/** Verify the ability to start a standalone server instance. */ @Test public void testStandalone() throws Exception { LOG.info("STARTING " + getName()); ClientBase.setupTestEnv(); final int CLIENT_PORT = 3181; MainThread main = new MainThread(CLIENT_PORT); main.start(); assertTrue( "waiting for server being up", ClientBase.waitForServerUp("localhost:" + CLIENT_PORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper("localhost:" + CLIENT_PORT, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this); zk.create("/foo", "foobar".getBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); assertEquals(new String(zk.getData("/foo", null, null)), "foobar"); zk.close(); main.shutdown(); assertTrue( "waiting for server down", ClientBase.waitForServerDown("localhost:" + CLIENT_PORT, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); }
public void killServer() throws Exception { if (zkc != null) { zkc.close(); } // shutdown ZK server if (serverFactory != null) { serverFactory.shutdown(); assertTrue( ClientBase.waitForServerDown(getZooKeeperConnectString(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT), "waiting for server down"); } // ServerStats.unregister(); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(ZkTmpDir); }
@After @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { LOG.info("TearDown started"); shutdownServers(); for (String hp : hostPort.split(",")) { assertTrue( "waiting for server down", ClientBase.waitForServerDown(hp, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); LOG.info(hp + " is no longer accepting client connections"); } JMXEnv.tearDown(); LOG.info("FINISHED " + getName()); }
static void shutdownServerInstance(ServerCnxnFactory factory, String hostPort) { if (factory != null) { ZKDatabase zkDb = null; { ZooKeeperServer zs = getServer(factory); if (zs != null) { zkDb = zs.getZKDatabase(); } } factory.shutdown(); try { if (zkDb != null) { zkDb.close(); } } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.warn("Error closing logs ", ie); } final int PORT = getPort(hostPort); Assert.assertTrue( "waiting for server down", ClientBase.waitForServerDown("" + PORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); } }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { serverFactory.shutdown(); Assert.assertTrue( "waiting for server down", ClientBase.waitForServerDown(HOSTPORT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); }