/* * The parameter is a map that maps the nodeName to a list of ZNRecords. */ public List<ZNRecord> computeExternalView( Map<String, List<ZNRecord>> currentStates, List<ZNRecord> idealStates) { List<ZNRecord> resultList = new ArrayList<ZNRecord>(); Map<String, ZNRecord> resultRoutingTable = new HashMap<String, ZNRecord>(); // maps from resourceName to another map : partition -> map <nodename, // master/slave>; // Fill the routing table with "empty" default state according to ideals // states // in the cluster if (idealStates != null) { for (ZNRecord idealState : idealStates) { ZNRecord defaultExternalView = new ZNRecord(idealState.getId()); resultRoutingTable.put(idealState.getId(), defaultExternalView); } } else { assert (!currentStates.isEmpty()); return resultList; } for (String nodeName : currentStates.keySet()) { List<ZNRecord> znStates = currentStates.get(nodeName); for (ZNRecord nodeStateRecord : znStates) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> resourceStates = nodeStateRecord.getMapFields(); for (String stateUnitKey : resourceStates.keySet()) { Map<String, String> partitionStates = resourceStates.get(stateUnitKey); String resourceName = partitionStates.get(Message.Attributes.RESOURCE_NAME.toString()); ZNRecord partitionStatus = resultRoutingTable.get(resourceName); if (partitionStatus == null) { partitionStatus = new ZNRecord(resourceName); resultRoutingTable.put(resourceName, partitionStatus); } String currentStateKey = CurrentStateProperty.CURRENT_STATE.toString(); if (!partitionStatus.getMapFields().containsKey(stateUnitKey)) { partitionStatus.setMapField(stateUnitKey, new TreeMap<String, String>()); } partitionStatus .getMapField(stateUnitKey) .put(nodeName, partitionStates.get(currentStateKey)); } } } for (ZNRecord record : resultRoutingTable.values()) { resultList.add(record); } return resultList; }
/* * Given a list of external view ZNRecord nodes(one for each cluster), * calculate the routing map. * The format of the routing map is like this: * Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> maps from a partitionName to its * states Map<String, List<String>> The second Map maps from a state * ("MASTER", "SLAVE"...) to a list of nodeNames * So that the we can query the map for the list of nodes by providing the * partition name and the expected state. */ public Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> getRouterMapFromExternalView( List<ZNRecord> externalViewList) { Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> result = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>(); for (ZNRecord nodeView : externalViewList) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> partitionNodeStateMap = nodeView.getMapFields(); for (String partitionId : partitionNodeStateMap.keySet()) { if (!result.containsKey(partitionId)) { result.put(partitionId, new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>()); } Map<String, String> nodeStateMap = partitionNodeStateMap.get(partitionId); for (String nodeName : nodeStateMap.keySet()) { String state = nodeStateMap.get(nodeName); if (!result.get(partitionId).containsKey(state)) { result.get(partitionId).put(state, new TreeSet<String>()); } result.get(partitionId).get(state).add(nodeName); } } } return result; }