public String createAnchor(WeblogEntryData entry) throws RollerException { try { // Check for uniqueness of anchor String base = entry.createAnchorBase(); String name = base; int count = 0; while (true) { if (count > 0) { name = base + count; } Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this.strategy).getSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(WeblogEntryData.class); criteria.add(Expression.eq("website", entry.getWebsite())); criteria.add(Expression.eq("anchor", name)); List results = criteria.list(); if (results.size() < 1) { break; } else { count++; } } return name; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new RollerException(e); } }
public WeblogEntryData getWeblogEntryByAnchor(WebsiteData website, String anchor) throws RollerException { if (website == null) throw new RollerException("Website is null"); if (anchor == null) throw new RollerException("Anchor is null"); // mapping key is combo of weblog + anchor String mappingKey = website.getHandle() + ":" + anchor; // check cache first // NOTE: if we ever allow changing anchors then this needs updating if (this.entryAnchorToIdMap.containsKey(mappingKey)) { WeblogEntryData entry = this.getWeblogEntry((String) this.entryAnchorToIdMap.get(mappingKey)); if (entry != null) { log.debug("entryAnchorToIdMap CACHE HIT - " + mappingKey); return entry; } else { // mapping hit with lookup miss? mapping must be old, remove it this.entryAnchorToIdMap.remove(mappingKey); } } // cache failed, do lookup try { Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this.strategy).getSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(WeblogEntryData.class); criteria.add( Expression.conjunction() .add(Expression.eq("website", website)) .add(Expression.eq("anchor", anchor))); criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("pubTime")); criteria.setMaxResults(1); List list = criteria.list(); WeblogEntryData entry = null; if (list.size() != 0) { entry = (WeblogEntryData) criteria.uniqueResult(); } // add mapping to cache if (entry != null) { log.debug("entryAnchorToIdMap CACHE MISS - " + mappingKey); this.entryAnchorToIdMap.put(mappingKey, entry.getId()); } return entry; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new RollerException(e); } }
public void removeWeblogEntry(WeblogEntryData entry) throws RollerException { Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this.strategy).getSession(); // remove referers Criteria refererQuery = session.createCriteria(RefererData.class); refererQuery.add(Expression.eq("weblogEntry", entry)); List referers = refererQuery.list(); for (Iterator iter = referers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { RefererData referer = (RefererData); this.strategy.remove(referer); } // remove comments List comments = getComments( null, // website entry, null, // search String null, // startDate null, // endDate null, // pending null, // approved null, // spam true, // reverse chrono order (not that it matters) 0, // offset -1); // no limit Iterator commentsIT = comments.iterator(); while (commentsIT.hasNext()) { this.strategy.remove((CommentData); } // remove entry this.strategy.remove(entry); // update weblog last modified date. date updated by saveWebsite() if (entry.isPublished()) { RollerFactory.getRoller().getUserManager().saveWebsite(entry.getWebsite()); } // remove entry from cache mapping this.entryAnchorToIdMap.remove(entry.getWebsite().getHandle() + ":" + entry.getAnchor()); }
private Map getWeblogEntryMap( WebsiteData website, Date startDate, Date endDate, String catName, String status, boolean stringsOnly, String locale, int offset, int length) throws RollerException { TreeMap map = new TreeMap(reverseComparator); List entries = getWeblogEntries( website, null, startDate, endDate, catName, status, null, locale, offset, length); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (website != null) { cal.setTimeZone(website.getTimeZoneInstance()); } SimpleDateFormat formatter = DateUtil.get8charDateFormat(); for (Iterator wbItr = entries.iterator(); wbItr.hasNext(); ) { WeblogEntryData entry = (WeblogEntryData); Date sDate = DateUtil.getNoonOfDay(entry.getPubTime(), cal); if (stringsOnly) { if (map.get(sDate) == null) map.put(sDate, formatter.format(sDate)); } else { List dayEntries = (List) map.get(sDate); if (dayEntries == null) { dayEntries = new ArrayList(); map.put(sDate, dayEntries); } dayEntries.add(entry); } } return map; }
public List getNextPrevEntries( WeblogEntryData current, String catName, String locale, int maxEntries, boolean next) throws RollerException { Junction conjunction = Expression.conjunction(); conjunction.add(Expression.eq("website", current.getWebsite())); conjunction.add(Expression.eq("status", WeblogEntryData.PUBLISHED)); if (next) { conjunction.add("pubTime", current.getPubTime())); } else { conjunction.add("pubTime", current.getPubTime())); } if (catName != null && !catName.trim().equals("/")) { WeblogCategoryData category = getWeblogCategoryByPath(current.getWebsite(), null, catName); if (category != null) { conjunction.add(Expression.eq("category", category)); } else { throw new RollerException("Cannot find category: " + catName); } } if (locale != null) { conjunction.add(Expression.ilike("locale", locale, MatchMode.START)); } try { Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy) this.strategy).getSession(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(WeblogEntryData.class); criteria.addOrder(next ? Order.asc("pubTime") : Order.desc("pubTime")); criteria.add(conjunction); criteria.setMaxResults(maxEntries); List results = criteria.list(); return results; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new RollerException(e); } }
public void moveWeblogCategoryContents(WeblogCategoryData srcCat, WeblogCategoryData destCat) throws RollerException { // TODO: this check should be made before calling this method? if (destCat.descendentOf(srcCat)) { throw new RollerException("ERROR cannot move parent category into it's own child"); } // get all entries in category and subcats List results = srcCat.retrieveWeblogEntries(true); // Loop through entries in src cat, assign them to dest cat Iterator iter = results.iterator(); WebsiteData website = destCat.getWebsite(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WeblogEntryData entry = (WeblogEntryData); entry.setCategory(destCat); entry.setWebsite(website);; } // Make sure website's default and bloggerapi categories // are valid after the move if (srcCat.getWebsite().getDefaultCategory().getId().equals(srcCat.getId()) || srcCat.getWebsite().getDefaultCategory().descendentOf(srcCat)) { srcCat.getWebsite().setDefaultCategory(destCat);; } if (srcCat.getWebsite().getBloggerCategory().getId().equals(srcCat.getId()) || srcCat.getWebsite().getBloggerCategory().descendentOf(srcCat)) { srcCat.getWebsite().setBloggerCategory(destCat);; } }
// TODO: perhaps the createAnchor() and queuePings() items should go outside this method? public void saveWeblogEntry(WeblogEntryData entry) throws RollerException { if (entry.getAnchor() == null || entry.getAnchor().trim().equals("")) { entry.setAnchor(this.createAnchor(entry)); }; // update weblog last modified date. date updated by saveWebsite() if (entry.isPublished()) { RollerFactory.getRoller().getUserManager().saveWebsite(entry.getWebsite()); } if (entry.isPublished()) { // Queue applicable pings for this update. RollerFactory.getRoller().getAutopingManager().queueApplicableAutoPings(entry); } }