  * Generate a report, listing the start time, elapsed time, result code and description, number of
  * bytes, and entity identifier. The records selected for this report are based on the filtering
  * criteria object passed into this method. The record order is based on the sorting criteria
  * object passed into this method. The resultset returned should have the following columns:
  * "starttime","elapsedtime","resultcode","resultdesc","bytes","identifier".
  * @param connectionName is the name of the connection.
  * @param criteria is the filtering criteria, which selects the records of interest.
  * @param sort is the sorting order, which can specify sort based on the result columns.
  * @param startRow is the first row to include (beginning with 0)
  * @param maxRowCount is the maximum number of rows to include.
 public IResultSet genHistorySimple(
     String connectionName, FilterCriteria criteria, SortOrder sort, int startRow, int maxRowCount)
     throws ManifoldCFException {
   return historyManager.simpleReport(connectionName, criteria, sort, startRow, maxRowCount);