 public Coupon toDerivative(
     final ZonedDateTime date,
     final DoubleTimeSeries<ZonedDateTime> indexFixingTS,
     final String... yieldCurveNames) {
   Validate.notNull(date, "date");
   Validate.notNull(indexFixingTS, "index fixing time series");
   Validate.notNull(yieldCurveNames, "yield curve names");
   Validate.isTrue(yieldCurveNames.length > 1, "at least two curves required");
   Validate.isTrue(!date.isAfter(getPaymentDate()), "date is after payment date");
   final DayCount actAct = DayCountFactory.INSTANCE.getDayCount("Actual/Actual ISDA");
   final String fundingCurveName = yieldCurveNames[0];
   final double paymentTime = actAct.getDayCountFraction(date, getPaymentDate());
   if (date.isAfter(getFixingDate())
       || date.equals(
           getFixingDate())) { // The CMS coupon has already fixed, it is now a fixed coupon.
     final double fixedRate = indexFixingTS.getValue(getFixingDate());
     return new CouponFixed(
   // CMS is not fixed yet, all the details are required.
   final CouponCMS cmsCoupon =
       (CouponCMS) super.toDerivative(date, indexFixingTS, yieldCurveNames);
   return CapFloorCMS.from(cmsCoupon, _strike, _isCap);
예제 #2
 public Point(double lat, double lon) {
   Validate.isTrue(lat >= -90.0 && lat <= 90.0, "Latitude must be in [-90, 90] but was ", lat);
       lon >= -180.0 && lon <= 180.0, "Longitude must be in [-180, 180] but was ", lon);
   this.lat = lat;
   this.lon = lon;
    public Double visitStrike(final BlackVolatilitySurfaceStrike surface, final DoublesPair data) {

      Validate.isTrue(data.first >= 0, "Negative lower limit");
      Validate.isTrue(data.second > data.first, "upper limit not greater than lower");

      if (_t < 1e-4) {
        if (data.first < _f && data.second > _f) {
          final double atmVol = surface.getVolatility(_t, _f);
          return atmVol * atmVol;
        return 0.0;

      final Function1D<Double, Double> integrand = getStrikeIntegrand(surface);
      // if external left tail residual is provided, only integrate from cut-off, otherwise we will
      // double count
      final double lowerLimit = Math.max(_lowStrikeCutoff, data.first);
      final double upperLimit = data.second;

      // Do the call/k^2 integral - split up into the the put integral and the call integral because
      // the function is not smooth at strike = forward
      double res = _integrator.integrate(integrand, _f, upperLimit);
      res += _integrator.integrate(integrand, lowerLimit, _f);

      if (_addResidual) {
        res += _residual;
      return 2 * res / _t;
예제 #4
파일: Potion.java 프로젝트: chums122/Spigot
 public Potion(PotionType type, int level) {
   Validate.notNull(type, "Type cannot be null");
   Validate.isTrue(type != PotionType.WATER, "Water bottles don't have a level!");
   Validate.isTrue((level > 0) && (level < 3), "Level must be 1 or 2");
   this.level = level;
   * This calculates the sensitivity of the present value (PV) to the lognormal Black implied
   * volatities at the knot points of the surface.
   * <p>The return format is a DoubleMatrix2D with rows equal to the total number of maturities and
   * columns equal to the number of strikes.
   * <p>Note - the change of the surface due to the movement of a single node is
   * interpolator-dependent, so an instrument may have non-local sensitivity
   * @param swap the VarianceSwap
   * @param market the VarianceSwapDataBundle
   * @param shift Size of shift made in centered-finite difference approximation. e.g. 1% would be
   *     0.01, and 1bp 0.0001
   * @return A NodalDoublesSurface with same axes as market.getVolatilitySurface(). Contains
   *     currency amount per unit amount change in the black volatility of each node
  public NodalDoublesSurface calcBlackVegaForEntireSurface(
      final VarianceSwap swap, final VarianceSwapDataBundle market, final double shift) {
    Validate.notNull(swap, "null VarianceSwap");
    Validate.notNull(market, "null VarianceSwapDataBundle");

    // Unpack market data
    final Surface<Double, Double, Double> surface = market.getVolatilitySurface().getSurface();
        surface instanceof InterpolatedDoublesSurface,
        "Currently will only accept a Equity VolatilitySurfaces based on an InterpolatedDoublesSurface");

    final InterpolatedDoublesSurface blackSurf = (InterpolatedDoublesSurface) surface;
    final Double[] maturities = blackSurf.getXData();
    final Double[] strikes = blackSurf.getYData();
    final int nNodes = maturities.length;
    Validate.isTrue(nNodes == strikes.length);

    // Bump and reprice
    final Double[] vegas = new Double[nNodes];
    for (int j = 0; j < nNodes; j++) {
      vegas[j] = calcBlackVegaForSinglePoint(swap, market, maturities[j], strikes[j], shift);

    return new NodalDoublesSurface(maturities, strikes, vegas);
 public CurrencyAmount presentValue(
     final InstrumentDerivative instrument, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
   Validate.isTrue(instrument instanceof CapFloorCMS, "CMS cap/floor");
       curves instanceof SABRInterestRateDataBundle, "Bundle should contain SABR data");
   return presentValue((CapFloorCMS) instrument, (SABRInterestRateDataBundle) curves);
 public CurrencyAmount presentValue(InstrumentDerivative instrument, YieldCurveBundle curves) {
   Validate.isTrue(instrument instanceof SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor, "Physical delivery swaption");
       curves instanceof G2ppPiecewiseConstantDataBundle, "Bundle should contain G2++ data");
   return presentValue(
       (SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor) instrument, (G2ppPiecewiseConstantDataBundle) curves);
  * @param x The parameters for the function, $(x, y, \rho$, with $-1 \geq \rho \geq 1$, not null
  * @return The pdf
 public double getPDF(final double[] x) {
   Validate.isTrue(x.length == 3, "Need a, b and rho values");
   Validate.isTrue(x[2] >= -1 && x[2] <= 1, "Correlation must be >= -1 and <= 1");
   final double denom = 1 - x[2] * x[2];
   return Math.exp(-(x[0] * x[0] - 2 * x[2] * x[0] * x[1] + x[1] * x[1]) / (2 * denom))
       / (TWO_PI * Math.sqrt(denom));
예제 #9
    protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      int k = context.getConfiguration().getInt(PROP_K, -1);
      int p = context.getConfiguration().getInt(PROP_P, -1);

      Validate.isTrue(k > 0, "invalid k parameter");
      Validate.isTrue(p > 0, "invalid p parameter");
      accum.set(acc = new DenseVector(k + p));
예제 #10
  * Instantiates a final PotionData object to contain information about a Potion
  * @param type the type of the Potion
  * @param extended whether the potion is extended PotionType#isExtendable() must be true
  * @param upgraded whether the potion is upgraded PotionType#isUpgradable() must be true
 public PotionData(PotionType type, boolean extended, boolean upgraded) {
   Validate.notNull(type, "Potion Type must not be null");
   Validate.isTrue(!upgraded || type.isUpgradeable(), "Potion Type is not upgradable");
   Validate.isTrue(!extended || type.isExtendable(), "Potion Type is not extendable");
   Validate.isTrue(!upgraded || !extended, "Potion cannot be both extended and upgraded");
   this.type = type;
   this.extended = extended;
   this.upgraded = upgraded;
 public CurrencyAmount presentValue(
     final InstrumentDerivative instrument, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
   Validate.isTrue(instrument instanceof SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor, "Physical delivery swaption");
       curves instanceof HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle,
       "Bundle should contain Hull-White data");
   return presentValue(
       (SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor) instrument,
       (HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantDataBundle) curves);
 public Double visitMoneyness(
     final BlackVolatilitySurfaceMoneyness surface, final DoublesPair data) {
   final double l = Math.log(data.first);
   final double u = Math.log(data.second);
   Validate.isTrue(l > 0.0, "lower limit <= 0");
   Validate.isTrue(u > l, "lower limit >= upper limit");
   final BlackVolatilitySurfaceLogMoneyness logMS =
   return visitLogMoneyness(logMS, new DoublesPair(l, u));
예제 #13
  public <T> void playEffect(Location loc, Effect effect, T data) {
    if (data != null) {
          data.getClass().equals(effect.getData()), "Wrong kind of data for this effect!");
    } else {
      Validate.isTrue(effect.getData() == null, "Wrong kind of data for this effect!");

    int datavalue = data == null ? 0 : CraftEffect.getDataValue(effect, data);
    playEffect(loc, effect, datavalue);
 public Pair<double[], double[]> visitMoneyness(
     final BlackVolatilitySurfaceMoneyness surface, final DoublesPair data) {
   Validate.isTrue(data.first > 0.0, "cut off must be greater than zero");
   Validate.isTrue(data.second > 0.0, "spread must be positive");
   final double[] k = new double[2];
   final double[] vols = new double[2];
   k[0] = _f * data.first;
   k[1] = _f * (data.first + data.second);
   vols[0] = surface.getVolatilityForMoneyness(_t, data.first);
   vols[1] = surface.getVolatilityForMoneyness(_t, data.first + data.second);
   return new ObjectsPair<double[], double[]>(k, vols);
  * @param strike The strike
  * @param expiry The expiry
  * @param power The power, not negative
  * @param cap The cap, not negative
  * @param isCall Is the option a put or call
 public CappedPowerOptionDefinition(
     final double strike,
     final Expiry expiry,
     final double power,
     final double cap,
     final boolean isCall) {
   super(strike, expiry, isCall);
   Validate.isTrue(power > 0, "power must be > 0");
   Validate.isTrue(cap > 0, "cap must be > 0");
   if (!isCall && cap > strike) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have cap larger than strike for a put");
   _power = power;
   _cap = cap;
  private void verifyHeader(String[] header) {
        header.length >= 7,
        "Expecting CSV file with at least 7 columns"); // let's be somewhat tolerant to format
    // change

    final Iterable<String> columns = Iterables.limit(Arrays.asList(header), 7);
    final List<String> expectedColumns =
            "Date", "Last Name", "Given Name", "Person ID", "Project", "Hours", "Description");
    final boolean columnsAsExpected = Iterables.elementsEqual(columns, expectedColumns);
        "Expecting CSV with following columns: " + expectedColumns + ", got " + columns);
예제 #17
   * Set the count of a certain message to a certain value
   * @param node node to set the count for
   * @param playerId player for whom we are tracking the count
   * @param value value to set
  private void set(MessageNode node, int playerId, int value) {
    Validate.isTrue(value >= 0, "Count has to be positive");
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement statement = null;
    try {
      conn = retrieveConnection();
      statement = conn.createStatement();

      // Set the count to the provided value
      String setQuery =
              "UPDATE %s SET %s = %s WHERE id = %s",
              msgTable, node.getColumnName(), value, playerId);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
        if (conn != null) conn.close();
        if (statement != null) statement.close();
      } catch (SQLException e) {
  * The parameters for the CGMY process
  * @param c C, > 0
  * @param g G, > 0
  * @param m M, > 1
  * @param y Y, < 2
 public CGMYCharacteristicExponent(
     final double c, final double g, final double m, final double y) {
   Validate.isTrue(c > 0, "C > 0");
   Validate.isTrue(g > 0, "G > 0");
   Validate.isTrue(m > 1, "M > 1");
   Validate.isTrue(y < 2, "Y < 2");
   _c = c;
   _g = g;
   _m = m;
   _y = y;
   _minAlpha = -(_g + 1.0);
   _maxAlpha = _m - 1.0;
   _r1 = Math.pow(_m, _y) + Math.pow(_g, _y);
   _r2 = _c * GAMMA_FUNCTION.evaluate(-_y);
   _r3 = (Math.pow(_m - 1, _y) + Math.pow(_g + 1, _y) - _r1);
 public Coupon toDerivative(final ZonedDateTime date, final String... yieldCurveNames) {
   Validate.notNull(date, "date");
       "Do not have any fixing data but are asking for a derivative after the fixing date "
           + getFixingDate()
           + " "
           + date);
   Validate.notNull(yieldCurveNames, "yield curve names");
   Validate.isTrue(yieldCurveNames.length > 1, "at least two curves required");
   Validate.isTrue(!date.isAfter(getPaymentDate()), "date is after payment date");
   // CMS is not fixed yet, all the details are required.
   final CouponCMS cmsCoupon = (CouponCMS) super.toDerivative(date, yieldCurveNames);
   return CapFloorCMS.from(cmsCoupon, _strike, _isCap);
예제 #20
  public static Map<Sensor, List<Move>> makeSameLength(Map<Sensor, List<Location>> paths) {
    int maxSize = 1;

    for (List<Location> path : paths.values()) {
      maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, path.size());

    Map<Sensor, List<Move>> result = new HashMap<Sensor, List<Move>>();
    for (Sensor sensor : paths.keySet()) {
      List<Location> path = paths.get(sensor);

      Location last;
      if (!path.isEmpty()) {
        last = path.get(path.size() - 1);
        path = path.subList(1, path.size());
      } else last = sensor.getLocation();

      int currentSize = path.size();
      if (path.isEmpty()) currentSize--;

      for (int i = 0; i < maxSize - currentSize - 1; i++) {

      result.put(sensor, Move.convertToMoves(path));

    for (List<Location> path : paths.values()) {
      Validate.isTrue(path.size() == maxSize);

    return result;
예제 #21
  public static Communication getReportCommunication(
      Communication now, Communication old, int totalStage) {
    Validate.isTrue(now != null && old != null, "为汇报准备的新旧metric不能为null");

    long totalReadRecords = getTotalReadRecords(now);
    long totalReadBytes = getTotalReadBytes(now);
    now.setLongCounter(TOTAL_READ_RECORDS, totalReadRecords);
    now.setLongCounter(TOTAL_READ_BYTES, totalReadBytes);
    now.setLongCounter(TOTAL_ERROR_RECORDS, getTotalErrorRecords(now));
    now.setLongCounter(TOTAL_ERROR_BYTES, getTotalErrorBytes(now));
    now.setLongCounter(WRITE_SUCCEED_RECORDS, getWriteSucceedRecords(now));
    now.setLongCounter(WRITE_SUCCEED_BYTES, getWriteSucceedBytes(now));

    long timeInterval = now.getTimestamp() - old.getTimestamp();
    long sec = timeInterval <= 1000 ? 1 : timeInterval / 1000;
    long bytesSpeed = (totalReadBytes - getTotalReadBytes(old)) / sec;
    long recordsSpeed = (totalReadRecords - getTotalReadRecords(old)) / sec;

    now.setLongCounter(BYTE_SPEED, bytesSpeed < 0 ? 0 : bytesSpeed);
    now.setLongCounter(RECORD_SPEED, recordsSpeed < 0 ? 0 : recordsSpeed);
    now.setDoubleCounter(PERCENTAGE, now.getLongCounter(STAGE) / (double) totalStage);

    if (old.getThrowable() != null) {

    return now;
예제 #22
   * Begins an experience gain. The amount will be affected by skill modifiers, global rate, perks,
   * and may be shared with the party
   * @param skill Skill being used
   * @param xp Experience amount to process
  public void beginXpGain(SkillType skill, float xp, XPGainReason xpGainReason) {
    Validate.isTrue(xp >= 0.0, "XP gained should be greater than or equal to zero.");

    if (xp <= 0.0) {

    if (skill.isChildSkill()) {
      Set<SkillType> parentSkills = FamilyTree.getParents(skill);
      float splitXp = xp / parentSkills.size();

      for (SkillType parentSkill : parentSkills) {
        if (parentSkill.getPermissions(player)) {
          beginXpGain(parentSkill, splitXp, xpGainReason);


    // Return if the experience has been shared
    if (party != null
        && ShareHandler.handleXpShare(
            xp, this, skill, ShareHandler.getSharedXpGainReason(xpGainReason))) {

    beginUnsharedXpGain(skill, xp, xpGainReason);
 public VarianceSwapStaticReplication(final double tolerance) {
       tolerance >= EPS && tolerance < 0.1,
       "Please specifiy tolerance in the range 1e-12 to 1e-1 or use other constructor");
   _tol = tolerance;
   _integrator = DEFAULT_INTEGRAL;
     * Only use if the integral limits have been calculated elsewhere, or you need the contribution
     * from a specific range
    public Double visitLogMoneyness(
        final BlackVolatilitySurfaceLogMoneyness surface, final DoublesPair data) {
      final double lower = data.first;
      final double upper = data.second;
      Validate.isTrue(upper > lower, "lower limit >= upper limit");
      final double atmVol = surface.getVolatilityForLogMoneyness(_t, 0.0);
      if (_t
          < 1e-4) { // if less than a hour from expiry, only the ATM-vol will count, so must check
                    // the integral range spans ATM
        if (lower * upper < 0.0) {
          return atmVol * atmVol;
        return 0.0;

      final Function1D<Double, Double> integrand = getLogMoneynessIntegrand(surface);
      double putPart;
      if (_addResidual) {
        putPart = _integrator.integrate(integrand, Math.log(_lowStrikeCutoff / _f), 0.0);
        putPart += _residual;
      } else {
        putPart = _integrator.integrate(integrand, lower, 0.0);
      final double callPart = _integrator.integrate(integrand, 0.0, upper);
      return 2 * (putPart + callPart) / _t;
  * @param n The number of sample points to be used in the integration, not negative or zero
  * @param generator The generator of weights and abscissas
 public GaussianQuadratureIntegrator1D(
     final int n, final QuadratureWeightAndAbscissaFunction generator) {
   Validate.isTrue(n > 0, "number of intervals must be > 0");
   Validate.notNull(generator, "generating function");
   _n = n;
   _generator = generator;
예제 #26
  public InstrumentDefinition<?> convert(final Trade trade) {
    Validate.notNull(trade, "trade");
        trade.getSecurity() instanceof IRFutureOptionSecurity,
        "Can only handle trades with security type IRFutureOptionSecurity");
    final Object securityDefinition =
        _securityConverter.convert((IRFutureOptionSecurity) trade.getSecurity());
    final int quantity =
        1; // trade.getQuantity().intValue(); TODO: correct when position/trade dilemma is solved.
    // TODO trade time or premium time?
    //    final ZonedDateTime tradeDate =
    // ZonedDateTime.of(trade.getPremiumDate().atTime(trade.getPremiumTime()),
    //        TimeZone.UTC); //TODO get the real time zone
    final ZonedDateTime tradeDate =
            TimeZone.UTC); // TODO get the real time zone

    final Double tradePrice = trade.getPremium();
        "IRFutureOption trade must have a premium set. The interpretation of premium is the market price, without unit, i.e. not %");
    // TODO: The premium is not the right place to store the trade price...

    if (securityDefinition instanceof InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurityDefinition) {
      final InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurityDefinition underlyingOption =
          (InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurityDefinition) securityDefinition;
      return new InterestRateFutureOptionMarginTransactionDefinition(
          underlyingOption, quantity, tradeDate, tradePrice);
    final InterestRateFutureOptionPremiumSecurityDefinition underlyingOption =
        (InterestRateFutureOptionPremiumSecurityDefinition) securityDefinition;
    return new InterestRateFutureOptionPremiumTransactionDefinition(
        underlyingOption, quantity, tradeDate, tradePrice);
예제 #27
  * Constructor from all the details.
  * @param currency The payment currency.
  * @param paymentTime Time (in years) up to the payment.
  * @param discountingCurveName Name of the funding curve.
  * @param paymentYearFraction The year fraction (or accrual factor) for the coupon payment.
  * @param notional Coupon notional.
  * @param fixingTime Time (in years) up to fixing.
  * @param index Ibor-like index on which the coupon fixes. The index currency should be the same
  *     as the index currency.
  * @param fixingPeriodStartTime The fixing period start time (in years).
  * @param fixingPeriodEndTime The fixing period end time (in years).
  * @param fixingAccrualFactor The fixing period accrual factor (or year fraction) in the fixing
  *     convention.
  * @param spread The spread paid above the Ibor rate.
  * @param factor The gearing (multiplicative) factor applied to the Ibor rate.
  * @param forwardCurveName The forward curve name used in to estimate the fixing index.
 public CouponIborGearing(
     Currency currency,
     double paymentTime,
     String discountingCurveName,
     double paymentYearFraction,
     double notional,
     double fixingTime,
     IborIndex index,
     double fixingPeriodStartTime,
     double fixingPeriodEndTime,
     double fixingAccrualFactor,
     double spread,
     double factor,
     String forwardCurveName) {
   super(currency, paymentTime, discountingCurveName, paymentYearFraction, notional, fixingTime);
   Validate.notNull(index, "Index");
   Validate.notNull(forwardCurveName, "Forward curve");
   this._index = index;
   this._fixingPeriodStartTime = fixingPeriodStartTime;
   this._fixingPeriodEndTime = fixingPeriodEndTime;
   this._fixingAccrualFactor = fixingAccrualFactor;
   this._spread = spread;
   this._factor = factor;
   this._forwardCurveName = forwardCurveName;
   _spreadAmount = getNotional() * getPaymentYearFraction() * spread;
   * @param target Queue que se "wrappea". Es quien en realidad tiene implementada las operaciones
   * @param timeout Como las {@link BlockingQueue} retornan null si no hay elementos, se le debe
   *     indicar un timeout de espera para volver a ver si hay elementos (y de esta forma
   *     "blockear"). Está dicho en milisegundos.
   * @param queueTimeout milisegundos minimos entre que se entregan dos requests
   * @param unit
  public RateLimitBlockingQueueJobQueue(
      final BlockingQueue<T> target, final long timeout, final long queueTimeout) {
    super(target, timeout);
    Validate.isTrue(queueTimeout >= 0);

    this.queueTimeout = queueTimeout;
예제 #29
  public static ConfigImpl loadConfig(
      final ConfigFile config,
      final JavaPlugin plugin,
      final ClassLoader classLoader,
      final File dataFolder) {
    // Plugin or classloader must be specified
    Validate.isTrue(plugin != null || classLoader != null, "Plugin or classloader can't be null");

    final ConfigImpl cached;
    if ((cached = ConfigImpl.cache.get(config)) != null) {
      cached.reload(); // Make sure the config is up-to-date
      return cached;

    final File file =
        new File(
            dataFolder != null ? dataFolder : (plugin != null ? plugin.getDataFolder() : null),

    if (!file.exists()) // Copy the config from jar file
      final InputStream inJarFile =
          classLoader != null
              ? classLoader.getResourceAsStream(config.getFileName())
              : plugin.getResource(config.getFileName());

      IOUtils.saveToFile(inJarFile, file);

    final ConfigImpl configuration =
        new ConfigImpl(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file), file, config);
    ConfigImpl.cache.put(config, configuration);
    return configuration;
예제 #30
  * Constructor.
  * @param calendar The calendar used to calculate the termination time
  * @param retentionDays The number of days that the marked ASG is retained before being terminated
  * @param launchConfigAgeThreshold The number of days that the launch configuration for the ASG
  *     has been created that makes the ASG be considered obsolete
  * @param lastChangeDaysThreshold The number of days that the launch configuration has not been
  *     changed. An ASG is considered as a cleanup candidate only if it has no change during the
  *     last n days. The parameter can be null.
  * @param instanceValidator The instance validator to check if an instance is active
 public OldEmptyASGRule(
     MonkeyCalendar calendar,
     int launchConfigAgeThreshold,
     Integer lastChangeDaysThreshold,
     int retentionDays,
     ASGInstanceValidator instanceValidator) {
   Validate.isTrue(retentionDays >= 0);
   Validate.isTrue(launchConfigAgeThreshold >= 0);
   Validate.isTrue(lastChangeDaysThreshold == null || lastChangeDaysThreshold >= 0);
   this.calendar = calendar;
   this.retentionDays = retentionDays;
   this.launchConfigAgeThreshold = launchConfigAgeThreshold;
   this.lastChangeDaysThreshold = lastChangeDaysThreshold;
   this.instanceValidator = instanceValidator;