예제 #1
  public Enumeration<URL> getResources(final String name) throws IOException {
    if (!getState().isAvailable()) {
      return null;

    if ("META-INF/services/javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer".equals(name)) {
      final Collection<URL> list = new ArrayList<>(Collections.list(super.getResources(name)));
      final Iterator<URL> it = list.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        final URL next = it.next();
        final File file = Files.toFile(next);
        if (!file.isFile() && NewLoaderLogic.skip(next)) {
      return Collections.enumeration(list);
    if ("META-INF/services/javax.websocket.ContainerProvider".equals(name)) {
      final Collection<URL> list = new ArrayList<>(Collections.list(super.getResources(name)));
      final Iterator<URL> it = list.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        final URL next = it.next();
        final File file = Files.toFile(next);
        if (!file.isFile() && NewLoaderLogic.skip(next)) {
      return Collections.enumeration(list);
    if ("META-INF/faces-config.xml".equals(name)) { // mojarra workaround
      try {
        if (WebBeansContext.currentInstance() == null
            && Boolean.parseBoolean(
                SystemInstance.get().getProperty("tomee.jsf.ignore-owb", "true"))) {
          final Collection<URL> list = new HashSet<>(Collections.list(super.getResources(name)));
          final Iterator<URL> it = list.iterator();
          while (it.hasNext()) {
            final String fileName = Files.toFile(it.next()).getName();
            if (fileName.startsWith("openwebbeans-" /*jsf|el22*/) && fileName.endsWith(".jar")) {
          return Collections.enumeration(list);
      } catch (final Throwable th) {
        // no-op
    return URLClassLoaderFirst.filterResources(name, super.getResources(name));
  public Collection<URL> getMetaInfConfigurationResources(
      final ExternalContext notUsedNullIsPassedFromInitializer) throws IOException {
    final ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader();

    Collection<URL> urlSet = CACHED_RESOURCES.get(loader);
    if (urlSet != null) {
      return new HashSet<URL>(urlSet); // copy it since it can be modified then

    urlSet = new HashSet<URL>();

    final Enumeration<URL> resources = loader.getResources(FACES_CONFIG_IMPLICIT);
    while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {

    final List<URL> urls = NewLoaderLogic.applyBuiltinExcludes(new UrlSet(loader)).getUrls();

    final ExecutorService es =
        Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1);
    final Collection<Future<Set<URL>>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Set<URL>>>(urls.size());

    // Scan files inside META-INF ending with .faces-config.xml
    for (final URL url : urls) {
      final File file = URLs.toFile(url);
      if (!file.exists()) {

              new Callable<Set<URL>>() {
                public Set<URL> call() throws Exception {
                  final Set<URL> currentSet = new HashSet<URL>();

                  if (!file.isDirectory()) { // browse all entries to see if we have a matching file
                    final Enumeration<JarEntry> e = new JarFile(file).entries();
                    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                      try {
                        final String name = e.nextElement().getName();
                        if (name.startsWith(META_INF_PREFIX)
                            && name.endsWith(FACES_CONFIG_SUFFIX)) {
                          final Enumeration<URL> e2 = loader.getResources(name);
                          while (e2.hasMoreElements()) {
                      } catch (final Throwable ignored) {
                        // no-op
                  } else {
                    final File metaInf = new File(file, META_INF_PREFIX);
                    if (metaInf.exists() && metaInf.isDirectory()) {
                      for (final File f :
                          Files.collect(metaInf, FacesConfigSuffixFilter.INSTANCE)) {
                        if (!f.isDirectory()) {

                  return currentSet;


    for (final Future<Set<URL>> set : futures) {
      try {
      } catch (final Exception e) {
        // no-op

    CACHED_RESOURCES.put(loader, urlSet);
    return new HashSet<URL>(urlSet);