/** * Classe manager des importations massives du moteur d'importExport de silverPeas * * @author sdevolder */ public class RepositoriesTypeManager { public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_ISO8859_1 = new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.ISO8859_1_ESCAPE()); /** * Méthode métier du moteur d'importExport créant toutes les publications massives définies au * niveau du fichier d'import xml passé en paramètre au moteur d'importExport. * * @param userDetail - contient les informations sur l'utilisateur du moteur d'importExport * @param repositoriesType - objet mappé par castor contenant toutes les informations de création * des publications du path défini * @return un objet ComponentReport contenant les informations de création des publications * unitaires et nécéssaire au rapport détaillé */ public void processImport( RepositoriesType repositoriesType, ImportSettings settings, ImportReportManager reportManager) { List<RepositoryType> listRep_Type = repositoriesType.getListRepositoryType(); Iterator<RepositoryType> itListRep_Type = listRep_Type.iterator(); AttachmentImportExport attachmentIE = new AttachmentImportExport(); VersioningImportExport versioningIE = new VersioningImportExport(settings.getUser()); PdcImportExport pdcIE = new PdcImportExport(); while (itListRep_Type.hasNext()) { RepositoryType rep_Type = itListRep_Type.next(); String componentId = rep_Type.getComponentId(); int topicId = rep_Type.getTopicId(); String sPath = rep_Type.getPath(); // Création du rapport de repository MassiveReport massiveReport = new MassiveReport(); reportManager.addMassiveReport(massiveReport, componentId); massiveReport.setRepositoryPath(sPath); ComponentInst componentInst = OrganisationControllerFactory.getOrganisationController().getComponentInst(componentId); if (componentInst == null) { // le composant n'existe pas massiveReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_COMPONENT); } else { reportManager.setComponentName(componentId, componentInst.getLabel()); File path = new File(sPath); if (!path.isDirectory()) { // La variable path ne peut contenir qu'un dossier massiveReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_OR_INACCESSIBLE_DIRECTORY); } else { GEDImportExport gedIE = ImportExportFactory.createGEDImportExport(settings.getUser(), componentId); Iterator<File> itListcontenuPath = getPathContent(path); while (itListcontenuPath.hasNext()) { File file = itListcontenuPath.next(); if (file.isFile()) { settings.setFolderId(String.valueOf(topicId)); importFile(file, reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, pdcIE, settings); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { switch (rep_Type.getMassiveTypeInt()) { case RepositoryType.NO_RECURSIVE: // on ne fait rien break; case RepositoryType.RECURSIVE_NOREPLICATE: // traitement récursif spécifique settings.setPathToImport(file.getAbsolutePath()); processImportRecursiveNoReplicate( reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, attachmentIE, versioningIE, pdcIE, settings); break; case RepositoryType.RECURSIVE_REPLICATE: try { NodeDetail nodeDetail = gedIE.addSubTopicToTopic(file, topicId, massiveReport); // Traitement récursif spécifique settings.setPathToImport(file.getAbsolutePath()); settings.setFolderId(nodeDetail.getNodePK().getId()); processImportRecursiveReplicate( reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, pdcIE, settings); } catch (ImportExportException ex) { massiveReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_OR_INACCESSIBLE_DIRECTORY); } break; } } } } } } } private PublicationDetail importFile( File file, ImportReportManager reportManager, MassiveReport massiveReport, GEDImportExport gedIE, PdcImportExport pdcIE, ImportSettings settings) { SilverTrace.debug( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.importFile", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "file = " + file.getName()); String componentId = gedIE.getCurrentComponentId(); UserDetail userDetail = gedIE.getCurentUserDetail(); PublicationDetail pubDetailToCreate = null; try { // Création du rapport unitaire UnitReport unitReport = new UnitReport(); massiveReport.addUnitReport(unitReport); // Check the file size ResourceLocator uploadSettings = new ResourceLocator("org.silverpeas.util.uploads.uploadSettings", ""); long maximumFileSize = uploadSettings.getLong("MaximumFileSize", 10485760); long fileSize = file.length(); if (fileSize <= 0L) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS_OR_INACCESSIBLE_FILE); reportManager.addNumberOfFilesNotImported(1); return pubDetailToCreate; } else if (fileSize > maximumFileSize) { unitReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_LIMIT); reportManager.addNumberOfFilesNotImported(1); return pubDetailToCreate; } // On récupére les infos nécéssaires à la création de la publication pubDetailToCreate = PublicationImportExport.convertFileInfoToPublicationDetail(file, settings); pubDetailToCreate.setPk(new PublicationPK("unknown", "useless", componentId)); if ((settings.isDraftUsed() && pdcIE.isClassifyingMandatory(componentId)) || settings.isDraftUsed()) { pubDetailToCreate.setStatus(PublicationDetail.DRAFT); pubDetailToCreate.setStatusMustBeChecked(false); } SilverTrace.debug( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.importFile", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "pubDetailToCreate.status = " + pubDetailToCreate.getStatus()); // Création de la publication pubDetailToCreate = gedIE.createPublicationForMassiveImport(unitReport, pubDetailToCreate, settings); unitReport.setLabel(pubDetailToCreate.getPK().getId()); SilverTrace.debug( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.importFile", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "pubDetailToCreate created"); if (FileUtil.isMail(file.getName())) { // if imported file is an e-mail, its textual content is saved in a dedicated form // and attached files are attached to newly created publication processMailContent( pubDetailToCreate, file, reportManager, unitReport, gedIE, settings.isVersioningUsed()); } // add attachment SimpleDocument document; SimpleDocumentPK pk = new SimpleDocumentPK(null, componentId); if (settings.isVersioningUsed()) { document = new HistorisedDocument(); document.setPublicDocument( settings.getVersionType() == DocumentVersion.TYPE_PUBLIC_VERSION); } else { document = new SimpleDocument(); } document.setPK(pk); document.setFile(new SimpleAttachment()); document.setFilename(file.getName()); document.setSize(fileSize); document.getFile().setCreatedBy(userDetail.getId()); if (settings.useFileDates()) { document.setCreated(pubDetailToCreate.getCreationDate()); if (pubDetailToCreate.getUpdateDate() != null) { document.setUpdated(pubDetailToCreate.getUpdateDate()); } } else { document.setCreated(new Date()); } document.setForeignId(pubDetailToCreate.getPK().getId()); document.setContentType(FileUtil.getMimeType(file.getName())); AttachmentServiceFactory.getAttachmentService() .createAttachment(document, file, pubDetailToCreate.isIndexable(), false); reportManager.addNumberOfFilesProcessed(1); reportManager.addImportedFileSize(document.getSize(), componentId); } catch (Exception ex) { massiveReport.setError(UnitReport.ERROR_ERROR); SilverTrace.error( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.importFile", "root.EX_NO_MESSAGE", ex); } return pubDetailToCreate; } private void processMailContent( PublicationDetail pubDetail, File file, ImportReportManager reportManager, UnitReport unitReport, GEDImportExport gedIE, boolean isVersioningUsed) throws ImportExportException { String componentId = gedIE.getCurrentComponentId(); UserDetail userDetail = gedIE.getCurentUserDetail(); MailExtractor extractor = null; Mail mail = null; try { extractor = Extractor.getExtractor(file); mail = extractor.getMail(); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.processMailContent", "importExport.EX_CANT_EXTRACT_MAIL_DATA", e); } if (mail != null) { // save mail data into dedicated form String content = mail.getBody(); PublicationContentType pubContent = new PublicationContentType(); XMLModelContentType modelContent = new XMLModelContentType("mail"); pubContent.setXMLModelContentType(modelContent); List<XMLField> fields = new ArrayList<XMLField>(); modelContent.setFields(fields); XMLField subject = new XMLField("subject", mail.getSubject()); fields.add(subject); XMLField body = new XMLField("body", ESCAPE_ISO8859_1.translate(content)); fields.add(body); XMLField date = new XMLField("date", DateUtil.getOutputDateAndHour(mail.getDate(), "fr")); fields.add(date); InternetAddress address = mail.getFrom(); String from = ""; if (StringUtil.isDefined(address.getPersonal())) { from += address.getPersonal() + " - "; } from += "<a href=\"mailto:" + address.getAddress() + "\">" + address.getAddress() + "</a>"; XMLField fieldFROM = new XMLField("from", from); fields.add(fieldFROM); Address[] recipients = mail.getAllRecipients(); String to = ""; for (Address recipient : recipients) { InternetAddress ia = (InternetAddress) recipient; if (StringUtil.isDefined(ia.getPersonal())) { to += ia.getPersonal() + " - "; } to += "<a href=\"mailto:" + ia.getAddress() + "\">" + ia.getAddress() + "</a></br>"; } XMLField fieldTO = new XMLField("to", to); fields.add(fieldTO); // save form gedIE.createPublicationContent( reportManager, unitReport, Integer.parseInt(pubDetail.getPK().getId()), pubContent, userDetail.getId(), null); // extract each file from mail... try { List<AttachmentDetail> documents = new ArrayList<AttachmentDetail>(); List<MailAttachment> attachments = extractor.getAttachments(); for (MailAttachment attachment : attachments) { if (attachment != null) { AttachmentDetail attDetail = new AttachmentDetail(); AttachmentPK pk = new AttachmentPK("unknown", "useless", componentId); attDetail.setLogicalName(attachment.getName()); attDetail.setPhysicalName(attachment.getPath()); attDetail.setAuthor(userDetail.getId()); attDetail.setSize(attachment.getSize()); attDetail.setPK(pk); documents.add(attDetail); } } // ... and save it if (isVersioningUsed) { // versioning mode VersioningImportExport versioningIE = new VersioningImportExport(userDetail); versioningIE.importDocuments( pubDetail.getPK().getId(), componentId, documents, Integer.parseInt(userDetail.getId()), pubDetail.isIndexable()); } else { // classic mode AttachmentImportExport attachmentIE = new AttachmentImportExport(); attachmentIE.importAttachments( pubDetail.getPK().getId(), componentId, documents, userDetail.getId(), pubDetail.isIndexable()); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.processMailContent", "root.EX_NO_MESSAGE", e); } } } /** * Méthode récursive appelée dans le cas de l'importation massive récursive sans création de * nouveau topic: toutes les publications crées le seront dans le thème passé en paramètre. * * @param massiveReport - référence sur l'objet de rapport détaillé du cas import massif * permettant de le compléter quelque soit le niveau de récursivité. * @param userDetail - contient les informations sur l'utilisateur du moteur d'importExport. * @param path - dossier correspondant au niveau de récursivité auquel on se trouve. * @param componentId - id du composant dans le lequel l'import massif est effectué. * @param topicId - id du thème dans lequel seront crées les éléments, l'id passé est toujours le * même dans le cas présent * @throws ImportExportException */ public void processImportRecursiveNoReplicate( ImportReportManager reportManager, MassiveReport massiveReport, GEDImportExport gedIE, AttachmentImportExport attachmentIE, VersioningImportExport versioningIE, PdcImportExport pdcIE, ImportSettings settings) { Iterator<File> itListcontenuPath = getPathContent(new File(settings.getPathToImport())); while (itListcontenuPath.hasNext()) { File file = itListcontenuPath.next(); if (file.isFile()) { importFile(file, reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, pdcIE, settings); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { // traitement récursif spécifique settings.setPathToImport(file.getAbsolutePath()); processImportRecursiveNoReplicate( reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, attachmentIE, versioningIE, pdcIE, settings); } } } /** * Méthode récursive appelée dans le cas de l'importation massive récursive avec création de * nouveau topic: chaque sous dossier entrainera la création d'un topic de même nom. * * @param massiveReport - référence sur l'objet de rapport détaillé du cas import massif * permettant de le compléter quelque soit le niveau de récursivité. * @param userDetail - contient les informations sur l'utilisateur du moteur d'importExport. * @param path - dossier correspondant au niveau de récursivité auquel on se trouve. * @param componentId - id du composant dans le lequel l'import massif est effectué. * @param topicId - id du thème dans lequel seront crées les éléments du niveau de récursivité * auquel on se trouve. * @return the list of publications created by the import. * @throws ImportExportException */ public List<PublicationDetail> processImportRecursiveReplicate( ImportReportManager reportManager, MassiveReport massiveReport, GEDImportExport gedIE, PdcImportExport pdcIE, ImportSettings settings) throws ImportExportException { List<PublicationDetail> publications = new ArrayList<PublicationDetail>(); File path = new File(settings.getPathToImport()); Iterator<File> itListcontenuPath = getPathContent(path); while (itListcontenuPath.hasNext()) { File file = itListcontenuPath.next(); if (file.isFile()) { PublicationDetail publication = importFile(file, reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, pdcIE, settings); if (publication != null) { publications.add(publication); } } else if (file.isDirectory()) { NodeDetail nodeDetail = gedIE.addSubTopicToTopic(file, Integer.valueOf(settings.getFolderId()), massiveReport); // massiveReport.addOneTopicCreated(); // Traitement récursif spécifique ImportSettings recursiveSettings = settings.clone(); recursiveSettings.setPathToImport(file.getAbsolutePath()); recursiveSettings.setFolderId(nodeDetail.getNodePK().getId()); publications.addAll( processImportRecursiveReplicate( reportManager, massiveReport, gedIE, pdcIE, recursiveSettings)); } } return publications; } private Iterator<File> getPathContent(File path) { SilverTrace.debug( "importExport", "RepositoriesTypeManager.getPathContent", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "path = " + path.getPath()); // Récupération du contenu du dossier String[] listContenuStringPath = path.list(); // Tri alphabétique du contenu Arrays.sort(listContenuStringPath); List<File> listcontenuPath = convertListStringToListFile(listContenuStringPath, path.getPath()); return listcontenuPath.iterator(); } /** * Transforme la table des chaines de caractères de nom de fichier en une liste de fichiers pour * le chemin passé en paramètre * * @param listFileName - table des nom de fichier sous forme de chaine de caractères. * @param path - chemin des fichiers contenu dans les chaines de caractères. * @return renvoie une liste d'objets File pour les noms de fichiers passés en paramètres */ private List<File> convertListStringToListFile(String[] listFileName, String path) { List<File> listFile = new ArrayList<File>(); if (listFileName == null) { return null; } for (String aListFileName : listFileName) { listFile.add(new File(path + File.separator + aListFileName)); } return listFile; } }
/** * Escapes and unescapes {@code String}s for Java, Java Script, HTML and XML. * * <p>#ThreadSafe# * * @since 2.0 * @version $Id$ */ public class StringEscapeUtils { /* ESCAPE TRANSLATORS */ /** * Translator object for escaping Java. * * <p>While {@link #escapeJava(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the Java * escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_JAVA = new LookupTranslator( new String[][] { {"\"", "\\\""}, {"\\", "\\\\"}, }) .with(new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.JAVA_CTRL_CHARS_ESCAPE())) .with(JavaUnicodeEscaper.outsideOf(32, 0x7f)); /** * Translator object for escaping EcmaScript/JavaScript. * * <p>While {@link #escapeEcmaScript(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows * the EcmaScript escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_ECMASCRIPT = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator( new String[][] { {"'", "\\'"}, {"\"", "\\\""}, {"\\", "\\\\"}, {"/", "\\/"} }), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.JAVA_CTRL_CHARS_ESCAPE()), JavaUnicodeEscaper.outsideOf(32, 0x7f)); /** * Translator object for escaping Json. * * <p>While {@link #escapeJson(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the Json * escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_JSON = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator( new String[][] { {"\"", "\\\""}, {"\\", "\\\\"}, {"/", "\\/"} }), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.JAVA_CTRL_CHARS_ESCAPE()), JavaUnicodeEscaper.outsideOf(32, 0x7f)); /** * Translator object for escaping XML. * * <p>While {@link #escapeXml(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the XML * escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_XML = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.BASIC_ESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.APOS_ESCAPE())); /** * Translator object for escaping HTML version 3.0. * * <p>While {@link #escapeHtml3(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the * HTML escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_HTML3 = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.BASIC_ESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.ISO8859_1_ESCAPE())); /** * Translator object for escaping HTML version 4.0. * * <p>While {@link #escapeHtml4(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the * HTML escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_HTML4 = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.BASIC_ESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.ISO8859_1_ESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.HTML40_EXTENDED_ESCAPE())); /** * Translator object for escaping individual Comma Separated Values. * * <p>While {@link #escapeCsv(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the CSV * escaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_CSV = new CsvEscaper(); // TODO: Create a parent class - 'SinglePassTranslator' ? // It would handle the index checking + length returning, // and could also have an optimization check method. static class CsvEscaper extends CharSequenceTranslator { private static final char CSV_DELIMITER = ','; private static final char CSV_QUOTE = '"'; private static final String CSV_QUOTE_STR = String.valueOf(CSV_QUOTE); private static final char[] CSV_SEARCH_CHARS = new char[] {CSV_DELIMITER, CSV_QUOTE, CharUtils.CR, CharUtils.LF}; @Override public int translate(final CharSequence input, final int index, final Writer out) throws IOException { if (index != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("CsvEscaper should never reach the [1] index"); } if (StringUtils.containsNone(input.toString(), CSV_SEARCH_CHARS)) { out.write(input.toString()); } else { out.write(CSV_QUOTE); out.write( StringUtils.replace(input.toString(), CSV_QUOTE_STR, CSV_QUOTE_STR + CSV_QUOTE_STR)); out.write(CSV_QUOTE); } return input.length(); } } /* UNESCAPE TRANSLATORS */ /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped Java. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeJava(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the * Java unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ // TODO: throw "illegal character: \92" as an Exception if a \ on the end of the Java (as per the // compiler)? public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_JAVA = new AggregateTranslator( new OctalUnescaper(), // .between('\1', '\377'), new UnicodeUnescaper(), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.JAVA_CTRL_CHARS_UNESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator( new String[][] { {"\\\\", "\\"}, {"\\\"", "\""}, {"\\'", "'"}, {"\\", ""} })); /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped EcmaScript. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeEcmaScript(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows * the EcmaScript unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_ECMASCRIPT = UNESCAPE_JAVA; /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped Json. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeJson(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the * Json unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.2 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_JSON = UNESCAPE_JAVA; /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped HTML 3.0. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeHtml3(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the * HTML unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_HTML3 = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.BASIC_UNESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.ISO8859_1_UNESCAPE()), new NumericEntityUnescaper()); /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped HTML 4.0. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeHtml4(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the * HTML unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_HTML4 = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.BASIC_UNESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.ISO8859_1_UNESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.HTML40_EXTENDED_UNESCAPE()), new NumericEntityUnescaper()); /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped XML. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeXml(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the XML * unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_XML = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.BASIC_UNESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.APOS_UNESCAPE()), new NumericEntityUnescaper()); /** * Translator object for unescaping escaped Comma Separated Value entries. * * <p>While {@link #unescapeCsv(String)} is the expected method of use, this object allows the CSV * unescaping functionality to be used as the foundation for a custom translator. * * @since 3.0 */ public static final CharSequenceTranslator UNESCAPE_CSV = new CsvUnescaper(); static class CsvUnescaper extends CharSequenceTranslator { private static final char CSV_DELIMITER = ','; private static final char CSV_QUOTE = '"'; private static final String CSV_QUOTE_STR = String.valueOf(CSV_QUOTE); private static final char[] CSV_SEARCH_CHARS = new char[] {CSV_DELIMITER, CSV_QUOTE, CharUtils.CR, CharUtils.LF}; @Override public int translate(final CharSequence input, final int index, final Writer out) throws IOException { if (index != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("CsvUnescaper should never reach the [1] index"); } if (input.charAt(0) != CSV_QUOTE || input.charAt(input.length() - 1) != CSV_QUOTE) { out.write(input.toString()); return input.length(); } // strip quotes final String quoteless = input.subSequence(1, input.length() - 1).toString(); if (StringUtils.containsAny(quoteless, CSV_SEARCH_CHARS)) { // deal with escaped quotes; ie) "" out.write(StringUtils.replace(quoteless, CSV_QUOTE_STR + CSV_QUOTE_STR, CSV_QUOTE_STR)); } else { out.write(input.toString()); } return input.length(); } } /* Helper functions */ /** * {@code StringEscapeUtils} instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming. * * <p>Instead, the class should be used as: * * <pre>StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("foo");</pre> * * <p>This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate. */ public StringEscapeUtils() { super(); } // Java and JavaScript // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using Java String rules. * * <p>Deals correctly with quotes and control-chars (tab, backslash, cr, ff, etc.) * * <p>So a tab becomes the characters {@code '\\'} and {@code 't'}. * * <p>The only difference between Java strings and JavaScript strings is that in JavaScript, a * single quote and forward-slash (/) are escaped. * * <p>Example: * * <pre> * input string: He didn't say, "Stop!" * output string: He didn't say, \"Stop!\" * </pre> * * @param input String to escape values in, may be null * @return String with escaped values, {@code null} if null string input */ public static final String escapeJava(final String input) { return ESCAPE_JAVA.translate(input); } /** * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using EcmaScript String rules. * * <p>Escapes any values it finds into their EcmaScript String form. Deals correctly with quotes * and control-chars (tab, backslash, cr, ff, etc.) * * <p>So a tab becomes the characters {@code '\\'} and {@code 't'}. * * <p>The only difference between Java strings and EcmaScript strings is that in EcmaScript, a * single quote and forward-slash (/) are escaped. * * <p>Note that EcmaScript is best known by the JavaScript and ActionScript dialects. * * <p>Example: * * <pre> * input string: He didn't say, "Stop!" * output string: He didn\'t say, \"Stop!\" * </pre> * * @param input String to escape values in, may be null * @return String with escaped values, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.0 */ public static final String escapeEcmaScript(final String input) { return ESCAPE_ECMASCRIPT.translate(input); } /** * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using Json String rules. * * <p>Escapes any values it finds into their Json String form. Deals correctly with quotes and * control-chars (tab, backslash, cr, ff, etc.) * * <p>So a tab becomes the characters {@code '\\'} and {@code 't'}. * * <p>The only difference between Java strings and Json strings is that in Json, forward-slash (/) * is escaped. * * <p>See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt for further details. * * <p>Example: * * <pre> * input string: He didn't say, "Stop!" * output string: He didn't say, \"Stop!\" * </pre> * * @param input String to escape values in, may be null * @return String with escaped values, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.2 */ public static final String escapeJson(final String input) { return ESCAPE_JSON.translate(input); } /** * Unescapes any Java literals found in the {@code String}. For example, it will turn a sequence * of {@code '\'} and {@code 'n'} into a newline character, unless the {@code '\'} is preceded by * another {@code '\'}. * * @param input the {@code String} to unescape, may be null * @return a new unescaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input */ public static final String unescapeJava(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_JAVA.translate(input); } /** * Unescapes any EcmaScript literals found in the {@code String}. * * <p>For example, it will turn a sequence of {@code '\'} and {@code 'n'} into a newline * character, unless the {@code '\'} is preceded by another {@code '\'}. * * @see #unescapeJava(String) * @param input the {@code String} to unescape, may be null * @return A new unescaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.0 */ public static final String unescapeEcmaScript(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_ECMASCRIPT.translate(input); } /** * Unescapes any Json literals found in the {@code String}. * * <p>For example, it will turn a sequence of {@code '\'} and {@code 'n'} into a newline * character, unless the {@code '\'} is preceded by another {@code '\'}. * * @see #unescapeJava(String) * @param input the {@code String} to unescape, may be null * @return A new unescaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.2 */ public static final String unescapeJson(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_JSON.translate(input); } // HTML and XML // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using HTML entities. * * <p>For example: * * <p><code>"bread" & "butter"</code> becomes: * * <p><code>&quot;bread&quot; &amp; &quot;butter&quot;</code>. * * <p>Supports all known HTML 4.0 entities, including funky accents. Note that the commonly used * apostrophe escape character (&apos;) is not a legal entity and so is not supported). * * @param input the {@code String} to escape, may be null * @return a new escaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @see <a href="http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/reference/special_characters/">ISO * Entities</a> * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html32#latin1">HTML 3.2 Character Entities for ISO * Latin-1</a> * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html">HTML 4.0 Character entity * references</a> * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/charset.html#h-5.3">HTML 4.01 Character * References</a> * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/charset.html#code-position">HTML 4.01 Code * positions</a> * @since 3.0 */ public static final String escapeHtml4(final String input) { return ESCAPE_HTML4.translate(input); } /** * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using HTML entities. * * <p>Supports only the HTML 3.0 entities. * * @param input the {@code String} to escape, may be null * @return a new escaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.0 */ public static final String escapeHtml3(final String input) { return ESCAPE_HTML3.translate(input); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Unescapes a string containing entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode * characters corresponding to the escapes. Supports HTML 4.0 entities. * * <p>For example, the string "&lt;Fran&ccedil;ais&gt;" will become * "<Français>" * * <p>If an entity is unrecognized, it is left alone, and inserted verbatim into the result * string. e.g. "&gt;&zzzz;x" will become ">&zzzz;x". * * @param input the {@code String} to unescape, may be null * @return a new unescaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.0 */ public static final String unescapeHtml4(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_HTML4.translate(input); } /** * Unescapes a string containing entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode * characters corresponding to the escapes. Supports only HTML 3.0 entities. * * @param input the {@code String} to unescape, may be null * @return a new unescaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @since 3.0 */ public static final String unescapeHtml3(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_HTML3.translate(input); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using XML entities. * * <p>For example: <tt>"bread" & "butter"</tt> => <tt>&quot;bread&quot; &amp; * &quot;butter&quot;</tt>. * * <p>Supports only the five basic XML entities (gt, lt, quot, amp, apos). Does not support DTDs * or external entities. * * <p>Note that Unicode characters greater than 0x7f are as of 3.0, no longer escaped. If you * still wish this functionality, you can achieve it via the following: {@code * StringEscapeUtils.ESCAPE_XML.with( NumericEntityEscaper.between(0x7f, Integer.MAX_VALUE) );} * * @param input the {@code String} to escape, may be null * @return a new escaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @see #unescapeXml(java.lang.String) */ public static final String escapeXml(final String input) { return ESCAPE_XML.translate(input); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Unescapes a string containing XML entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode * characters corresponding to the escapes. * * <p>Supports only the five basic XML entities (gt, lt, quot, amp, apos). Does not support DTDs * or external entities. * * <p>Note that numerical \\u Unicode codes are unescaped to their respective Unicode characters. * This may change in future releases. * * @param input the {@code String} to unescape, may be null * @return a new unescaped {@code String}, {@code null} if null string input * @see #escapeXml(String) */ public static final String unescapeXml(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_XML.translate(input); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a {@code String} value for a CSV column enclosed in double quotes, if required. * * <p>If the value contains a comma, newline or double quote, then the String value is returned * enclosed in double quotes. * * <p>Any double quote characters in the value are escaped with another double quote. * * <p>If the value does not contain a comma, newline or double quote, then the String value is * returned unchanged. see <a * href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">Wikipedia</a> and <a * href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180">RFC 4180</a>. * * @param input the input CSV column String, may be null * @return the input String, enclosed in double quotes if the value contains a comma, newline or * double quote, {@code null} if null string input * @since 2.4 */ public static final String escapeCsv(final String input) { return ESCAPE_CSV.translate(input); } /** * Returns a {@code String} value for an unescaped CSV column. * * <p>If the value is enclosed in double quotes, and contains a comma, newline or double quote, * then quotes are removed. * * <p>Any double quote escaped characters (a pair of double quotes) are unescaped to just one * double quote. * * <p>If the value is not enclosed in double quotes, or is and does not contain a comma, newline * or double quote, then the String value is returned unchanged. see <a * href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">Wikipedia</a> and <a * href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180">RFC 4180</a>. * * @param input the input CSV column String, may be null * @return the input String, with enclosing double quotes removed and embedded double quotes * unescaped, {@code null} if null string input * @since 2.4 */ public static final String unescapeCsv(final String input) { return UNESCAPE_CSV.translate(input); } }