예제 #1
   * Tests a regular expression against each line of text in a Resource.
   * @param r the Resource to check.
   * @return whether the Resource is selected or not
  public boolean isSelected(Resource r) {
    String teststr = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;

    // throw BuildException on error


    if (r.isDirectory()) {
      return true;

    if (myRegExp == null) {
      myRegExp = new RegularExpression();
      myExpression = myRegExp.getRegexp(getProject());

    try {
      in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(r.getInputStream()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BuildException("Could not get InputStream from " + r.toLongString(), e);
    try {
      teststr = in.readLine();

      while (teststr != null) {

        if (myExpression.matches(
            teststr, RegexpUtil.asOptions(caseSensitive, multiLine, singleLine))) {
          return true;
        teststr = in.readLine();

      return false;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new BuildException("Could not read " + r.toLongString());
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BuildException("Could not close " + r.toLongString());
예제 #2
   * Returns list of mapped files, that should be transformed. Files can by specified via attributes
   * (srcFile, srcDir) or resources (FileSet, FileList, DirSet, etc). Mapped file represents input
   * and output file for transformation.
   * @return list of mapped files
  public List<MappedFile> getMappedFiles() {

    // one src file
    if (getSrcFile() != null) {

    if (getSrcDir() != null) {

    Iterator element = resources.iterator();
    while (element.hasNext()) {
      ResourceCollection rc = (ResourceCollection) element.next();
      if (rc instanceof FileSet && rc.isFilesystemOnly()) {
        FileSet fs = (FileSet) rc;
        File fromDir = fs.getDir(getProject());

        DirectoryScanner ds;
        try {
          ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject());
        } catch (BuildException ex) {
          log("Could not scan directory " + fromDir, ex, Project.MSG_ERR);

        for (String f : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {
          addMappedFile(new File(fromDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + f), fromDir);
      } else {
        if (!rc.isFilesystemOnly()) {
          log("Only filesystem resources are supported", Project.MSG_WARN);
        Iterator rcIt = rc.iterator();
        while (rcIt.hasNext()) {
          Resource r = (Resource) rcIt.next();
          if (!r.isExists()) {
            log("Could not find resource " + r.toLongString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

          if (r instanceof FileResource) {
            FileResource fr = (FileResource) r;
            addMappedFile(fr.getFile(), fr.getBaseDir());
          } else {
                "Only file resources are supported (" + r.getClass().getSimpleName() + " found)",

    return mappedFiles;
예제 #3
  * Add a resource to the source list.
  * @since Ant 1.7.1
  * @param sourceResource the resource to load
  * @throws BuildException if the resource cannot be read
 public void loadResource(Resource sourceResource) {
   String name = sourceResource.toLongString();
   InputStream in = null;
   try {
     in = sourceResource.getInputStream();
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new BuildException("Failed to open " + name, e);
   } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
     throw new BuildException("Failed to open " + name + " -it is not readable", e);
   readSource(new InputStreamReader(in), name);
예제 #4
  * Implementation of ResourceSelector.isSelected().
  * @param resource The resource to check
  * @return whether the resource is selected
  * @see ResourceSelector#isSelected(Resource)
 public boolean isSelected(Resource resource) {
   if (resource.isFilesystemOnly()) {
     // We have a 'resourced' file, so reconvert it and use
     // the 'old' implementation.
     FileResource fileResource = (FileResource) resource;
     File file = fileResource.getFile();
     String filename = fileResource.getName();
     File basedir = fileResource.getBaseDir();
     return isSelected(basedir, filename, file);
   } else {
     try {
       // How to handle non-file-Resources? I copy temporarily the
       // resource to a file and use the file-implementation.
       FileUtils fu = FileUtils.getFileUtils();
       File tmpFile = fu.createTempFile("modified-", ".tmp", null, true, false);
       Resource tmpResource = new FileResource(tmpFile);
       ResourceUtils.copyResource(resource, tmpResource);
       boolean isSelected =
           isSelected(tmpFile.getParentFile(), tmpFile.getName(), resource.toLongString());
       return isSelected;
     } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
           "The resource '"
               + resource.getName()
               + "' does not provide an InputStream, so it is not checked. "
               + "Akkording to 'selres' attribute value it is "
               + ((selectResourcesWithoutInputStream) ? "" : " not")
               + "selected.",
       return selectResourcesWithoutInputStream;
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new BuildException(e);