@Override public void run(IoSession session) { if (isAudit()) { String hostAddress = session.getRemoteAddress().toString(); getServerAuditStrategy().auditAuthenticationNodeFailure(hostAddress); } }
public void handlePacket(Packet p1, IoSession session) throws Exception { Player player = (Player) session.getAttachment(); final String ip = ((InetSocketAddress) session.getRemoteAddress()) .getAddress() .toString() .replaceAll("/", ""); byte loginCode; try { byte[] data = RSA.decrypt(p1.getData()); Packet p = new Packet(session, data); boolean reconnecting = (p.readByte() == 1); int clientVersion = p.readInt(); if (Config.SERVER_VERSION != clientVersion) { Logger.println( "ip: " + ip + " | clientversion: " + clientVersion + " : " + Config.SERVER_VERSION); } int[] sessionKeys = new int[4]; for (int key = 0; key < sessionKeys.length; key++) { sessionKeys[key] = p.readInt(); } String username = ""; String password = ""; username = p.readString(20).trim(); password = p.readString(20).trim(); if (world.countPlayers() >= Config.MAX_PLAYERS) { loginCode = 10; } else if (clientVersion < Config.SERVER_VERSION) { loginCode = 4; } else if (!player.setSessionKeys(sessionKeys)) { loginCode = 5; } else { player.load(username, password, 0, reconnecting); if (clientVersion < 39) { player.clientWarn(true); } return; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Login exception with: " + ip); e.printStackTrace(); loginCode = 4; } RSCPacketBuilder pb = new RSCPacketBuilder(); pb.setBare(true); pb.addByte((byte) loginCode); session.write(pb.toPacket()); player.destroy(true); }
public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) { session .getFilterChain() .addFirst("protocolFilter", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new RSCCodecFactory())); Logger.println( "Connection from: " + ((InetSocketAddress) session.getRemoteAddress()).getAddress().getHostAddress()); }
public Channel getChannel(InetSocketAddress remoteAddress) { Set<IoSession> sessions = acceptor.getManagedSessions(getBindAddress()); for (IoSession session : sessions) { if (session.getRemoteAddress().equals(remoteAddress)) { return MinaChannel.getOrAddChannel(session, getUrl(), this); } } return null; }
private void setLogPrefix(final String userName, final String deviceId, final IoSession session) { StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(); prefix.append("[").append(session.getRemoteAddress()).append("] "); prefix.append("[").append(getSessionId()).append("] "); prefix.append("[").append(deviceId).append("] "); prefix.append("[").append(userName != null ? userName : "").append("] "); session.setAttribute(SessionLog.PREFIX, prefix.toString()); logger.setPrefix(prefix.toString()); }
@Override public void exceptionCaught(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Throwable cause) { ZimbraLog.addIpToContext(session.getRemoteAddress().toString()); String msg = "Exception caught: " + cause; if (isSocketError(cause)) { // If connection error, then only log full stack trace if debug enabled if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.info(msg, cause); } else { log.info(msg); } } else { log.error(msg, cause); } nextFilter.exceptionCaught(session, cause); }
/** * Creates a new instance of <CODE>SessionManager</CODE> * * <p>The authentication manager is retrieved from the CTPServerConfiguration using parameter * specifide in file config/com/funambol/ctp/server/authentication/AuthenticationManager.xml * * @param session The related IoSession * @param dispatcher The NotificationProvider where to subscribe for notification messages. */ public SessionManager(IoSession session, NotificationProvider dispatcher) { this.session = session; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.sessionState = new StateConnected(); this.sessionId = createSessionId(); lastClientEventTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.authenticationManager = CTPServerConfiguration.getCTPServerConfiguration().getAuthenticationManager(); this.pendingNotificationManager = CTPServerConfiguration.getCTPServerConfiguration().getPendingNotificationManager(); session.setAttribute(SessionLog.LOGGER, logger); String prefix = "[" + session.getRemoteAddress() + "] "; session.setAttribute(SessionLog.PREFIX, prefix); logger.setPrefix(prefix); }
private InetAddress getAddress(IoSession io) { return ((InetSocketAddress) io.getRemoteAddress()).getAddress(); }
private void trace(IoSession session, String format, Object arg) { ZimbraLog.addIpToContext(session.getRemoteAddress().toString()); log.trace(format, arg); }
private void debug(IoSession session, String msg) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { ZimbraLog.addIpToContext(session.getRemoteAddress().toString()); log.debug(msg); } }