private void getnegphase() {
     * It does the negative phase of unsupervised RBM training algorithm
     * For details, please refer to Dr. Hinton's paper:
     * Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks. Science, Vol. 313. no. 5786, pp. 504 - 507, 28 July 2006.

    // start calculate the negative phase
    // calculate the curved value of v1,h1
    // find the vector of v1
    Matrix negdata = poshidstates.times(vishid.transpose());
    // (1 * numhid) * (numhid * numdims) = (1 * numdims)
    // poshidstates*vishid' + visbiases
    double[][] tmp1 = negdata.getArray();
    int i1 = 0;
    while (i1 < numdims) {
      tmp1[0][i1] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-tmp1[0][i1]));

    // find the vector of h1
    neghidprobs = negdata.times(vishid);
    // (1 * numdims) * (numdims * numhid) = (1 * numhid)
    double[][] tmp2 = neghidprobs.getArray();
    int i2 = 0;
    while (i2 < numhid) {
      tmp2[0][i2] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-tmp2[0][i2]));
    negprods = negdata.transpose().times(neghidprobs);
    // (numdims * 1) *(1 * numhid) = (numdims * numhid)
  public void map(
      LongWritable key,
      Text value,
      OutputCollector<IntWritable, DoubleWritable> output,
      Reporter reporter)
      throws IOException {
     * It implements the mapper. It outputs the numbers of weight and updated weights.
     * Note that the format of intermediate output is <IntWritable, DoubleWritable>,
     * because the key is the number of weight (an integer), and the value is the weight's value (double)
    inputData = value.toString();

    // go through the process

    // output the intermediate data
    // The <key, value> pairs are <weightID, weightUpdate>
    double[][] vishidinc_array = vishidinc.getArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < numdims; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < numhid; j++) {
        weightPos.set(i * numhid + j);
        output.collect(weightPos, weightValue);
  private void getposphase() {
     * It does the positive phase of unsupervised RBM training algorithm
     * For details, please refer to Dr. Hinton's paper:
     * Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks. Science, Vol. 313. no. 5786, pp. 504 - 507, 28 July 2006.

    // Start calculate the positive phase
    // calculate the cured value of h0
    poshidprobs = data.times(vishid);
    // (1 * numdims) * (numdims * numhid)
    // data*vishid + hidbiases
    double[][] product_tmp2 = poshidprobs.getArray();
    int i2 = 0;
    while (i2 < numhid) {
      product_tmp2[0][i2] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-product_tmp2[0][i2]));
    posprods = data.transpose().times(poshidprobs);
    // (numdims * 1) * (1 * numhid)

    // end of the positive phase calculation, find the binary presentation of h0
    int i3 = 0;
    double[][] tmp1 = poshidprobs.getArray();
    double[][] tmp2 = new double[1][numhid];
    Random randomgenerator = new Random();
    while (i3 < numhid) {
       * a sampling according to possiblity given by poshidprobs
      if (tmp1[0][i3] > randomgenerator.nextDouble()) tmp2[0][i3] = 1;
      else tmp2[0][i3] = 0;

    // poshidstates is a binary sampling according to possiblity given by poshidprobs
    poshidstates = new Matrix(tmp2);
  private void prop2nextLayer() {
     * It computes the forward propagation algorithm.
    poshidprobs = data.times(vishid);
    // (1 * numdims) * (numdims * numhid)
    // data*vishid + hidbiases
    double[][] product_tmp2 = poshidprobs.getArray();

    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < numhid; i2++) {
       * compute the updated input, and write them to newinput
      product_tmp2[0][i2] = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-product_tmp2[0][i2]));
      newinput[i2] = (int) (product_tmp2[0][i2] * 255.0);