예제 #1
  public void testGetCdrom() throws InterruptedException {
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody(stringFromResource("/server/cdrom.json")));

    Image cdrom = serverApi().getCdrom("datacenter-id", "server-id", "cdrom-id");

    assertEquals(cdrom.properties().name(), "ubuntu-15.10-server-amd64.iso");

    assertEquals(server.getRequestCount(), 1);
    assertSent(server, "GET", "/datacenters/datacenter-id/servers/server-id/cdroms/cdrom-id");
 public Provisionable getImage(String id) {
   // try search images
   logger.trace("<< searching for image with id=%s", id);
   Image image = api.imageApi().getImage(id);
   if (image != null) {
     logger.trace(">> found image [%s].", image.properties().name());
     return image;
   // try search snapshots
   logger.trace("<< not found from images. searching for snapshot with id=%s", id);
   Snapshot snapshot = api.snapshotApi().get(id);
   if (snapshot != null) {
     logger.trace(">> found snapshot [%s]", snapshot.properties().name());
     return snapshot;
   throw new ResourceNotFoundException("No image/snapshot with id '" + id + "' was found");