private File writeSingleXLS() throws ReportException { File file = null; HSSFWorkbook wb = null; OutputStream out = null; try { file = getReportFile(); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); ReportDefineFrm definedReport = executeFrm.getDefinedReport(); String sheetName = definedReport.getReportName(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName); sheet.setDisplayGridlines(false); // 不显示网格线 HSSFCellStyle dataStyle = createDataStyle(wb); HSSFCellStyle headerStyle = createHeaderStyle(wb); if (isFirstFile) { writeDataHeader(sheet, headerStyle); } writeData2Excel(sheet, dataStyle, headerStyle); autoReSizeSheet(sheet); out = new FileOutputStream(file); wb.write(out); isFirstFile = false; } catch (Throwable ex) { Logger.logError(ex); throw new ReportException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.logError(ex); } } return file; }
private void createSummerySheet() { sheet0 = workbook.createSheet("Summary"); PrintSetup printSetup = sheet0.getPrintSetup(); printSetup.setLandscape(true); sheet0.setFitToPage(true); sheet0.setHorizontallyCenter(true); // title row Row titleRow = sheet0.createRow(0); titleRow.setHeightInPoints(45); Cell titleCell = titleRow.createCell(0); titleCell.setCellValue("File Health Report"); titleCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("title")); sheet0.addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("$A$1:$L$1")); for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { Row _row = sheet0.createRow(i + 1); Cell headerCell = _row.createCell(0); headerCell.setCellValue(titles[i]); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); _row.setHeightInPoints(20); } // finally set column widths, the width is measured in units of 1/256th // of a character width sheet0.setColumnWidth(0, 50 * 256); // 30 characters wide }
/** * ************************************************************************* Public methods * ************************************************************************ */ @Override public void open(String filepath) throws Exception { this.filepath = filepath; String author = ini.getValue("Excel", "Author", "Toël Hartmann"); String keywords = ini.getValue("Excel", "Keywords", ""); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); // Set some properties wb.createInformationProperties(); wb.getSummaryInformation().setAuthor(author); wb.getSummaryInformation().setKeywords(keywords); wb.getSummaryInformation().setCreateDateTime(new Date()); // Create the cell style for column titles titleStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); titleStyle.setFont(font); String sheetName = getConfigValue("Excel", "sheet", null); if (sheetName == null || sheetName.isEmpty()) sheetName = FileUtils.getFileNameWithoutExtention(filepath); sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName); if (getConfigValue("Excel", "freezeFirstRow", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { sheet.createFreezePane(0, 1); } }
public static void writeExcel(String excelPath, String testCase) throws Exception { /** * create Excel file in excelPath build two sheet which names are "TestSummary" and testcase * detailinfo */ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(excelPath); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet s1 = wb.createSheet(); wb.setSheetName(0, "TestSummary"); HSSFSheet s2 = wb.createSheet(); wb.setSheetName(1, testCase + "_DetailInfo"); HSSFRow s1row = s1.createRow(0); HSSFRow s2row = s2.createRow(0); s1row.createCell(0).setCellValue("Total TCs"); s1row.createCell(1).setCellValue("Run TCs"); s1row.createCell(2).setCellValue("Passed TCs"); s1row.createCell(3).setCellValue("Failure TCs"); s1row.createCell(4).setCellValue("NoRun TCs"); s2row.createCell(0).setCellValue("SubTestCase"); s2row.createCell(1).setCellValue("TestResult"); s2row.createCell(2).setCellValue("AssertPointCheck"); s2row.createCell(3).setCellValue("ScreenShot"); s2row.createCell(4).setCellValue("Processor"); wb.write(fos); fos.close(); }
public void doService() throws Exception { // String filePath = "D:\\home\\filsoft\\financelease\\birtReport" + String filePath = "\\\\" + LeaseUtil.getIPAddress() + "\\home\\filsoft\\financelease\\birtReport" + File.separator + "待补-逾期" + File.separator + DateUtil.dateToString(new Date(), "yyyy_MM_dd"); String fileName = "待补-逾期情况表.xls"; OutputStream out = null; HSSFWorkbook wb = null; Map<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { ReportDateTo reportDate = ReportDateUtil.getDateByDate(DateUtil.dateToStr(new Date())); if (reportDate.getMonth() == 1) { reportDate.setMonth((short) 12); reportDate.setYear(reportDate.getYear() - 1); } else { reportDate.setMonth((short) (reportDate.getMonth() - 1)); } reportDate = ReportDateUtil.getDateByYearAndMonth(reportDate.getYear(), reportDate.getMonth()); File path = new File(filePath); path.mkdirs(); File f = new File(path, fileName); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); // sheet1 HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("当月拨款案件待补情况"); List<Map<String, Object>> data4Of1 = (List<Map<String, Object>>) this.queryForList("job.getDataForHr_lack", reportDate); this.drawSheet(sheet1, data4Of1, getHeadByHardcode1()); // sheet2 HSSFSheet sheet2 = wb.createSheet("当月新增逾期91天以上案件"); List<Map<String, Object>> data4Of2 = (List<Map<String, Object>>) this.queryForList("job.getDataForHr_dun", reportDate); this.drawSheet(sheet2, data4Of2, getHeadByHardcode2()); out = new FileOutputStream(f); wb.write(out); // 发送Email MailSettingTo mailSettingTo = new MailSettingTo(); mailSettingTo.setEmailAttachPath(f.getPath()); mailUtilService.sendMail(132, mailSettingTo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { if (out != null) { out.flush(); out.close(); } } }
@Override public void setAnchor(Object anchor) { if (anchor instanceof String) { sheet = workbook.getSheet((String) anchor); if (sheet == null) sheet = workbook.createSheet((String) anchor); } else if (anchor instanceof Integer) { sheet = workbook.getSheetAt((Integer) anchor); if (sheet == null) sheet = workbook.createSheet(); } this.anchor = anchor; }
@Override public ModelAndView getReportTemplate() { List<MonthlyTraffic> monthlyTrafficReports = monthlyTraffictDAO.getMonthlyTraffic(monthDate); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Monthly Traffic Report"); int rownum = 0; Row row0 = sheet.createRow(rownum++); row0.createCell(0).setCellValue("Source Country"); row0.createCell(1).setCellValue("Service"); row0.createCell(2).setCellValue("Destination Country"); row0.createCell(3).setCellValue("Total Call Minutes"); for (MonthlyTraffic mt : monthlyTrafficReports) { Row row = sheet.createRow(rownum++); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(mt.getFromCountry()); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(mt.getServiceName()); row.createCell(2).setCellValue(mt.getToCountry()); row.createCell(3).setCellValue(mt.getMinutesOfCalls()); } Map<String, HSSFWorkbook> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, HSSFWorkbook>(); parameterMap.put("excelBook", workbook); ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(); modelAndView.addAllObjects(parameterMap); return modelAndView; }
public void gerar(String caminho, int qtdLinhas, int qtdColunas) throws IOException { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("planilha um"); for (int i = 0; i < qtdLinhas; i++) { HSSFRow row = sheet1.createRow(i); HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_JUSTIFY); for (int j = 0; j < qtdColunas; j++) { HSSFRichTextString strValor = new HSSFRichTextString("Linha: " + i + " Coluna " + j); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(j); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(strValor); } } FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(caminho + "/planilha1.xls"); wb.write(stream); }
public void testShapeIds() { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet(); HSSFPatriarch patriarch1 = sheet1.createDrawingPatriarch(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { patriarch1.createSimpleShape(new HSSFClientAnchor()); } wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb); sheet1 = wb.getSheetAt(0); patriarch1 = sheet1.getDrawingPatriarch(); EscherAggregate agg1 = HSSFTestHelper.getEscherAggregate(patriarch1); // last shape ID cached in EscherDgRecord EscherDgRecord dg1 = agg1.getEscherContainer().getChildById(EscherDgRecord.RECORD_ID); assertEquals(1026, dg1.getLastMSOSPID()); // iterate over shapes and check shapeId EscherContainerRecord spgrContainer = agg1.getEscherContainer().getChildContainers().get(0); // root spContainer + 2 spContainers for shapes assertEquals(3, spgrContainer.getChildRecords().size()); EscherSpRecord sp0 = ((EscherContainerRecord) spgrContainer.getChild(0)).getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID); assertEquals(1024, sp0.getShapeId()); EscherSpRecord sp1 = ((EscherContainerRecord) spgrContainer.getChild(1)).getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID); assertEquals(1025, sp1.getShapeId()); EscherSpRecord sp2 = ((EscherContainerRecord) spgrContainer.getChild(2)).getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID); assertEquals(1026, sp2.getShapeId()); }
public void beforeBody(TableModel model) { logger.debug("XlsView.init()"); moneyFormat = model .getPreferences() .getPreference(PreferencesConstants.TABLE_EXPORTABLE + ""); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(moneyFormat)) { moneyFormat = DEFAULT_MONEY_FORMAT; } percentFormat = model .getPreferences() .getPreference(PreferencesConstants.TABLE_EXPORTABLE + "format.percent"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(percentFormat)) { percentFormat = DEFAULT_PERCENT_FORMAT; } wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); sheet = wb.createSheet(); wb.setSheetName(0, "Export Workbook"); styles = initStyles(wb); ps = sheet.getPrintSetup(); sheet.setAutobreaks(true); ps.setFitHeight((short) 1); ps.setFitWidth((short) 1); createHeader(model); }
public void addSheet(String name) { if (name.length() > 30) { name = name.substring(0, 25); } boolean found = false; String tempName = name.replace("/", "-"); int i = 0; while (true) { if (i > 1000) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); j++) { found = workbook.getSheetName(j).equalsIgnoreCase(tempName); if (found) { break; } } if (!found) { break; } else { i++; tempName = name + " (" + i + ")"; } } activeSheet = workbook.createSheet(tempName); nextRowId = 0; }
public void testCreateCFRuleRecord() { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(); CFRuleRecord record = CFRuleRecord.create(sheet, "7"); testCFRuleRecord(record); // Serialize byte[] serializedRecord = record.serialize(); // Strip header byte[] recordData = new byte[serializedRecord.length - 4]; System.arraycopy(serializedRecord, 4, recordData, 0, recordData.length); // Deserialize record = new CFRuleRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(CFRuleRecord.sid, recordData)); // Serialize again byte[] output = record.serialize(); // Compare assertEquals("Output size", recordData.length + 4, output.length); // includes sid+recordlength for (int i = 0; i < recordData.length; i++) { assertEquals("CFRuleRecord doesn't match", recordData[i], output[i + 4]); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resp.setContentType("application/"); resp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=Rezultati.xls"); OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); HSSFWorkbook hwb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = hwb.createSheet("results"); HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); headerRow.createCell(0).setCellValue("Voting option"); headerRow.createCell(1).setCellValue("Votes received"); int t = 1; for (VotingResultEntry vre : (List<VotingResultEntry>) req.getSession().getAttribute("results")) { HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(t++); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(vre.getName()); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(vre.getVotes()); } hwb.write(out); out.flush(); out.close(); }
/** @Description: 创建所有的Sheet */ private static HSSFSheet[] getSheets(int num, String[] names) { HSSFSheet[] sheets = new HSSFSheet[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { sheets[i] = wb.createSheet(names[i]); } return sheets; }
public static void writeExcel(List<TongJiModel> list) throws Exception { // 创建Excel的工作书册 Workbook,对应到一个excel文档 HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); int columnCount = 5; // 创建Excel的工作sheet,对应到一个excel文档的tab HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("sheet1"); HSSFRow first = sheet.createRow(0); // 下标为0的行开始 String[] firstRow = new String[columnCount]; firstRow[0] = "姓名"; firstRow[1] = "组名"; firstRow[2] = "邀请投资次数"; firstRow[3] = "邀请投资总金额"; firstRow[4] = "邀请注册人数"; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { first.createCell(i).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(firstRow[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(i + 1); TongJiModel tongJiModel = list.get(i); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(tongJiModel.getName())); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(tongJiModel.getGroupName())); row.createCell(2).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(tongJiModel.getInvestAcount())); row.createCell(3).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(tongJiModel.getInvestSumAmount())); row.createCell(4).setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(tongJiModel.getRegisteCount())); } FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("/Users/pansen/Downloads/20160428.xls"); wb.write(os); os.close(); }
public void testClearShapesForPatriarch() { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); patriarch.createSimpleShape(new HSSFClientAnchor()); patriarch.createSimpleShape(new HSSFClientAnchor()); patriarch.createCellComment(new HSSFClientAnchor()); EscherAggregate agg = HSSFTestHelper.getEscherAggregate(patriarch); assertEquals(agg.getShapeToObjMapping().size(), 6); assertEquals(agg.getTailRecords().size(), 1); assertEquals(patriarch.getChildren().size(), 3); patriarch.clear(); assertEquals(agg.getShapeToObjMapping().size(), 0); assertEquals(agg.getTailRecords().size(), 0); assertEquals(patriarch.getChildren().size(), 0); wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb); sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); patriarch = sheet.getDrawingPatriarch(); assertEquals(agg.getShapeToObjMapping().size(), 0); assertEquals(agg.getTailRecords().size(), 0); assertEquals(patriarch.getChildren().size(), 0); }
public void testRotation() { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); HSSFSimpleShape rectangle = patriarch.createSimpleShape( new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 100, 100, (short) 0, 0, (short) 5, 5)); rectangle.setShapeType(HSSFSimpleShape.OBJECT_TYPE_RECTANGLE); assertEquals(rectangle.getRotationDegree(), 0); rectangle.setRotationDegree((short) 45); assertEquals(rectangle.getRotationDegree(), 45); rectangle.setFlipHorizontal(true); wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb); sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); patriarch = sheet.getDrawingPatriarch(); rectangle = (HSSFSimpleShape) patriarch.getChildren().get(0); assertEquals(rectangle.getRotationDegree(), 45); rectangle.setRotationDegree((short) 30); assertEquals(rectangle.getRotationDegree(), 30); patriarch.setCoordinates(0, 0, 10, 10); rectangle.setString(new HSSFRichTextString("1234")); }
public void exportXLS(HttpServletResponse response) { // 1.创建一个 workbook HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 2.创建一个 worksheet HSSFSheet worksheet = workbook.createSheet("数据统计报表"); // 3.定义起始行和列 int startRowIndex = 0; int startColIndex = 0; // 4.创建title,data,headers // 5.填充数据 // 6.设置reponse参数 String fileName = "Report.xls"; response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + fileName); // 确保发送的当前文本格式 response.setContentType("application/"); // 7. 输出流 }
public void testRemoveNewRow_bug46312() { // To make bug occur, rowIndex needs to be >= ValueRecordsAggregate.records.length int rowIndex = 30; ValueRecordsAggregate vra = new ValueRecordsAggregate(); try { vra.removeAllCellsValuesForRow(rowIndex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified rowIndex 30 is outside the allowable range (0..30)")) { throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 46312"); } throw e; } if (false) { // same bug as demonstrated through usermodel API HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex); if (false) { // must not add any cells to the new row if we want to see the bug row.createCell(0); // this causes ValueRecordsAggregate.records to auto-extend } try { sheet.createRow(rowIndex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 46312"); } } }
/** * @param SheetName excel里面的sheet的名字 (可以任意写,一般和excelname一样) * @param response 要写的流 * @param HeadName 数据的表头 即列名 * @param data 数据 二维数组 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static OutputStream creatExcel( String SheetName, File file, List<String> HeadName, String[][] data, Integer[] ColumnWidth) throws IOException { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(SheetName); CellStyle s = new CellStyle(); Font f12 = new Font(); HSSFFont font12 = ExcelUtil.getHSSFFont(workbook, f12); HSSFCellStyle style = ExcelUtil.getNewStyle(workbook, s, font12); // sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(50); sheet.setDefaultRowHeight((short) 400); sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 18 * 256); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); // 设置excel的表头 for (int i = 0; i < HeadName.size(); i++) { ExcelUtil.setCells(0, i, HeadName.get(i), sheet, style); } // 设置excel数据 for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { ExcelUtil.setCells(i + 1, j, data[i][j], sheet, style); } } // 设置excel 表格的列宽 for (int i = 0; i < HeadName.size(); i++) { sheet.setColumnWidth(i, ColumnWidth[i]); } workbook.write(os); return os; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void Daochu() throws Exception { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("库存盘点表"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((int) 0); HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 0); cell.setCellValue("快递编号"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 1); cell.setCellValue("目的地"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 2); cell.setCellValue("入库日期"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 3); cell.setCellValue("区号"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 4); cell.setCellValue("排号"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 5); cell.setCellValue("架号"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 6); cell.setCellValue("位号"); cell.setCellStyle(style); cell = row.createCell((short) 7); cell.setCellValue("中转中心"); cell.setCellStyle(style); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("src/main/java/data/save/instock.txt"); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<InStoringpo> list = (List<InStoringpo>) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); InStoringpo[] sp = new InStoringpo[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { row = sheet.createRow((int) i + 1); sp[i] = list.get(i); // 第四步,创建单元格,并设置值 row.createCell((short) 0).setCellValue(sp[i].bianhao); row.createCell((short) 1).setCellValue(sp[i].destination); row.createCell((short) 2).setCellValue(sp[i].year + "-" + sp[i].month + "-" + sp[i].day); row.createCell((short) 3).setCellValue(sp[i].quhao); row.createCell((short) 4).setCellValue(sp[i].paihao); row.createCell((short) 5).setCellValue(sp[i].jiahao); row.createCell((short) 6).setCellValue(sp[i].weihao); row.createCell((short) 7).setCellValue(sp[i].zhongzhuan); } try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("C:/大作业代码/kucundaochu.xls"); wb.write(fout); fout.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("导出成功!"); }
/** Sets up a test file */ private ByteArrayOutputStream setupRunFile(HSSFWorkbook book) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); HSSFSheet sheet = book.createSheet("Test"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0); HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0); cell.setCellValue(10.5); book.write(stream); return stream; }
private void initialize(Map<String, ?> cfg) { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); if (cfg.containsKey("header")) header = (List<String>) cfg.get("header"); if (cfg.containsKey("type")) type = (List<Class>) cfg.get("type"); if (cfg.containsKey("anchor")) anchor = cfg.get("anchor"); if (anchor instanceof String) { sheet = workbook.createSheet((String) anchor); } else { sheet = workbook.createSheet(); } if (cfg.containsKey("dateTimePattern")) { setDateTimePattern((String) cfg.get("dateTimePattern")); } else { setDateTimePattern(Environment.getDateTimePattern()); } }
/** * to build the response as excel file. * * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document.AbstractExcelView# * buildExcelDocument(java.util.Map, org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ @SuppressWarnings(AppConstants.SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_UNCHECKED) @Override protected void buildExcelDocument( Map<String, Object> model, HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook, HttpServletRequest arg2, HttpServletResponse arg3) throws Exception { List<QuestionDTO> questionDTOs = (List<QuestionDTO>) model.get("questions"); HSSFSheet questionsSheet = myWorkBook.createSheet(AppConstants.EXCEL_SHEET_NAME); HSSFRow headerRow = questionsSheet.createRow(0); HSSFCellStyle wrapCellStyle = myWorkBook.createCellStyle(); wrapCellStyle.setWrapText(true); wrapCellStyle.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_JUSTIFY); createNewCell(headerRow, QUESTIONID_CELLNUM, "Question ID", wrapCellStyle); createNewCell(headerRow, QUESTION_CELLNUM, "Question", wrapCellStyle); createNewCell(headerRow, ANSWER_CELLNUM, "Answer", wrapCellStyle); createNewCell( headerRow, CATEGORIES_CELLNUM, "Categories (Category seperated by comma)", wrapCellStyle); HSSFRow dataRow = null; if (!CoreUtil.isEmpty(questionDTOs)) { int i = 0; for (QuestionDTO questionDTO : questionDTOs) { dataRow = questionsSheet.createRow(i + 1); createNewCell(dataRow, QUESTIONID_CELLNUM, Long.toString(questionDTO.getId()), null); createNewCell(dataRow, QUESTION_CELLNUM, questionDTO.getQuestion(), wrapCellStyle); createNewCell(dataRow, ANSWER_CELLNUM, questionDTO.getAnswer(), wrapCellStyle); createNewCell( dataRow, CATEGORIES_CELLNUM, parseCategoryDTOs(questionDTO.getCategoryDTOs()), wrapCellStyle); // Increment row i = i + 1; } } questionsSheet.autoSizeColumn(QUESTIONID_CELLNUM); questionsSheet.autoSizeColumn(QUESTION_CELLNUM); questionsSheet.autoSizeColumn(ANSWER_CELLNUM); questionsSheet.autoSizeColumn(CATEGORIES_CELLNUM); questionsSheet.setDefaultColumnStyle(QUESTION_CELLNUM, wrapCellStyle); questionsSheet.setDefaultColumnStyle(ANSWER_CELLNUM, wrapCellStyle); questionsSheet.setDefaultColumnStyle(CATEGORIES_CELLNUM, wrapCellStyle); }
/** * Discription:[写入excel文件,可用于导出,修改excel文件.目前只产生xls文件,并不产生xlsx文件] * * @param sheetName 写入excel的sheet名称 * @param dataSet 要写入文件的内容(一个集合). 集合中存放符合javaBean格式的对象。 支持数据类型有基本数据类型及String,Date,byte[](图片数据) * @param out 要写入的文件流, 可用于导出, 或者写入硬盘文件 * @param map 要导出的字段。(格式:字段名 <-> 字段中文名)其中字段名应该是对应javaBean中的某属性。<br> * 若该字段为公式的话,必须符合一定的格式:公式标识符formula公式名称&计算起始单元格列&计算终止单元格列&计算单元格行&分隔符(,:)&操作符<br> * 如:SUM&A&C&2&,&- 它返回的公司是:SUM(A3,-C3)。具体参照: <code> * </code> * @param dateFormat 日期格式(可选),默认:yyyy-MM-dd * @author:[代超] * @throws IOException * @throws Exception * @update:[日期YYYY-MM-DD] [更改人姓名][变更描述] */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void writExcelFile( String sheetName, Collection<T> dataSet, OutputStream out, Map map, String dateFormat) throws Exception { if (dataSet == null || dataSet.size() < 1) { return; } if (map == null || map.size() < 1) { return; } if (dateFormat == null || "".equals(dateFormat.trim())) { dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } sheetName = sheetName == null ? "" : sheetName; // 声明一个工作薄 HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 生成一个表格 HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName); // 设置表格默认列宽度为15个字节 sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(15); // 设置表格的样式 CellStyle headerStyle = setRootSheetSysle(workbook); // 产生表格标题行 HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0); // 将第一行冻结 sheet.createFreezePane(1, 1); if (map != null) { Object[] obj = map.values().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(i); String header = obj[i] == null ? "" : obj[i].toString(); cell.setCellStyle(headerStyle); if (obj[i] != null && obj[i].toString().indexOf("formula") > -1) { // 公式 header = obj[i].toString().replace("formula", ""); } HSSFRichTextString text = new HSSFRichTextString(header); cell.setCellValue(text); } } // 遍历数据集合,产生数据行 Iterator<T> it = dataSet.iterator(); for (int i = 1; it.hasNext(); i++) { row = sheet.createRow(i); T t =; // BeanMap bm = new BeanMap(t); Map b = PropertyUtils.describe(t); Map c = new TreeMap(); // 排序 c.putAll(b); writeRow(row, c, map, dateFormat, t); } workbook.write(out); }
public void run() { int pagesize = PAGESIZE; try { while (!m_spool.isHasError() && !m_spool.isEmpty()) { if (linecounter >= pagesize) { // 处理组合单元格 if (!mergeCells.isEmpty()) { Region[] regs = new Region[mergeCells.size()]; mergeCells.values().toArray(regs); int len = regs.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) m_sheet.addMergedRegion(regs[i]); } try { flushToFile(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); m_spool.setErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } m_workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 创建工作薄 m_sheet = m_workbook.createSheet(); // 创建表单 mergeCells = new Hashtable(); // 存放所有组合单元格 styles = new Hashtable(); linecounter = 0; sheetCounter++; } PrintCellData[] data = null; data = (PrintCellData[]) m_spool.retrieve(); linecounter = linecounter + data.length; // 其实为单元格数目,非行数 fileUtil.exportSheet2(m_templateData, data, m_sheet, m_workbook, styles, mergeCells); /* 每往Excel写入一行,进度条+1,已导出的行数+1 */ m_spool.setExportedLineCount(m_spool.getExportedLineCount() + 1); stepProgressBar(1); setProgressBarHintMsg(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); m_spool.setErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); m_spool.setErrorMsg( .getStrByID( "10100108", "UPP10100108-000860") /*@res "内存不足,请修改Java Plugin参数,将内存调整大一些"*/); } }
@Override public void buildExcelWorkBook(HSSFWorkbook workBook, Map<String, Object> map) { Sheet sheet = workBook.createSheet(); generateHeaderRow(workBook, sheet, getColumnConfig()); if (getDataJSONArray() != null && getDataJSONArray().length() > 0) { generateDatasRowByArray(sheet); return; } }
private static void populateWorkbook(NodeList sheetList, Map cellStyles, HSSFWorkbook workbook) throws ExcelTransformerException { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.entering( SimpleExcelRenderer.class.getName(), "populateWorkbook", String.valueOf(sheetList.getLength())); } for (int k = 0; k < sheetList.getLength(); k++) { Element sheet = (Element) sheetList.item(k); NodeList rowList = sheet.getElementsByTagName("row"); if (rowList.getLength() > 0) { HSSFSheet hSheet = workbook.createSheet(sheet.getAttribute("name")); for (int i = 0; i < rowList.getLength(); i++) { Element row = (Element) rowList.item(i); HSSFRow hRow = hSheet.createRow(i); short cellCounter = 0; NodeList cells = row.getChildNodes(); for (short j = 0; j < cells.getLength(); j++) { Node cell = cells.item(j); if (cell.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && cell.getNodeName().equals("cell")) { Element cellE = (Element) cell; String value = XmlUtils.getElementText(cellE); String style = cellE.getAttribute("style"); String colSpan = cellE.getAttribute("colspan"); int colSpanI = 0; if (Utils.hasContent(colSpan)) { colSpanI = Integer.parseInt(colSpan); hSheet.addMergedRegion( new Region(i, cellCounter, i, (short) (cellCounter + colSpanI - 1))); } HSSFCell hCell = hRow.createCell(cellCounter); if (Utils.hasContent(style)) hCell.setCellStyle((HSSFCellStyle) cellStyles.get(style)); hCell.setCellValue(value); cellCounter++; } } } } } if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.exiting(SimpleExcelRenderer.class.getName(), "populateWorkbook"); } }
/** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) * <p>Method requires 3 parameters: a, b and n. It creates a Microsoft excel file with n * sheets, each sheet containing 2 columns. 1st Column contains numbers from a to b and the * 2nd column consists of the 1st column number's power depending on the sheet number. */ @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { Integer a = null; Integer b = null; Integer n = null; try { a = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("a")); } catch (Exception e) { req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/pages/powerError.jsp").forward(req, resp); } if (a < -100 || a > 100) { req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/pages/powerError.jsp").forward(req, resp); } try { b = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("b")); } catch (Exception e) { req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/pages/powerError.jsp").forward(req, resp); } if (b < -100 || b > 100) { req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/pages/powerError.jsp").forward(req, resp); } try { n = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("n")); } catch (Exception e) { req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/pages/powerError.jsp").forward(req, resp); } if (n < 1 || n > 5) { req.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/pages/powerError.jsp").forward(req, resp); } HSSFWorkbook hwb = new HSSFWorkbook(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { HSSFSheet sheet = hwb.createSheet("Sheet " + (i + 1)); HSSFRow rowhead = sheet.createRow(0); rowhead.createCell(0).setCellValue("Value"); rowhead.createCell(1).setCellValue("Power " + (i + 1)); for (int j = a; j <= b; j++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(j - a + 1); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(j); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(Math.pow(j, i + 1)); } } resp.setContentType("application/; charset=UTF-8"); resp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline"); ServletOutputStream fileOut = resp.getOutputStream(); hwb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); }
public void testCorrectOrderInOptRecord() throws IOException { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); try { HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); HSSFTextbox textbox = patriarch.createTextbox(new HSSFClientAnchor()); EscherOptRecord opt = HSSFTestHelper.getOptRecord(textbox); String opt1Str = opt.toXml(); textbox.setFillColor(textbox.getFillColor()); EscherContainerRecord container = HSSFTestHelper.getEscherContainer(textbox); EscherOptRecord optRecord = container.getChildById(EscherOptRecord.RECORD_ID); assertEquals(opt1Str, optRecord.toXml()); textbox.setLineStyle(textbox.getLineStyle()); assertEquals(opt1Str, optRecord.toXml()); textbox.setLineWidth(textbox.getLineWidth()); assertEquals(opt1Str, optRecord.toXml()); textbox.setLineStyleColor(textbox.getLineStyleColor()); assertEquals(opt1Str, optRecord.toXml()); } finally { wb.close(); } }