예제 #1
  public void copyInitialState(Path origAppDir) throws IOException {
    // locate previous snapshot
    String newAppDir = this.dag.assertAppPath();

    FSRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(origAppDir.toString(), conf);
    // read snapshot against new dependencies
    Object snapshot = recoveryHandler.restore();
    if (snapshot == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No previous application state found in " + origAppDir);
    InputStream logIs = recoveryHandler.getLog();

    // modify snapshot state to switch app id
    ((StreamingContainerManager.CheckpointState) snapshot).setApplicationId(this.dag, conf);
    Path checkpointPath = new Path(newAppDir, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_CHECKPOINTS);

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(origAppDir.toUri(), conf);
    // remove the path that was created by the storage agent during deserialization and replacement
    fs.delete(checkpointPath, true);

    // write snapshot to new location
    recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(newAppDir, conf);
    OutputStream logOs = recoveryHandler.rotateLog();
    IOUtils.copy(logIs, logOs);

    // copy sub directories that are not present in target
    FileStatus[] lFiles = fs.listStatus(origAppDir);
    for (FileStatus f : lFiles) {
      if (f.isDirectory()) {
        String targetPath = f.getPath().toString().replace(origAppDir.toString(), newAppDir);
        if (!fs.exists(new Path(targetPath))) {
          LOG.debug("Copying {} to {}", f.getPath(), targetPath);
          FileUtil.copy(fs, f.getPath(), fs, new Path(targetPath), false, conf);
          // FSUtil.copy(fs, f, fs, new Path(targetPath), false, false, conf);
        } else {
          LOG.debug("Ignoring {} as it already exists under {}", f.getPath(), targetPath);
          // FSUtil.setPermission(fs, new Path(targetPath), new FsPermission((short)0777));