/** * The main method to check the mappabilities of the given read file names. * * @param btOutputFileName BowTie output file name * @param fileTileLength Tile length * @param outputFileName Output file name which the result will be saved into * @param readFileName Reads file name * @param chr1FileLines chromosome file name * @throws IOException */ public void checkMappability( String btOutputFileName, int fileTileLength, String outputFileName, String readFileName, List<String> chr1FileLines) throws IOException { System.out.println("Creating [" + outputFileName + "]..."); StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); System.out.println("Reading [" + btOutputFileName + "]"); List<String> btOutputFileLines = FileUtils.getInstance().readFile(btOutputFileName); System.out.println("Done reading [" + btOutputFileName + "]"); System.out.println("Reading [" + readFileName + "]"); List<String> readFileLines = FileUtils.getInstance().readFile(readFileName); System.out.println("Done reading [" + readFileName + "]"); Map<String, Mappability> result = createMappability(btOutputFileLines, readFileLines, chr1FileLines); FileUtils.getInstance().writeFile(result, outputFileName, fileTileLength); stopWatch.stop(); System.out.println( "[" + outputFileName + "] is done in [" + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(stopWatch.getNanoTime(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) + "] MILLISECONDS"); }
@Test public void testTimeFor_FiftyThousand() { Choir testChoir = new Choir(); Address choirAddress = new Address(); choirAddress.setCity("Omaha"); choirAddress.setState("NE"); testChoir.setChoirName("Omaha Children's Choir"); testChoir.setAddress(choirAddress); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); String result = null; timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) { result = TestUtility.post(timeTestBase + "names", testChoir.toJson(false)); } timer.stop(); assertNotNull(result); say("\n\nTime taken = " + timer.getTime()); say("Time taken (nano) = " + timer.getNanoTime()); }