d, TiC.PROPERTY_CACHE_SIZE); if (cacheSize < 3) { // WHAT. Let's make it something sensible. cacheSize = 3; } updateCacheSize(); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_TRANSITION)) { transition = TransitionHelper.transitionFromObject( (HashMap) d.get(TiC.PROPERTY_TRANSITION), null, null); mPager.updatePageTransformer(); } super.processProperties(d); }
@Override public void propertyChanged(String key, Object oldValue, Object newValue, KrollProxy proxy) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE)) { actionBar.setTitle(TiConvert.toString(newValue)); } else if (key.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_SWIPEABLE)) { swipeable = TiConvert.toBoolean(newValue); } else { super.propertyChanged(key, oldValue, newValue, proxy); } }
@Override public void processProperties(KrollDict d) { tableView = new TiTableView(proxy.getTiContext(), (TableViewProxy) proxy); tableView.setOnItemClickListener(this); if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_SEARCH)) { RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(proxy.getTiContext().getActivity()); layout.setGravity(Gravity.NO_GRAVITY); layout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); TiViewProxy searchView = (TiViewProxy) d.get(TiC.PROPERTY_SEARCH); TiUISearchBar searchBar = (TiUISearchBar) searchView.getView(proxy.getTiContext().getActivity()); searchBar.setOnSearchChangeListener(tableView); searchBar.getNativeView().setId(102); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams p = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT); p.height = 52; layout.addView(searchBar.getNativeView(), p); p = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT); p.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, 102); layout.addView(tableView, p); setNativeView(layout); } else { setNativeView(tableView); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE)) { tableView.setFilterAttribute(TiConvert.toString(d, TiC.PROPERTY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE)); } else { // Default to title to match iPhone default. proxy.setProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE, TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE, false); tableView.setFilterAttribute(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE); } boolean filterCaseInsensitive = true; if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_FILTER_CASE_INSENSITIVE)) { filterCaseInsensitive = TiConvert.toBoolean(d, TiC.PROPERTY_FILTER_CASE_INSENSITIVE); } tableView.setFilterCaseInsensitive(filterCaseInsensitive); super.processProperties(d); }
@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawColor( (props.containsKeyAndNotNull(TiC.PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR)) ? TiConvert.toColor(props, TiC.PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR) : TiConvert.toColor("transparent")); canvas.drawBitmap(tiBitmap, 0, 0, tiBitmapPaint); canvas.drawPath(tiPath, tiPaint); }
protected KrollDict handleStyleOptions(KrollDict options) { String viewId = getProxyId(); TreeSet<String> styleClasses = new TreeSet<String>(); // TODO styleClasses.add(getShortAPIName().toLowerCase()); if (options.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_ID)) { viewId = TiConvert.toString(options, TiC.PROPERTY_ID); } if (options.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_CLASS_NAME)) { String className = TiConvert.toString(options, TiC.PROPERTY_CLASS_NAME); for (String clazz : className.split(" ")) { styleClasses.add(clazz); } } if (options.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_CLASS_NAMES)) { Object c = options.get(TiC.PROPERTY_CLASS_NAMES); if (c.getClass().isArray()) { int length = Array.getLength(c); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Object clazz = Array.get(c, i); if (clazz != null) { styleClasses.add(clazz.toString()); } } } } String baseUrl = getBaseUrlForStylesheet(); KrollDict dict = TiApplication.getInstance().getStylesheet(baseUrl, styleClasses, viewId); if (dict.size() > 0) { extend(dict); } if (DBG) { Log.d( LCAT, "trying to get stylesheet for base:" + baseUrl + ",classes:" + styleClasses + ",id:" + viewId + ",dict:" + dict); } if (dict != null) { // merge in our stylesheet details to the passed in dictionary // our passed in dictionary takes precedence over the stylesheet dict.putAll(options); return dict; } return options; }
public void send(Object userData) throws MethodNotSupportedException { // TODO consider using task manager final TiHTTPClient me = this; double totalLength = 0; needMultipart = false; if (userData != null) { if (userData instanceof TiDict) { TiDict data = (TiDict) userData; // first time through check if we need multipart for POST for (String key : data.keySet()) { Object value = data.get(key); if (value instanceof TiBaseFile || value instanceof TiBlob) { needMultipart = true; } } for (String key : data.keySet()) { Object value = data.get(key); if (method.equals("POST") || method.equals("PUT")) { if (value instanceof TiBaseFile || value instanceof TiBlob) { totalLength += addTitaniumFileAsPostData(key, value); } else { String str = TiConvert.toString(value); addPostData(key, str); totalLength += str.length(); } } else if (method.equals("GET")) { uri = uri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter(key, TiConvert.toString(value)).build(); } } } else { addStringData(TiConvert.toString(userData)); } } request = new DefaultHttpRequestFactory().newHttpRequest(method, uri.toString()); for (String header : headers.keySet()) { request.setHeader(header, headers.get(header)); } clientThread = new Thread( new ClientRunnable(totalLength), "TiHttpClient-" + httpClientThreadCounter.incrementAndGet()); clientThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); clientThread.start(); if (DBG) { Log.d(LCAT, "Leaving send()"); } }
@Override public void processProperties(KrollDict d) { if (d.containsKey("volume")) { setVolume(TiConvert.toFloat(d, "volume")); } else { setVolume(0.5f); } if (d.containsKey("time")) { setTime(TiConvert.toInt(d, "time")); } }
@Kroll.method public void show(KrollDict args) { Log.d(TAG, "show called"); final Crouton crouton; Activity activity; String text = ""; Style style = null; Builder config = new Configuration.Builder(); if (args.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY)) { ActivityProxy activityProxy = (ActivityProxy) args.get(TiC.PROPERTY_ACTIVITY); activity = activityProxy.getActivity(); } else { activity = TiApplication.getInstance().getCurrentActivity(); } if (args.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_TEXT)) { text = TiConvert.toString(args.get(TiC.PROPERTY_TEXT)); } if (args.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_STYLE)) { style = getStyle(TiConvert.toInt(args.get(TiC.PROPERTY_STYLE))); } if (args.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_COLOR)) { String color = (String) args.get(TiC.PROPERTY_COLOR); style = new Style.Builder().setBackgroundColorValue(TiConvert.toColor(color)).build(); } if (style == null) { style = Style.INFO; } crouton = Crouton.makeText(activity, text, style); if (args.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_DURATION)) { config.setDuration(TiConvert.toInt(args.get(TiC.PROPERTY_DURATION))); crouton.setConfiguration(; } TiUIHelper.runUiDelayedIfBlock( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); }
/** * Check whether the called view is a text editor, in which case it would make sense to * automatically display a soft input window for it. */ @Override public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() { if (proxy.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_SOFT_KEYBOARD_ON_FOCUS) && TiConvert.toInt(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_SOFT_KEYBOARD_ON_FOCUS)) == TiUIView.SOFT_KEYBOARD_HIDE_ON_FOCUS) { return false; } if (proxy.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_EDITABLE) && !(TiConvert.toBoolean(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_EDITABLE)))) { return false; } return true; }
private void setPageOffset(Object value) { if (verticalLayout) { TiCompositeLayout.LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) mPager.getLayoutParams(); params.optionHeight = TiConvert.toTiDimension(TiConvert.toString(value), TiDimension.TYPE_TOP); mPager.setLayoutParams(params); } else { TiCompositeLayout.LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) mPager.getLayoutParams(); params.optionWidth = TiConvert.toTiDimension(TiConvert.toString(value), TiDimension.TYPE_LEFT); mPager.setLayoutParams(params); } }
@Override public void processProperties(KrollDict d) { super.processProperties(d); if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_MESSAGE)) { handleSetMessage(TiConvert.toString(d, TiC.PROPERTY_MESSAGE)); } if (d.containsKey(TiC.PROPERTY_COLOR)) { final int color = TiConvert.toColor(d, TiC.PROPERTY_COLOR); progress.getProgressDrawable().setColorFilter(color, Mode.SRC_IN); handleSetMessageColor(color); } updateProgress(); }
protected void didProcessProperties() { if ((mProcessUpdateFlags & TIFLAG_NEEDS_OPTIONS) != 0) { clearDialog(); getBuilder().setView(null); String[] optionText = TiConvert.toStringArray(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_OPTIONS)); int selectedIndex = TiConvert.toInt(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_SELECTED_INDEX), -1); if (selectedIndex >= optionText.length) { selectedIndex = -1; } processOptions(optionText, selectedIndex); mProcessUpdateFlags &= ~TIFLAG_NEEDS_OPTIONS; } super.didProcessProperties(); }
protected void initialize() throws IOException { try { mp = new MediaPlayer(); String url = TiConvert.toString(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_URL)); if (URLUtil.isAssetUrl(url)) { Context context = proxy.getTiContext().getTiApp(); String path = url.substring(TiConvert.ASSET_URL.length()); AssetFileDescriptor afd = null; try { afd = context.getAssets().openFd(path); // Why mp.setDataSource(afd) doesn't work is a problem for another day. // mp.setDataSource(afd.getFileDescriptor(), afd.getStartOffset(), afd.getLength()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LCAT, "Error setting file descriptor: ", e); } finally { if (afd != null) { afd.close(); } } } else { Uri uri = Uri.parse(url); if (uri.getScheme().equals(TiC.PROPERTY_FILE)) { mp.setDataSource(uri.getPath()); } else { remote = true; mp.setDataSource(url); } } mp.setLooping(looping); mp.setOnCompletionListener(this); mp.setOnErrorListener(this); mp.setOnInfoListener(this); mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(this); mp.prepare(); // Probably need to allow for Async setState(STATE_INITIALIZED); setVolume(volume); if (proxy.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TIME)) { setTime(TiConvert.toInt(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TIME))); } } catch (Throwable t) { Log.w(LCAT, "Issue while initializing : ", t); release(); setState(STATE_STOPPED); } }
private void handleBorderProperty(String property, Object value) { if (background.getBorder() == null) { background.setBorder(new TiBackgroundDrawable.Border()); } TiBackgroundDrawable.Border border = background.getBorder(); if (property.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_COLOR)) { border.setColor(TiConvert.toColor(value.toString())); } else if (property.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_RADIUS)) { border.setRadius(TiConvert.toFloat(value)); } else if (property.equals(TiC.PROPERTY_BORDER_WIDTH)) { border.setWidth(TiConvert.toFloat(value)); } applyCustomBackground(); }
public TiUIFragment(TiViewProxy proxy, Activity activity) { super(proxy); // When 'fragmentOnly' property is enabled, we generate the standalone fragment, enabling // us to add it directly to other fragment managers. if (proxy.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_FRAGMENT_ONLY)) { fragmentOnly = TiConvert.toBoolean(proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_FRAGMENT_ONLY), false); } if (fragmentOnly) { fragment = createFragment(); } else { TiCompositeLayout container = new TiCompositeLayout(activity, proxy) { @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { return interceptTouchEvent(ev) || super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); } }; container.setId(viewId++); setNativeView(container); FragmentManager manager = ((FragmentActivity) activity).getSupportFragmentManager(); FragmentTransaction transaction = manager.beginTransaction(); fragment = createFragment(); transaction.add(container.getId(), fragment); transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss(); } }
protected void updateTitle() { if (window == null) return; if (window.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE)) { String oldTitle = (String) getTitle(); String newTitle = TiConvert.toString(window.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_TITLE)); if (oldTitle == null) { oldTitle = ""; } if (newTitle == null) { newTitle = ""; } if (!newTitle.equals(oldTitle)) { final String fnewTitle = newTitle; runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { setTitle(fnewTitle); } }); } } }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(Drawable d) { super.onPostExecute(d); if (d != null) { final Drawable fDrawable = d; // setImageDrawable has to run in the UI thread since it updates the UI TiMessenger.getMainMessenger() .post( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setImageDrawable(fDrawable, token); } }); } else { if (Log.isDebugModeEnabled()) { String traceMsg = "Background image load returned null"; if (proxy.hasProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_IMAGE)) { Object image = proxy.getProperty(TiC.PROPERTY_IMAGE); if (image instanceof String) { traceMsg += " (" + TiConvert.toString(image) + ")"; } } Log.d(TAG, traceMsg); } } }
private long repeatingFrequency(KrollDict args) { long freqResults = utils.DAILY_MILLISECONDS; Object repeat = args.get("repeat"); if (repeat instanceof Number) { utils.debugLog("Repeat value provided in milliseconds found"); freqResults = ((Number) repeat).longValue(); } else { String repeatValue = TiConvert.toString(repeat); utils.debugLog("Repeat value of " + repeatValue + " found"); if (repeatValue.toUpperCase() == "HOURLY") { freqResults = utils.HOURLY_MILLISECONDS; } if (repeatValue.toUpperCase() == "WEEKLY") { freqResults = utils.WEEKLY_MILLISECONDS; } if (repeatValue.toUpperCase() == "MONTHLY") { freqResults = utils.MONTHLY_MILLISECONDS; } if (repeatValue.toUpperCase() == "YEARLY") { freqResults = utils.YEARLY_MILLISECONDS; } } utils.debugLog("Repeat Frequency in milliseconds is " + freqResults); return freqResults; }