public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int line) { try { return extractData(rs); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
// This happens very early - check it. static { try { log = LogFactory.getLog(Servlet.class); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Exception creating the logger"); System.err.println("Commons logging jar files in WEB-INF/lib/?"); System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); // ex.printStackTrace(System.err) ; } }
private void closeConnection() { try { if (statement != null) statement.close(); if (connection != null) { JDBCExceptionReporter.logWarnings(connection.getWarnings()); connection.clearWarnings(); connectionProvider.closeConnection(connection); connectionProvider.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Could not close connection"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected void writeResponse( final HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, final SimpleStatusResponse simpleStatusResponse) { Gson gson = new Gson(); try { httpServletResponse.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); _log.debug("Serializing: " + simpleStatusResponse); final PrintWriter writer = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); gson.toJson(simpleStatusResponse.getResponseStatus(), writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error while writing response: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
public boolean getMessageExist() { try { EmailID emailID = searchResult.getEmailId(); Volume volume = emailID.getVolume(); return (volume != null); /*if (volume!=null) { Archiver archiver = Config.getConfig().getArchiver(); boolean exists = archiver.isMessageExist(emailID); if (!exists) { logger.debug("message is not accessible on disk"); } return exists; } else { logger.debug("could not lookup volume. the index appears out of sync with volumeinfo ID field."); }*/ } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("failed to determine if message exists in store:" + e.getMessage(), e); } return false; }
protected void writeResponseGenericWithDate( final HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, final Date lastModified, final int expirationTime, final Object object) { Gson gson = new Gson(); try { httpServletResponse.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); if (lastModified != null) { httpServletResponse.addHeader("Expires", createDateHeader(expirationTime)); httpServletResponse.addHeader("Last-Modified", toHttpDate(lastModified)); } _log.debug("Serializing: " + object); final PrintWriter writer = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); gson.toJson(object, writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error while writing response: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { if ((args != null) && (args.length == 1) && ("create".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))) { new IdentitySchema(IdentitySessionFactory.createConfiguration()).createSchema(); } else if ((args != null) && (args.length == 1) && ("drop".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))) { new IdentitySchema(IdentitySessionFactory.createConfiguration()).dropSchema(); } else if ((args != null) && (args.length == 1) && ("clean".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))) { new IdentitySchema(IdentitySessionFactory.createConfiguration()).cleanSchema(); } else if ((args != null) && (args.length == 3) && ("scripts".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))) { new IdentitySchema(IdentitySessionFactory.createConfiguration()) .saveSqlScripts(args[1], args[2]); } else { System.err.println("syntax: JbpmSchema create"); System.err.println("syntax: JbpmSchema drop"); System.err.println("syntax: JbpmSchema clean"); System.err.println("syntax: JbpmSchema scripts <dir> <prefix>"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void testcheckOutputSpecsForbidRecordCompression() throws IOException { Job job = Job.getInstance(new Configuration(), "testcheckOutputSpecsForbidRecordCompression"); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(job.getConfiguration()); Path outputdir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "/tmp") + "/output"); fs.delete(outputdir, true); // Without outputpath, FileOutputFormat.checkoutputspecs will throw // InvalidJobConfException FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputdir); // SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat doesn't support record compression // It should throw an exception when checked by checkOutputSpecs SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat.setCompressOutput(job, true); SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat.setOutputCompressionType(job, CompressionType.BLOCK); try { new SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat().checkOutputSpecs(job); } catch (Exception e) { fail( "Block compression should be allowed for " + "SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat:Caught " + e.getClass().getName()); } SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat.setOutputCompressionType(job, CompressionType.RECORD); try { new SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat().checkOutputSpecs(job); fail("Record compression should not be allowed for " + "SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat"); } catch (InvalidJobConfException ie) { // expected } catch (Exception e) { fail( "Expected " + InvalidJobConfException.class.getName() + "but caught " + e.getClass().getName()); } }
public int doStartTag() throws JspException { try { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(); ModuleContext context = (ModuleContext) request.getSession().getAttribute("context"); String viewObject = request.getParameter("viewObject"); viewObject = (viewObject == null || viewObject.equals("")) ? "xava_view" : viewObject; View view = (View) context.get(request, viewObject); MetaReference metaReference = view.getMetaReference(reference).cloneMetaReference(); metaReference.setName(reference); String prefix = request.getParameter("propertyPrefix"); prefix = prefix == null ? "" : prefix; String application = request.getParameter("application"); String module = request.getParameter("module"); String referenceKey = Ids.decorate(application, module, prefix + reference); request.setAttribute(referenceKey, metaReference); String editorURL = "reference.jsp?referenceKey=" + referenceKey + "&onlyEditor=true&frame=false&composite=false&descriptionsList=true"; String editorPrefix = Module.isPortlet() ? "/WEB-INF/jsp/xava/" : "/xava/"; try { pageContext.include(editorPrefix + editorURL); } catch (ServletException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getRootCause() == null ? ex : ex.getRootCause(); log.error(cause.getMessage(), cause); pageContext.include(editorPrefix + "editors/notAvailableEditor.jsp"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); pageContext.include(editorPrefix + "editors/notAvailableEditor.jsp"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new JspException(XavaResources.getString("descriptionsList_tag_error", reference)); } return SKIP_BODY; }
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { Locales.setCurrent(request); if (Users.getCurrent() == null) { // for a bug in websphere portal 5.1 with Domino LDAP Users.setCurrent((String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava.user")); } request.getParameter("application"); // for a bug in websphere 5.1 request.getParameter("module"); // for a bug in websphere 5.1 Tab tab = (Tab) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_reportTab"); int[] selectedRowsNumber = (int[]) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_selectedRowsReportTab"); Map[] selectedKeys = (Map[]) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_selectedKeysReportTab"); int[] selectedRows = getSelectedRows(selectedRowsNumber, selectedKeys, tab); request.getSession().removeAttribute("xava_selectedRowsReportTab"); Integer columnCountLimit = (Integer) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_columnCountLimitReportTab"); request.getSession().removeAttribute("xava_columnCountLimitReportTab"); setDefaultSchema(request); String user = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("xava_user"); request.getSession().removeAttribute("xava_user"); Users.setCurrent(user); String uri = request.getRequestURI(); if (uri.endsWith(".pdf")) { InputStream is; JRDataSource ds; Map parameters = new HashMap(); synchronized (tab) { tab.setRequest(request); parameters.put("Title", tab.getTitle()); parameters.put("Organization", getOrganization()); parameters.put("Date", getCurrentDate()); for (String totalProperty : tab.getTotalPropertiesNames()) { parameters.put(totalProperty + "__TOTAL__", getTotal(request, tab, totalProperty)); } TableModel tableModel = getTableModel(request, tab, selectedRows, false, true, null); tableModel.getValueAt(0, 0); if (tableModel.getRowCount() == 0) { generateNoRowsPage(response); return; } is = getReport(request, response, tab, tableModel, columnCountLimit); ds = new JRTableModelDataSource(tableModel); } JasperPrint jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(is, parameters, ds); response.setContentType("application/pdf"); response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + getFileName(tab) + ".pdf\""); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jprint, response.getOutputStream()); } else if (uri.endsWith(".csv")) { String csvEncoding = XavaPreferences.getInstance().getCSVEncoding(); if (!Is.emptyString(csvEncoding)) { response.setCharacterEncoding(csvEncoding); } response.setContentType("text/x-csv"); response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + getFileName(tab) + ".csv\""); synchronized (tab) { tab.setRequest(request); response .getWriter() .print( TableModels.toCSV( getTableModel(request, tab, selectedRows, true, false, columnCountLimit))); } } else { throw new ServletException( XavaResources.getString("report_type_not_supported", "", ".pdf .csv")); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new ServletException(XavaResources.getString("report_error")); } finally { request.getSession().removeAttribute("xava_reportTab"); } }
/** * @param argv The parameters passed to this program. * @exception Exception if the filesystem does not exist. * @return 0 on success, non zero on error. */ private int processArgs(String[] argv) throws Exception { if (argv.length < 1) { printUsage(""); return -1; } int exitCode = -1; int i = 0; String cmd = argv[i++]; // // verify that we have enough command line parameters // if ("-geteditsize".equals(cmd)) { if (argv.length != 1) { printUsage(cmd); return exitCode; } } else if ("-checkpoint".equals(cmd)) { if (argv.length != 1 && argv.length != 2) { printUsage(cmd); return exitCode; } if (argv.length == 2 && !"force".equals(argv[i])) { printUsage(cmd); return exitCode; } } exitCode = 0; try { if ("-checkpoint".equals(cmd)) { long size = namenode.getEditLogSize(); if (size >= checkpointSize || argv.length == 2 && "force".equals(argv[i])) { doCheckpoint(); } else { System.err.println( "EditLog size " + size + " bytes is " + "smaller than configured checkpoint " + "size " + checkpointSize + " bytes."); System.err.println("Skipping checkpoint."); } } else if ("-geteditsize".equals(cmd)) { long size = namenode.getEditLogSize(); System.out.println("EditLog size is " + size + " bytes"); } else { exitCode = -1; LOG.error(cmd.substring(1) + ": Unknown command"); printUsage(""); } } catch (RemoteException e) { // // This is a error returned by hadoop server. Print // out the first line of the error mesage, ignore the stack trace. exitCode = -1; try { String[] content; content = e.getLocalizedMessage().split("\n"); LOG.error(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + content[0]); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } catch (IOException e) { // // IO exception encountered locally. // exitCode = -1; LOG.error(cmd.substring(1) + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { // Does the RPC connection need to be closed? } return exitCode; }