   * Generate instructions for field initializers or static initialization statements.
   * @param node - the AST at the root of the statement.
   * @param isStatic - true if the code should be generated in a static context.
  private void generateInstructions(IASNode node, final boolean isStatic) {
    //  Do we need to create new information for the class'
    //  static initialization method?  Note that this may
    //  be undone if the codgen fails or doesn't produce
    //  any instructions.
    final boolean createNewCinit = isStatic && this.cinfo.cInit == null;

    if (createNewCinit) {
      //  Speculatively initialize the class' cinit
      //  (static class initializer routine)'s data
      //  structures; the code generator may need to
      //  store information in them.
      this.cinfo.cInit = new MethodInfo();
      MethodBodyInfo cinit_info = new MethodBodyInfo();

      this.classStaticScope.methodVisitor = emitter.visitMethod(this.cinfo.cInit);
      this.classStaticScope.methodBodyVisitor =

    InstructionList cgResult = null;

    LexicalScope ls = isStatic ? this.classStaticScope : this.classScope;

    cgResult = ls.getGenerator().generateInstructions(node, CmcEmitter.__statement_NT, ls);

    //  If nothing came back, revert any change made to the cinit information.
    if ((cgResult == null || cgResult.isEmpty()) && createNewCinit) {
      this.cinfo.cInit = null;
      this.classStaticScope.methodVisitor = null;
      this.classStaticScope.methodBodyVisitor = null;

    //  Save the generated instructions, if present.
    if (cgResult != null) {
      if (isStatic) this.cinitInsns.addAll(cgResult);
      else this.iinitInsns.addAll(cgResult);