public static double calAlpha(double theta, double dec) { if (Math.abs(dec) + theta > 89.9) return 180; return (double) Math.toDegrees( Math.abs( Math.atan( Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)) / Math.sqrt( Math.cos(Math.toRadians(dec - theta)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(dec + theta)))))); }
public class NeighborSearch { public static final int numZones = 180; public static final int numBlocks = 360; public static double theta = 1.0 / 60.0; public static double blockWidth = 360.0 / numBlocks; public static double zoneHeight = 180.0 / numZones; private static double blockRanges[][] = new double[numBlocks][2]; private static double zoneRanges[][] = new double[numZones][2]; private static double maxAlphas[] = new double[numZones]; private static double costheta = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)); public static double calAlpha(double theta, double dec) { if (Math.abs(dec) + theta > 89.9) return 180; return (double) Math.toDegrees( Math.abs( Math.atan( Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)) / Math.sqrt( Math.cos(Math.toRadians(dec - theta)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(dec + theta)))))); } public static void init() { zoneRanges[0][0] = -90; zoneRanges[0][1] = -90 + zoneHeight; for (int i = 1; i < zoneRanges.length; i++) { zoneRanges[i][0] = zoneRanges[i - 1][1]; zoneRanges[i][1] = zoneRanges[i][0] + zoneHeight; } blockRanges[0][0] = 0; blockRanges[0][1] = blockWidth; for (int i = 1; i < blockRanges.length; i++) { blockRanges[i][0] = blockRanges[i - 1][1]; blockRanges[i][1] = blockRanges[i][0] + blockWidth; } for (int i = 0; i < maxAlphas.length; i++) { double maxDec = zoneRanges[i][1]; if (maxDec <= 0) maxDec = zoneRanges[i][0]; maxAlphas[i] = calAlpha(theta, maxDec); } } public static class Map extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Star, BlockIDWritable, PairWritable> { /* it seems it's very costly to create an object in Java. * reuse these objects in every map invocation. */ private BlockIDWritable loc = new BlockIDWritable(); private PairWritable p = new PairWritable(); BlockIDWritable loc1 = new BlockIDWritable(); public Map() { init(); } public void map( LongWritable key, Star value, OutputCollector<BlockIDWritable, PairWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { loc.set(value.ra, value.dec); int zoneNum = loc.zoneNum; int raNum = loc.raNum; p.set(value, null); /* * When the block size increases (> theta), only part of a block * needs to be copied to its neighbor. */ output.collect(loc, p); /* * only replicate objects in the border of a block. I expect most of * objects don't need to be copied. */ if (value.dec > zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] + theta && value.dec < zoneRanges[zoneNum][1] - theta && value.ra > blockRanges[raNum][0] + maxAlphas[zoneNum] && value.ra < blockRanges[raNum][1] - maxAlphas[zoneNum]) return; /* * the code below is to copy the star to some neighbors. We only * need to copy an object to the bottom, left, left bottom, left top * neighbors */ value.margin = true; /* * we should treat the entire zone 0 as a block, so we only needs to * copy some objects at the corner to their neighbors */ if (loc.zoneNum == 0) { /* copy the object to the right top neighbor */ if (value.ra >= blockRanges[raNum][1] - maxAlphas[zoneNum] && value.ra <= blockRanges[raNum][1] && value.dec >= zoneRanges[zoneNum][1] - theta && value.dec <= zoneRanges[zoneNum][1]) { // BlockIDWritable loc1 = new BlockIDWritable(); /* raNum of objects in zone 0 is always 0, * we need to recalculate it. */ // loc1.raNum = BlockIDWritable.ra2Num(value.ra) + 1; // if (loc1.raNum == numBlocks) { // loc1.raNum = 0; // value.ra -= 360; // } // loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum + 1; /// output.collect(loc1, p); } return; } else if (loc.zoneNum == numZones - 1) { /* copy the object to the bottom neighbor */ if (value.dec >= zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] && value.dec <= zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] + theta) { /* raNum of objects in zone zoneNum - 1 is always 0, * we need to recalculate it. */ loc1.raNum = BlockIDWritable.ra2Num(value.ra); loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum - 1; output.collect(loc1, p); /* copy the object to the right bottom neighbor */ while (value.ra >= blockRanges[loc1.raNum][1] - maxAlphas[zoneNum] && value.ra <= blockRanges[loc1.raNum][1]) { loc1.raNum++; if (loc1.raNum == numBlocks) { loc1.raNum = 0; value.ra -= 360; } loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum - 1; output.collect(loc1, p); } } return; } boolean wrap = false; loc1.raNum = loc.raNum; /* copy the object to the right neighbor */ while (value.ra >= blockRanges[loc1.raNum][1] - maxAlphas[zoneNum] && value.ra <= blockRanges[loc1.raNum][1]) { loc1.raNum++; loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum; /* * when the object is copied to the right neighbor, we need to * be careful. we need to convert ra and raNum if ra is close to * 360. */ if (loc1.raNum == numBlocks) { loc1.raNum = 0; value.ra -= 360; wrap = true; } output.collect(loc1, p); /* copy the object to the right bottom neighbor */ if (value.dec >= zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] && value.dec <= zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] + theta) { loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum - 1; output.collect(loc1, p); } /* copy the object to the right top neighbor */ if (value.dec >= zoneRanges[zoneNum][1] - theta && value.dec <= zoneRanges[zoneNum][1]) { loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum + 1; output.collect(loc1, p); } } if (wrap) { value.ra += 360; } /* copy the object to the bottom neighbor */ if (value.dec >= zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] && value.dec <= zoneRanges[zoneNum][0] + theta) { loc1.raNum = loc.raNum; loc1.zoneNum = loc.zoneNum - 1; if (loc1.zoneNum == 0) loc1.raNum = 0; output.collect(loc1, p); } } } public static class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<BlockIDWritable, PairWritable, BlockIDWritable, PairWritable> { PairWritable p = new PairWritable(); public Reduce() { init(); } void search( Vector<Star> v1, Vector<Star> v2, BlockIDWritable key, OutputCollector<BlockIDWritable, PairWritable> output) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < v2.size(); j++) { Star star1 = v1.get(i); Star star2 = v2.get(j); // what is this margin about if (star1.margin && star2.margin) continue; double dist = star1.x * star2.x + star1.y * star2.y + star1.z * star2.z; if (dist > costheta) { p.set(star1, star2, dist); output.collect(key, p); p.set(star2, star1, dist); output.collect(key, p); // num += 2; } } } // end for i,j } public void reduce( BlockIDWritable key, Iterator<PairWritable> values, OutputCollector<BlockIDWritable, PairWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // Vector<Star> starV = new Vector<Star>(); int buketsizeX = 0; int buketsizeY = 0; double bwidth = maxAlphas[key.zoneNum]; // ra ,x double bheight = theta; // dec ,y /* add 10 more in each dimension to make sure there is no overflow. */ Vector<Star>[][] arrstarV = new Vector[((int) (zoneHeight / bheight)) + 10] [((int) (blockWidth / bwidth)) + 10]; // create bucket vector[Y][X] int num = 0; while (values.hasNext()) { num++; Star s =; // participant double posx = (s.ra - blockRanges[key.raNum][0]) / bwidth; int x = (int) posx + 1; // shit by 1 in case star comes from other block double posy = (s.dec - zoneRanges[key.zoneNum][0]) / bheight; int y = (int) posy + 1; // set bucket size as max if (buketsizeX < x) buketsizeX = x; if (buketsizeY < y) buketsizeY = y; // create according bucket if (arrstarV[y][x] == null) // TODO avaoid creating vectors here. arrstarV[y][x] = new Vector<Star>(); // put star into bucket arrstarV[y][x].add(s); } // start reducer int i, j, row, col; // for each bucket for (row = 0; row <= buketsizeY; row++) { for (col = 0; col <= buketsizeX; col++) { // starV.clear(); // construct a new vector to do compare // TODO we need to avoid searching objects in the border. if (arrstarV[row][col] != null) { // old method to generate output for (i = 0; i < arrstarV[row][col].size(); i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < arrstarV[row][col].size(); j++) { Star star1 = arrstarV[row][col].get(i); Star star2 = arrstarV[row][col].get(j); // what is this margin about if (star1.margin && star2.margin) continue; double dist = star1.x * star2.x + star1.y * star2.y + star1.z * star2.z; if (dist > costheta) { p.set(star1, star2, dist); output.collect(key, p); p.set(star2, star1, dist); output.collect(key, p); // num += 2; } } } // end for i,j } // end if else { continue; } // 4 more neighbors // right upper arrstarV[row-1][col+1] vs arrstarV[row][col] if (row != 0 && arrstarV[row - 1][col + 1] != null) { search(arrstarV[row][col], arrstarV[row - 1][col + 1], key, output); } // right arrstarV[row][col+1] vs arrstarV[row][col] if (arrstarV[row][col + 1] != null) { search(arrstarV[row][col], arrstarV[row][col + 1], key, output); } // right lower if (arrstarV[row + 1][col + 1] != null) { search(arrstarV[row][col], arrstarV[row + 1][col + 1], key, output); } // lower if (arrstarV[row + 1][col] != null) { search(arrstarV[row][col], arrstarV[row + 1][col], key, output); } // end if } // end colum } // end row } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(NeighborSearch.class); conf.setJobName("star searching"); conf.setOutputKeyClass(BlockIDWritable.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(PairWritable.class); conf.setMapperClass(Map.class); // conf.setCombinerClass(Reduce.class); conf.setReducerClass(Reduce.class); // conf.setPartitionerClass(BlockPartitioner.class); // conf.setFloat("mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps", (float) 1.0); conf.setInputFormat(StarInputFormat.class); conf.setOutputFormat(StarOutputFormat.class); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, new Path(args[0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(args[1])); JobClient.runJob(conf); } }