public FSDataInputStream open(Path file, int bufferSize) throws IOException { FTPClient client = connect(); Path workDir = new Path(client.printWorkingDirectory()); Path absolute = makeAbsolute(workDir, file); FileStatus fileStat = getFileStatus(client, absolute); if (fileStat.isDirectory()) { disconnect(client); throw new IOException("Path " + file + " is a directory."); } client.allocate(bufferSize); Path parent = absolute.getParent(); // Change to parent directory on the // server. Only then can we read the // file // on the server by opening up an InputStream. As a side effect the working // directory on the server is changed to the parent directory of the file. // The FTP client connection is closed when close() is called on the // FSDataInputStream. client.changeWorkingDirectory(parent.toUri().getPath()); InputStream is = client.retrieveFileStream(file.getName()); FSDataInputStream fis = new FSDataInputStream(new FTPInputStream(is, client, statistics)); if (!FTPReply.isPositivePreliminary(client.getReplyCode())) { // The ftpClient is an inconsistent state. Must close the stream // which in turn will logout and disconnect from FTP server fis.close(); throw new IOException("Unable to open file: " + file + ", Aborting"); } return fis; }
/** * A stream obtained via this call must be closed before using other APIs of this class or else * the invocation will block. */ public FSDataOutputStream create( Path file, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException { final FTPClient client = connect(); Path workDir = new Path(client.printWorkingDirectory()); Path absolute = makeAbsolute(workDir, file); if (exists(client, file)) { if (overwrite) { delete(client, file); } else { disconnect(client); throw new IOException("File already exists: " + file); } } Path parent = absolute.getParent(); if (parent == null || !mkdirs(client, parent, FsPermission.getDefault())) { parent = (parent == null) ? new Path("/") : parent; disconnect(client); throw new IOException("create(): Mkdirs failed to create: " + parent); } client.allocate(bufferSize); // Change to parent directory on the server. Only then can we write to the // file on the server by opening up an OutputStream. As a side effect the // working directory on the server is changed to the parent directory of the // file. The FTP client connection is closed when close() is called on the // FSDataOutputStream. client.changeWorkingDirectory(parent.toUri().getPath()); FSDataOutputStream fos = new FSDataOutputStream(client.storeFileStream(file.getName()), statistics) { public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); if (!client.isConnected()) { throw new FTPException("Client not connected"); } boolean cmdCompleted = client.completePendingCommand(); disconnect(client); if (!cmdCompleted) { throw new FTPException( "Could not complete transfer, Reply Code - " + client.getReplyCode()); } } }; if (!FTPReply.isPositivePreliminary(client.getReplyCode())) { // The ftpClient is an inconsistent state. Must close the stream // which in turn will logout and disconnect from FTP server fos.close(); throw new IOException("Unable to create file: " + file + ", Aborting"); } return fos; }
@Override public void send(Message message, TestContext context) { FtpMessage ftpMessage; if (message instanceof FtpMessage) { ftpMessage = (FtpMessage) message; } else { ftpMessage = new FtpMessage(message); } String correlationKeyName = getEndpointConfiguration().getCorrelator().getCorrelationKeyName(getName()); String correlationKey = getEndpointConfiguration().getCorrelator().getCorrelationKey(ftpMessage); correlationManager.saveCorrelationKey(correlationKeyName, correlationKey, context); String.format( "Sending FTP message to: ftp://'%s:%s'", getEndpointConfiguration().getHost(), getEndpointConfiguration().getPort())); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Message to be sent:\n" + ftpMessage.getPayload().toString()); } try { connectAndLogin(); int reply = ftpClient.sendCommand(ftpMessage.getCommand(), ftpMessage.getArguments()); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply) && !FTPReply.isPositivePreliminary(reply)) { throw new CitrusRuntimeException( String.format( "Failed to send FTP command - reply is: %s:%s", reply, ftpClient.getReplyString())); } String.format( "FTP message was successfully sent to: '%s:%s'", getEndpointConfiguration().getHost(), getEndpointConfiguration().getPort())); correlationKey, new FtpMessage(ftpMessage.getCommand(), ftpMessage.getArguments()) .replyCode(reply) .replyString(ftpClient.getReplyString())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Failed to execute ftp command", e); } }