private static void finalize( Configuration conf, JobConf jobconf, final Path destPath, String presevedAttributes) throws IOException { if (presevedAttributes == null) { return; } EnumSet<FileAttribute> preseved = FileAttribute.parse(presevedAttributes); if (!preseved.contains(FileAttribute.USER) && !preseved.contains(FileAttribute.GROUP) && !preseved.contains(FileAttribute.PERMISSION)) { return; } FileSystem dstfs = destPath.getFileSystem(conf); Path dstdirlist = new Path(jobconf.get(DST_DIR_LIST_LABEL)); SequenceFile.Reader in = null; try { in = new SequenceFile.Reader(dstdirlist.getFileSystem(jobconf), dstdirlist, jobconf); Text dsttext = new Text(); FilePair pair = new FilePair(); for (;, pair); ) { Path absdst = new Path(destPath, pair.output); updatePermissions(pair.input, dstfs.getFileStatus(absdst), preseved, dstfs); } } finally { checkAndClose(in); } }
/** * Mapper configuration. Extracts source and destination file system, as well as top-level paths * on source and destination directories. Gets the named file systems, to be used later in map. */ public void configure(JobConf job) { destPath = new Path(job.get(DST_DIR_LABEL, "/")); try { destFileSys = destPath.getFileSystem(job); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get the named file system.", ex); } sizeBuf = job.getInt("copy.buf.size", 128 * 1024); buffer = new byte[sizeBuf]; ignoreReadFailures = job.getBoolean(Options.IGNORE_READ_FAILURES.propertyname, false); preserve_status = job.getBoolean(Options.PRESERVE_STATUS.propertyname, false); if (preserve_status) { preseved = FileAttribute.parse(job.get(PRESERVE_STATUS_LABEL)); } update = job.getBoolean(Options.UPDATE.propertyname, false); overwrite = !update && job.getBoolean(Options.OVERWRITE.propertyname, false); this.job = job; }
static Arguments valueOf(String[] args, Configuration conf) throws IOException { List<Path> srcs = new ArrayList<Path>(); Path dst = null; Path log = null; EnumSet<Options> flags = EnumSet.noneOf(Options.class); String presevedAttributes = null; String mapredSslConf = null; long filelimit = Long.MAX_VALUE; long sizelimit = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) { Options[] opt = Options.values(); int i = 0; for (; i < opt.length && !args[idx].startsWith(opt[i].cmd); i++) ; if (i < opt.length) { flags.add(opt[i]); if (opt[i] == Options.PRESERVE_STATUS) { presevedAttributes = args[idx].substring(2); FileAttribute.parse(presevedAttributes); // validation } else if (opt[i] == Options.FILE_LIMIT) { filelimit = Options.FILE_LIMIT.parseLong(args, ++idx); } else if (opt[i] == Options.SIZE_LIMIT) { sizelimit = Options.SIZE_LIMIT.parseLong(args, ++idx); } } else if ("-f".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("urilist_uri not specified in -f"); } srcs.addAll(fetchFileList(conf, new Path(args[idx]))); } else if ("-log".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("logdir not specified in -log"); } log = new Path(args[idx]); } else if ("-mapredSslConf".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ssl conf file not specified in -mapredSslConf"); } mapredSslConf = args[idx]; } else if ("-m".equals(args[idx])) { if (++idx == args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("num_maps not specified in -m"); } try { conf.setInt(MAX_MAPS_LABEL, Integer.valueOf(args[idx])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument to -m: " + args[idx]); } } else if ('-' == args[idx].codePointAt(0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid switch " + args[idx]); } else if (idx == args.length - 1) { dst = new Path(args[idx]); } else { srcs.add(new Path(args[idx])); } } // mandatory command-line parameters if (srcs.isEmpty() || dst == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing " + (dst == null ? "dst path" : "src")); } // incompatible command-line flags final boolean isOverwrite = flags.contains(Options.OVERWRITE); final boolean isUpdate = flags.contains(Options.UPDATE); final boolean isDelete = flags.contains(Options.DELETE); if (isOverwrite && isUpdate) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting overwrite policies"); } if (isDelete && !isOverwrite && !isUpdate) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( Options.DELETE.cmd + " must be specified with " + Options.OVERWRITE + " or " + Options.UPDATE + "."); } return new Arguments( srcs, dst, log, flags, presevedAttributes, filelimit, sizelimit, mapredSslConf); }