public void testUrlLinkModified() {
    // print(tester.getLastRenderedPage(), true, true);

    final FormTester requestFormTester = tester.newFormTester("demoRequestsForm");

    final String requestName = "WMS_describeLayer.url";"demoRequestsList", 1);

     * There's an AjaxFormSubmitBehavior attached to onchange so force it
    tester.executeAjaxEvent("demoRequestsForm:demoRequestsList", "onchange");

    tester.assertModelValue("demoRequestsForm:demoRequestsList", requestName);

    final String modifiedUrl = "http://modified/url";

    TextField url = (TextField) tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("demoRequestsForm:url");
    url.setModelValue(new String[] {modifiedUrl});

    assertEquals(modifiedUrl, url.getValue());

    final boolean isAjax = true;
    tester.clickLink("demoRequestsForm:submit", isAjax);


    IModel model = tester.getLastRenderedPage().getModel();
    assertTrue(model.getObject() instanceof DemoRequest);
    DemoRequest req = (DemoRequest) model.getObject();

    String requestUrl = req.getRequestUrl();
    assertEquals(modifiedUrl, requestUrl);
예제 #2
    public void validate(Form<?> form) {
      // only validate on final submit
      if (form.findSubmittingButton() != form.get("submit")) {

      // Getting pool components
      final Component maxPoolComponent = form.get("maxPoolSize");
      final Component corePoolComponent = form.get("corePoolSize");

      int maxPool;
      int corePool;

      // checking limits are properly set
      if (maxPoolComponent != null
          && maxPoolComponent instanceof TextField<?>
          && corePoolComponent != null
          && corePoolComponent instanceof TextField<?>) {
        final TextField maxPoolField = (TextField) maxPoolComponent;
        final TextField corePoolField = (TextField) corePoolComponent;
        final String mp = maxPoolField.getValue();
        final String cp = corePoolField.getValue();
        if (!(mp == null || cp == null || mp.trim().isEmpty() || cp.trim().isEmpty())) {
          try {
            maxPool = Integer.valueOf(mp);
          } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            // The MinimumValidator(1) should already deal with that

          try {
            corePool = Integer.valueOf(cp);
          } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            // The MinimumValidator(1) should already deal with that

          if (maxPool >= 1 && corePool >= 1 && maxPool < corePool) {
            form.error(new ParamResourceModel("poolSizeCheck", getPage()).getString());