/** Test RDF model of a Context. */ @Test public final void testRdfModel() { final Context context = new Context("My favorite actress is: Natalie Portman. She is very " + "stunning.", 0, 62); final Sentence sentence = NullSentence.getInstance(); final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); context.addSentence(sentence); final String nif = "http://persistence.uni-leipzig.org/nlp2rdf/ontologies/nif-core#"; final Map<String, String> prefixes = new HashMap<>(); prefixes.put("nif", nif); final String base = ""; prefixes.put("local", base); prefixes.put("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"); model.setNsPrefixes(prefixes); model.add( ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "char=0,62"), RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(nif + "String")); model.add( ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "char=0,62"), RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(nif + "RFC5147String")); model.add( ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "char=0,62"), RDF.type, ResourceFactory.createResource(nif + "Context")); model.add( ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "char=0,62"), ResourceFactory.createProperty(nif + "beginIndex"), ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral("0", XSDDatatype.XSDnonNegativeInteger)); model.add( ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "char=0,62"), ResourceFactory.createProperty(nif + "endIndex"), ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral("62", XSDDatatype.XSDnonNegativeInteger)); model.add( ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "char=0,62"), ResourceFactory.createProperty(nif + "isString"), ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral( "My favorite actress is: Natalie Portman. She is very " + "stunning.")); Assert.assertTrue( "Issue to create the model for a Context", model.isIsomorphicWith(context.rdfModel("stanfordnlp", NlpProcess.POS))); }
private static Property property(String local) { return ResourceFactory.createProperty(namespace, local); }
public class VocabPath { public static final Resource start = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://ns.aksw.org/jassa/resource/start"); public static final Property joinsWith = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://ns.aksw.org/jassa/ontology/joinsWith"); }
public class RdfTypeMap // extends RdfPopulatorPropertyBase extends RdfTypeComplexBase { public static final Property entry = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://jsa.aksw.org/ontology/entry"); public static final Property key = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://jsa.aksw.org/ontology/key"); public static final Property value = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://jsa.aksw.org/ontology/value"); public static final Property keyClass = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://jsa.aksw.org/ontology/keyClass"); public static final Property valueClass = ResourceFactory.createProperty("http://jsa.aksw.org/ontology/valueClass"); // protected MapOps mapOps; protected Function<Object, Map> createMapView; // , PropertyOps propertyOps, Node predicate, RdfType targetRdfType public RdfTypeMap(Function<Object, Map> createMapView) { /// super(typeFactory); this.createMapView = createMapView; } @Override public void exposeShape(ResourceShapeBuilder shapeBuilder) { ResourceShapeBuilder tmp = shapeBuilder.out(entry.asNode()); tmp.out(key.asNode()); tmp.out(value.asNode()); } @Override public void emitTriples( RdfEmitterContext emitterContext, Object entity, Node subject, Graph shapeGraph, Consumer<Triple> sink) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<? super Object, ? super Object> map = createMapView.apply(entity); int i = 1; for (Entry<?, ?> e : map.entrySet()) { Object k = e.getKey(); Object v = e.getValue(); Node eNode = NodeFactory.createURI(subject.getURI() + "-" + i); // persistenceContext. // persistenceContext.entityFor(new TypedNode(rdfType, node)); // Node kNode = null; // emitterContext.getValueNode(entity, // propertyName)//RdfPersistenceContextImpl.getOrCreateRootNode(persistenceContext, // typeFactory, k); // Node vNode = null; // //RdfPersistenceContextImpl.getOrCreateRootNode(persistenceContext, typeFactory, v); // emitterContext.add(k, entity, "key" + i); // emitterContext.add(v, entity, "value" + i); // Node keyNode = emitterContext. // Node kNode = emitterContext.getValueNode(entity, "key" + i, v); // Node vNode = emitterContext.getValueNode(entity, "value" + i, v); Node kNode = emitterContext.requestResolution(k); Node vNode = emitterContext.requestResolution(v); sink.accept(new Triple(subject, entry.asNode(), eNode)); sink.accept(new Triple(eNode, key.asNode(), kNode)); sink.accept(new Triple(eNode, value.asNode(), vNode)); ++i; } } @Override public void populateEntity( RdfPersistenceContext persistenceContext, Object entity, Node subject, Graph graph, Consumer<Triple> outSink) { Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(graph); RDFNode root = ModelUtils.convertGraphNodeToRDFNode(subject, model); // <Object, Object> Map map = createMapView.apply(entity); for (Statement stmt : root.asResource().listProperties(entry).toList()) { Resource e = stmt.getObject().asResource(); Node kNode = e.getProperty(key).getObject().asNode(); Node vNode = e.getProperty(value).getObject().asNode(); // TODO: We need to dynamically figure out which entity the node could be RdfType rdfType = null; Object k = persistenceContext.entityFor( Object.class, kNode, null); // new TypedNode(rdfType, kNode)); Object v = persistenceContext.entityFor( Object.class, vNode, null); // new TypedNode(rdfType, vNode)); map.put(k, v); } } @Override public Class<?> getEntityClass() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Node getRootNode(Object obj) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object createJavaObject(Node node, Graph graph) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map result = new HashMap(); return result; } @Override public boolean hasIdentity() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } // @Override // public Object createJavaObject(Node node) { // //entityOps. // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } }