private static final StringBuilder startConfigPrinter(final String title) { final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("\n\t╭" + repeat("─", 68) + "╮\n"); text.append(StringUtils.rightPad("\t│ " + title + ": ", 70, " ") + "│\n"); text.append("\t╞════" + repeat("═", 60) + "════╡\n"); text.append("\t│" + repeat(" ", 68) + "┊\n"); return text; }
/** * * * <li><b>AppendIfMissing</b> - appends a suffix to the end of the String if not present * Appends * the suffix to the end of the string if the string does not already end with any the * suffixes. * <li><b>PrependIfMissing</b> - prepends a prefix to the start of the String if not present * * Prepends the prefix to the start of the string if the string does not already start with * any of the prefixes. * <li><b>LeftPad/RightPad/Center/Repeat</b> - pads a String * * <p>Left pad a String with a specified String. */ @Test public void testAppendPrependLeftPadCenterStringUtils() { System.out.println(strOne + ":" + strOne.length()); System.out.println(StringUtils.appendIfMissing(strOne, "undergrowth", "csdn")); System.out.println(StringUtils.appendIfMissing(strOne, "undergrowth", " ")); System.out.println(StringUtils.prependIfMissing(strOne, "undergrowth ", "csdn")); System.out.println(StringUtils.prependIfMissing(strOne, "undergrowth ", "the")); System.out.println(StringUtils.leftPad(strOne, 25, "")); System.out.println(StringUtils.leftPad(strOne, 26, "who")); System.out.println(StringUtils.rightPad(strOne, 25, "")); System.out.println(StringUtils.rightPad(strOne, 26, "who")); System.out.println(, 100, '*')); System.out.println(, 100, "*!")); System.out.println(StringUtils.repeat(strOne, 2)); System.out.println(StringUtils.repeat(strOne, ",", 2)); }
public static void main(String[] args) { LogUtils.configure(); FieldTypeMap ftm = StructDatabase.getInstance().getFieldTypeMap(); Set<AssetFieldType> fieldNodes = new HashSet<>(); Set<UnityVersion> versions = new TreeSet<>(); Set<Integer> classIDs = new TreeSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<Pair<Integer, UnityVersion>, AssetFieldType> entry : ftm.entrySet()) { versions.add(entry.getKey().getRight()); classIDs.add(entry.getKey().getLeft()); fieldNodes.add(entry.getValue()); } L.log(Level.INFO, "Class IDs: {0}", classIDs.size()); L.log(Level.INFO, "Versions: {0}", versions.size()); L.log(Level.INFO, "Fields: {0}", fieldNodes.size()); System.out.println(); System.out.print(" |"); for (Integer classID : classIDs) { System.out.print(StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(classID), 4)); System.out.print(" |"); } System.out.println(); System.out.print("--------|"); System.out.print(StringUtils.repeat("-----|", classIDs.size())); System.out.println(); for (UnityVersion rev : versions) { System.out.print(rev); System.out.print(" |"); for (Integer classID : classIDs) { System.out.print(" "); if (ftm.containsKey(new Pair(classID, rev))) { System.out.print("x"); } else { System.out.print(" "); } System.out.print(" |"); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); for (Integer classID : classIDs) { String className = ClassID.getNameForID(classID); String classIDStr = StringUtils.rightPad(String.valueOf(classID), 3); if (className == null) { System.out.printf("%s : ???\n", classIDStr); } else { System.out.printf("%s : %s\n", classIDStr, className); } } }
public BankStatusParser(LogReader reader) { super(reader); // Print agent indexes/gather names System.out.println("****AGENT INDEXES****"); participants = reader.getParticipants(); if (participants == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("no participants"); } int agent; participantNames = new String[participants.length]; is_Advertiser = new boolean[participants.length]; for (int i = 0, n = participants.length; i < n; i++) { ParticipantInfo info = participants[i]; agent = info.getIndex(); System.out.println(info.getName() + ": " + agent); participantNames[agent] = info.getName(); if (info.getRole() == TACAdxConstants.ADVERTISER) { is_Advertiser[agent] = true; } else is_Advertiser[agent] = false; } System.out.println("****BANK STATUS DATA****"); System.out.println(StringUtils.rightPad("Agent", 20) + "\tDay\tBank Status"); }
@Override public void build(String input) { if (validate(input)) { if (input.length() < maxLength) { input = StringUtils.rightPad(input, maxLength, " "); } try { String values[] = MyStringUtil.splitByFixedLengths(input, new int[] {1, 400}); this.resultado = values[0]; if (this.resultado.equals("1")) { String empresaValues[] = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(values[1], Cuerpo.FIELD_SEPARATOR_CHAR); this.empresa = new Empresa(); this.empresa.setRuc(empresaValues[0]); this.empresa.setNombre(empresaValues[1]); this.empresa.setTelefono(empresaValues[2]); this.empresa.setDireccion(empresaValues[3]); this.empresa.setUsuario(empresaValues[4]); this.empresa.setPassword(empresaValues[5]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(AutenticacionEmpresaRS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
/** * @Title: resolveCinema @Description: TODO * * @param @param cinema * @return void * @throws */ public void resolveCinema(Cinema cinema) { String cityCode = StringUtils.left(cinema.getCinemaCode().toString(), 4); String provinceCode = StringUtils.left(cityCode, 2); String cityString = StringUtils.rightPad(cityCode, cityCode.length() + 2, "0"); CityCode province = generalDAO.findById( CityCode.class, StringUtils.rightPad(provinceCode, provinceCode.length() + 4, "0")); CityCode city = generalDAO.findById(CityCode.class, cityString); if (province != null && city != null) { String proName = province.getName() + province.getSuffix(); String cityName = city.getName() + city.getSuffix(); String newName = removeSymbolList(cinema.getCinemaName()); if (proName.equals(cityName)) { one(province, cinema, newName); } else { two(province, city, cinema, newName); } } }
@Override public StringBuilder encode(String mensagemAscii) { StringBuilder mensagemEmBinario = Utilidades.converteAsciiParaBinario(mensagemAscii); String auxiliar = StringUtils.rightPad("", polinomio.length() - 1, "0"); StringBuilder restoDivisao = Utilidades.retornaRestoDivisaoBits( new StringBuilder(mensagemEmBinario + auxiliar), polinomio); return mensagemEmBinario.append(restoDivisao.substring(1, polinomio.length())); }
private boolean showList() { println(String.format("Your incomming messages for %s:", formatLocalAddress())); println(); final MessageBox inbox = getInbox(); if (inbox.isEmpty()) { println("Your inbox is empty."); println(); return true; } print(StringUtils.rightPad("Id", FIRST_COLUMN_PAD)); print( StringUtils.rightPad(String.format("Unread (%d)", inbox.countUnread()), SECOND_COLUMN_PAD)); print(StringUtils.rightPad("From", THIRD_COLUMN_PAD)); println("Body"); final Collection<Message> messages = inbox.getAll(); int id = 0; for (final Message message : messages) { println(formatMessage(message, id++)); } println(); return false; }
/** * Prints the scenario name. * * @param scenarioTags the scenario tags * @param testCaseName the test case name * @param status the status */ public static void printScenarioName(String scenarioTags, String testCaseName, String status) { String formattedLine = ""; String formattedScenarioTags = "> Scenario tags : " + scenarioTags; String formattedScenarioName = "> Scenario Name : " + testCaseName.toUpperCase(); String formattedStatus = "> Scenario Status : " + status; if (formattedScenarioTags.length() > formattedScenarioName.length()) { formattedLine = StringUtils.leftPad("", formattedScenarioTags.length() + 2, '='); formattedScenarioTags = StringUtils.rightPad(formattedScenarioTags, (formattedScenarioTags.length() + 1), " ") + "<"; formattedScenarioName = StringUtils.rightPad(formattedScenarioName, (formattedScenarioTags.length() - 1), " ") + "<"; formattedStatus = StringUtils.rightPad(formattedStatus, (formattedScenarioTags.length() - 1), " ") + "<"; } else { formattedLine = StringUtils.leftPad("", formattedScenarioName.length() + 2, '='); formattedScenarioTags = StringUtils.rightPad(formattedScenarioTags, (formattedScenarioName.length() + 1), " ") + "<"; formattedScenarioName = StringUtils.rightPad(formattedScenarioName, (formattedScenarioName.length() + 1), " ") + "<"; formattedStatus = StringUtils.rightPad(formattedStatus, (formattedScenarioName.length() - 1), " ") + "<"; } if (isLoggingEnabled) {;;;;; } printToConsole( formattedLine + "\n" + formattedScenarioTags + "\n" + formattedScenarioName + "\n" + formattedStatus + "\n" + formattedLine); }
public static String printer() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int[] colWidths = colWidths(); for (String[] row : rows) { for (int colNum = 0; colNum < row.length; colNum++) { buf.append(StringUtils.rightPad(StringUtils.defaultString(row[colNum]), colWidths[colNum])); buf.append(' '); } buf.append('\n'); } return buf.toString(); }
/** * Invoked when a message to a specific receiver is encountered in the log file. Example of this * is the offers sent by the manufacturers to the customers. * * @param sender the sender of the message * @param receiver the receiver of the message * @param content the message content */ @Override protected void message(int sender, int receiver, Transportable content) { if (content instanceof BankStatus && participants[receiver].getRole() == TACAdxConstants.AD_NETOWRK_ROLE_ID) { BankStatus status = (BankStatus) content; System.out.println( StringUtils.rightPad(participantNames[receiver], 20) + "\t" + day + "\t" + (int) status.getAccountBalance()); } else if (content instanceof SimulationStatus) { SimulationStatus ss = (SimulationStatus) content; day = ss.getCurrentDate(); } }
public void sendToSerial(String message) { try { // pad message to 32 chars if it isn't already StringUtils.rightPad(message, 32); App.getController().appendTxtAreaLogOutput("Port opened: " + port.openPort()); App.getController() .appendTxtAreaLogOutput( "Params set: " + port.setParams(baudRate, dataBits, stopBits, parity)); App.getController() .appendTxtAreaLogOutput( "\"" + message + "\" successfully wrote to port: " + port.writeBytes(message.getBytes())); App.getController().appendTxtAreaLogOutput("Port closed: " + port.closePort()); } catch (SerialPortException ex) { App.getController().appendTxtAreaLogOutput(ex.getMessage()); } }
@Override public void build(String input) { if (validate(input)) { try { if (input.length() < 41) { // DQ esto nos ayuda a que en el metodo splitByFixedLengths no nos bote la exception StringUtils.rightPad(input, 41, " "); } String values[] = MyStringUtils.splitByFixedLengths(input, new int[] {9, 2, 10, 5, 15}); setNumeroCuenta(values[0]); // para que se haga el leftpad setTipoCuenta(values[1]); setValor(values[2]); setTipoDocumentoCliente(values[3]); setValorDocumentoCliente(ValorDocumentoCliente = values[4]); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("" + e); } } }
private String formatUnread(final Message message) { final String unread = message.isUnread() ? "yes" : "no"; return StringUtils.rightPad(unread, SECOND_COLUMN_PAD); }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder(); returnString.append('\n'); returnString.append("=======================================================\n"); returnString.append("Summary\n"); returnString.append("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); int totalClassified = correctlyClassified + incorrectlyClassified; double percentageCorrect = (double) 100 * correctlyClassified / totalClassified; double percentageIncorrect = (double) 100 * incorrectlyClassified / totalClassified; NumberFormat decimalFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0.####"); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Correctly Classified Instances", 40)) .append(": ") .append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(correctlyClassified), 10)) .append('\t') .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(percentageCorrect), 10)) .append("%\n"); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Incorrectly Classified Instances", 40)) .append(": ") .append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(incorrectlyClassified), 10)) .append('\t') .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(percentageIncorrect), 10)) .append("%\n"); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Total Classified Instances", 40)) .append(": ") .append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(totalClassified), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString.append('\n'); returnString.append(confusionMatrix); returnString.append("=======================================================\n"); returnString.append("Statistics\n"); returnString.append("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); RunningAverageAndStdDev normStats = confusionMatrix.getNormalizedStats(); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Kappa", 40)) .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(confusionMatrix.getKappa()), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Accuracy", 40)) .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(confusionMatrix.getAccuracy()), 10)) .append("%\n"); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Reliability", 40)) .append( StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(normStats.getAverage() * 100.00000001), 10)) .append("%\n"); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Reliability (standard deviation)", 40)) .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(normStats.getStandardDeviation()), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Weighted precision", 40)) .append( StringUtils.leftPad( decimalFormatter.format(confusionMatrix.getWeightedPrecision()), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Weighted recall", 40)) .append( StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(confusionMatrix.getWeightedRecall()), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Weighted F1 score", 40)) .append( StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(confusionMatrix.getWeightedF1score()), 10)) .append('\n'); if (hasLL) { returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("Log-likelihood", 30)) .append("mean : ") .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(summarizer.getMean()), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("", 30)) .append(StringUtils.rightPad("25%-ile : ", 10)) .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(summarizer.getQuartile(1)), 10)) .append('\n'); returnString .append(StringUtils.rightPad("", 30)) .append(StringUtils.rightPad("75%-ile : ", 10)) .append(StringUtils.leftPad(decimalFormatter.format(summarizer.getQuartile(3)), 10)) .append('\n'); } return returnString.toString(); }
@Override public byte[] renderUserMethodGraphForUser(long theUserPid, TimeRange theRange) throws IOException {"Rendering user method graph for user {}", theUserPid); myBroadcastSender.requestFlushQueuedStats(); PersUser user = myDao.getUser(theUserPid); Date start = theRange.getNoPresetFrom(); Date end = theRange.getNoPresetTo(); if (theRange.getWithPresetRange() != null) { start = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - (theRange.getWithPresetRange().getNumMins() * DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE)); end = new Date(); } HashMap<Long, List<Double>> methods = new HashMap<>(); List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>(); InvocationStatsIntervalEnum nextInterval = doWithStatsSupportFindInterval(myConfig.getConfig(), start); Date nextDate = nextInterval.truncate(start); Date nextDateEnd = null; List<PersInvocationMethodUserStats> stats = myDao.getUserStatsWithinTimeRange(user, start, end); Validate.notNull(stats); stats = new ArrayList<>(stats); Collections.sort( stats, new Comparator<PersInvocationMethodUserStats>() { @Override public int compare( PersInvocationMethodUserStats theO1, PersInvocationMethodUserStats theO2) { return theO1.getPk().getStartTime().compareTo(theO2.getPk().getStartTime()); } }); ourLog.debug( "Loaded {} user {} stats for range {} - {}", new Object[] {stats.size(), theUserPid, start, end}); if (stats.size() > 0) { ourLog.debug( "Found stats with range {} - {}", stats.get(0).getPk().getStartTime(), stats.get(stats.size() - 1).getPk().getStartTime()); } ourLog.debug("Looking for stats starting at {}", nextDate); Iterator<PersInvocationMethodUserStats> statIter = stats.iterator(); PersInvocationMethodUserStats nextStat = null; int timesPassed = 0; int foundEntries = 0; double grandTotal = 0; while (nextDate.after(end) == false) { double numMinutes = nextInterval.numMinutes(); nextDateEnd = DateUtils.addMinutes(nextDate, (int) nextInterval.numMinutes()); timestamps.add(nextDate.getTime()); int arrayIndex = timesPassed; timesPassed++; for (List<Double> next : methods.values()) { next.add(ZERO_DOUBLE); } while (nextStat == null || statIter.hasNext()) { if (nextStat == null && statIter.hasNext()) { nextStat =; foundEntries++; } if (nextStat != null && nextStat.getPk().getStartTime().before(nextDateEnd)) { long methodPid = nextStat.getPk().getMethod(); List<Double> newList = methods.get(methodPid); if (newList == null) { newList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < timesPassed; i++) { newList.add(ZERO_DOUBLE); } methods.put(methodPid, newList); } // TODO: should we have an option to include fails/faults? double total = nextStat.getSuccessInvocationCount(); double minuteTotal = total / numMinutes; grandTotal += minuteTotal; newList.set(arrayIndex, newList.get(arrayIndex) + minuteTotal); nextStat = null; } else { break; } } nextDate = doWithStatsSupportIncrement(nextDate, nextInterval); nextInterval = doWithStatsSupportFindInterval(myConfig.getConfig(), nextDate); nextDate = nextInterval.truncate(nextDate); } ourLog.debug("Found {} entries for {} methods", new Object[] {foundEntries, methods.size()}); // Come up with a good order final Map<Long, PersMethod> pidToMethod = new HashMap<>(); for (long nextPid : methods.keySet()) { PersMethod method = myDao.getServiceVersionMethodByPid(nextPid); if (method != null) { pidToMethod.put(nextPid, method); } else { ourLog.debug("Discarding unknown method: {}", nextPid); } } ArrayList<Long> pids = new ArrayList<>(pidToMethod.keySet()); Collections.sort( pids, new Comparator<Long>() { @Override public int compare(Long theO1, Long theO2) { PersMethod m1 = pidToMethod.get(theO1); PersMethod m2 = pidToMethod.get(theO2); return, m2); } }); RrdGraphDef graphDef = new RrdGraphDef(); graphDef.setWidth(600); graphDef.setHeight(200); long[] graphTimestamps = new long[timestamps.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.size(); i++) { graphTimestamps[i] = timestamps.get(i) / 1000; } graphDef.setTimeSpan(graphTimestamps); graphDef.setVerticalLabel("Calls / Minute"); graphDef.setTextAntiAliasing(true); int longestName = 0; for (PersMethod next : pidToMethod.values()) { longestName = Math.max(longestName, next.getName().length()); } // Draw the methods String previousServiceDesc = null; List<Color> colours = createStackColours(pids.size()); for (int i = 0; i < pids.size(); i++) { Long nextPid = pids.get(i); PersMethod nextMethod = pidToMethod.get(nextPid); List<Double> values = methods.get(nextPid); LinearInterpolator avgPlot = new LinearInterpolator(graphTimestamps, toDoublesFromDoubles(values)); String srcName = "inv" + i; graphDef.datasource(srcName, avgPlot); String methodDesc = nextMethod.getServiceVersion().getService().getServiceId() + " " + nextMethod.getServiceVersion().getVersionId(); if (!StringUtils.equals(previousServiceDesc, methodDesc)) { graphDef.comment(methodDesc + "\\l"); previousServiceDesc = methodDesc; } double sumDoubles = sumDoubles(values); double pct = (sumDoubles / grandTotal); if (i == 0) { graphDef.area( srcName, colours.get(i), " " + StringUtils.rightPad(nextMethod.getName(), longestName)); } else { graphDef.stack( srcName, colours.get(i), " " + StringUtils.rightPad(nextMethod.getName(), longestName)); } graphDef.gprint(srcName, ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Avg %5.1f "); graphDef.gprint(srcName, ConsolFun.MIN, "Min %5.1f "); graphDef.gprint(srcName, ConsolFun.MAX, "Max %5.1f "); String formattedPct = new DecimalFormat("0.0#%").format(pct); graphDef.comment("Pct: " + formattedPct + "\\l"); } if (pids.size() == 0) { double[] values = new double[timestamps.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { values[j] = 0.0; } LinearInterpolator avgPlot = new LinearInterpolator(graphTimestamps, values); String srcName = "inv"; graphDef.datasource(srcName, avgPlot); graphDef.area( srcName, Color.BLACK, StringUtils.rightPad("No activity during this range", 100)); } return render(graphDef); }
@Override public byte[] renderSvcVerUsageGraph(long theServiceVersionPid, TimeRange theRange) throws IOException {"Rendering latency graph for service version {}", theServiceVersionPid); myBroadcastSender.requestFlushQueuedStats(); final List<Double> invCount = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> invCountFault = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> invCountFail = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Double> invCountSecurityFail = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>(); BasePersServiceVersion svcVer = myServiceRegistry.getServiceVersionByPid(theServiceVersionPid); for (PersMethod nextMethod : svcVer.getMethods()) { doWithStatsByMinute( myConfig.getConfig(), theRange, myStatus, nextMethod, new IWithStats<PersInvocationMethodSvcverStatsPk, PersInvocationMethodSvcverStats>() { @Override public void withStats(int theIndex, PersInvocationMethodSvcverStats theStats) { growToSizeDouble(invCount, theIndex); growToSizeDouble(invCountFault, theIndex); growToSizeDouble(invCountFail, theIndex); growToSizeDouble(invCountSecurityFail, theIndex); growToSizeLong(timestamps, theIndex); double numMinutes = theStats.getPk().getInterval().numMinutes(); invCount.set( theIndex, invCount.get(theIndex) + (theStats.getSuccessInvocationCount() / numMinutes)); invCountFault.set( theIndex, invCountFault.get(theIndex) + (theStats.getFaultInvocationCount() / numMinutes)); invCountFail.set( theIndex, invCountFail.get(theIndex) + (theStats.getFailInvocationCount() / numMinutes)); invCountSecurityFail.set( theIndex, invCountSecurityFail.get(theIndex) + (theStats.getServerSecurityFailures() / numMinutes)); timestamps.set(theIndex, theStats.getPk().getStartTime().getTime()); } }); } RrdGraphDef graphDef = new RrdGraphDef(); graphDef.setWidth(600); graphDef.setHeight(200); graphDef.setTitle( "Usage: " + svcVer.getService().getDomain().getDomainId() + " / " + svcVer.getService().getServiceId() + " / " + svcVer.getVersionId()); long[] timestamps1 = new long[invCount.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < invCount.size(); i++) { timestamps1[i] = timestamps.get(i) / 1000; } graphDef.setTimeSpan(timestamps1); graphDef.setVerticalLabel("Calls / Min"); graphDef.setTextAntiAliasing(true); LinearInterpolator avgPlot = new LinearInterpolator(timestamps1, toDoublesFromDoubles(invCount)); graphDef.datasource("inv", avgPlot); if (hasValues(invCount)) { graphDef.area("inv", Color.decode("#00C000"), StringUtils.rightPad("Successful Calls", 20)); graphDef.gprint("inv", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Average %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("inv", ConsolFun.MIN, "Min %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("inv", ConsolFun.MAX, "Max %8.1f\\l"); } else { graphDef.area( "inv", Color.decode("#00C000"), StringUtils.rightPad("No Successful calls during this time period\\l", 20)); } if (hasValues(invCountFault)) { LinearInterpolator avgFaultPlot = new LinearInterpolator(timestamps1, toDoublesFromDoubles(invCountFault)); graphDef.datasource("invfault", avgFaultPlot); graphDef.stack("invfault", Color.decode("#6060C0"), StringUtils.rightPad("Faults", 20)); graphDef.gprint("invfault", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Average %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("invfault", ConsolFun.MIN, "Min %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("invfault", ConsolFun.MAX, "Max %8.1f\\l"); } else { graphDef.comment("No Faults during this time period\\l"); } if (hasValues(invCountFail)) { LinearInterpolator avgFailPlot = new LinearInterpolator(timestamps1, toDoublesFromDoubles(invCountFail)); graphDef.datasource("invfail", avgFailPlot); graphDef.stack("invfail", Color.decode("#F00000"), StringUtils.rightPad("Fails", 20)); graphDef.gprint("invfail", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Average %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("invfail", ConsolFun.MIN, "Min %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("invfail", ConsolFun.MAX, "Max %8.1f\\l"); } else { graphDef.comment("No Failures during this time period\\l"); } if (hasValues(invCountSecurityFail)) { LinearInterpolator avgSecurityFailPlot = new LinearInterpolator(timestamps1, toDoublesFromDoubles(invCountSecurityFail)); graphDef.datasource("invSecurityFail", avgSecurityFailPlot); graphDef.stack( "invSecurityFail", Color.decode("#F0A000"), StringUtils.rightPad("Security Fails", 20)); graphDef.gprint("invSecurityFail", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Average %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("invSecurityFail", ConsolFun.MIN, "Min %8.1f "); graphDef.gprint("invSecurityFail", ConsolFun.MAX, "Max %8.1f\\l"); } else { graphDef.comment("No Security Failures during this time period\\l"); } return render(graphDef); }
@Override public byte[] renderSvcVerLatencyMethodGraph( long theSvcVerPid, TimeRange theRange, boolean theIndividualMethod) throws IOException {"Rendering user method graph for Service Version {}", theSvcVerPid); myBroadcastSender.requestFlushQueuedStats(); BasePersServiceVersion svcVer = myServiceRegistry.getServiceVersionByPid(theSvcVerPid); /* * Init the graph */ RrdGraphDef graphDef = new RrdGraphDef(); graphDef.setWidth(600); graphDef.setHeight(200); graphDef.setTitle( "Backing Service Latency: " + svcVer.getService().getDomain().getDomainId() + " / " + svcVer.getService().getServiceId() + " / " + svcVer.getVersionId()); graphDef.setVerticalLabel("Milliseconds / Call"); graphDef.setTextAntiAliasing(true); graphDef.setMinValue(0.0); /* * Loop through each method and load the latency stats */ final List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); final List<List<Long>> latencyLists = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>(); for (PersMethod nextMethod : svcVer.getMethods()) { if (BaseDtoServiceVersion.METHOD_NAME_UNKNOWN.equals(nextMethod.getName())) { continue; } final List<Long> latencyMin; if (theIndividualMethod) { names.add(nextMethod.getName()); latencyMin = new ArrayList<>(); latencyLists.add(latencyMin); } else { if (names.isEmpty()) { names.add("All Methods"); latencyMin = new ArrayList<>(); latencyLists.add(latencyMin); } else { latencyMin = latencyLists.get(0); } } doWithStatsByMinute( myConfig.getConfig(), theRange, myStatus, nextMethod, new IWithStats<PersInvocationMethodSvcverStatsPk, PersInvocationMethodSvcverStats>() { @Override public void withStats(int theIndex, PersInvocationMethodSvcverStats theStats) { growToSizeLong(latencyMin, theIndex); growToSizeLong(timestamps, theIndex); long latency = theStats.getSuccessInvocationTotalTime() > 0 ? theStats.getSuccessInvocationTotalTime() / theStats.getSuccessInvocationCount() : 0; latencyMin.set(theIndex, addToLong(latencyMin.get(theIndex), latency)); timestamps.set(theIndex, theStats.getPk().getStartTime().getTime()); } }); } /* * Set time span */ long[] graphTimestamps = new long[timestamps.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.size(); i++) { graphTimestamps[i] = timestamps.get(i) / 1000; } graphDef.setTimeSpan(graphTimestamps); /* * Figure out the longest name */ int longestName = 0; for (String next : names) { longestName = Math.max(longestName, next.length()); } /* * Straighten */ int numWithValues = 0; List<Boolean> hasValuesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Long> nextList : latencyLists) { boolean hasValues = false; for (int i = 0; i < nextList.size(); i++) { long l = nextList.get(i); if (l == 0) { if (i > 0 && nextList.get(i - 1) > 0) { nextList.set(i, nextList.get(i - 1)); } } else { hasValues = true; } } hasValuesList.add(hasValues); if (hasValues) { numWithValues++; } } /* * Figure out colours */ List<Color> colours = new ArrayList<>(); int colourIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hasValuesList.size(); i++) { if (hasValuesList.get(i)) { colours.add(createStackColour(numWithValues, colourIndex++)); } else { colours.add(; } } /* * Add the lines to the graph */ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String name = names.get(i); List<Long> latencyMin = latencyLists.get(i); Plottable avgPlot = new LinearInterpolator(graphTimestamps, toDoublesFromLongs(latencyMin)); String srcName = "inv" + i; graphDef.datasource(srcName, avgPlot); graphDef.line(srcName, colours.get(i), " " + StringUtils.rightPad(name, longestName), 2); if (hasValuesList.get(i)) { graphDef.gprint(srcName, ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Avg %5.1f "); graphDef.gprint(srcName, ConsolFun.MIN, "Min %5.1f "); graphDef.gprint(srcName, ConsolFun.MAX, "Max %5.1f \\l"); } else { graphDef.comment("No Invocations During This Period\\l"); } } return render(graphDef); }
private String formatFrom(Message message) { return StringUtils.rightPad(message.getFrom().toString(), THIRD_COLUMN_PAD); }
public void setTipoDocumentoCliente(String tipoDocumentoCliente) { this.TipoDocumentoCliente = StringUtils.rightPad(tipoDocumentoCliente, 5, " "); }
public void setValorDocumentoCliente(String valorDocumentoCliente) { this.ValorDocumentoCliente = StringUtils.rightPad(valorDocumentoCliente, 15, " "); }