private void listProfiles(List<Resource<?>> children) { Model model = getCurrentModel(); List<Profile> profiles = model.getProfiles(); for (Profile profile : profiles) { children.add(new MavenProfileResource(this, profile)); } }
private void checkOnNoDependencieVersionsFrom3rdParty(MavenProject project) throws EnforcerRuleException { Model originalModel = project.getOriginalModel(); StringBuilder dependenciesWithVersionDeclaration = new StringBuilder(); if (project.getGroupId().equals(ignoreMasterProjectGroupId) || originalModel.getDependencyManagement() == null || originalModel.getDependencyManagement().getDependencies() == null) { return; } boolean fail = false; for (Dependency d : originalModel.getDependencyManagement().getDependencies()) { if (!d.getGroupId().startsWith(allowedGroupPrefix)) { dependenciesWithVersionDeclaration.append(" - " + d.toString() + "\n"); fail = true; } } if (fail) { throw new EnforcerRuleException( "This Project contains Dependency-Versions from 3rd party libs (not " + allowedGroupPrefix + ").\n" + "Please declare for maintainance reasons 3rd pary versions in " + ignoreMasterProjectGroupId + ".\n" + "This dependencies sould be corrected:\n" + dependenciesWithVersionDeclaration); } }
@Command("remove-parent") public void removeParent(final PipeOut out) { MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); Parent parent = pom.getParent(); if (parent != null) { String parentId = parent.getGroupId() + ":" + parent.getArtifactId() + ":" + parent.getVersion() + " (" + (parent.getRelativePath() == null ? " " : parent.getRelativePath() + ")"); if (shell.promptBoolean( "Are you sure you want to remove all parent information from this project? [ " + parentId + "]", false)) { out.println("Removed parent [ " + parentId + " ]"); pom.setParent(null); mvn.setPOM(pom); } else { out.println("Aborted..."); } } else { out.println("Nothing to remove..."); } }
public static String getCamelVersion(IProject project) { IPath pomPathValue = project.getProject().getRawLocation() != null ? project.getProject().getRawLocation().append("pom.xml") : ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .getRoot() .getLocation() .append(project.getFullPath().append("pom.xml")); String pomPath = pomPathValue.toOSString(); final File pomFile = new File(pomPath); try { final org.apache.maven.model.Model model = MavenPlugin.getMaven().readModel(pomFile); List<org.apache.maven.model.Dependency> deps = model.getDependencies(); for (Iterator<org.apache.maven.model.Dependency> iterator = deps.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { org.apache.maven.model.Dependency dependency =; if (dependency.getArtifactId().equals("camel-core")) { return dependency.getVersion(); } } } catch (CoreException e) { // not found, go with default } return org.fusesource.ide.camel.editor.Activator.getDefault().getCamelVersion(); }
@Test public void autoDiscoverWithOneCompleteLocationFromMirrorWithEncryptedPassword() throws NexusDiscoveryException { Settings settings = new Settings(); String url = ""; testClientManager.testUrl = url; testClientManager.testUser = "******"; testClientManager.testPassword = "******"; Mirror mirror = new Mirror(); mirror.setId("some-mirror"); mirror.setName("A Mirror"); mirror.setUrl(url); settings.addMirror(mirror); Server server = new Server(); server.setId("some-mirror"); server.setUsername("user"); server.setPassword(encryptedPassword); settings.addServer(server); Model model = new Model(); model.setModelVersion("4.0.0"); model.setGroupId(""); model.setArtifactId("artifact-id"); model.setVersion("1"); MavenProject project = new MavenProject(model);, project, "blah", true); }
@Override public boolean updateModel(Model model) throws MavenExecutionException { Map<String, String> versionOverrides = getVersionOverrides(); if (versionOverrides.size() == 0) { return false; } // If the model doesn't have any plugin management set by default, create one for it PluginManagement pluginManagement = model.getBuild().getPluginManagement(); if (pluginManagement == null) { pluginManagement = new PluginManagement(); model.getBuild().setPluginManagement(pluginManagement); Log.getLog().debug("Created new Plugin Management for model"); } // Override plugin management versions applyOverrides(pluginManagement.getPlugins(), versionOverrides); // Override plugin versions List<Plugin> projectPlugins = model.getBuild().getPlugins(); applyOverrides(projectPlugins, versionOverrides); // Include the overrides in the built files for repeatability writeOverrideMap(model, getName(), versionOverrides); // Assuming the Model changed since overrides were given return true; }
private String resolveVersion(String modelVersion, Model mavenModel, boolean dependency) { String version = modelVersion; // TODO: download parents and resolve pom.xml properties using aether ? could be pretty // expensive for // the init if (version == null) { if (!dependency) { Parent parent = mavenModel.getParent(); if (parent != null) { version = parent.getVersion(); } } } else if (version.startsWith("$")) { String propertyName = version.substring(2, version.length() - 1); if (propertyName.equals("project.version") || propertyName.equals("pom.version") || propertyName.equals("version")) { version = resolveVersion(mavenModel.getVersion(), mavenModel, false); } else { String value = mavenModel.getProperties().getProperty(propertyName); if (value != null) { version = value; } } } if (version == null) { version = UNKNOWN; } return version; }
private String resolveGroupId(String modelGroupId, Model mavenModel, boolean dependency) { String groupId = modelGroupId; // TODO: download parents and resolve pom.xml properties using aether ? could be pretty // expensive for // the init if (groupId == null) { if (!dependency) { Parent parent = mavenModel.getParent(); if (parent != null) { groupId = parent.getGroupId(); } } } else if (groupId.startsWith("$")) { String propertyName = groupId.substring(2, groupId.length() - 1); String value = mavenModel.getProperties().getProperty(propertyName); if (value != null) { groupId = value; } } if (groupId == null) { groupId = UNKNOWN; } return groupId; }
@Override public void addPlugin(MavenPlugin plugin) { MavenCoreFacet mavenCoreFacet = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = mavenCoreFacet.getPOM(); pom.getBuild().addPlugin(new MavenPluginAdapter(plugin)); mavenCoreFacet.setPOM(pom); }
public void setUp() throws Exception { mojo = new CopyModulesMojo(); model = new Model(); project = new MavenProject(model); properties = new Properties(); model.setProperties(properties); model.setPackaging("war"); }
@Override public void execute() throws Exception { final File pom = new File(testExecutionDirectory, "pom.xml"); final Model model = getModel(pom); model.setVersion(model.getVersion() + "-SNAPSHOT"); persistModel(pom, model); }
private static MavenProject createProject(String artifactId, String version, File file) { Model model = new Model(); model.setGroupId("groupId"); model.setArtifactId(artifactId); model.setVersion(version); MavenProject project = new MavenProject(model); project.setFile(file); return project; }
/** * Create the fully qualified name of the model (using packaging type "pom"). * * @param model The model. * @return The fully qualified name. */ private String getFullyQualifiedName(Model model) { StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder(); id.append((model.getGroupId() == null) ? "[inherited]" : model.getGroupId()); id.append(":"); id.append(model.getArtifactId()); id.append(":pom:"); id.append((model.getVersion() == null) ? "[inherited]" : model.getVersion()); return id.toString(); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.jboss.forge.addon.deltaspike.facets.DeltaSpikeFacet#setDeltaSpikeVersion(java.lang.String) */ @Override public DeltaSpikeFacet setDeltaSpikeVersion(String version) { MavenFacet mavenFacet = getFaceted().getFacet(MavenFacet.class); Model model = mavenFacet.getModel(); model.getProperties().put(DELTASPIKE_PROPERTY, version); // force write of changes mavenFacet.setModel(model); return this; }
@Override public String getBasePackage() { Model model = getFaceted().getFacet(MavenFacet.class).getModel(); String groupId = model.getGroupId(); if (groupId == null) { groupId = model.getParent().getGroupId(); } return Packages.toValidPackageName(groupId); }
@SuppressWarnings("nls") protected void addProperties(Model model) { // set the properties Properties p = model.getProperties(); if (p == null) { p = new Properties(); model.setProperties(p); } }
/** * Resolves a Maven artifact, given its coordinates, by looking it up in dependency management * section of POM in which the test resides. * * @param groupId Maven group id of artifact to be resolved * @param artifactId Maven artifact id of artifact to be resolved * @param type Maven type of artifact to be resolved. If not specified (null), type is not * considered while finding the dependency in dependency management * @param classifier Maven classifier of artifact to be resolved. If not specified (null), * classifier is not considered while finding the dependency in dependency management * @param overrideType an optional type to be used to override the type specified in dependency * management (e.g nexus-plugin -> zip) * @param overrideClassifier an optional classifier to override the classifier specified in * dependency management (e.g (not specified) -> bundle) * @return resolved artifact file */ public File resolveFromDependencyManagement( final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String type, final String classifier, final String overrideType, final String overrideClassifier) { try { final Model model = modelResolver.resolveModel(model().pom(testProjectPomFile)); if (model.getDependencyManagement() != null) { final List<Dependency> dependencies = model.getDependencyManagement().getDependencies(); for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) { if (!dependency.getGroupId().equalsIgnoreCase(groupId)) { continue; } if (!dependency.getArtifactId().equalsIgnoreCase(artifactId)) { continue; } if (type != null && !dependency.getType().equals(type)) { continue; } if (classifier != null && !dependency.getClassifier().equals(classifier)) { continue; } StringBuilder coordinates = new StringBuilder(); coordinates.append(dependency.getGroupId()); coordinates.append(":").append(dependency.getArtifactId()); String rExtension = dependency.getType(); if (overrideType != null) { rExtension = overrideType; } if (rExtension != null) { coordinates.append(":").append(rExtension); } String rClassifier = dependency.getClassifier(); if (overrideClassifier != null) { rClassifier = overrideClassifier; } if (rClassifier != null) { coordinates.append(":").append(rClassifier); } coordinates.append(":").append(dependency.getVersion()); return resolveArtifact(coordinates.toString()); } } throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Dependency %s:%s was not found", groupId, artifactId)); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } }
@Test public void testTPCNotExists() throws Exception { final Model model = new Model(); final List<Model> hierarchy = asList(model); tpcAssembler.assembleTPCInheritance(hierarchy); assertSame(model, hierarchy.get(0)); assertNull(model.getBuild()); }
private List<String> alterModel(MavenProject project, String newVersion) { Model originalModel = project.getOriginalModel(); originalModel.setVersion(newVersion); List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); String searchingFrom = project.getArtifactId(); MavenProject parent = project.getParent(); if (parent != null && isSnapshot(parent.getVersion())) { try { ReleasableModule parentBeingReleased = reactor.find(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion()); originalModel.getParent().setVersion(parentBeingReleased.getVersionToDependOn()); log.debug( " Parent " + parentBeingReleased.getArtifactId() + " rewritten to version " + parentBeingReleased.getVersionToDependOn()); } catch (UnresolvedSnapshotDependencyException e) { errors.add("The parent of " + searchingFrom + " is " + e.artifactId + " " + e.version); } } for (Dependency dependency : originalModel.getDependencies()) { String version = dependency.getVersion(); if (isSnapshot(version)) { try { ReleasableModule dependencyBeingReleased = reactor.find(dependency.getGroupId(), dependency.getArtifactId(), version); dependency.setVersion(dependencyBeingReleased.getVersionToDependOn()); log.debug( " Dependency on " + dependencyBeingReleased.getArtifactId() + " rewritten to version " + dependencyBeingReleased.getVersionToDependOn()); } catch (UnresolvedSnapshotDependencyException e) { errors.add(searchingFrom + " references dependency " + e.artifactId + " " + e.version); } } else log.debug( " Dependency on " + dependency.getArtifactId() + " kept at version " + dependency.getVersion()); } for (Plugin plugin : project.getModel().getBuild().getPlugins()) { String version = plugin.getVersion(); if (isSnapshot(version)) { if (!isMultiModuleReleasePlugin(plugin)) { errors.add( searchingFrom + " references plugin " + plugin.getArtifactId() + " " + version); } } } return errors; }
@Test public void testModelWriter() throws Exception { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); ModelWriter writer = new YamlModelWriter(); Model model = getModel(); Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("FOO", "BAR"); model.setProperties(p); writer.write(sw, null, model); // System.out.println(sw.toString()); }
@Test public void testJacocoCommands() throws Exception { Project project = initializeJavaProject(); Dependency junitDep = new Dependency(); junitDep.setArtifactId("junit"); junitDep.setGroupId("junit"); junitDep.setVersion("4.10"); junitDep.setScope("test"); MavenCoreFacet facet = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = facet.getPOM(); pom.addDependency(junitDep); facet.setPOM(pom); queueInputLines(""); // create some simple classes getShell().execute("java new-class --package com.test \"public class A {}\""); getShell().execute("java new-field \"private int numberA=1;\""); getShell().execute("java new-method \"public int getNumberA(){return numberA;}\""); getShell().execute("java new-class --package com.test \"public class B {}\""); getShell().execute("java new-field \"private int numberB=2;\""); getShell().execute("java new-method \"public int getNumberB(){return numberB;}\""); // create and copy test class getShell() .execute( "java new-class --package com.test \"package com.test; import org.junit.Test;import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class ABTest {}\""); getShell() .execute( "java new-method \"@Test public void testClasses(){A a = new A();B b = new B();assertEquals(3,a.getNumberA()+b.getNumberB());}\""); getShell().execute("cd " + project.getProjectRoot().getFullyQualifiedName()); getShell().execute("cp src/main/java/com/test/ src/test/java/"); getShell().execute("rm -rf src/main/java/com/test/"); // run jacoco plugin commands getShell().execute("jacoco setup"); getShell().execute("jacoco run-tests --package com.test"); queueInputLines("N"); getShell().execute("jacoco create-report"); assertTrue( "Missing jacoco.exec file!", project.getProjectRoot().getChildDirectory("target").getChild("jacoco.exec").exists()); assertTrue( "Missing index.html report file!", project .getProjectRoot() .getChildDirectory("target") .getChildDirectory("site") .getChildDirectory("jacoco") .getChild("index.html") .exists()); }
@Override public void removePlugin(Dependency dependency) { MavenCoreFacet mavenCoreFacet = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); List<Plugin> pomPlugins = mavenCoreFacet.getPOM().getBuild().getPlugins(); for (Plugin pomPlugin : pomPlugins) { if (pomPlugin.getGroupId().equals(dependency.getGroupId()) && pomPlugin.getArtifactId().equals(dependency.getArtifactId())) { Model pom = mavenCoreFacet.getPOM(); pom.getBuild().removePlugin(pomPlugin); mavenCoreFacet.setPOM(pom); } } }
@Override public boolean install() { if (!this.isInstalled()) { for (DirectoryResource folder : this.getSourceFolders()) { folder.mkdirs(); } // FIXME WOW this needs to be simplified somehow... MavenCoreFacet maven = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = maven.getPOM(); Build build = pom.getBuild(); if (build == null) { build = new Build(); } List<Plugin> plugins = build.getPlugins(); Plugin javaSourcePlugin = null; for (Plugin plugin : plugins) { if ("org.apache.maven.plugins".equals(plugin.getGroupId()) && "maven-compiler-plugin".equals(plugin.getArtifactId())) { javaSourcePlugin = plugin; } } if (javaSourcePlugin == null) { javaSourcePlugin = new Plugin(); // FIXME this should find the most recent version using DependencyResolver javaSourcePlugin.setGroupId("org.apache.maven.plugins"); javaSourcePlugin.setArtifactId("maven-compiler-plugin"); javaSourcePlugin.setVersion("2.3.2"); try { Xpp3Dom dom = new ByteArrayInputStream( "<configuration><source>1.6</source><target>1.6</target></configuration>" .getBytes()), "UTF-8"); javaSourcePlugin.setConfiguration(dom); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectModelException(e); } } build.addPlugin(javaSourcePlugin); pom.setBuild(build); maven.setPOM(pom); } return true; }
@Command("set-artifactid") public void setArtifactId( final PipeOut out, @Option(description = "the new artifactId; for example: \"forge-shell\"") final String artifactId) { Assert.notNull(artifactId, "GroupId must not be empty"); MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); pom.setArtifactId(artifactId); mvn.setPOM(pom); out.println("Set artifactId [ " + artifactId + " ]"); }
@Command("set-version") public void setVersion( final PipeOut out, @Option(description = "the new version; for example: \"1.0.0.Final\"") final String version) { Assert.notNull(version, "GroupId must not be empty"); MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); pom.setVersion(version); mvn.setPOM(pom); out.println("Set version [ " + version + " ]"); }
@Command("set-groupid") public void setGroupId( final PipeOut out, @Option(description = "the new groupId; for example: \"org.jboss.forge\"") final String groupId) { Assert.notNull(groupId, "GroupId must not be empty"); MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); pom.setGroupId(groupId); mvn.setPOM(pom); out.println("Set groupId [ " + groupId + " ]"); }
@Test public void testSetupCommand() throws Exception { Project project = initializeJavaProject(); getShell().execute("jacoco setup"); MavenCoreFacet facet = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = facet.getPOM(); Profile jacocoProfile = pom.getProfiles().get(0); assertEquals("jacoco", jacocoProfile.getId()); Plugin jacocoPlugin = jacocoProfile.getBuild().getPlugins().get(0); assertEquals("jacoco-maven-plugin", jacocoPlugin.getArtifactId()); PluginExecution exec = jacocoPlugin.getExecutions().get(0); assertEquals("prepare-agent", exec.getGoals().get(0)); }
public void testIsImpalaModule() throws Exception { assertEquals("war", model.getPackaging()); mojo.setProject(project); assertTrue(mojo.isImpalaHost()); properties.setProperty("", "false"); assertFalse(mojo.isImpalaHost()); properties.setProperty("", "true"); assertTrue(mojo.isImpalaHost()); model.setPackaging("jar"); assertTrue(mojo.isImpalaHost()); }
/** * This is a "switchboard" to detech HOW to deploy. For now, just using the protocol from POM's * DistributionManagement section and invoking the getWagonHintForDeployProtocol(String protocol) * to get the wagon hint. * * @throws Exception */ protected void deployArtifacts() throws Exception { // test the test directory File projectsDir = this.getTestResourceAsFile("projects"); log.debug("projectsDir: " + projectsDir); // if null there is nothing to deploy... if (projectsDir != null) { // we have the parent dir, for each child (one level) we need to grab the pom.xml out of it // and parse it, // and then deploy the artifact, sounds like fun, right! File[] projectFolders = projectsDir.listFiles(MavenProjectFileFilter.INSTANCE); // to achieve same ordering on different OSes Arrays.sort(projectFolders); for (int ii = 0; ii < projectFolders.length; ii++) { File project = projectFolders[ii]; // we already check if the pom.xml was in here. File pom = new File(project, "pom.xml"); MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pom); Model model = FileReader(pom)); fis.close(); // a helpful note so you don't need to dig into the code to much. if (model.getDistributionManagement() == null || model.getDistributionManagement().getRepository() == null) { "The test artifact is either missing or has an invalid Distribution Management section."); } // get the URL to deploy String deployUrl = model.getDistributionManagement().getRepository().getUrl(); // get the protocol String deployUrlProtocol = deployUrl.substring(0, deployUrl.indexOf(":")); // calculate the wagon hint String wagonHint = getWagonHintForDeployProtocol(deployUrlProtocol); deployArtifacts(project, wagonHint, deployUrl, model); } } }
public List<String> getDependencies() { List<Dependency> deps = pom.getDependencies(); if (deps == null) return null; final List<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Dependency dep : deps) { if (!dep.isOptional()) { String coords = dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId() + ":" + dep.getVersion() + (dep.getClassifier() != null && !dep.getClassifier().isEmpty() ? ":" + dep.getClassifier() : ""); List<Exclusion> exclusions = dep.getExclusions(); if (exclusions != null && !exclusions.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('('); for (Exclusion ex : exclusions) sb.append(ex.getGroupId()).append(':').append(ex.getArtifactId()).append(','); sb.delete(sb.length() - 1, sb.length()); sb.append(')'); coords += sb.toString(); } dependencies.add(coords); } } return dependencies; }