예제 #1
     * Returns the skewed values in all the tables which are going to be scanned. If the join is on
     * columns c1, c2 and c3 on tables T1 and T2, T1 is skewed on c1 and c4 with the skew values
     * ((1,2),(3,4)), whereas T2 is skewed on c1, c2 with skew values ((5,6),(7,8)), the resulting
     * map would be: <(c1) -> ((1), (3)), (c1,c2) -> ((5,6),(7,8))>
     * @param op The join operator being optimized
     * @param tableScanOpsForJoin table scan operators which are parents of the join operator
     * @return map<join keys intersection skewedkeys, list of skewed values>.
    private Map<List<ExprNodeDesc>, List<List<String>>> getSkewedValues(
        Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> op, List<TableScanOperator> tableScanOpsForJoin) {

      Map<List<ExprNodeDesc>, List<List<String>>> skewDataReturn =
          new HashMap<List<ExprNodeDesc>, List<List<String>>>();

      Map<List<ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper>, List<List<String>>> skewData =
          new HashMap<List<ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper>, List<List<String>>>();

      // The join keys are available in the reduceSinkOperators before join
      for (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> reduceSinkOp : op.getParentOperators()) {
        ReduceSinkDesc rsDesc = ((ReduceSinkOperator) reduceSinkOp).getConf();

        if (rsDesc.getKeyCols() != null) {
          Table table = null;
          // Find the skew information corresponding to the table
          List<String> skewedColumns = null;
          List<List<String>> skewedValueList = null;

          // The join columns which are also skewed
          List<ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper> joinKeysSkewedCols =
              new ArrayList<ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper>();

          // skewed Keys which intersect with join keys
          List<Integer> positionSkewedKeys = new ArrayList<Integer>();

          // Update the joinKeys appropriately.
          for (ExprNodeDesc keyColDesc : rsDesc.getKeyCols()) {
            ExprNodeColumnDesc keyCol = null;

            // If the key column is not a column, then dont apply this optimization.
            // This will be fixed as part of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-3445
            // for type conversion UDFs.
            if (keyColDesc instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
              keyCol = (ExprNodeColumnDesc) keyColDesc;
              if (table == null) {
                table = getTable(parseContext, reduceSinkOp, tableScanOpsForJoin);
                skewedColumns = table == null ? null : table.getSkewedColNames();
                // No skew on the table to take care of
                if ((skewedColumns == null) || (skewedColumns.isEmpty())) {

                skewedValueList = table == null ? null : table.getSkewedColValues();
              int pos = skewedColumns.indexOf(keyCol.getColumn());
              if ((pos >= 0) && (!positionSkewedKeys.contains(pos))) {
                ExprNodeColumnDesc keyColClone = (ExprNodeColumnDesc) keyCol.clone();
                joinKeysSkewedCols.add(new ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper(keyColClone));

          // If the skew keys match the join keys, then add it to the list
          if ((skewedColumns != null) && (!skewedColumns.isEmpty())) {
            if (!joinKeysSkewedCols.isEmpty()) {
              // If the join keys matches the skewed keys, use the table skewed keys
              List<List<String>> skewedJoinValues;
              if (skewedColumns.size() == positionSkewedKeys.size()) {
                skewedJoinValues = skewedValueList;
              } else {
                skewedJoinValues = getSkewedJoinValues(skewedValueList, positionSkewedKeys);

              List<List<String>> oldSkewedJoinValues = skewData.get(joinKeysSkewedCols);
              if (oldSkewedJoinValues == null) {
                oldSkewedJoinValues = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
              for (List<String> skewValue : skewedJoinValues) {
                if (!oldSkewedJoinValues.contains(skewValue)) {

              skewData.put(joinKeysSkewedCols, oldSkewedJoinValues);

      // convert skewData to contain ExprNodeDesc in the keys
      for (Map.Entry<List<ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper>, List<List<String>>> mapEntry :
          skewData.entrySet()) {
        List<ExprNodeDesc> skewedKeyJoinCols = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
        for (ExprNodeDescEqualityWrapper key : mapEntry.getKey()) {
        skewDataReturn.put(skewedKeyJoinCols, mapEntry.getValue());

      return skewDataReturn;