  void init(LinuxContainerExecutor lce, ResourceCalculatorPlugin plugin) throws IOException {

    // mount cgroups if requested
    if (cgroupMount && cgroupMountPath != null) {
      ArrayList<String> cgroupKVs = new ArrayList<String>();
      cgroupKVs.add(CONTROLLER_CPU + "=" + cgroupMountPath + "/" + CONTROLLER_CPU);
      lce.mountCgroups(cgroupKVs, cgroupPrefix);


    // cap overall usage to the number of cores allocated to YARN
    yarnProcessors = NodeManagerHardwareUtils.getContainersCores(plugin, conf);
    int systemProcessors = plugin.getNumProcessors();
    if (systemProcessors != (int) yarnProcessors) {
      LOG.info("YARN containers restricted to " + yarnProcessors + " cores");
      int[] limits = getOverallLimits(yarnProcessors);
      updateCgroup(CONTROLLER_CPU, "", CPU_PERIOD_US, String.valueOf(limits[0]));
      updateCgroup(CONTROLLER_CPU, "", CPU_QUOTA_US, String.valueOf(limits[1]));
    } else if (cpuLimitsExist()) {
      LOG.info("Removing CPU constraints for YARN containers.");
      updateCgroup(CONTROLLER_CPU, "", CPU_QUOTA_US, String.valueOf(-1));