private RMContainer createReservedRMContainer( ApplicationAttemptId appAttId, int id, Resource resource, NodeId nodeId, Priority reservedPriority) { RMContainer container = createRMContainer(appAttId, id, resource); when(container.getReservedResource()).thenReturn(resource); when(container.getReservedPriority()).thenReturn(reservedPriority); when(container.getReservedNode()).thenReturn(nodeId); return container; }
/** * Called when this application already has an existing reservation on the given node. Sees * whether we can turn the reservation into an allocation. Also checks whether the application * needs the reservation anymore, and releases it if not. * * @param node Node that the application has an existing reservation on */ public Resource assignReservedContainer(FSSchedulerNode node) { RMContainer rmContainer = node.getReservedContainer(); Priority priority = rmContainer.getReservedPriority(); // Make sure the application still needs requests at this priority if (getTotalRequiredResources(priority) == 0) { unreserve(priority, node); return Resources.none(); } // Fail early if the reserved container won't fit. // Note that we have an assumption here that there's only one container size // per priority. if (!Resources.fitsIn( node.getReservedContainer().getReservedResource(), node.getAvailableResource())) { return Resources.none(); } return assignContainer(node, true); }
private Resource assignContainer( FSSchedulerNode node, boolean reserved, TransactionState transactionState) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Node offered to app: " + getName() + " reserved: " + reserved); } if (reserved) { RMContainer rmContainer = node.getReservedContainer(); Priority priority = rmContainer.getReservedPriority(); // Make sure the application still needs requests at this priority if (app.getTotalRequiredResources(priority) == 0) { unreserve(priority, node); return Resources.none(); } } Collection<Priority> prioritiesToTry = (reserved) ? Arrays.asList(node.getReservedContainer().getReservedPriority()) : app.getPriorities(); // For each priority, see if we can schedule a node local, rack local // or off-switch request. Rack of off-switch requests may be delayed // (not scheduled) in order to promote better locality. synchronized (app) { for (Priority priority : prioritiesToTry) { if (app.getTotalRequiredResources(priority) <= 0 || !hasContainerForNode(priority, node)) { continue; } app.addSchedulingOpportunity(priority); ResourceRequest rackLocalRequest = app.getResourceRequest(priority, node.getRackName()); ResourceRequest localRequest = app.getResourceRequest(priority, node.getNodeName()); if (localRequest != null && !localRequest.getRelaxLocality()) { LOG.warn("Relax locality off is not supported on local request: " + localRequest); } NodeType allowedLocality; if (scheduler.isContinuousSchedulingEnabled()) { allowedLocality = app.getAllowedLocalityLevelByTime( priority, scheduler.getNodeLocalityDelayMs(), scheduler.getRackLocalityDelayMs(), scheduler.getClock().getTime()); } else { allowedLocality = app.getAllowedLocalityLevel( priority, scheduler.getNumClusterNodes(), scheduler.getNodeLocalityThreshold(), scheduler.getRackLocalityThreshold()); } if (rackLocalRequest != null && rackLocalRequest.getNumContainers() != 0 && localRequest != null && localRequest.getNumContainers() != 0) { return assignContainer( node, priority, localRequest, NodeType.NODE_LOCAL, reserved, transactionState); } if (rackLocalRequest != null && !rackLocalRequest.getRelaxLocality()) { continue; } if (rackLocalRequest != null && rackLocalRequest.getNumContainers() != 0 && (allowedLocality.equals(NodeType.RACK_LOCAL) || allowedLocality.equals(NodeType.OFF_SWITCH))) { return assignContainer( node, priority, rackLocalRequest, NodeType.RACK_LOCAL, reserved, transactionState); } ResourceRequest offSwitchRequest = app.getResourceRequest(priority, ResourceRequest.ANY); if (offSwitchRequest != null && !offSwitchRequest.getRelaxLocality()) { continue; } if (offSwitchRequest != null && offSwitchRequest.getNumContainers() != 0 && allowedLocality.equals(NodeType.OFF_SWITCH)) { return assignContainer( node, priority, offSwitchRequest, NodeType.OFF_SWITCH, reserved, transactionState); } } } return Resources.none(); }