public WmsEoAddLayerPage() { IModel<WmsEoAddLayerModel> model = new Model<WmsEoAddLayerModel>(new WmsEoAddLayerModel()); // build the form Form<WmsEoAddLayerModel> paramsForm = new Form<WmsEoAddLayerModel>("addLayerForm", model); add(paramsForm); LayerGroupPanel groupPanel = new LayerGroupPanel( "groupPanel", new PropertyModel<LayerGroupInfo>(model, "group"), new ResourceModel("group", "WMS-EO Group"), true, new LayerGroupInfoFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(LayerGroupInfo group) { return LayerGroupInfo.Mode.EO.equals(group.getMode()); } }); paramsForm.add(groupPanel); paramsForm.add( getTextParamPanel( "parameterLayerName", GEOPHYSICAL_PARAMETER.getObject() + " Layer Name", model, false)); paramsForm.add( getDirectoryPanel( "parameterUrl", GEOPHYSICAL_PARAMETER.getObject() + " URL", model, false)); paramsForm.add( getTextParamPanel("bitmaskLayerName", BITMASK.getObject() + " Layer Name", model, false)); paramsForm.add(getDirectoryPanel("bitmaskUrl", BITMASK.getObject() + " URL", model, false)); // cancel / submit buttons AjaxSubmitLink submitLink = saveLink(paramsForm); paramsForm.add(new BookmarkablePageLink<StorePage>("cancel", WmsEoAddLayerPage.class)); paramsForm.add(submitLink); paramsForm.setDefaultButton(submitLink); // feedback panel for error messages paramsForm.add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback")); }
/** Builds a new table panel */ public GeoServerTablePanel( final String id, final GeoServerDataProvider<T> dataProvider, final boolean selectable) { super(id); this.dataProvider = dataProvider; // prepare the selection array selection = new boolean[DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE]; // layer container used for ajax-y udpates of the table listContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("listContainer"); // build the filter form filterForm = new Form("filterForm") { @Override public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) { if (isRootForm()) return; // in subforms (on dialogs) the forms onsubmit doesn;t forward to the submit links // onclick, so we manually do it outselves String markupId = filterForm.getMarkupId(); String js = "if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {" + "n = document.getElementById('" + markupId + "'); " + "while (n.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form') { n = n.parentElement; }; " + "n.setAttribute('onsubmit', \"return document.getElementById('" + hiddenSubmit.getMarkupId() + "').onclick();\");" + "}"; response.renderOnLoadJavascript(js); } }; filterForm.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(filterForm); filterForm.add(filter = new TextField("filter", new Model())); filter.add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( "title", String.valueOf(new ResourceModel("", "Search").getObject()))); filterForm.add(hiddenSubmit = hiddenSubmit()); filterForm.setDefaultButton(hiddenSubmit); // setup the table listContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(listContainer); dataView = new DataView("items", dataProvider) { @Override protected void populateItem(Item item) { final IModel itemModel = item.getModel(); // odd/even style item.add( new SimpleAttributeModifier("class", item.getIndex() % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd")); // add row selector (visible only if selection is active) WebMarkupContainer cnt = new WebMarkupContainer("selectItemContainer"); cnt.add(selectOneCheckbox(item)); cnt.setVisible(selectable); item.add(cnt); // create one component per viewable property ListView items = new ListView("itemProperties", dataProvider.getVisibleProperties()) { @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem item) { Property<T> property = (Property<T>) item.getModelObject(); Component component = getComponentForProperty("component", itemModel, property); if (component == null) { // show a plain label if the the subclass did not create any component component = new Label("component", property.getModel(itemModel)); } else if (!"component".equals(component.getId())) { // add some checks for the id, the error message // that wicket returns in case of mismatch is not // that helpful throw new IllegalArgumentException( "getComponentForProperty asked " + "to build a component " + "with id = 'component' " + "for property '" + property.getName() + "', but got '" + component.getId() + "' instead"); } item.add(component); onPopulateItem(property, item); } }; items.setReuseItems(true); item.add(items); } }; dataView.setItemReuseStrategy(ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy.getInstance()); listContainer.add(dataView); // add select all checkbox WebMarkupContainer cnt = new WebMarkupContainer("selectAllContainer"); cnt.add(selectAll = selectAllCheckbox()); cnt.setVisible(selectable); listContainer.add(cnt); // add the sorting links listContainer.add( new ListView("sortableLinks", dataProvider.getVisibleProperties()) { @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem item) { Property<T> property = (Property<T>) item.getModelObject(); // build a sortable link if the property is sortable, a label otherwise IModel titleModel = getPropertyTitle(property); if (sortable && property.getComparator() != null) { Fragment f = new Fragment("header", "sortableHeader", item); AjaxLink link = sortLink(dataProvider, item); link.add(new Label("label", titleModel)); f.add(link); item.add(f); } else { item.add(new Label("header", titleModel)); } } }); // add the paging navigator and set the items per page dataView.setItemsPerPage(DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE); pagerDelegate = new PagerDelegate(); filterForm.add(navigatorTop = new Pager("navigatorTop")); navigatorTop.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(navigatorBottom = new Pager("navigatorBottom")); navigatorBottom.setOutputMarkupId(true); }
AttributeEditPage( final AttributeDescription attribute, final NewFeatureTypePage previousPage, final boolean newAttribute) { this.previousPage = previousPage; this.newAttribute = newAttribute; this.attribute = attribute; this.size = String.valueOf(attribute.getSize()); final Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(attribute)); form.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(form); form.add(nameField = new TextField("name")); DropDownChoice binding = new DropDownChoice("binding", AttributeDescription.BINDINGS, new BindingChoiceRenderer()); binding.add( new AjaxFormSubmitBehavior("onchange") { @Override protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target) { updateVisibility(target); } private void updateVisibility(AjaxRequestTarget target) { sizeContainer.setVisible(String.class.equals(attribute.getBinding())); crsContainer.setVisible( attribute.getBinding() != null && Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(attribute.getBinding())); target.addComponent(getFeedbackPanel()); target.addComponent(form); } @Override protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) { updateVisibility(target); } }); form.add(binding); form.add(new CheckBox("nullable")); sizeContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("sizeContainer"); sizeContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); form.add(sizeContainer); sizeContainer.add(sizeField = new TextField("size", new PropertyModel(this, "size"))); sizeContainer.setVisible(String.class.equals(attribute.getBinding())); crsContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("crsContainer"); crsContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); form.add(crsContainer); crsContainer.add(crsField = new CRSPanel("crs")); crsContainer.setVisible( attribute.getBinding() != null && Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(attribute.getBinding())); SubmitLink submit = new SubmitLink("save") { @Override public void onSubmit() { if (validate()) { if (newAttribute) { previousPage.attributesProvider.addNewAttribute(attribute); } setResponsePage(previousPage); } } }; form.setDefaultButton(submit); form.add(submit); form.add( new Link("cancel") { @Override public void onClick() { setResponsePage(previousPage); } }); }